Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 909 Rules of the dispute

Chapter 909 Rules of the dispute
Everyone could understand Xueyue's impatience, but after Yuan Feiwu met Xueyue's eyes, he immediately calmed down again.

Both Yulier and Haniya were a little surprised, but this is the unbreakable friendship and incredible tacit understanding between Wufeng Nongyue. Of course, they couldn't understand why Xueyue calmed down so quickly.

"Why can't you be resurrected?" Yuan Feiwu shook off the blood in his hand and walked out, Lucifer stepped aside respectfully.

Lucifer just tried to transmit the dark divine power into Yuan Feiwu's body just like Yuan Feiwu helped him heal him when he met Yuan Feiwu for the first time, but the divine power he sent seemed to sink into the sea, and was then pushed away by Yuan Feiwu.

He understood that even though he was a great demon god who made the Three Realms fearful, for an ancient demon god of the level of the Lord Demon King, his divine power was really negligible.

"The demise of the body is not the real demise, only the demise of the soul is the real eternal sleep. The soul of a god refers to the consciousness of the god; the soul of a mortal is actually very similar to the consciousness of the god, but because the level of spiritual power cannot be compared, the intensity is very high. Low, so the death of the physical body disappears, it is difficult to detect. In this world I created, birth and destruction are a cycle, birth requires energy, and destruction loses energy. There is an invisible and intangible stardust road outside the three realms The river has become a bridge for the reincarnation of these energies. Whether it is the consciousness of a god or the soul of a mortal, after death, it will be transformed into the initial form of energy and be included in the river of stardust."

Chuangshi God treated Yuan Feiwu very kindly, and answered Yuan Feiwu's questions carefully. I don't know if it was because Yuan Feiwu saved his world, or because he knew that if Yuan Feiwu wanted to kill him, he would probably only use one finger.

"Master Chuangshishen, wouldn't it be enough to go to the River of Stardust and get that girl's soul back?" Haniya couldn't help interjecting.

Yulier gave him a helpless look. There are two things in the heaven that he can't control even after racking his brains. One is the whereabouts of the Lord God King, and the other is Haniya's nonsense.

When is it his turn to chime in here?
"If the tiny initial energy dissipated by ordinary people is called soul powder, and people die every minute and every second, so many tiny soul powders merge into the river of stardust and immediately mix together and are difficult to distinguish. It may be retrieved. It’s like I threw a few grains of sand into the desert, can you get back the ones I threw?” Chuangshishen laughed.

"For the existence of all worlds, there must be energy reincarnation. Only reasonable reincarnation can ensure the normal operation of a world." Yuan Feiwu reached out and pulled out his hand behind his waist. He stretched out his hand and attracted everyone's attention, but when he opened it, what? nothing.

Haniya was still wondering what Yuan Feiwu was up to, but the yellow light trembled slightly, and shouted in surprise: "Why do you have the end of your soul?!"

"Before I came here, I happened to see her soul end outside the Three Realms, so I caught it. It's such a coincidence." Yuan Feiwu smiled brightly.

"Are you sure this is the end of that little girl's soul?"

Chuang Shi Shen is still unbelievable.

As he said, people die every minute and every second, and the end of the soul merges into the river of stardust in a form of tiny energy that even the God of Creation cannot capture. So many end of the soul are likely to meet together in the air. If you take a little less and take a little more, you cannot be regarded as a complete soul.

This is the world of the Chuangshi God. The Chuangshi God can make all the souls under his control, but he can't even pick out the souls and classify them one by one. For it, such a small energy body can't distinguish them at all. make a difference.

"Very sure." Yuan Feiwu nodded.

Seeing Yuan Feiwu do such terrible things, if Chuang Shi Shen appeared in the form of a human body, his face would be ashen now.

Xueyue silently worried in her heart, like a metaphor of the Creator God, how difficult it is to find the prescribed few grains of sand in the desert.And Yuan Feiwu is definitely not like what he said he just caught it when he saw it, it must have taken a terrible amount of energy.Xueyue knew from his unusually bright smile that he just showed a relaxed look because he didn't want to worry too much.

"Bringing the dead back to life is completely against the rules of this world, and it's destroying the world!" Chuangshi Shen was a little emotional, "Dead people cannot be resurrected, you should understand this truth better than me!"

"If the soul is still alive, then it is not considered a real death, right?" Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

When Yuan Feiwu said this, Chuang Shi Shen really couldn't refute it.

According to the understanding that is more suitable for readers, it is probably that the soul of a person goes to the underworld after death, and this underworld is the river of stardust.Reincarnation after crossing the Naihe Bridge means that the end of the soul transformed into an energy body re-enters the Three Realms to provide energy for all aspects. It is an infinite cycle. The principle is somewhat similar to the law of energy conservation but not complete.At present, what Yuan Feiwu means is that the soul has not yet been reincarnated, and before the end of the soul has been transformed into new energy, Yuan Feiwu has brought back the complete end of the soul. The undestroyed soul cannot be called death in the true sense.

For example, gods have much stronger spiritual consciousness than ordinary people. If the spiritual consciousness is not injured but the body is destroyed, it is not considered dead, because the spiritual consciousness can still exist.It's just that it's impossible for mortals to do this, and the end of the soul is too subtle to be ignored by the Creator God.

The current principle is still the same as the divine consciousness, except that the divine consciousness can exist independently, but the end of the soul is controlled by Yuan Feiwu so that it does not pass away.

"This is your world. If I forcefully manipulate it in my own way, it will really break the rules of this world." Yuan Feiwu said lightly.

Yuan Feiwu is not alarmist, he can also revive Fenghua, but if he enforces all of this, he will inevitably create a new set of rules, because this is not the world he created, and he cannot do what is most suitable for this world.If the rules are broken, there may be a butterfly effect, the operation of the Three Realms will be disordered, and it may go to extinction.

For example, just like the earth, its rule is to continuously rotate from west to east, Yuan Feiwu did something in a way beyond this rule, the mandatory violation of the rule will cause the earth's rotation to stop for 1 minute.Then from this 1 minute later, because this rule is broken, no one knows what will happen to the earth in the future, but it is certain that there will be absolutely no good things.

"But it doesn't make sense, anyway, it's against common sense! Come to me to revive a cat in two days, and come to me to revive a dog in two days, is this world still reasonable!" Genesis God is upset.

This is the reason. Uriel and Haniya were originally very devout and respectful to the Creator God, but seeing the Creator God being so prevaricated, like an unreasonable old man, they became less and less fond of him .Especially Haniya, if Juliyer hadn't ordered him not to intervene through voice transmission in advance, he would have said one thing: accommodating once would kill him!I'll let you revive Amao next time!
"There is still a reason." Yuan Feiwu turned to Xueyue and said, "Where is Sabo's god?"

Xue Yue was startled, but quickly realized, and threw a gray-red god towards Yuan Feiwu.

"How do you know that Sabo was killed by me?" Xue Yue asked in surprise.

"When I was looking for her Soul Mo just now, I accidentally saw Sabo." Yuan Feiwu winked quietly at Xueyue.

Sure enough, this guy just happened to see Fenghua's soul!I'm afraid Yuan Feiwu found something wrong with him after returning to the Three Realms, so he hurried to the River of Stars to retrieve Fenghua's soul!Yuan Feiwu is indeed on an interface that is too much higher than them, and if he wants to destroy them, it may be as simple as flipping his hands, but it doesn't mean that this kind of thing has become easy for him.It's like a knife, it's easy to cut people, but if you use a knife to pick sand, it's not impossible, but it takes terrible energy.Building is often ten thousand times more difficult than destroying.

Picking out all of Fenghua's soul fragments from the vast river of stardust, how much this incredible thing will consume Yuan Feiwu, Xueyue dare not imagine.

What Xueyue threw out was the emblem of Vulcan!

Everyone was stunned, no wonder Xueyue suffered such a serious injury, it turned out to be the injury caused by the missing Sabo!
Yuan Feiwu took the divine emblem, which exuded a faint gray aura, very ominous.Yuan Feiwu put it in the palm of his hand, and spread his five fingers to cover it with his other hand. Afterwards, everyone felt the terrifying divine power constantly shuttling through it.After a while, Yuan Feiwu let go of his covered hand, and the Vulcan emblem on his palm had returned to its original state.But he closed his eyes tiredly for half a second, and at that moment Xueyue caught him.

"The demon seed in the divine emblem is not a product of the Three Realms. Even if I remove it in my own way, it will not break the rules of the Three Realms. There is no problem with this god. I think how terrible the harm this demonized Vulcan is to the Three Realms. Brother is very clear, right? Is it a great achievement for the God of Ice and Snow to wipe out the demonized Vulcan? I think it is a good reward for the God of Ice and Snow. Look, isn’t the Vulcan god just empty? Don’t waste it, just let it The girl in the ice coffin inherited it, as a reward for the God of Ice and Snow, what do you think?"

As soon as Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, the scene suddenly became silent.

Yulier couldn't see the expression of Chuang Shi Shen now, but he no longer felt sorry for Xue Yue and Yuan Feiwu, Yuan Feiwu wanted more!

Directly put all the ideas of the god of fire!Not only to revive the girl, but also to make her a god!
Julier touched his nose, and he didn't mind at all the suffering he had suffered at the hands of the devil, because his celestial brain couldn't do calculations like the devil's.Wisdom is not as good as human beings, isn't it inevitable to suffer in the hands of the devil?

(End of this chapter)

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