Chapter 910

"This... the elimination of the demonized Vulcan is indeed a great achievement above the scope of the Three Realms, but how can you just use the Vulcan deity as a reward so casually! I will make another plan for the reward... "The Chuangshi God said helplessly.

For Chuangshishen, bringing back the end of the soul from the river of stardust is already a violation of the rules of the other world. Although Yuan Feiwu used a very exhausting method to avoid affecting this world, he still couldn't accept it. this method.

"I killed the master of chaos, is this considered a great achievement?" Yuan Feiwu continued.

Yuan Feiwu is asking for credit?
Xueyue clenched her fists, Yuan Feiwu actually asked the Creator God for credit for him?It is clear that the Chuangshi God is an existence that he can crush to death with one finger, but he is pleading for him.

To Yuan Feiwu, there was nothing embarrassing about asking for credit, and it wasn't about begging for mercy on his knees.

But Yuan Feiwu actually wanted to solve this matter by himself, such as bringing Fenghua's soul powder into his storage space. The rules there were formulated by Yuan Feiwu, and his way of handling it would not have any impact on the other world.It's a pity that the soul of mortals is too small, but such a small existence is the carrier of their consciousness during life, which is equivalent to the most fragile thing carrying the most precious thing.If Yuan Feiwu brought them into his storage space, no matter how he dealt with them, the form of these souls would definitely be affected, and 100% recovery could not be achieved at all.It would be easy to deal with a powerful existence like the god of Hades, the king of the underworld. When Yuan Feiwu made some changes to the god of Hades, the king of the underworld, in his own space, so that Nangong Feng could adapt better. Transformation does not fall within the scope of the rules of the Three Realms, so strictly speaking Nangongfeng is already considered a foreign creature.

"Don't dare! The Demon King saved the world I created. I will never forget this great kindness. I owe you a great kindness!" The God of Creation said very seriously.

"This favor will be exchanged for this Vulcan, and it will be written off." Yuan Feiwu clapped his hands, as relaxed and happy as if he bought a fish in the vegetable market.

"My dear nephew, this... this kindness of saving the world is paid back so cheaply? It's too cheap for that bad old man!" This time Haniya couldn't help it, and blurted out what was in her heart.

"Feiwu, I don't accept it!" Xueyue couldn't bear it anymore, Yuan Feiwu's kindness was exchanged for this Vulcan, Xueyue would rather die and let Fenghua be resurrected.

If the resurrection of Fenghua requires Yuan Feiwu to sacrifice so much, at worst, the debt and unwillingness to Fenghua will torture him for the rest of his life!

In the final analysis, he came to Chuangshishen with the counterintuitive idea of ​​resurrecting Fenghua, and it was also because of demonization, otherwise he would not have such an urge to ignore it.

Obviously this is his fault, and he shouldn't let others pay for him!
"Calm down. I think it's quite suitable. Don't you expect him to repay this kindness in a better way?" Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.


All the gods subconsciously covered their heads with their hands, feeling a heavy feeling of "that's how it is".Although I feel that I despise the God of Creation, what Yuan Feiwu said is really TM reasonable!

What's the use of letting Chuangshi God owe this kindness?How can the God of Creation repay it!How many planes are different from each other, what else can Yuan Feiwu do for him?It should make them feel better after looking at the truth rationally, but for some reason, there is an indescribable emotion.

"Okay! If I refuse again, I won't have the face to face myself!" Chuangshishen sighed, "But only this time, don't make another example!"

Although he was still a little pimple in his heart, he was not related to him and protected his painstaking efforts in this life, but his kindness was just to let him give a Vulcan to a mortal, and this kindness was definitely greater than this pimple.

"Master Chuangshishen, let's take our leave first." Seeing that the matter had come to an end, Juliyer pulled Haniya out of the side hall.

Haniya was dragged all the way and looked back reluctantly, muttering: "Has this matter come to an end? What about the God of Ice and Snow, how to deal with the demon seeds in the God of Ice and Snow? Let the Demon King treat the demon seeds Clean it up?"

"If it could be cleaned up, the demon king would have cleaned it up long ago. If we want to clean up the demon seeds like we cleaned up the Vulcan gods just now, I'm afraid it's going to wipe out all the consciousness. We want to save Xueyue's life and clean up the demon seeds. Even the devil can't do it." Uriel said impatiently, he had to explain something so simple to see, which really made him annoyed.

"Then what's the matter? What if the God of Ice and Snow goes crazy again?" Haniya continued to croak, "Let him die once and be resurrected again?"

"Why do you think the devil spent so much time to revive the woman in the ice coffin?" Uriel suddenly stood still, turned his head to look at Haniya, his melancholic features showed a stern look.

"Why?" Hania hadn't seen Uliyer look so serious for a long time.

"If the God of Ice and Snow becomes a demon and cannot extricate himself, the Demon King will definitely kill him. This is the best relief for the God of Ice and Snow. He has spent so much trouble in fact to save his good brother. You saw it just now, The God of Ice and Snow was able to suppress the demon seed because of the woman in the ice coffin, and his becoming a demon may also be related to that woman. Therefore, the Demon King must resurrect that woman and ask her to inherit the position of Vulcan. Now, live well, then the God of Ice and Snow is likely to suppress the demon species, and the Demon King is finding the only way out for the God of Ice and Snow to continue living." Ulier was not bothered at all this time, Explain to Haniya bit by bit.

"So..." Haniya nodded repeatedly after listening to it, showing a confident smile, that elegant handsomeness seemed to have a CG of rose petals floating in it, very dazzling, "So this is the magic of love?"


The reason why Julier's expression suddenly became serious was because he admired Yuan Feiwu's painstaking efforts for his brother, so he had to explain to Haniya the greatness of Yuan Feiwu hidden behind this nonsensical farce.

But obviously, this SB didn't understand.And he didn't intend to waste his saliva to explain again, after all, communicating with SB is also very tiring.

"Forget it, as long as my nephew comes back, it will be a great happy event! It just so happens that brother Lucifer is also in the heavenly realm. I will go to the Wingless Gods to get some moon dew wine. I must celebrate!"

Haniya lamented for a while that the magic power of love is really mysterious and mysterious, and finally flew away nagging.

According to Juliyer's understanding of Hania, he may not be able to return for a while after this trip. I hope that Raphael's ears outside the temple can bear Hania's joyful voice. After all, at present Haniya can't catch a few people who are suitable for nagging, so let's sacrifice Rafael as a sacrifice for chatterbox.

"Good nephew... It would be great if it was really your good nephew." Yuriel shook his head and continued walking to the office of the temple.

For an absolutely sane person, he has to think in advance that if the devil wants to destroy the world, who can stop it?After all, Chuangshi God also said that he is an outsider who does not belong to the Three Realms. Maybe he is also a Chaos Lord outside?Who knows when he will perish?Anyway, Juliyer couldn't see what he was thinking.

Ulier's brows frowned again, this familiar look was very Julier.Maybe he thought too much, but it was his nature to plan for a rainy day, and he couldn't stop thinking about the one in [-] possibility.But it would be great if everything could be prepared for a rainy day, just like Michael's betrayal, in his judgment, there is not even a one-in-a-billion possibility, and it will not happen again. After all, people's hearts are the most unpredictable .

With all kinds of miscellaneous but well-organized thoughts, Julier's forward pace still did not change, and he steadily stepped in the direction he was going.The golden light revealed from outside the temple made his back look extraordinarily slender and reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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