Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 916 Unspeakable Grievance

Chapter 916 Unspeakable Grievance
As a VIP seat, the serving speed is of course the fastest.

Maude had just thought of such a wicked way of making trouble in his mind, and the service staff had already brought out the pre-dinner dessert.

A lump of crystal-clear stuff is contained in a transparent and exquisite small bowl. To say that it is a small bowl is an exaggeration, and it is only a little bigger than a cup.

What the hell is this stuff, it's not enough for him to eat!Maud grinned, just right, he thought he was unpalatable and at the same time thought he was stingy, the power of making trouble like this is equal to multiplying by two! !

While thinking, Maud poured the thing into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Taste the taste?

Hmph, no matter what the taste is, he's done with this mess!So taste a fart!

With his head lowered indifferently, Maude quietly looked around and noticed everyone's eating patterns, brewing an opportunity to explode.It is necessary to yell "It's unpalatable!" before those pretending guests say "It's super delicious!" Let it out, so that it is as disgusting as if everyone had eaten a fly in their mouths, thus staining the wedding!

"Hmph! This thing is super..." Maude realized that the time had come, and immediately roared loudly. Halfway through, he suddenly covered his mouth.

Oops, what happened to the sudden burst of fragrance and sweetness in your mouth?He obviously swallowed it without biting it, but the taste buds were stimulated by the taste rushing up from the depths of his throat!

If he hadn't covered his mouth just now, he couldn't help blurting out "super delicious!"! ! !

It's terrifying, how delicious it is, it can make his rock-solid reason collapse in an instant!
No, he can't fall down here!

Maud exhausted all his strength, grabbed a fork at hand, and slammed into his thigh!

A small scream murmured from a hand-covered mouth, attracting no one's attention... except Maud.

He looked down at the bloody thigh, and he was sure that TM didn't insert someone else's leg wrongly...then it was someone else who screamed because Mao inserted his own leg?

Oh, I guess I was frightened by my actions.

After all, it is impossible for most people to see guests self-mutilate with forks at other people's wedding banquets, right?
Maude didn't bother to pay attention to the scream as thin as a mosquito beside him, and was planning to use the pain to transform into courage, and complained loudly against the conscience that the dessert was "very bad!"...Suddenly, he was screamed by the side The man tugged his sleeves cautiously.

"Are you bothered? I fucking inserted my leg, not yours! Don't bother me..." Maud turned his head away, and his facial features, which have always been calm, couldn't help but look fierce, but he saw clearly the The man has a pair of furry animal ears and a pair of big watery eyes looking at him timidly. Because of his cute behavior of curling up into a ball because of his anger, Maude's anger tank was instantly emptied, "Sorry, I was too loud to scare you, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I just have a bad habit of inserting my thigh before eating, don't be nervous..."

Maude immediately put on a benevolent smile. When he replaced Prince Richardson to appease the people in the territory or conduct all diplomatic matters, he basically used this harmless expression. He was very skilled, as if he had changed a mask.

Seeing Maud's harmless smile, the orc sat up straight again.

The exquisite facial features, set off by the exquisite figure, exude more brilliance, and there is also a faint trace of innocent charm, not flirtatious at all, but a feeling of purifying people's hearts!

At this moment, the beauty in front of him purified Maud's heart!It made him deeply feel that he was a scum before this second, but after this second, he seemed to have been reborn, filled with a warm holy light, and became a reborn scum.

"You, your problems need to be corrected, it's not good for your health." The fox girl blinked her long eyelashes and whispered.

Maude's benevolent mask was quite effective, and the fox girl seemed to gradually let go of his heart, and was not as vigilant as before.

Hearing her concern, Maude felt her heart melt. Where did this cute girl who is shy and loves to worry about others come from?How could it not arouse a man's desire for protection!When did such a cute girl sit next to him!
"It's okay, I've been fine for so many years, I'm in great shape! Leave me alone, try that lump... that cup of dessert, it's great!" Maude said in the most gentle tone of his life, seeing the fox girl who had been timid She looked inexplicably distressed, and he wanted her to relax.

Even if there is an extra one for no reason, it will make others misunderstand that he is neurotic.

But the problem is that this girl also believes in her own lies!Who TM inserts his own thigh according to three meals a day!Can I still have that thigh!
No, got the point wrong.

Can I still have that brain!
Innocence, yes, this is called innocence!It's different from the oiran who chatted with her for a while and still believed that she was deaf, that one was really stupid, this one was innocent!
"But... you were using my fork just now."


Maud glanced back, his knife, fork and spoon were placed diagonally in front of him.

Only then did he remember that just now, in order to keep a distance from the oiran, the seat had been moved a big step to the right, and it was close to the seat on the right.So when he grabbed it with his right hand, he caught the fork in front of the fox girl on the right.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, I'm so sorry!" Maude patted his head, showed a fatherly smile at the fox girl, and quickly pulled out the fork stuck in his thigh, several blood spurts The ground spurted out and sprayed his face, the fatherly smile became gloomy and terrifying under the embellishment of blood, and he still held a blood-stained fork in his hand, "Give you back..."


Well, the fox girl's screams were much louder this time... But Maud wasn't surprised at all. If this cute girl Nima is not scared by him like this, he will scream!

There's no way, he didn't expect that he would pierce it so hard and the blood would spurt so high!
Just when Maude was thinking about how to reassure the terrified fox girl, a hand stretched out from the right side of the fox girl, as fast as lightning, and grabbed his face at once, with a familiar shout at the same time It sounded: "It's you again, what kind of rotten smiling Tiger City Lord of Eternal City? You really linger!"


Maude felt a little sad when he heard this word, he really wanted to get rid of the ghost!But Prince Richardson is unwilling to let him go!
For the first time, the loyal and loyal man thought of "Why don't you try to raise your head to see Prince Richardson, maybe I can do it?" Such a self-defeating plan.

With mixed feelings in my heart, Maud didn't know where to start with so many words, so I started from the most unnutritious part: "That... I haven't been the city lord for many years..."

"You don't want to be the city lord and do my shit!" The grip from the palm made the marquee replay in Maude's mind, "I haven't settled the account with you, but the dog really can't change eating shit, and dares to come and dance Weddings cause trouble!"

"I swear to God, I haven't had time to mess with it yet!" Maude was about to choke up in aggrieved voice.

Although his insidious schemes were plotted one after another, which one of them has come true!I am so wronged that June will fly frost and I will tell you!
"Feng, let go quickly. Don't blame him. I was too cowardly. Looking back, he didn't mean any harm. The moment just now was probably just scaring me because of his ugly appearance."

The fox girl tugged at the sleeve of that hand, and that hand immediately retracted as if Wuzhishan saw Tang Sanzang.

But Maude felt that the trauma he suffered in his heart was greater than the injury of his palm just now...

The palm that was holding his face was removed, and Maude finally saw the face of the guy who almost killed him just now.It's not surprising at all, in fact, he guessed who it was as soon as the other party spoke, Yuan Feiwu's other buddy——Nan Gongfeng, they had some not-so-good relationship, of course, it was still Prince Richardson's fault.

I guessed it, but Maude couldn't guess that Nangongfeng's face at the moment was as smelly as a stinky gutter. He used to be in a good mood when he looked bright and sunny, but now he seems to be engraved with "Desire and dissatisfaction" "Four words.

Maud's random evaluation is on point.

After Nangongfeng abducted Sister Luoluo, he respected her sister's opinion very much, and the embarrassing things will be fine after marriage.She asked to wait until she graduated from the Magic Academy before getting married, no problem.But unexpectedly, seeing that Nangongfeng didn't study much anymore, Luoluo added another condition, that Nangongfeng must also graduate from the Academy of Magic.

This is a serious problem!Let's not talk about how low his magic comprehension is, let's just talk about his identity. After all, they are in love with each other, and he immediately revealed his identity. I am the famous invincible God of War!I have found all the beast gods, and I still want to learn fart magic!waste time!
so what?Doesn't the Invincible Fighting God not have to study hard every day?

Lolo is soft and cute, but no one can compare to her. No matter how Nangongfeng shows her identity and strength, Lolo will not give in. Of course, she may still not understand the invincible God of War. What is it.There was no other way, and later Nangongfeng took Luo Luo to look for Beast God, who was her idol, and asked Beast God to help him say a fair word against himself.

"Of course he has to graduate before he can get married! No matter whether he is a man or a god, he can't give up halfway. If he can't even graduate, it doesn't matter if such a useless man doesn't marry!"

Because of this "fair words", Nangongfeng chased and killed the beast god, chased him three or four times around the heaven, and completed the achievement of "completed the exploration of all the maps in the heaven".However, he was very disappointed that the achievement "Kill the Beast God" was not unlocked.

Forget it, let's talk about how low his magic comprehension is. If you talk too much about it, it will be tears.

How low is his magic perception?To illustrate with facts: Lolo is almost graduating, and he is still repeating the fourth grade!

He is an invincible God of Fighting, the news spreads out and makes people laugh out loud!

And according to his current practice progress, even if Luo Luo cultivated to become a god, he has not yet graduated, and this is what makes him worry the most.

(End of this chapter)

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