Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 915 Objectively find the reason for being single

Chapter 915 Objectively find the reason for being single
Maud's heart beat the most violently ever before right now!It's even more intense than just seeing the third world war between gods and demons almost started!
The slender figure, the inexplicable rhythm in every move, the beautiful and moving facial features...all gradually magnified in Maud's eyes.

His heartbeat also beat faster.

Could it this the feeling of being in love?
"It almost made me obsessed with it for the rest of my life..." Maud turned serious in no time, and put on the pretentious look of male protagonists in shoujo manga, before finishing what he had just said in the middle.

"Really? How nice of you to enjoy this show!"

The tall beauty was wearing the dance dress she was dancing with just now. The tulle satin material was cut off the shoulders and low-cut, very sexy.A pair of long sleeves were pushed back by her shoulders, and she gave a light thank you. The sexy career line squeezed out at the moment of bending over made Maude's girl manga male protagonist's exclusive expression collapse instantly, and she swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"It's great! Your performance is very beautiful! Especially you, like the most dazzling morning star in the starry sky!" Nohiro beauty smiled, and Moder was even more forgetful, admiring from the bottom of his heart.

The oiran smiled even brighter.

Then the oiran actually pulled the seat beside Maude, and sat beside him with Maudle's crooked expression. Just when Maud thought spring had come, suddenly the oiran pouted to the other side: "Master Xueyue, look, they all said that the performance of the concubine is great! Master Xueyue, do you fall in love with the dance of the concubine?"

"Yes." Xueyue nodded lightly, and stretched out her hand to help Fenghua, who looked like she was asking for credit, brush her messy bangs.

Maude's smile suddenly froze. He was so scared by Lucifer before that he didn't know who else was seated in this VIP seat.Now it is not surprising to find that there is a chilling god of ice and snow, Xueyue, sitting next to him. It is not surprising that the super best friend of Lord Demon King is sitting here.And what kind of temperament is this Xueyue, as the main person in charge who often helps Prince Richardson collect information on Yuan Feiwu and his friends, he knows it clearly!This oiran can act like a baby with Xueyue at such a close distance, and Xueyue is still willing to talk to her, one can imagine the relationship between them!
Mod's spring has not yet begun, but it has already fallen into a cold winter. The lustful heart that was jumping just now has long since disappeared, and he quickly entered the six-sense pure sage mode, with no desires and no desires.

"What's your name? My name is Fenghua. Do you know Master Xueyue too?" Fenghua was in such a good mood after receiving praise from Xueyue, she turned to talk to Maude again.

"Mode, I know you, I have known you for a long time."

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Maude answered with a succinct and incisive answer that was almost like a robot, without any fluctuations in emotion or tone.I still silently prayed for myself in my heart, hoping that the God of Ice and Snow would not be a jealous guy, otherwise I would be in danger.

"Sure enough, she is also Master Xueyue's brainless fan! Don't look at Xueyue's appearance and seem difficult to get close to, in fact...hehe..."

As Fenghua was talking, suddenly her face was getting closer and closer to Maud's ear. Maud was worried that Bingxue would misunderstand him and think that she wanted to grab a woman from him, but this Fenghua still aroused hatred for him!I don't know if it's an illusion, but Mod felt that Xueyue's eyes looked at him vaguely, her expression seemed to be more ruthless!
Yes, I'm a fucking fan of the God of Ice and Snow!Please stay away from me, please!
"Actually what? Sister, don't be panting at this time! You don't have to say it if you don't want to, I don't really want to hear it!" Maud said anxiously.

"Actually...Master Xueyue is just seriously coquettish, but she is passionate behind her back! For example, last night was a hot night that Fenghua will never forget..."

Maude was very confused, Fenghua was so out of line with the words, and somehow told him such out-of-the-ordinary things!However, he still listened carefully, as if he was curious about the secrets of Xueyue and this oiran! !He is more wronged than Dou E!
This time it wasn't an illusion, Maude clearly saw that Xueyue's expression became more and more ruthless, his eyes had already glanced over, and the air around him almost dropped below freezing point!
Eldest sister, are you enjoying the little secret between you and the God of Ice and Snow?I really don't want to know at all!Can you give me the choice not to listen!
Xueyue's ruthless tone of staring at someone who is pregnant is sultry when she is exposed face to face. According to Moder's deduction, she might not be able to get away by killing someone, okay?

"Stop talking! Miss Fenghua, to tell you the truth, I'm actually deaf, and I can't hear anything you say!"

Maude's ass was glued to the chair, and he moved the chair a big step away to the other side!

He doesn't want to die yet, he can't die, he hasn't made trouble yet, he still needs to work hard!How could he be killed by this out-of-thinking oiran!What an unjust death!
Anyway, now he really regards himself as a deaf person, looking forward with dull eyes, pretending to be dead.He can only pray for Fenghua to get out of the difficulties, and now that the God of Ice and Snow has not made a move, he still has a glimmer of life. He secretly feels that if Fenghua tells him what happened last night, he will definitely die!

"Ah, he is deaf! What a pity!" Fenghua sighed regretfully.

Uh, she believed it... Maud also sighed regretfully, how could she be a fool?

Xueyue was quite helpless, he was already mentally prepared for Fenghua's disconnection, but he still felt overwhelmed by the sudden attack, because his character was really not good at dealing with Fenghua's character.

But to deal with Fenghua's sudden restlessness, he has mastered a more effective way to shut her up, which she also likes very much.

Xueyue reached out to pick Fenghua's chin, turned around, and kissed Fenghua without saying a word.

Maude saw it out of the corner of his eye, but at this time he not only had to pretend to be deaf, but also pretended to be blind!
It’s fine to take a look from the corner of the eye, even though they show their affection publicly, it doesn’t mean they want you to watch it, don’t let the other party find out, just look at it quietly... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! !It's fire!Nima is on fire!Xueyue, did you kiss too hard? ! !That oiran is on fire! ! ! !Shut up please!
Feng Hua suddenly burst into bright red flames, and a pillar of fire almost pierced into the sky!
Maud, who was sitting next to him, was terrified!But he deserves to be the right-hand man who stood out from a lot of orphans and let Richardson focus on training. Although he was so surprised that he roared wildly, his expression was still dull, his eyes were still looking forward, and even the hair on half of his head was burnt. As if nothing happened.

Of course, Maud's calmness has something to do with the fact that he was distracted by biting his tongue and having a headache due to excessive fright, and that he couldn't take care of both fright and pain, causing his brain to froze on the spot.

Fortunately, Maud endured the blazing scene, after a while, the flames on Fenghua disappeared, Fenghua was fine, leaning obediently on Xueyue's shoulder, but her face was a little rosy.

Hiss... Maud silently sucked in a breath of air, he didn't expect Xueyue to be so fast!No, I didn't expect Xueyue to be so powerful!Nima can kiss the explosion of the sky, which has never been seen before!No wonder Fenghua seems to be so devoted to Xueyue...

Ahem, no wonder I'm still single, it turns out that it has something to do with skills, I don't know why Maude has a little inferiority complex at this time.

Modnono wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, anyway, the oiran next to him calmed down, and Xueyue didn't give him another glance, so he seemed to have escaped another disaster.

But the booing plot also failed because of this foolishness of this oiran, the best time to boo has been missed by a long, long way, and now even if he yelled again, it would have no effect at all, and his death would be in vain.

"It's alright everyone, there's nothing you can do if you don't enjoy the performance. The time for the dinner has come. Since there are a lot of people participating in the ceremony, the dishes will be served now. Later, the bride and groom will come down to toast with everyone and accept everyone's blessings. The guests who haven’t seen the bride and groom eat the delicious food first and wait a while, the bride and groom will definitely toast with the guests at every table! By the way, all the dishes today are cooked by the groom Guan Yuan Feiwu himself, missed it I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life, so don't blame the juniors for not reminding everyone." At this time, Lin Beck's voice spread throughout the entire Stonled Abyss.

Maude's sluggish face finally had some other expression, showing a smirk.

Dishes cooked by Lord Demon King himself?How embarrassing it would be if it was considered unpalatable in public!Add a little blockage to everyone's heart!

Very good, if one plan fails, another plan will be created!Hahahaha, I'm so fucking bad, my bad tongue hurts!

(End of this chapter)

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