Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 913 How Should I Protect You?my world peace

Chapter 913 How Should I Protect You?my world peace
"Flipping the Table" was obviously aborted, and Maude was inevitably a little frustrated, but also a little lucky.

After all, he is the savior. If he deliberately flipped the table over to the relatives of the savior, he would be morally depraved, the scum of scum!Although loyalty and justice can't have both, he chose to be loyal to Prince Richardson who raised him and cultivated himself, but he still wants to choose not to be a scum if he can not be a scum!

Moder is quite sure that the white-haired old man on the opposite side is a relative of the Lord Demon King, because he has started to tell Marens Kun and Lu Kaiser from time to time: "Your daughter will marry into our Yuan family, and our Yuan family will definitely not marry you." Treat them badly! Don't worry, don't worry!"

I also heard him turn his head and say to the three guard-like guys behind him: "No wonder you brats don't want to stay in Yuan's house, so you can marry so many wives here... Yes, brats..." "Don't urge me Go back, who dares to stop me from waiting for my great-grandson to fall to the ground, he and I are inseparable!" "I heard that practicing their stuff here can prolong life, why don't we try to learn something together?"

Due to emotion and reason, and the current living conditions, "Turn the table" has been marked with a big cross in Maude's mind.

Maude fell into thinking again, and the vacant seats on both sides gradually filled up unconsciously.

After everyone sat down in peace, Maud realized that this VIP table was even more frighteningly abrupt than he had imagined!

It's like the ax that opened up the world, and like the magic wand in Moses' hand that split the Red Sea...

Standing alone in the middle, there are no tables and chairs in the front, back, left, or right.A little further ahead, there are tables and chairs lined up on both sides, and the VIP seat is like a bright pearl on the red carpet that has been deliberately left out.

Excluding the VIP seats, the positions closest to the VIP seats on both sides are considered the most important seats. Of course, they are allowed to sit in such important seats...

On the left, there are a group of blond and blue-eyed noble angels or wingless gods with dusty temperament. The elegant picture of everyone sitting in their seats is like a work of art.On the other hand, the table on the right is full of monsters and monsters, except for a black-winged Lucifer who barely looks pleasing to the eye, the rest will definitely make people have nightmares at a glance.Looking back, there are even piles of monsters, and it is difficult to distinguish them from the Destroyers of the original World War.

The great gods of the heaven and the devil... as if there is such a huge difference between heaven and hell...

Seeing such a scene, Maude understood the reason for the arrangement of the seats. It turned out that the VIP seat was used to separate the two groups of conflicting groups... Or as a referee?

No, no, no, you must not be a referee. Once they fight here, not only the wedding will be destroyed, but all worlds will be destroyed!Can't they arrange the two groups of gods at the ultimate ends of the banquet!The kind that you can't even meet when you get lost!

Maude thought of this, and suddenly realized that it seemed a bit insignificant to make trouble here!Compared with the Demon God War, his small fights are nothing!Now that he is sitting at the VIP table, he must perform his due role of isolation...Suddenly Maude has a sense of mission that he is maintaining world peace.

Besides, the reason why he was temporarily relieved of the little mischief in his heart was that he had just seen a big man suddenly standing up from the side of the heaven, with tears and snot on his face, shouting: "Listen, all of you, today my brother Feiwu is getting married, I , I’m moved! I’m excited! I’m moved! Brother Feiwu and I have gone through life and death, and our relationship is sincere, and it’s impossible to add more! I want to warn everyone, whoever dares to bully my brother Feiwu in the future, I will never end with him! Brother Feiwu’s enemy is mine Enemy! Brother Feiwu’s friend is my friend! Brother Feiwu’s brother is my brother! Brother Feiwu’s relatives are my relatives! Brother Feiwu’s wife is mine..."

There was a loud bang that soared into the sky, and Maude felt that his heart would explode from the bang.

The big man was knocked down by a young girl who looked very young. Maude really wondered if the big man's head was hit by such a powerful impact, would there be a big bloody crater.

Maud had no way to determine whether there was such a bloody picture, because more bloody pictures were stimulating his visual nerves.A bunch of wingless gods from the heaven surrounded them, and beat them up and down. It was so horrible that Maude began to wonder if the previous distinction between "heaven" and "hell" had been reversed.

After a long while, a tall man with a sloppy beard put away his sledgehammer, grabbed the unconscious big man lying on the ground and threw it into a corner beside him: "Don't drink if you don't drink enough, just talk nonsense." How can I deal with you!"

Chaos comes too fast like a tornado, it comes in a hurry and frantically, but it goes away with lightning speed.As the big man curled up in a corner with a bruised face and a swollen nose, he fell asleep soundly, and the chaos came to an end.

He is just a subordinate of Prince Richardson, if he behaves like that guy, how will he die?Not to mention Silas, it would be terrifying for any god to make a move over there, I can't imagine...

By the way, if he remembers correctly, that man seems to be called Zhenshan Northway, the ancestors of Prince Richardson and the Northway royal family... the ancestors have been beaten like this, what else can he say?Prince Richardson should come over and see it with his own eyes, this is called silent tears...

The troublesome matter still needs to be considered in the long run. It is better to focus on maintaining world peace now. Maude decided to temporarily ignore the anger that Prince Richardson caused him.

Their ancestors made a lot of noise, which attracted all the demon gods from the demon world to look over.After the chaos was over, the angels on the heaven side noticed that the demon god on the other side of the demon world had been staring at them, and immediately stared back like torches.It felt as if a group of gangsters came to the left and right roadside food stalls to have a tooth festival, and suddenly found that the food stall next to the convenience store next to it was a deadly enemy from the same sphere of influence, and the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

And their VIP seat is the convenience store in the middle, and the wind and rain are about to come and the building is full of wind and rain, making Maude almost breathless.

It is thanks to Zhenshan Northway for creating such a heavy atmosphere!

As expected of the ancestors, this is the ancestor-level figure who did things!One shot is a big deal that will destroy the mortal world!Is there a battle between gods and demons that only appears in ancient legends!

"Hey, Ares, why do you drink moon dew wine over there, and we don't have hair here?" Lucifer suddenly shouted without warning, his expression full of dissatisfaction.

With a bang, Maud couldn't help knocking his head on the table.

Sure enough, something is going to happen... Sure enough!The fallen angel Lucifer, the most legendary demon god who has penetrated the two worlds of heaven and demon, is also notoriously arrogant!

God, come and stop them and save the world!No, they seem to be gods...

"Lucifer, don't be bloody! The moon dew wine has been prepared in advance according to the amount of one cup for each table, why don't you have no moon dew wine?" The voice of the big man with a sloppy beard and a burly figure like a giant who put away his hammer just now Shouted to Lucifer thunderously.

"Is there? I didn't see it! The glass is empty!" The other seven demon gods at Lucifer's table picked up the glass together and turned it over. There was not a drop of liquid in it, and there were various provocative expressions on their faces. Horribly ugly how horribly ugly.

With a bang, the big man smashed his hammer, blew his beard and stared at him, and he was not a good-tempered master by any means: "After drinking it, it will be empty! Don't think that I, Thunder God of War, is easy to bully, bullying too much! "

"Then a small cup is not enough for us to stuff our teeth, so what's the difference between it and nothing? I beg you, and bring some more. The wedding ceremony of Lord Demon King can't be messed up. I won't make trouble with you. How can we enjoy ourselves with so much moon dew wine?" Lu It was rare for Xifa to not get angry, and his tone softened a bit.

Moder immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Lucifer, as the head of the eight great demon gods, can calm down, so there is basically no problem.As expected of Lucifer!
"You're sensible." Hearing what Lucifer said was reasonable, the God of War Thunder suppressed his temper a little, took out two large earthen jars from the storage space, and threw them at Lucifer.

Lucifer stretched out his hand and caught it steadily, his face turned livid instantly.

"Ares, are you sending beggars?" Lucifer snorted coldly, his divine power fluctuated a bit, and the three pairs of wings on his back automatically moved without wind.

Seeing this, all the demon gods in the seats beside them stood up suddenly, thousands of people glared at each other angrily!

Maud just took a breath of relief, but was sucked back by him...

Unexpectedly, he could still sit in the VIP seat and watch the whole process of the third war of gods and demons... And the shit is just for the wine!If Mortal Realm is over like this, it's not worth it!

What did he say just now?Really worthy of being Lucifer?

That's right, he really deserves to be the representative of arrogance, the fallen angel Lucifer! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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