Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 907 Unexpected surprise

Chapter 907 Unexpected surprise
Haniya walked out of the space crack, and the surrounding scenery was very familiar.

"Get out of the way." Lucifer's voice came from beside him.

Only then did Haniya realize that Xueyue was walking ahead carrying the ice coffin, while a circle of angels stared at him in front of him.

I'll go, no wonder it looks so familiar, Xue Yue has returned to the heaven!
What is he trying to do?

When those angels heard Lucifer's unquestionable order, they subconsciously backed away a few steps, but they realized in the next second that this was not Lucifer, the archangel of the heavens, but Lucifer, the head of the Great Demon God of the Demon Realm. ah!If he tells you to back off, just back off?
"Get out of the way, everyone out of the way." Haniya shouted with some headaches. After the war of annihilating the world, the relationship with the demon world has become much more harmonious. At this time, he still has such contradictory emotions towards Brother Lucifer.

When the angels heard that it was Hania's order, they quickly stepped aside.

Haniya continued to have a headache. At this time, Juliyer should be allowed to think about it. He really didn't understand what Xueyue was going to do, and he couldn't figure it out even if he wanted to break his head.So what should he do?
You say to do it, this Xueyue who has become a demon has not gone mad, he has no way to do it; you say to ignore him, it is not appropriate for him to run around in the heaven with an ice coffin in his arms!
He turned his head and glanced at Lucifer, Lucifer just followed Xueyue not too far away holding the Star of Morning Glory.Haniya didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she just thought Lucifer was familiar, but now she feels so strange.If this kind of thing happened before, Lucifer should be the wildest one, let's take Xueyue down!
Forget it, let's see what this Xueyue wants to do!
Xueyue flew all the way, and actually flew in front of the God King's hall.Appearing so conspicuously, no angel would ignore it. When Xueyue came to the hall of the god king, Lucifer and Hania followed behind her, as well as the mighty army of angels. The scene was very grand.

They tentatively called Xueyue a few words, but Xueyue ignored them at all, so they had no choice but to follow, but they couldn't just watch him trespass into the God King's Temple, right?

When Haniya was hesitating whether to make a move, he saw a savior-like figure in his eyes!

"Uliyer!" Hania called out to Yuliyer who came out of the gate of the temple.

Yuliyer has been working in the God King's Hall during this time, so can he not notice the noise outside?

"Xueyue, come back from the wrong way, don't disappoint your friends' trust in you."

The name of Juliyer's "Heavenly Brain" is not in vain, and he grasped the weakness in Xueyue's heart as soon as he uttered it.

"I want to see the God of Creation." The Xueyue God King stopped before the temple and finally spoke.

"Why." Uriel pulled out his light sword. He didn't go anywhere, except to deal with all kinds of complicated things in the heavens, and to guard the temple of the god king.

The Chuangshi God is just cultivating in the God King Temple, and the God King doesn't know where he is busy, so he can't follow the example of the God King, regardless of whether the Chuang Shi God lives or dies, right?
Now that Xueyue has become a demon, how could Yulier let Xueyue go in to meet the God of Creation.

"I'm completely devastated, and now I still have a little concern to control myself, I want to ask the God of Creation to bring Fenghua back to life." Xueyue said in a deep voice.

Haniya behind Xueyue looked sad, he didn't expect Xueyue to come here without saying a word, it was for this reason.The girl in the ice coffin really didn't know why she could keep a beast that had become a demon alive.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Ulier said after thinking about it.

Bringing the dead back to life...the celestial brain doesn't know how to do it.This is already something that is not allowed by the order of the Three Realms. If he can do it, he will already be out of the Three Realms.

"I die, she lives." Xueyue said, and took out the heart of frost.

"This..." Juliel looked at Frost Heart and fell into deep thought.

If this thing is used well, Xueyue may be able to cleanse the demon seeds and be reborn.As for whether the people in the ice coffin can be resurrected, Juliel is not clear, but if Xueyue's consciousness is wiped out and the gods and body are transferred to the people in the ice coffin, and the sea of ​​consciousness is recast with the help of the heart of frost, it seems like There is a theoretical possibility of success.

He might consider asking Chuang Shi Shen about this. If it works, it may be a good plan, at least to take down the demonized Xueyue without bloodshed.

"I can ask the God of Creation. But the God of Ice and Snow, if you can't..." Yuriel suddenly stopped talking in the middle of speaking, and the fluctuation of the divine power on Xueyue became very unstable, so he changed his mouth and said, "Okay, I'll take you to see him right away. Please Lucifer and Haniya go with the God of Ice and Snow."

Lucifer was a little surprised, the rational and ruthless Juliel actually softened his heart, and dared to take the risk of taking Xueyue, who has become a demon, to meet the God of Creation?

After hesitating, Yuriel's voice transmission came: "If the Chuangshi God can't do it, let's work together to subdue him and grab the Frost Heart, the Chuangshi God may use the Frost Heart to help him wash away the demon seeds."

This is to invite you into the urn.

So it turned out that Lucifer suddenly realized that this approach was very Juliel.His rationality only makes the most appropriate decision, and he doesn't care whether cheating on his personal image will make others cast aside.

This plan is very good, Lucifer agreed without saying a word, and led Xueyue into the God King Temple with Yuli Yeerhaniya.With the three of them present at the same time, they still have full confidence in subduing Xueyue.

The God King Temple, Lucifer did not expect that there would be a day when he could step into it.Nothing in the scene has changed, it is exactly the same as in memory.

Passing through the main hall, the throne directly above the main hall is empty. In the picture in memory, the god king should be sitting on it solemnly, with an elegant smile under his majestic aura.

There are seven tall chairs on both sides of the lower part. These are their positions in the God King Temple.Lucifer was a little surprised that his place hadn't been taken away yet, and he had mixed feelings in his heart, as well as many doubts and awakenings.

Walking through the main hall and into the side hall, Uliyer and Haniya began to be on guard carefully, in case Xueyue suddenly attacked the Chuangshi God.

But when they entered the side hall, what caught their eyes was not the God of Creation, but an incredible figure.

The black ponytail hangs refreshingly behind the head, the exquisite and picturesque facial features are quiet and peaceful, the eyes are closed, and the drooping eyelashes leave a beautiful arc, which complements the delicate nose.

Lucifer couldn't restrain his emotions, knelt down on one knee, lowered his head, tears slowly dripped down: "Master Demon King! Xueyue... subordinates have failed in their duties, and feel guilty every day!"

His king... finally came back!

Lord Demon King died for them to fight against the Lord of Chaos. Lucifer only lamented that he was not strong enough to help, and blamed himself day and night.Staying in the Three Realms, but failed to keep the Demon King's good friend and turned him into a demon, what face will he have when he sees the Demon King again?
Uriel and Haniya were shocked when they saw the Demon King appearing here.But what was even more shocking was Lucifer who knelt beside him and trembled slightly from tears.

The Lucifer they knew was a strong man who bleeds but not tears.It's not that a man can't shed tears, on the contrary, when a man sheds tears, it must be because of deep affection and grief to the extreme.

They only saw Lucifer so sad once, and it was the time when Lucifer degenerated into Lucifer and rebelled against the heavens.

Hearing Lucifer's shout, Yuan Feiwu slightly opened his eyes and curled the corners of his mouth, that smile that seemed to be able to dispel all negative energy warmed everyone's hearts.

He gently raised his hand, and Lucifer was gently lifted up: "Brother Lucifer, I know you must have tried your best. I will make up for the shortcomings."

Lucifer's eyes were red, and he couldn't help himself. Their Lord Demon King has always been like this, forgiving their incompetence and selflessly making up for their shortcomings.

But at this time, a voice suddenly came out to spoil the scenery: "Nephew, please call someone, did you call Brother Lucifer! Call Dad, you rude brat! Your Uncle Hania is still here , call uncle!"

"Shut up!" Uriel and Lucifer turned their heads and said in unison with black lines on their faces.

Why is this guy still obsessed with the illusory fantasy that he has a nephew!
But no matter what, the return of the savior, the Devil King, was a huge and incomparable surprise for both Lucifer and Julier!

(End of this chapter)

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