Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 921 Extra Story 2 The Little Partner of the Halloween Chapter?

Chapter 921 Extra Story 2 Halloween buddies?
The five little ones chased it not far away, and found that little figure again among the endless crops.

Speaking of which, this manor is really vast, and it can actually grow so many crops.Under the blue sky and white clouds, when you walk to the edge of the manor, you can still see the entire green forest in the mountains, which is indescribably freehand.

But the five little eyes had no room for distraction, and carefully followed the black hair that occasionally appeared among the towering crops, for fear that it would disappear if they were not paying attention.

"Who is that?!" Alma turned her eyes to the direction the child was running to, but saw two beautiful big sisters standing deep in the farm.

One is charming from the bottom of her heart, while the other is as cold as ice, as if there are two extremes.

When they saw the child coming, they all put down the things in their hands and went up to greet him with smiles, showing uncontrollable doting on their faces.

"The taller one should be the goddess of ice and snow! It is said that senior Xueyue, the god of ice and snow, inherited the god of ice and snow, and the goddess of ice and snow left a trace of consciousness in that god. Later, senior Xueyue went to the place left by the goddess of ice and snow. The Heart of Frost was formed from the brainchild, so it was handed over to Senior Fei Wu to try to resurrect the Ice and Snow Goddess. Now it seems that it must have been successful! The other one is the elder Udora who is good at the charm branch of the black magician! She used to She once sneaked into the Wingless God and sneaked across the sea to the Demon Realm, but with her strength, she had no ability to protect herself in the Demon Realm. When Senior Fei Wu found out, his heart softened, so he took her by his side, and became one of the many suitors of Senior Fei Wu. A dark horse that stands out through stalking! Chu Xia, this should be your role model, if you take half of her initiative, Senior Fei Wu might bring you by his side!"

"Hey!" Chu Xia originally listened to Nu Nuola's introduction seriously, but she didn't expect to be stabbed in her weak spot by a carbine in the end. She was ashamed and angry, "I, What! If you take the initiative, you can definitely do it!"

Nu Nuola couldn't refute immediately after being beaten up by Chu Xia, and the others didn't dare to intervene, for fear of being dragged into the water.Who here dares to say that he has no thoughts about Senior Fei Wu at all!Otherwise, you wouldn't have let so many suitors ignore you and been single for so many years!
"Wait, I'm more curious, Nunora, how do you know so many things that we don't know?" Nanxi broke the topic with the question in his heart.

She, who writes novels with Senior Fei Wu as the protagonist, doesn't even know that Senior Fei Wu has so many personal affairs!

"I am in charge of compiling the history of the Demon King. Of course, I have to search for the information of Senior Fei Wu everywhere! There is no clue to the previous information, and occasionally I meet Senior Fei Wu and always forget to ask... But it is easy to find the source of the modern history of Lord Demon King." Nuo Ra replied.

"Ah? Where is the source?"

"Senior Silas, that guy often follows Senior Feiwu, and his wife, Senior Feiyue, lives in the capital. As long as I guard Senior Feiyue and wait for Senior Silas to appear, I can ask about the current situation! Therefore, Lord Demon King The modern history is relatively complete!"

"Yes!" The four girls suddenly realized.

"However, this matter is not as easy as you imagined. I have been around Senior Silas all day, and Senior Crimson Moon has doubted whether I want to be a mistress several times..." Nunora showed frustration.

The other four daughters patted her on the shoulder to show comfort when they heard this. Being misunderstood like this really makes people feel extremely frustrated. (Silas: Hey!)

"Who are these people?" "I don't know, but they are sneaky, they must not be good people."

The fifth child was so fascinated by the topic of frustration, he didn't realize that there were two more people behind him silently, and he was startled when he turned around suddenly.

Two four-winged fallen angels floated behind them, with the same blond hair, the same noble temperament as a prince, and the same handsome face with a pair of purple pupils revealing a dangerous atmosphere.

"Wait, we are good people!" Vader shouted anxiously when he saw the gesture of the other party's claws.

"You guys are not good people! I didn't expect to be discovered by you even if I concealed my aura, so... are you ready to face me head-on?"

A childish but extremely firm voice suddenly sounded from behind the five little ones. When they looked back, their eyes subconsciously opened extremely large.

When did Senior Fei Wu's child come over?I was not mentally prepared for a face-to-face confrontation at all! !
He stood behind them, wearing shorts and shorts. Under the trousers, a large section of perfectly proportioned white long legs was exposed. Underneath was a pair of black boots. The proportion of the legs was quite easy to cause nosebleeds.His facial features are nearly [-]% similar to Yuan Feiwu's, his naturally hanging bangs are slightly longer than Yuan Feiwu's, the length of his eyelashes will make all girls crazy with jealousy, and his skin is rosy and flawless.What is quite different is that pair of black and clear eyes. Yuan Feiwu's eyes are gentler and more mysterious, while this child's eyes are somewhat sharp and firm.

Standing beside the child was a black antique scabbard, the blade was a few points higher than his body, leaning against his side.He raised his hands high, gripping the hilt of the sword tightly, leaning his body slightly, his eyes deviated from the five little ones and looked up.

When they realized that they were not looking at them, the five little ones realized that they were not what the child said about "get ready"!
"Calm down, uncles are just following orders!" "There are quite a lot of sweets prepared there, don't you like sweets the most, shall we take you to enjoy the world of sweets?" The twins saw the child very vigilantly. Staring at them, he immediately ignored the five little ones, and said softly to the children together, with a delicate smile like a flower on his face.

"not good at all!"

The child suddenly pulled out the ancient sword standing on the ground, and the calm blade swung across the ground, then lifted it up from the other direction like flowing water, and inserted it back into the scabbard.

Just as the blade drew a circle, a black divine power surged up, like a beast that couldn't wait to eat, and rushed towards the five little ones.

"Break the wind and lift into the air!"

The little cherry lips raised slightly, whispering, revealing a slight smile.

The black divine power was about to pounce on the five little ones, but it gradually flew higher and higher, and suddenly flew over their heads like a tornado, sweeping towards the two floating behind them.

Sometimes it was fast and then it was slow, the burst of divine power was very fast, and before the five little ones could react, they heard the endless screams from behind.Until the figures of the two fallen angels disappeared into the sky, they could still hear their voices in unison: "We will come back!"

"Don't come back!" said the child helplessly.

The five little ones didn't care if they came back or not, they were all taken away by that faint smile!

Only then did they realize that there was another big difference between this child and Senior Fei Wu!

That's a smile!
Senior Feiwu has always had a warm smile on his face, but this kid is not. The calmness that does not match his actual age makes his occasional smile even more explosive charm!

"The latest novel is about the cute baby we gave birth to..." Nanxi murmured.

"I feel like I'm going to change my mind..." Vader then said in a daze, "I'm willing to wait for him to be 18...Of course, I can also accept it at a taboo age..."

"Hey, Vader, your thinking is very dangerous!" Nunora still had a sliver of reason, "Let's quickly think about how to say hello to him!"

"Who are you?" The child hung the sheathed ancient sword across his waist, showing a very contradictory proportion between the man and the sword, walking towards the five little ones like a cross.

When the five little ones were about to speak, the child's eyes softened a lot, and he said softly: "Are you friends invited by Uncle Shell to participate in Halloween? That's how it is. This is the first time you have come to our house Well, it's very easy to get lost here, would you like me to take you to perform Halloween activities?"

"Ah...following you, we are all willing..." The five little ones lost their souls one by one in front of that intoxicating face.

Nunora shook her head to bring herself back to her senses. He had already discovered that the child had misunderstood, because they were also holding the exquisite small bag from Linbeck, so they misunderstood that they were also children who came to participate in Halloween... But this kind of misunderstanding She doesn't mind, it means they still look very young!

It's a good feeling to be the same generation as the children of Senior Fei Wu!
"My name is Nunora, and their names are Alma, Nanxi, Chuxia, and Vida. What's your name?" Nunora asked the child dotingly.

The children of Senior Fei Wu are as cute as Senior Fei Wu, how could they not pamper them!But you must restrain the urge to touch his head, or you will be regarded as a pervert!
"Me? My name is Yuan Xiaowu, just call me Xiaowu."

Yuan Xiao... Xiao Wu? ! ? ! ?
Nunora froze in place as if struck by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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