Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 912 The Incarnation of Anger

Chapter 912 The Incarnation of Anger
My name is Maud, Maud Northway, I never thought that I would have the honor to participate in the greatest celebration ever...

That's right, my surname is Nuo Siwei, the Nuo Siwei of the human royal family of Star Luo Continent.

But I am not of Northway's blood, my surname was given by Richardson Northway.Although he looked very casual when he gave me the royal surname, I understand how deeply he valued and cultivated me here.

There's no way, Prince Richardson is just a sickly tsundere (morbidly tsundere).

What celebration?
Maude glanced around, and the Great Abyss of Stonlied became very different because of this celebration.

The abyss does not look like an abyss, it is filled with countless magic circles, turning it into a luxurious plain.There are lights and festoons all around, and there are countless large round tables on the ground, which can't see the end.

Haven't mentioned what celebration?
Well, it's not a big's just the Demon King's wedding day.

The "big deal" Maud said in his heart made his calves tremble with guilt.

If he was not a member of Prince Richardson's camp, he would have committed suicide and apologized!Who is Lord Demon King?Assist the unification of the human race, solve the famine of the demon race, quell the chaos for the orc race, end the war between the three races, fight against the master of chaos, the world-destroying demon god, and save the savior of the three worlds!

Big deal to TM!

Maude's mood fluctuated too much, and his body also had some excessive movements. After reacting, he was startled, and quickly sat back in his seat and looked around to see if anyone noticed his abnormal movements.

The noises of people around him were buzzing, people were coming and going, lively, or extremely noisy, who had the time to notice that he was such an unknown person.

But he, a nobody, sat at the most central VIP table in the entire venue.

What is a VIP table?It is the place where the person who is closest to the devil sits. He is a lowly mortal sitting here, like sitting on pins and needles!
Who is Lord Demon King?In the eyes of Prince Richardson, who loves his daughter into demons, he is not the savior, the demon king of the devil world, or even a god, but a heartless bastard!
When the invitation was delivered to Richardson's residence, Richardson tore it up on the spot!
Yuan Feiwu's big wedding?Invite them to a wedding banquet?

Hi NMLGB!Didn't his daughter go to be a bride and go to a fucking wedding banquet?It's almost like I reward you for eating shit!How does his daughter treat him? Does he have no eyes to see?Do you think his daughter is not beautiful enough? !The conscience was eaten by the dog!
Richardson uttered every expletive he could think of.

Tarena happened to come out and saw the torn invitation card and her manic father, she understood what it was without saying a word, she smiled and said that her father was not feeling well, and then she went back to her room .

That forced smile, in Richardson's eyes, made his heart ache so much that his blood pressure almost soared too high, and blood spurted out from the back of his head.

Originally, he planned to let it go without losing face, but now he has changed his mind, and he will do something more evil!He wants to send people to mess up the wedding of the Demon King, and vent his anger on his precious daughter!

As a result, now Maude sat anxiously at the VIP table, feeling flustered, his eyes dull and empty.

The moment Richardson suddenly turned his attention to him after swearing, Maude knew that Nima, Prince Richardson, was going to trick him again!

From the moment he stepped into the huge and incomparably large meeting place, he had the feeling that he would die if he could come and go.Make trouble at the devil's wedding and still want to go back alive?That's not self-confidence, that's ignorance!
But he didn't expect that he would be placed on the VIP table!
The reason why he is sitting here is also very simple, he is here on behalf of Prince Richardson.

Later, when he saw that Prince Field and Alexander, who had given up the throne, were both at the VIP table, he understood that it seemed that Lord Demon King regarded the Northway family as his natal family for his wedding, ah bah, the representative of the Lang family.

He represented Prince Richardson, so he was naturally arranged at the VIP table!
And the VIP table is arranged in the middle, very abruptly alone in the middle!Very conspicuous!

Although he has the determination to die, he doesn't want to die without making any trouble!In this position, he was afraid that if he just stood up and planned to do something excessive, he would be turned into ashes!

Be calm, this kind of ignorance of competing with the whole world must be calm to succeed.Death is not terrible, the most terrible thing is to die without doing anything, how useless!
Maude, who calmed down a little, looked carefully to the side.

Who else is at the table?Ya Longjing, the king of the human race, Lukaiser, the king of the demon race, and Rudolph, the king of the beast race, these high-ranking figures who each control a third of the mortal world are just children.The celebrations that all the three realms participated in, compared to gods, what are they if they are not pediatrics?
There is also the parents of one of the brides, Ophelia, who is the leader of the human family and can be ignored.

There was an old man sitting opposite, and behind him stood three guys who didn't talk much but didn't look very annoying.The old man chatted happily with an old man next to him who was said to be called Brother Yi and Douglas with a yellow light.Maud found that he did not recognize these people except Douglas.

But to be able to sit on this table, could it be a relative of Lord Demon King? ?
Hmph, when the banquet started, I suddenly turned the table forward and threw them in the face, it must be a huge damage to the wedding banquet of Lord Demon King!

Hahaha, I'm so fucking bad!Just do it!

"Are you kidding me?"

A hand was placed on Maud's shoulder suddenly, so frightened that Maud leaked two drops of urine, and the cold sweat dripped down his back.

He twisted his stiff neck back, and when he saw the owner of the hand, his face was full of melancholy.

He still recognizes this person, not only that, before coming into contact with gods outside the mortal world, only within the category of Xingluo Continent, this person's identity cannot be underestimated.

Lester Northway, the cousin of the emperor of the human race Ya Longjing, the designated heir to the title of Prince Felt, and an existence of the same level as his own lady.

He took the initiative to undertake this wedding.Although the meaning of this wedding is particularly bad for him, the feeling that the person he had a crush on before and the person he has a crush on now is neither the bridegroom nor the bride makes him feel particularly depressed, but he still spends days and nights planning this. For a wedding, he would present them with a perfect wedding banquet as his most heartfelt blessings.

So don't blame him for having a stinky face, after all, it's justifiable, and falling in love is worse than heaven.

"When Lord Demon King's wedding banquet is so happy, I should be laughing, right? I'm so happy, so ahahaha..." Maud smiled guiltily, patting his hands piapiapia, lonely laughter and applause It seemed very empty.

"Prince Richardson and Tarena aren't here?" Lester ignored Maud's poor acting skills and pointed to the empty VIP seats.

"No, the prince and miss are very busy and don't have time to participate in these boring things." Mentioning Prince Richardson and Miss Tarena, he immediately thought of the picture of Prince Richardson being violent at home and Miss Tarena being unhappy at home. His sense of mission returned immediately, and he said calmly.

His arrival represented anger!Accept the wrath and revenge of Prince Richardson's house!
"Oh, then sit here." Lester beckoned and guided a green-haired guy and his wife to their seats.

It's Silas!In the World Annihilation War, Maude also fought with Prince Richardson's forces. He was very impressed with this tactical genius who was born in the World Annihilation War and commanded the gods, demons, soldiers and soldiers of the three worlds to fight against the Destroyer!

"It's not good for me to sit here? This is the VIP table, Lester!" Silas was a little afraid to sit down.

"Don't worry, I've asked Fei Wu for instructions, you can sit here if there is space. Originally, you were arranged to sit with the demon gods of the demon world, but what if those guys accidentally slapped you into a pulp when they were drunk...then How unlucky." Lester said impatiently.

"It's not that I'm worried about my life or death, but I'm just worried that the captain's wedding will be unlucky..."

Silas couldn't laugh or cry, but what Ruster said was very reasonable, he quickly pulled Feiyue to sit down.

Those big demon gods don't care about the things they do, and it's not easy for him to survive until now working with them.

Huh... It turned out that he was only asking about the seat, and he thought that Lester's piercing eyes could see through his incomparably vicious "table flipping battle"!

Maud breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't breathe a sigh of relief, as a nephew, I still don't know my uncle Prince Richardson's temperament?" After arranging Silas's position, Lester turned around and patted Maude on the shoulder, with a murderous look on his face, " I have already ordered, focus on you, as long as you stand up during the banquet, Silas will immediately let your head fall to the ground! If you dare to make trouble on the beautiful day of flying, I will not let it go, even if it is a god! Do it yourself."

Lester finished threatening softly in Maude's ear, and went elsewhere again.As the organizer of the big day of Qihe in the Three Realms, he is really very busy, and it is a luxury to stay in any place for more than half a moment.

Maude swallowed with difficulty, glanced at Silas with an innocent face, and asked quietly after a long while: "Can I go to the bathroom even if I get up?"

"Be patient. If you really can't hold back, how about crawling?" Silas suggested kindly.

"Thank you for your suggestion, I will consider it."

Maude is getting more and more worried, let alone the trouble, now his life is in danger even pissing, and he is making a mess!

(End of this chapter)

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