Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 918 After the Wedding

Chapter 918 After the Wedding
"Husband, you really chopped him up!" Scarlet Moon who was sitting beside Silas asked Silas nervously when she saw Maud collapsed without warning.

"I didn't do anything!" Silas smiled wryly, "Lester didn't tell me this kind of thing in advance, it was all Lester who lied to him, I just cooperated with Lester wisely to scare him He, lest there be any unpleasant things."

"It's a fuss, it's just drunk. This is the moon dew wine from the heavens. Although it's diluted with water, it's still hard for ordinary people to take a sip." Lin Becker didn't know when he popped up, a magic power was sent out, and he fell to the ground crying The snotty Maude was bounced to a certain corner by a stone pillar, and there was already a big man sleeping in that corner, and the two guys piled up like an arhat, which was also a mark for this banquet. A drunk man handled the venue. As a Northway person, he was lucky to be able to lie down with Northway's ancestors. "It happens that I don't have a place to sit, so I will sit here."

After finishing speaking, Lin Beck took Maude's place honestly.

"As Fei Wu said, the atmosphere here is really good." Lin Beck found himself another glass of wine and said with a smile.

After Yuan Feiwu appeared, Ya Nongjing and Nangong Feng seemed to be different people, and their faces were radiant.Lin Beck can't see their appearance, but he can feel their feelings more accurately in his heart.

"That guy said something pleasant." Nangong Feng raised his glass neatly, "It's great that you came back alive!"

Everyone also got up one after another, offered their blessings, and slammed their wine glasses.

That's right, any troubles don't matter, there is nothing in the world that makes them care more than this!
The toasting proceeded in an orderly manner. Yuan Feiwu led the two beautiful wives to toast table by table, and the two handsome blond twins who looked exactly the same kept following behind them, refilling their drinks, which perfectly complemented each other.

"Master Demon King, I want to make a small report! Lucifer's rebellion has passed!" Beelzebub and other great demon gods finally waited until Lord Demon King arrived, and finally found someone to appeal to the grievances that had been held back for a long time.

"Misunderstood?" Yuan Feiwu said to the point.

"There is no betrayal, but stay away from them for the sake of Moon Dew, Lord Demon King." Lucifer at the next table quickly stood up and said honestly.

"It's not fair!" "We also want moon dew wine!" Those great demon gods had no choice but to express their wishes openly.

"Feiwu, we don't have many left!" Thunder God of War said hastily.

For Yuan Feiwu, a good friend of the Wingless God, they provided Moondew Wine for the entire banquet, which had already used up most of their savings.It will take more than 900 years for the next day to make Moon Dew wine, which is very difficult!
"How about this, I will discuss with you. Let them drink all the wine. There are nine moons in the Demon Realm. In a few days, you will go to the Demon Realm with us to brew a new batch of Moon Dew Wine. I’ll be traveling in the Devil World for a while, and I’ll do my best to entertain everyone as a landlord!”

"Huh?!" The wingless gods widened their eyes after hearing this.

How rich would the moon dew wine brewed by the nine moons be? !

Yuan Feiwu's proposal moved them greatly!
Later, Guangshen agreed without hesitation, asking everyone to contribute the rest of Yuelujiu's belongings!
When the demon gods got the supply of Moon Dew wine, there was no more nonsense, and they suddenly became happy.

If Maude is still awake, he will definitely feel that the third world war between gods and demons that he has been worrying about for so long is just a fart that the Lord Demon King can solve with a word!
"The Wingless God is going to the Demon Realm, won't you stop him?" Lucifer glanced at Yuriel and said with a cold snort.

"There's no need for that. If the Lord Demon King wants to harm the heavens, he doesn't need to win over the power of the Wingless God at all. It's probably just a matter of his one finger." Yulier didn't show a gloomy look this time.

Because it's not worth wasting his time to worry about, compared to the strength of Lord Demon King, it won't be a problem for the Wingless God to be won over by the Demon Realm or not.

"You are terribly rational at any time." Lucifer smiled and returned his attention to the wine glass.

He was also worried that Yuliyer was going into a dead end, so it was useless to worry.


"Master Demon King, I, Rudolph and Radish, are vulgar and don't know how to speak! Thank you again, you can do whatever you want after I finish drinking!"

"Well... I'm wearing a dress and they're wearing skirts, so you still have to admit the wrong person..."


"I agreed to get drunk next time we meet, but it's a pity that it's inconvenient for you to get drunk today."

"Balulu, Moshido, Jerez, there will be another time, the future will be long..."

"Hahaha! That's right!"


"You are finally back, Master Minghuo Mozun! Our family of black mages will always wait behind you until the day of the end of time, waiting for the call of Lord Minghuo Demon, and we will wipe out the wilderness together..."

"Although every time I feel like you are seriously ill, I am very grateful for your support. You have to work hard and practice, and I will wait for your breakthrough in the devil world... But please remember that you are the ones who control the dark elements. It's not the dark elements that control you..."

"Follow the instruction, Master Minghuo Demon Venerable!"


"Senior Feiwu...Senior Ophelia...Princess Lucia...I wish you a happy union for a hundred years..."

"What's the matter, even Vader, who loves jumping the most, is so downcast?"

"Senior Feiwu, are you going back to the Demon Realm? Will we never see Senior in the future?"

"Of course not, I will often wander around in the mortal world..."

"That's great! You still have a chance in Chuxia!"

"Shut up, Vader! Senior Flying Dance, just act as if you haven't heard anything or seen anything..."

"By the way, we'll give you a novel written by Nanxi some other day to see how shameless she is!"

"Ah!! Nunora, if you dare to do this, I'll kill you! Senior Feiwu, just pretend you haven't heard anything or seen anything..."

"Ha ha……"


Many encounters, from the day they started, are destined to become the most important part of life.

It took three days and three nights for the Demon King's wedding banquet to come to an end. During the period, it was lively and joyful, and until the end, there were still many people reluctant to leave.

Beside the mountains near the great abyss of Stonley, the eight great demon gods opened a space crack, and the Thunder God of War waved a small flag, followed by a group of wingless gods who were excited to travel like children. He was like a tour guide. You have to yell: "Follow me, follow me, don't run around and get lost!"

Ophelia and Lucia stood on the hillside, amusedly watching them messily busy.

"How long will it take for him to come back?" Lucia asked suddenly.

"Are you asking about now... or in the future?" Ophelia's smile gradually faded, her thoughts were complicated, "If it's now, it should be soon. I didn't expect that they had already married once... She is the one who is in our heart. The guy who is leading the race in front of me is so unexpected! If you ask about the future, I don’t know.”

"That's fine, with one more tie, he will work harder and come back alive." Lucia said lonely.

"It's okay, I'm just going to heal my wounds, and I will definitely come back safely!" Ophelia patted Lucia's shoulder to comfort her.

At the same time, he comforted himself.

In a gloomy old castle, a wheat-colored girl sat in front of the mirror in the room, dazed for most of the day.

(End of this chapter)

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