Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 920 Extra Story 2 Xanadu

Chapter 920 Extra Story 2 Xanadu
The five little ones were sneaking around outside a large manor. This place is in the mortal world, and it is on a high mountain like a paradise.

This place was discovered by Yuan Feiwu when Nunora accidentally met Yuan Feiwu to visit Principal Douglas at Landis School of Magic, and was invited by Yuan Feiwu.

It is said that this place is Yuan Feiwu's base in the mortal world, in a certain mountain range in Xingluo Continent.Of course the emperor of the human race knows this secret, but he also understands that this base must not be leaked out, so he deliberately set up secret whistles on the outskirts of the mountains to prevent anyone from entering by mistake.But in such a remote mountain wilderness, no one would run into it.

And here, they turned it into another "inhuman house" existence.

"Don't act like a thief, didn't you say you were invited by Fei Wu!"

Ya Nongjing said something loudly behind them, scaring them so much that they almost rolled down the hill together.

"Don't be so loud! Scary people to death! We are about to step into Senior Fei Wu's secret garden, and we are about to peep into Senior Fei Wu's private domain. My heart is 'thumping' excited! We may spy on Senior Fei Wu's nakedness at any time Run around!"

He was so frightened that his heart almost stopped, and even Vader couldn't help being angry and complaining to Yalongjing.

"Hey, although we are excited, it is definitely not because of the excitement of peeping... Only you pervert!" Nunora turned around and hit Vader's head violently.

"That's right, I'm just excited because the next novel can be used again." Nan Xi continued.


"Chu Xia is purely excited because unrequited love is about to be fulfilled." Alma explained for her ahead of Chu Xia.

"Get off!" Chu Xia was furious, and said three "roll" words in a gentle voice.

"Okay, come in quickly. The same goes for Feiwu. I invited you to be guests and forgot to tell you where you are. Fortunately, you can find me, otherwise it will become a bad check. How ugly." Ya Nongjing took the lead and moved forward. Walking over, he pushed open the gate of the manor, "I have asked Grandpa Zhenshan to teach me how to practice here for the past few days. I'm busy, so you can do whatever you want, and you don't have to be constrained to be your own home."

Ya Nongjing pushed open the door and ran away in a hurry, leaving the five little ones at the door in a daze.

"Did he mean to treat this place as his own home?" Nanxi turned around and confirmed with the others again.

"Hehehe, peeping at Senior Feiwu's daily life?" Vader laughed.

Nunora and the others were noncommittal, in fact, they acquiesced.

With such humming blushes and heartbeats, they entered the secret garden of the Lord Demon King together, but just stepped into the gate, they were stunned.

A man with a red scarf on his eyes stood not far from the gate, with a gentle smile on his face, he reached out and touched the head of the person in front of him, and then stuffed a beautiful small bag over.

The man nodded obediently to the man in the red scarf, and ran away lightly.

The most frightening thing is that the man has black and beautiful hair!

The hair is tied at the back of the head and turned into a refreshing ponytail. This hairstyle is so familiar to them!Who else could it be!

The five little ones immediately lowered their heads in anxiety as if they were caught doing something bad.She was planning to spy on others, but she was caught right after entering the door!No wonder people didn't hear their conversation just now!

However, why did that person just ignore them and just run away?

"I remember that you are Fei Wu's friends, right? Fei Wu already knew that you were coming, so he hurried to prepare the ingredients and planned to entertain you well tonight. He said that this process is a bit busy, so you should take care of yourself first, and he will Come and look for you." The man in the red scarf watched the man disappear from sight lightly, then came to the five little ones and said with a smile.

"Okay, Great Magister Linbeck!" The five little ones hurriedly greeted respectfully, and glanced at the direction where the man left from time to time.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that their attention had been on that side, Lin Beck asked curiously.

"Senior Feiwu, how did he become so short? About one meter over?"

Alma finally asked the questions in their hearts.

"Huh?" Lin Becker, who was as witty as he was, didn't expect Alma to ask such a question, "Don't you think that child just now is Fei Wu? Oh my god!"

"Child?!?! That black hair, could it be that..."

"Well, your IQ has finally returned to the normal range." Lin Beck smiled.

But that kind of caring smile made Wu Xiaozhi feel more traumatized in his heart!

Forget it, although the Great Magister Linbeck is loved by others, they also understand the problem of his bad personality very well. He is like a mixture of an angel and a demon, making people love and hate him.They still remembered that this guy led the iron-blooded mercenary group into the Landis School of Magic and took control of the entire school by force without saying hello in advance, scaring them into hiding in the corner for a long time!It turned out that it was just actual combat training. Can't Nima's actual combat training be a little gentler! !It's really bad!

No, my thoughts drifted away!

More important now is the kid! ! !

Although he didn't see his face, he was definitely the child of Senior Fei Wu! ! !Senior Fei Wu's black-haired gene is too strong, there is no way to misunderstand it! ! !

"He he he he is the crystallization of love between Senior Fei Wu and whom?" The five little ones asked excitedly.

"Hehe, anyway, you are very free now, why don't you go find the answer yourself?" Lin Beck seemed to think that this would be an interesting thing.

Well, go find it yourself...

Now that Lin Beck said so, the five little ones knew that it was impossible to get a direct answer from him.However, it seems very interesting to explore the mystery of the life experience of the senior Fei Wu's children secretly!
The five little ones who were about to leave excitedly were suddenly stopped by Lin Beck: "Wait, these are for you."

At the same time, there was a lump of something on the heads of the five little ones. They took it down and took a look. It was the same as the thing Lin Beck gave to the child just now, it was a delicate little bag.

When they opened it, they turned out to be some very high-end small candies, which should be the flavor of Bagal Province.

"Why did you send us this?" Nunora asked.

She was a little disappointed, this candy was actually bought, not made by Senior Fei Wu.If Senior Fei Wu did it, she would treat it as a treasure!

"It's Halloween today, don't you know?" After Lin Beck showed a caring smile for the mentally retarded, he suddenly realized, "By the way, you really don't know. It's a festival somewhere in Feiwu's hometown. The purpose of the festival is for me. Forgot, the most important thing is the content of the event. On this day, all children can visit others to ask for sweets and desserts. If adults don’t give them, they can make trouble! This festival has been used by some people somehow, and the requirements must be taken seriously , Speaking of which, we only have one child here, which is like a festival specially set up for him. I have prepared a lot of candies, and I will give you some."

"It's such an interesting holiday, hurry up and write it down..."

Nunora took out a thick notebook and wrote it down. She is the specialist who sorts out all the materials and history of the Hanging Demon King.There is almost nothing about the life experience of the Demon King, so this kind of information is very precious.

"Fei Wu has never had this kind of festival, it's just an anecdote from his hometown, don't make up things." Lin Beck said hastily.

The point here is the ulterior motives of "some people", not Fei Wu's history, it seems they haven't figured it out yet.

"Understood! But why did you give it to us? We are already...Age is a woman's secret!" Under everyone's gaze, Vader quickly changed his mouth and almost told everyone's real age.

"In my eyes, you are just children, haha. Go ahead and play, I'll excuse you first." Lin Beck waved his hand with a smile, and drifted away slowly.

Lynbeck (over 100 years old)
Five Little Ones (Thirty? Secret)
They are indeed children... The five little ones nodded silently at the same time, deeply satisfied with their status as "children".

This made them miss the time when they first met Senior Fei Wu, they were absolutely young "kids", so carefree.

"No, where's the kid!" Only then did the five little ones come to their senses, and quickly chased to the other side.


I didn't really want to write this little episode

But after thinking about it, many people still have some "obsessions", so let's write it down-. -
(End of this chapter)

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