Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 917 It's So Good

Chapter 917 It's So Good

Nangongfeng's aggrieved period of time erupted when he saw Maud frighten Lolo!
"Lolo, this guy is not a good person, you don't have to speak up for him! It's just today to settle our old scores!" Nangongfeng said viciously.

Using his own safety to threaten the people around him is Nangongfeng's biggest minefield, so Nangongfeng will never forget the bad things he did to Maude and Richardson in his life!
"Feng, calm down, what's the matter with getting more and more impetuous?" A voice came from the other side of Nangong Feng's seat.

Mod did not expect that someone would dare to speak to the Invincible Battle God in such a disrespectful manner!
Looking up, the doubts in my heart were immediately resolved.

The emperor of the human race makes a scene!
Of course he has heard of the famous names of Wu Feng Nong Yue, and among them is the emperor of the human race!So this is also Lord Demon King's buddy, the relationship between them is very good, and they are equal, so they dare to talk to Nangongfeng like that!
It's just... what's going on with this guy!
The emperor of the human race, who used to be gentle and elegant, played the scene, but now he has a scruffy beard and a lifeless face, with the word "depressed" written on his face!
What happened to these incredible bigwigs?Today is the big day for Lord Demon King, please be happy!

In fact, these people are the ones who came to make trouble for the Demon King's wedding!

"Why do you even speak for him?" Nangong Feng turned around and said helplessly.

"It's a happy day for Feiwu, it's unlucky to see blood."

Ya Nongjing was so weak that he couldn't even speak, which showed how depressed he was.

As the overlord of one-third of the mortal world, Ya Longjing can be regarded as a winner in life.

But he doesn't feel like a winner in life.

Many people know that Ya Nongjing belongs to the perverted gang of Wufeng Nongyue, and his identity as the emperor of the clan is not simple, which makes him look infinitely beautiful.In fact, Ya Nongjing knew in his heart how unworthy he was of this perverted little gang, and was anxious about it.

See who are the people in Dancing Wind and Moon?

Xueyue, the God of Ice and Snow!Nangong Feng, the invincible god of battle!Yuan Feiwu, no need for an introduction, the entire novel of more than 200 million characters is almost all about him, readers even know more about Yuan Feiwu's background than him.

And he is just the "mere" emperor of the human race!
Compared to gods, the emperor of the human race is nothing!
Besides, he is still the leader of Wufengnengyue, such a comparison makes him feel inferior, is he worthy of being the leader!

Trapped in the crisis of destroying the world before, everything he did in the mortal world was a help, worthy of the title of Wu Feng Nong Yue.But after the end of the crisis of annihilation, he was busy with all kinds of complicated government affairs in Star Luo Continent all day long. These things made him very empty, but these things that made him empty almost took up all his time.

He doesn't want to be the emperor of the human race anymore, he doesn't want to waste his whole life on things that don't matter if he has him or not, and then Yuan Feiwu, Xueyue, Nangongfeng, and even Lin Beck, cut through the void one by one, in the heaven Or meet in the devil world.

He was left alone in the endless batch of memorials.

So he wants to let go of his status as the emperor of the human race, devote himself to cultivation, and strive to catch up with his partners who have left him far away.

In fact, he knew that as long as he asked for it, they must have a way to make him become a god quickly, but he didn't want to do it.If he did so, he would really feel that he was not qualified to stay in the Dance of the Wind and the Moon.

Okay, so here comes the question that makes him helpless.

It is difficult for the human race to be unified. If he abandons the throne at this time, who will succeed?He doesn't have any heirs, and if someone else inherits, there will definitely be people who will not be convinced, and eventually it will turn into a struggle for power and profit, and the race will be divided again.So confidantes like Marens Kun, Adam Kun and his son understood Ya Longjing’s feelings very well, and suggested that he cultivate a successor as soon as possible, so that he can abdicate like Alexander and let the virtuous do what he likes to do.

But wouldn't falling in love make him run out of time even more!Look at Xueyue and Nangongfeng, after falling in love, they spend all their time on their girlfriends!

He can't do things like using women as reproductive tools without love, so how can he find a successor?

As a result, it turned into an endless loop: if he wanted to turn off his work and concentrate on his cultivation, he had to choose something more time-consuming to replace it... One after another, it was going to drive him crazy.

So now it has become this lifeless look.

Anyway, Maude still has to thank Yanongjing for speaking up for him, even if it's not to save his life, but to worry about some unlucky problems...

"Tsk." Nangongfeng couldn't refute.

"If you really can't bear it anymore, why don't you wait until Fei Wu finishes toasting, then everyone shouldn't care?" Ya Nongjing murmured again after a while, looking very impatient, obviously Wanted to skip this topic quickly.

Hey, I have a lot to say!
Isn't it unlucky to see blood!

It means that after the toast, the protagonist doesn’t have to look back, so he won’t see his blood, right?This statement made him very disturbed!

He didn't intend to go back alive, but he hasn't completed the commission entrusted by Prince Richardson and the mission of venting his anger for the lady. Such an unjust death is pitiful!
Take heart, Emperor of the Human Race, don't just give up your original position!
"You can have this!" Nangongfeng clapped his hands, and stared at Maude again with an unkind expression.

Well, there is still no escape from this disaster.I'm sorry, Prince Richardson, for not being able to share your worries for the last time; sorry, Miss, for not being able to fight for your injustice...

"The atmosphere here seems to be pretty good."

A voice sounded from far to near, and Maud had just started to play the inner drama and was about to have a last moment of sadness before dying, but when he heard such ironic words, he burst into anger!

I didn't see that the oiran was on fire just now!Didn't see Nangong Feng's stinky face!I didn't see Ya Longjing's decadent look on the verge of death!I didn't see my grief-stricken expression!Where is the atmosphere? !

Maude turned his head angrily to see who was so ignorant, and turned his head to meet a pair of bottomless black pupils.

"Huh? It's Lord Morde? Prince Richardson sent you to represent him, right? Welcome." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"Yes, I am the representative of Prince Richardson's family..." Maud said in a distracted manner, not knowing what he was talking about.

Yuan Feiwu is holding Ophelia's red wedding dress in his left arm, Lucia in a gray wedding dress in his right hand, and himself wearing a black dress. As the three protagonists today, their handsomeness and beauty don't need to be described at all.

Maude himself didn't know why, seeing Yuan Feiwu standing in front of him alive, his eyes got wet uncontrollably.Nose sore, tears fell down involuntarily.

His mind kept turning over and over, recalling everything Yuan Feiwu had done for this world.One of his main tasks in daily life is to help Prince Richardson collect any information related to Yuan Feiwu, and he basically knows what Yuan Feiwu has done in Star Luo Continent.

He has always wanted to understand, what kind of conspiracy does this guy have been helping everyone selflessly?He once suspected that he was a spy of the devil world in order to deceive the trust of human beings.

But now that he has gone through so many things, of course Maude will no longer have such ignorant thoughts.This person is actually such a nosy, dedicated fool.

The air seemed to be still, and suddenly there was no sound. Everyone looked at Maude who suddenly lost control of his emotions. In the quiet field, he choked back his sobs and made a humming sound, which spread far away.

His long memories were fixed on that day, when the scarred Yuan Feiwu appeared in despair with all the demon gods in the mortal world.He forcibly saved the king of gods in an involuntary and domineering way; with unrelenting faith, he rushed to the sky and disappeared into the sky with the ruler of chaos; fight to the end.

At that moment, Maude, who was watching all this, had only one thought in his mind: no matter what, Lord Demon King, you must come back alive!

Now, Lord Demon King is back in full!Moreover, how could Maude not be moved by forming a bond with a beautiful woman who can be matched with him?

I'm really sorry, Prince Richardson, and Miss Tarena... I really can't do anything to slander such a Lord Demon King.

Maude stood up abruptly, raised his wine glass, and said loudly with a crying voice that could not be concealed: "I wish you a happy union for a hundred years! I say from the bottom of my heart, Yuan Feiwu, it's great that you can come back alive!!! "

It's so good... so good... so good...

Maude's voice wafted over the empty Stonled Great Abyss, and he was afraid that his head would be chopped off by Silas in the next second, so he quickly poured all the wine in the glass into his mouth, so that the blessing could be fully conveyed go out.

Swallowing the toast, he smiled, in this way, he will die without regret...

Ping-pong sound...

The empty cup in Maud's hand fell to the ground, and his body fell lightly...and never got up again.

(End of this chapter)

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