Chapter 906
Xueyue released her divine power with all her strength, and the burst of divine power made everyone in the Xue family terrified. The strength of this power has exceeded their imagination.

The vibration of the snow mountain became more and more intense, and the vibration of the Xue family in the snow land was especially intense!
Everyone slowly turned their attention behind them, on the main house!
"Not good!" The patriarch and elders shouted in horror, but it was too late.

The main house that had been strengthened by them suddenly exploded, and a white light flew out from inside, falling on Xueyue's outstretched hand.

It was a white bead the size of a ping pong ball, constantly blending with the surrounding ice and snow.

This is the Frost Heart that the Ice and Snow Goddess spent a lot of effort to gather divine power. Xueyue finally got it. His main mission when he came back to Xue's house was for this bead.And for this bead, he wasted so much time because of kindness, fell into the devil way, and lost Fenghua.

Looking at her own face covered with demon scales printed on the beads, Xueyue looked at the Frozen Heart for a long time before saying silently: "From today onwards, the God of Ice and Snow will no longer favor you, and the line of Ice and Snow will no longer exist. Hope you do well.”

The white mist on the snowy land began to dissipate, and the appearance of the ice crystals remained unchanged, but the Xue family could clearly feel that they had really turned into ordinary ice cubes.

The Xue family also obviously felt the difference in their bodies, but they couldn't tell what the difference was. However, they could feel that their communication with the ice and snow elves in the air had become less comfortable.

Of course the patriarch and elders knew what they had lost, it was their natural talent to communicate with Bingxue!

All because Xueyue snatched the Frost Heart, it must be like that!

"Xueyue! You evil heretic, quickly return the Frost Heart to us!" the patriarch said anxiously, his expression distorted terribly.

"Come and get it."

Xueyue stretched out her hand, and the frosty heart on it attracted everyone's attention.

But no matter how desperately Frostheart made them desire, they would not ignore Xueyue's cold and merciless eyes. They knew that as long as they dared to take a step towards him, their heads would fall to the ground immediately.

"Oh, my little friend Xueyue, I also have a headache when you do this. I can understand the rebellious period, but this non-mainstream look of your rebellious period is a little hard for me to accept. Oh, this is the premise of the ice and snow goddess. It’s too late to stay with the descendants of the ice and snow lineage in the mortal world, right? It’s mysterious enough... Sorry, sorry, the topic is getting too far. Cut the nonsense, kid Xueyue, that thing in your hand seems to be very dangerous. Do you want to use it? What is it doing? Why don't you let me keep it for you? Juliyer is really unreasonable, but he just asked me to trouble this kid, and he said with a dull pain when he saw the injury on my back. "

Everyone was attracted by the non-stop nagging voices. Looking back, a seraphim flew to the land of snow at some point!
Xueyue wasn't surprised at all.

It is the charming angel Haniya who came. There is indeed no one available in the heavens now, and even the wounded who have not recovered from such serious injuries are sent down.

He sealed the power of the Frost Heart, and the effectiveness of the ice crystals naturally disappeared, and without the cover of the white mist, his presence here in this state would definitely cause great waves in both the heavenly and the demonic worlds.

His existence has always been a time bomb for the Three Realms, but now the fuse has been ignited, and what follows is an explosion.

"Heart of Frost? If it is the Heart of Frost left by the Ice and Snow Goddess to cleanse the demon seeds in your gods, there is still a chance for you to recover."

Another person came out from behind Xueyue, and when they saw that he also had three pairs of wings on his back, and the wings were black and bright, everyone in the Xue family gasped immediately.

Fallen Angel Lucifer!
Although they disdain everything in the mortal world, the Archangel Archangel and the Great Demon God of the Heaven Realm and the Demon Realm will not be so stupid as to not understand the difference in strength between them!These are real gods, and they are great gods. They are not even a star and a half away from people like them who are not even demigods!
"Brother Lucifer, you are here too! Oh, that's right, Juliyer originally said that he sent me down not to let me die, but to assist you. You are here for granted!" Hania glanced at it with a smile Lucifer's clear eyes immediately returned to Xueyue's body, "The heart of frost can cleanse your demon seeds, good thing! Go find a place to wash it, and I will protect you!"

Haniya's tone was very relaxed, but in fact, his mood was as heavy as Lucifer's serious expression.

The appearance of Xueyue is now exactly the same as that of Michael at that time, and Haniya understands what this means, it is hard to say whether such a Xueyue can still listen to their words.

Everyone looked at the Frost Heart in Xueyue's hands with bated breath, their palms were sweating from nervousness, after all it was affecting everyone's hearts now.

The Xue family urgently needs to regain the Frost Heart. They believe that the loss of the protection of ice crystals in the snow land and the disappearance of their own talents are all related to the Frost Heart; Hania and Lucifer are worried that Xueyue will absorb the power of the Frost Heart. , Xueyue will be even more powerful and dangerous!
Xueyue ignored them at all, looked at the Frost Heart for a while, and put it into the storage space.

Seeing Xueyue's actions, Haniya immediately put away her smile and drew out a rapier. The golden rapier looked extraordinarily shining and noble against the white snow.

"Sure enough... a bad fate, what a pity."

Behind Lucifer, an obscene-looking middle-aged man shook his head, his eyes rolled wildly, looking at the blood all over the ground.He just said that the little girl was dragged in for nothing good, and he could see clearly at a glance that the people here must have killed the little girl, causing Xueyue to become a demon completely.Originally, this little girl could still restrain the demon in Xueyue's heart, but it's a pity...

These guys really don't deserve to die. Do they know that what they do will cause the Three Realms to fall into a crisis of annihilation?The strength of the two worlds of heaven and demon has not yet recovered, and the entire crazy god of ice and snow has come out, it is very headache, okay!
Lucifer didn't need to draw his sword, he had always held the Star of Morning Glory in his hand, and he had been prepared for such an ending since he saw the ice coffin.

She has been tortured by demons all these years, and now she has experienced life and death. It is a certainty for Xueyue to become a demon.It's a pity that Lucifer has been paying attention to Xueyue in the demon world, but after entering the snow mountain, he lost his voice and couldn't detect it, otherwise he would definitely prevent the girl's death.

Haniya and Lucifer are ready to go, constantly judging the current situation.The current situation is not bad, Xueyue has not yet absorbed the power of Frost Heart, his aura is a bit messy, probably hurt his vitality.They want to kill Xueyue before he can get the Frost Heart. Of course, it is best to grab the Frost Heart and subdue him, and send it to Brother Yi, the Creator God, to see if Brother Yi can help him cleanse the demon seeds.

After Lucifer simply transmitted the sound to Haniya, the two stood in their positions and tacitly formed a formation that could respond to each other.Haniya is filled with emotion, no matter how many years have passed, the cooperation with brother Lucifer is so natural, as if carved into his bones.

Fighting side by side with Big Brother Lucifer again, that fearless aura is back!Haniya was very touched!
Xueyue ignored everything that happened around her, and silently carried the ice coffin on her shoulders, her gentle and focused movements seemed to be the only ones in the world with him and the ice coffin.With a wave of his hand, he cut through the void and walked in.

Haniya was dumbfounded immediately, he was ready for the three hundred rounds of the battle, and it was rare to join forces with Brother Lucifer to attack again, the fighting spirit was boundless, who knew that Xueyue ran away!Aren't these guys who have become demons crazy?Why are you so cowardly!
Lucifer reacted quickly, and the black shadow chased after him in a flash.

Haniya was stunned, and was about to catch up but was stopped by the patriarch of the Xue family: "Master Seraph, please help us get back the Frost Heart!"

"Take it back? I'm afraid you made a mistake. The Frost Heart should have belonged to the God of Ice and Snow who inherited the Goddess of Ice and Snow. I don't care if he doesn't use it to do things that hurt the sky after taking it away. Do you want to anger your god of faith and lose the blessing of the god of ice and snow? Ask for trouble, and the consequences need to be digested slowly by yourselves." Hania cast a glance at everyone in the Xue family, shook her head and flew into the void.

He is not stupid, he knew at a glance that Xueyue's becoming a demon must have something to do with these guys, and he is really tired of them!

The wretched-looking middle-aged man also walked up to the void, and looked contemptuously at the Xue family with complicated expressions around him.

Originally, with his character, he wished he could eat all these troublesome bastards.But after thinking about it, it seems better to watch them being abandoned by the gods they believe in, watching their lofty self-esteem slowly disintegrate and disintegrate, life is worse than death, jie jie jie...

Jie Jie Jie!

Ouch I go!The man stretched out his foot, but his foot fell into the air again, almost throwing the middle-aged man to pieces!
"Fuck, Lucifer, come back and open the door for me, I don't know where you guys went! Hey!" The middle-aged man shouted a few times under the watchful eyes of everyone. I was ashamed, so I had to silently open another space crack, "I don't want to help you with good intentions, pull it down! I go back to the Demon Realm to play by myself!"

As for whether he was really angry because he couldn't help, or because he was angry because he couldn't watch a good show, I don't know.

In the end, the members of the Xue family in the snow mountain looked around blankly in the sudden heavy snowfall. They could not accept the fact that Xueyue was the God of Ice and Snow, nor could they accept the fact that they were abandoned by the God of Ice and Snow.

(End of this chapter)

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