Chapter 903 The Mad Beast

That's right, what Sabo wants now is not Xueyue at all, what he wants is a crazy beast!The crazier it is, the more people look forward to it!

"You should know how she died, right? Let me explain it to you in detail. The flame started from her throat and burned her heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidneys bit by bit along the esophagus. You know How does it feel? If there is a choice, it is the pain that I would rather die than feel! Hahaha... How far did your lover endure before committing suicide? Seeing that you came so late, the only thing you can see is the coldness the dead body? Hahaha..."

"Sabo...I will drag you to hell with me..."

Two lines of blood and tears flowed down the face of the angry Xueyue. The pain Fenghua suffered before her death was the most unforgivable part of him.

His whole body was trembling, as long as he imagined that Fenghua endured the pain of burning all internal organs in his body in order to see him for the last time, his head felt like it was going to explode.

"That's right..." Sabo patted Xueyue's face covered with demon scales, feeling very satisfied in his heart, "Why do you resist such a powerful force? Hate, killing, if you have already dominated the Three Realms , how could your lover die so miserably? Well, your eyes are very good, you are madder than a mad dog. "

You can't become a demon...but if you don't become a demon, how can you take revenge?Feng Hua... Feng Hua... How should I take revenge!
Xueyue jumped up from the ground suddenly, the powerful momentum caused the two flame spears stuck on his body to leave two huge blood holes on his shoulders.But a layer of black magic scales could be seen with the naked eye, quickly covering up those holes.Even the big hole in the chest is covered with a thick layer of magic scales.

Sabo backed away quickly when Xueyue bounced up, seeing Xueyue with the same magic scales as his body, meeting those gray eyes, Sabo nodded in satisfaction.

"What chaotic and beautiful eyes... Now you should be able to seriously consider our cooperation?" Sabo said happily.


Xueyue appeared in front of Sabo almost instantly, and the ground where Xueyue exerted force was squeezed out of a deep depression by the huge divine power.

"Tsk, crazy power. Then let's see which of our beasts is more crazy!"

Sabo was prepared long ago, opened his eyes wide and pushed out his hands, the two flames entangled together to form a vortex, almost directly hitting Xueyue's body.

The fire vortex submerged Xueyue, and under the rage of divine power, Xueyue let out a beast-like roar.

Sabo was smiling triumphantly, when suddenly, the fire vortex changed and started to freeze!
Being able to condense his flames is a bit exaggerated!

Sabo retreated immediately, even if Xueyue tried his best to condense his divine power into ice, it would still be a disadvantage to him, and his fire vortex was not vegetarian.He got a bargain and had to back away immediately.

But a pair of hands came out from the sudden ice and snow, holding Sabo's hands, and a paralyzing freezing sensation directly entered Sabo's heart.

This lunatic!

Sabo looked at Xueyue whose body was smoking from burns, and clearly understood how much pain he had just endured.

Perhaps, this lunatic can no longer feel the pain?

But Sabo wasn't crazy enough, and he wasn't going to fight him with his life.

But things backfired, and it was no longer Saab's turn to control the situation.With a click, Sabo's hands made a crisp sound. The hands grasped by Xueyue had condensed into ice at some point, and were pulled off by Xueyue. ferocious.

Losing his hands is not a fatal injury to God, and there will always be a moment of recovery from physical pain.Up to now, the one who has the upper hand is still himself, the injury Xueyue suffered just now was worse than the severed hand, Sabo didn't panic!
Sabo raised his knees quickly, blasting a burst of flames and hit Xueyue's chest.Regardless of the fact that Xueyue had too many flaws in her attack style, she caught Sabo's blow unprepared, couldn't bear it any longer, spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew away like a cannonball.

It's so dangerous... I almost lost my mind.

Sabo took a few deep breaths, and his whole body exuded a gray-red light. Between the sky and the earth, countless small red lights gathered on him, and his hands began to recover slowly.

Suddenly his heart tightened, and he looked in the direction of Xueyue, unable to turn his eyes away for a long time.

The momentum over there is too mighty!
The tiny white light seems to gather into several galaxies, and it can't wait to drill into Xueyue's body!It can be seen with the naked eye that the burns on Xue Yue's body have begun to heal, and the divine power radiating from her body is becoming more and more terrifying!
Sabo swallowed hard and looked around blankly.

There are white snow-capped mountains one after another, and the ice crystals made of the essence of cold ice are exuding white mist. How rich the ice and snow element spirits will be in this area!On the contrary, the existence of such local fire elemental elves will be even rarer!
At this moment, Xueyue has frantically absorbed the surrounding ice and snow elemental elves, regardless of whether the mortal world can bear it or not.As a result, the entire vast and incomparably snow-capped mountains were thrown out of balance and violently shook.The ice and snow on the snow-capped mountains began to melt, and some snow-capped mountains caused devastating continuous avalanches. The melted snow water of some snow-capped mountains gathered a very large amount of water, which scoured the low-lying areas fiercely, forming lakes that should not have existed.

This change gradually radiated from the snow-capped mountain area to the surrounding area. The people in Tost province began to feel the ground shaking, and there was a rolling sound like a flood in the distance, which made them look around anxiously.

Sabo finally felt bad at this time!The opponent has a unique advantage, and it is not good for him to fight for a long time!And... if this guy goes on like this, he will lose his last hiding place!
Sabo didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, and immediately rushed forward before recovering his hands. Countless gray-red fireballs gathered behind him, and the fireballs arrived before anyone arrived!

Seeing Sabo's figure made Xueyue crazy more than anything else. With a wave of his hands, the white stars around him no longer entered his body, but turned into countless ice cones and flew towards Sabo!
The icicles and fireballs flew towards each other, some missed, some collided with ice slag and sparks, and some directly hit Xueyue and Sabo!The whole sky is like an oil painting intertwined with white and red, but there is a lot of gray mist in it, so that the oil painting is not brilliant and beautiful, but gloomy and depressing.

Sabo's figure swayed rapidly, flashing a series of dazzling icicles, he knew that he could not experience any loss of divine power.Xueyue, on the other hand, swung her fists and kicked her legs to smash the fireball that landed on her body, allowing the power of the flames to erupt on her body, smashing his demon scales and burning his body.

"You're really crazy!" Sabo dodged the ice pick in embarrassment, seeing Xueyue rushing over who should have delayed the battle more impatiently than him, Sabo had to cast a shadow over his heart.

boom! ! !
The two figures contained the most unskilled collision, one was timid and the other was risking his life, when they met on a narrow road, the brave would win, and the result was self-evident.Sabo was blasted into the artificial lake like a meteor, and the water in the lake was instantly evaporated by Sabo's flame power.

With this blow, the outcome has been decided.


Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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