Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 908 The choice given to you by the devil king

Chapter 908 The choice given to you by the devil king
Shouted by the two archangels he feared the most in his life, Haniya obediently made a movement of zipping his mouth shut.If they were provoked again, Yuriel would have tens of thousands of ways to make his life worse than death, while Lucifer would be more straightforward, and he would beat himself up with the Star of Morning Glory.Haniya did not want to experience such a tragedy.

"Feiwu, I have no choice..." Xueyue said suddenly.

Xue Yue was trembling all over, the last thing he wanted to meet after becoming a demon was Yuan Feiwu.The current him, even if he was facing Yuan Feiwu, he couldn't help the bursts of manic killing intent. He had no face to face him, and his shame was covered up.

"Yes, you have a choice now." Yuan Feiwu said lightly.

Yulier and Lucifer stood aside tactfully when they heard Yuan Feiwu's words. Seeing that Haniya was still standing stupidly behind Xueyue and obstructing his eyes, Yurier had to go up and drag him away again.

Since Yuan Feiwu asked this question, it meant that he already knew about Xueyue, and he must have come here specifically for Xueyue.They already have a vague understanding of Lord Demon King's strength. If he makes a move, it will not be their turn to intervene. A guy who can be reduced to the same level as the Lord of Chaos surpasses them in too many planes.

Xueyue just shook her head, her gray eyes showed a trace of sadness, she understood that even Yuan Feiwu couldn't bring him back to his original state.

"I can't help you, but I can help you revive her."

Xueyue's pupils contracted violently.

"However, she can only live if you live." Yuan Feiwu said very resolutely.

"I can't do it!" Xue Yue groaned in pain, "Give up on me, save her!"

Xueyue is a very strong person, she won't show timidity even when the sky falls, but this time he really retreated.

His will had already been defeated by the demon species, and the process of defeat was very painful. It was an experience of repeated despair.

"If you live, she will live. If you lose, I will do it myself."

Yuan Feiwu opened his hands, and the fingertips of both hands were densely entwined with countless black silk threads. He raised his head, and two lines of tears slid down his smiling face.

Tears dripped silently on the ground, wet the ground, slowly spread and disappeared.

Xueyue was stunned, Yuan Feiwu didn't give him a way out... How could he not understand how cruel it would be to Yuan Feiwu if he let Yuan Feiwu do it himself!The hearts of each other are connected, and he understands that this will make Yuan Feiwu more uncomfortable than taking Yuan Feiwu's life!

The two most important people in his life were standing in front of him bloody at this moment, he really had no way out, no matter how unbearable the difficulties were, he had to face them!

Xueyue started to drink without warning, the gray aura on her body swirled around her, and the huge divine power made the temple start to vibrate!
"He is..." Haniya spread three pairs of wings and floated up. The energy explosion of the guy in front made him very uneasy.

"Fight the inner demon." Uliyer also flew up, his expression not very good.

Let's not talk about whether he can control the demon seed, but it is very dangerous to do this in the temple. If Xueyue acts so crazy and reluctantly, who knows if it will result in a self-destructing result!How could the temple be able to withstand Xueyue's self-destruction!
"Use Frost Heart, it's too much for him to do it like this!" Haniya suggested depressingly.

"If you use the Frost Heart before being completely occupied by the demons, you are very sure that you can cleanse his demons. But now, he is no different from Michael back then. To be honest, the Frost Heart can cleanse his demons." The possibility is very low, and we just don't let go of these slight possibilities and try it out. So if we really want to cleanse the devil seed, we must wait for him to suppress the devil seed before using the heart of frost." Yuli Yell finally spoke up.

The Frost Heart is actually useless at the moment, but Xueyue wants to revive the people in the ice coffin, and the Frost Heart may turn into a decent body.

"The demon seed Michael implanted in him is a power beyond the Three Realms, can he win?" Hania said.

"Definitely." Lucifer interjected resolutely.

What he believed was not Xueyue, but Lord Demon King. If Lord Demon King thought Xueyue could do it, then he would definitely do it.

Xue Yue's body twisted violently, her expression extremely painful.There seemed to be a low air pressure floating in the side hall, and the heavy ominous atmosphere made the gods a little breathless.


In the sea of ​​consciousness, Xue Yue's whole body was burned by the turbid fire, experiencing pain that no human can bear.He struggled and stumbled to the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, only seeing the woman dressed in nondescript clothes, with an extraordinary figure and swaying sleeves...

Slowly, he sat down, allowing the turbid fire to erode his body... Just looking at her, all the tormenting Xueyue seemed to feel no pain.It took him a long time to realize why he could hear her voice in his mind when the demons struck him.

It turned out that she didn't know when she had entered the bottom of my heart, but I didn't know it.

Xueyue's distorted body lasted for a long time, and even the angels outside the temple felt the depressing power emanating from the temple.The healing angel Raphael flew outside the temple, guarding it nervously.Uliyer and Hania were inside, if he followed in, if something happened, there would be no leader, so he could only wait outside anxiously.

Suddenly, Xueyue let out a heart-piercing roar, and her manic divine power erupted without warning.

Yulier and the others had prepared for a long time ago, and they all burst out their divine power to resist, but their bodies couldn't withstand the strong momentum, as helpless as a rickety boat in a huge wave.

But Yuan Feiwu suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, unable to control his figure amidst the hustle and bustle of divine power, and flew backwards.

"Not good!" Lucifer roared angrily, his life was on fire, he channeled his divine power, and in the manic divine power, he seemed to be stuck in a swamp, rushed to the direction where Yuan was flying, spread his wings, and a black divine power gathered into a wall Stand in front of Yuan Feiwu.

His face was livid, Lord Demon King fought with the Lord of Chaos, and he came back after nearly ten years, one can imagine the fierceness of the battle!And although Lord Demon King is back, he is probably seriously injured!

Lucifer blamed himself deeply, why didn't he think of this possibility in advance, and made Lord Demon King hurt even more!
The gray divine power was vented outside the temple, and the angels with slightly weaker cultivation were blown away immediately, and the other angels also resisted with fear.They are very familiar with this kind of ominous power, but they never want to encounter it again!The battle of the World Annihilation War has not been relieved so far, and it is a bit sad!

Fortunately, Xueyue's outburst of violent divine power didn't last long, and finally stopped when the temple began to lose its strength and cracks appeared.

The moment the divine power stopped, Xueyue also fell down, the demon scales on her body faded, her eyes returned to normal, but all the blood holes on her body stood out.

"It's such a serious injury. It's impossible for people of the Bingxue lineage to get Xueyue. Where did the injury come from?" Yulier took a breath and looked puzzled at Xueyue who was lying on the ground covered with scars.

But what is even more surprising is that Xueyue has degenerated from the demonization!

"How is this possible!?" Haniya's startled voice awakened Yulier.

"The demon seed that Michael planted on him is, to put it bluntly, a desire to seduce the mind, a desire like a bottomless pit. No matter who you are, there is a desire that cannot be filled in the heart, but the devil king used his more urgent desire to let him He conquered his desire that even becoming a demon can't satisfy," Ulier said.

That desire is to revive the person in the ice coffin.This desire is stronger than the desire given by the demon seed in Xueyue's body!
In the final analysis, the devil seed is something that erodes the will. The will is the most mysterious thing. No one knows where its limit will go, so Yulier can't tell whether Xueyue is a miracle.But he did something that even Michael couldn't do, Juliyer had to admire, he was amazing.

At this time, a yellow light floated faintly: "The movement is so loud, why don't you let me meditate?"

"Master Chuangshishen." Juliyer and Hania quickly saluted when they saw the yellow light.

"Although I thank you for saving my world, it doesn't mean that girl can be saved." The yellow light floated to the center of the side hall, watching Yuan Wu, who was wiping blood behind Lucifer, said swayingly, "Welcome back, Demon King."

Xueyue struggled to get up from the ground, he was very concerned about Yuan Feiwu's injury, and he was also very concerned about Fenghua's resurrection.Yuan Feiwu was injured and injured because of him, Fenghua died in pain because of him, and the two important people in his life paid countless prices because of him, no matter how seriously he was injured, he couldn't just sit by and watch!
(End of this chapter)

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