Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 905 Don't cry without seeing the coffin

Chapter 905 Don't cry without seeing the coffin

"If you move, you will move. What crime should I pay for a foreign slave?" Among the younger generation who surrounded him, a generation of Dongzi came out with a cold face.

He doesn't know if Xueyue still recognizes him, but he must recognize Xueyue. He was the one who followed Xue Dongjian to trouble Xueyue and got stabbed in the shoulder.He knew that Xue Dongjian couldn't cover him in front of Xueyue, but it was different now, the patriarch, elders and all the guardians were present, even Xueyue!
As the Xue family who has always been pampered and pampered, his self-esteem has been carved into his bones. He didn't think about an elder who was nailed to the steps by Xueyue. The patriarch didn't dare to say anything. How dare you stand up for him?
That junior was thinking that he had made a big splash in front of everyone in the Xue family, when a cold and sharp voice pierced through the air, stinging everyone's ears.

The most frightening thing was not the sharp sound, but an icicle that was faster than the sharp sound. Before the sound sounded, it had already pierced the junior's chest, nailing him to the ground!

The surrounding air seemed to freeze, leaving only silence.

Xueyue took out the icicle in her hand, and Sabo's head sprayed out the remaining divine blood, which was sprinkled by Xueyue in front of the ice coffin.

When the blood was gone, Xueyue threw Sabo's head angrily.He originally thought that Sabo's blood could calm the sorrow in his heart, but unfortunately, it was useless at all, his chest was full of anger and killing intent.

"It's just a mere foreign slave, why are you so angry? The front of the main house is not allowed to be defiled by foreign slaves, so what's the problem with removing it?" Xue Qichun walked out, admonishing him a little nervously.

In his eyes, a foreign slave is really insignificant, but if Xueyue really likes some oiran, what if his father goes out to the outside world to help him find a few back?After he had made great achievements and returned, he was the patriarch, but he was furious in front of everyone because of a foreign slave, how ugly it looked!
But he is not confident, Xueyue's ferocity makes him a little scruples and fears, the current Xueyue makes him feel too ominous, and he is not easy to handle as a father.

"She died because of the Xue family, so she can't even stay here temporarily?" Xue Yue asked, looking around.

Xue Qichun almost subconsciously blurted out that sentence, but he swallowed it immediately when he saw Xueyue's cold gaze.

He didn't say it, but someone else said it, and a guardian yelled loudly that he couldn't...

The sound of piercing the air resounded, and the ice coffin was very close. Regardless of the direct lineage of the branch or the Xue Family of the Hudian, all of them were nailed to the ground by icicles, and the whole snow was instantly stained with blood.Coupled with the wailing sounds everywhere, the outside of Master Xue's house seemed like Shura's hell.

Who has touched the ice coffin Xueyue and still doesn't know?Among the people gathered around the ice coffin, which one just came closer to watch the excitement?Fenghua died because of the Xue family, these people didn't even have any mercy, and they hated Fenghua as a plague, and they were eager to remove it, it was enough!He has murderous intent, but these people don't know how to think about their mistakes, so don't blame him for being merciless!
"The time of confession has come."

With a wave of her right hand, Xueyue cut off the head of the first junior who was nailed to the ground with an ice blade, took it back into her hand, and once again sacrificed it in blood before the ice coffin... Since regression and tolerance cannot be exchanged for respect, let Let the blood comfort everything!

Now the patriarch and elders have to stop talking, although their Xue family doesn't value their lives for foreign slaves, but no matter how fierce the internal struggle is, they won't hurt the lives of their own people, Xue Yue obviously went too far!

The patriarch took a step forward and shouted: "Xueyue! We are all from Xue's family, if you have something to say slowly, why did you take his life!"

"It's all the Xue family? Why didn't any of you stand up when my people suffered?" Xueyue sneered, then turned to the people nailed to the ground and whispered, "Death, or apologize for your actions?"

"I'm sorry! We shouldn't be disrespectful to her!" "I'm sorry! It's us who are being unreasonable!"

When someone started, the others gradually let go of their dignity, and the Xue family members who were nailed to the ground began to apologize one after another.

Xueyue looked at everything in front of her, and thought of one word in her heart: she will not shed tears when she sees the coffin.

The patriarch took a step back silently, he was also frightened by Xueyue's strength, for a moment just now Xueyue's killing intent stayed on him unreservedly, he knew in his heart that if he questioned again, Xueyue would not give him face immediately Take his head off!

This sound of begging for mercy shattered the Xue family's long-standing arrogance. Even if Sabo asked for anything from them, they had never been so lowly!

But what they got in exchange for being aggrieved was their own life, and they felt it was still worth it, and it was always the Xue family who begged for mercy, so they could still accept it!

Xueyue waved her hand, and the icicles nailed to them instantly melted and turned into dots of white light.

Xue Dongjian was among the crowd on the stairs. According to his flamboyant character, he would stand up and say something in this situation, but at the moment he didn't dare to move.From the moment Xueyue went to seek revenge, Xue Dongjian regarded Xueyue as a dead person. To be honest, he was instigated to remove the ice coffin in a hurry this time. He didn't want to see anything that reminded him of Xueyue. .And Xueyue came back alive with that guy's head, Xue Dongjian fully understood that it was impossible for him to fight for the patriarch... fight?As long as Xueyue doesn't notice what she has done behind his back, she will pray to God and worship Buddha!
Just thinking of this, Xue Dongjian suddenly felt a chill.Without looking up, he already knew why.

"It was you who said you would dedicate Fenghua to him?" Xueyue asked indifferently, her eyes drifting to Xuedongjian in the crowd.

Xue Yueming knew that Sabo told him this to make him kill and let him sink deeper and deeper.But Xueyue confessed, and Sabo also accurately grasped his weakness when he was dying.

Xue Dongjian's face was blue, but he said in front of everyone that he would dedicate Fenghua to Sabo. Lying in front of this group of people who have surrendered to Xueyue is useless, it is better to admit it straightforwardly.

"That's right, there is such a thing! Xueyue, but we are also a family..."

Before Xue Dongjian finished speaking, he found the surrounding scenery was spinning, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw his body, falling slowly, and the blood on his neck spurted all over the floor.

Another head was sacrificed in front of the ice coffin. The elder who was nailed to the ground just now rushed out with a mouthful of blood. The one who died was his beloved grandson!

"Before you did such a thing, did you ever think that we are a family?" Xue Yue raised her head to the sky and screamed, knocking everyone back a few steps.

Everyone took a few steps back, and a figure kneeling on the ground was particularly conspicuous.

Kneeling on the ground is Xue Dongyan.

Xue Dongyan was naturally frightened by the coercion, but when she saw that Xue Yue's revenge did not spare any affection from the Xue family, and Xue Dongjian's head was cut off, she was so frightened that her legs went limp, and she knelt down with a plop on the ground.

Xueyue's eyes followed her body like a shadow, Xue Dongyan felt it, but she didn't dare to raise her head, and said tremblingly: "I was evil! I apologize! I am willing to apologize to her! I'm sorry! But I didn't The ice coffin has done anything, I can swear in the name of the goddess of ice and snow!"

Xue Dongyan is lucky, Sabo knew from Xue Dongjian that he would give Fenghua to him and Fenghua resisted with an ice cone made of divine power, and he did not forget to stab the incident before he died Go out to Xueyue and let him go berserk and slaughter his family.But Sabo didn't know that Xue Dongyan was the one who used him as a knife, so Xue Yue had no way of knowing, seeing Xue Dongyan's sincere apology, she spared Xue Dongyan.

Looking at the Xue family with livid faces, Xue Yue fell into deep thought.

How similar are his backgrounds to Yuan Feiwu's, they were both born in a ruthless big family, at the lowest end of the family, and suffered all kinds of hardships.

With Yuan Feiwu's ability, he has the means to gradually erode the Yuan family and turn it into his world.But he didn't do that, he chose to exile himself and fulfill the unfair distribution of rights and interests given to him by the Yuan family - because he has someone he cherishes.

To this day, Xueyue also wants to be as magnanimous as Xueyuan Feiwu, but... Xueyue touched the ice coffin, and the person worthy of his cherishment was gone.

Xueyue stretched out her hand silently, and a white vortex was formed on it. The torrential force made the surrounding people terrified, and at the same time, the entire snow mountain area could feel the ground shaking!
(End of this chapter)

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