Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 922 Extra Story 2 How much do you know about unofficial history

Chapter 922 Extra Story 2 How much do you know about unofficial history

Yuan Xiaowu (fictional), Yuan Feiwu's own sister (fictional), gender female (fictional), gentle, considerate and beautiful (fictional), derived from Ophelia's brother breaking into the dormitory suddenly (fictional), because Athena The belly is dark and implemented (fictional).Yuan Xiaowu can be said to have gathered everyone's imagination (fiction) of perfection...

That's right, Yuan Xiaowu is just a fictional character!It should be said that it is actually just the gender-transformed imagination of Senior Feiwu, and the perverted expectations and fantasies of quite a few people!
Now, they have actually created (?) Yuan Xiaowu out of nowhere, allowing the illusion to shine into reality!And it seems that the appearance of this Yuan Xiaowu can completely take on the burden of this fictional character, which makes people feel surprised!

Senior Fei Wu's genes are indeed terrifyingly perfect!
I really want to have a baby with Senior Fei Wu...

Forehead!No, where did I think of it!

"What's the matter, Nunora?"

Nan Xi and the others saw that Nu Nuola was stunned by a name, and then blushed, and called Nu Nuola one after another.

"No, nothing!"

Nunora came back to her senses, the source of Xiaowu’s information was collected because she had been compiling the history of the Demon King, and its authenticity has been verified (Adam Kun’s insane testimony), because it seems to be just a A lot of people's minds are distorted to produce illusions, and they are considering whether to include it in the history of demon kings.

So for "Yuan Xiaowu", Nu Nuola understands the meaning better, but the others don't.

It's better not to explain this kind of thing to them in detail, especially Nanxi, who knows that this setting will stimulate her to write a terrible new plot in her next novel.

"Sister Nunora, are you not feeling well?" Seeing that Nunora was a little dazed, Yuan Xiaowu suddenly moved closer, her skin that could be broken by blows was very close to her.! ! !
Nu Nuola was being dazzled by the beauty in front of her eyes, coupled with a beautiful "sister", the girl's heart was directly broken into pieces.

"Xiao Wu... Oh, Xiao Wu, I'll give you whatever you want, sister! I'll give you everything!"

As the most sensible of the five little ones, Nunora hugged Yuan Xiaowu tightly in her arms and rubbed her face vigorously.For this elder sister, she dared to fight against the sky!

Nanxi and the others were also shattered by the cry of their sister. Looking at the face that was almost [-]% similar to Yuan Feiwu, they couldn't help shouting in their hearts: I am a big grass, and I can still play like this!

They all took the opportunity to rush up and hug Yuan Xiaowu tightly, making him call her sister one by one.

In a sense, they have also entered the ranks of perverts who are full of fantasies and expectations about Yuan Xiaowu.

"If you don't let go, I won't go with you!" Yuan Xiaowu struggled and shouted.

However, his expression was relatively indifferent, as if he was used to such situations.

"Yes, yes, yes!" After being promoted to become the fifth young lady, the five little ones were even more obedient than before, fearing to make Yuan Xiaowu angry, she immediately stood up straight.

"By the way, what happened when you knocked those two fallen angels into the air just now?" Nunora asked with concern immediately after regaining her senses.

According to Lin Beck's introduction when they came in, today should be regarded as a festival tailored only for Yuan Xiaowu, and it shouldn't be a battle.

"Well... those two are the minions of the terrible big boss. I wanted to pretend to be sick and pretend that I slept in the house for a day, but I didn't expect to be discovered by sneaking out to complete the Halloween visit task. This is very difficult. It seems that we must Let's go to her lair..." Yuan Xiaowu had a look of worry on his face.

"What? Scary big boss?! Who is it? It doesn't matter, Sister Vader will protect you!"

Vader patted his chest hard, seeing the beloved Yuan Xiaowu, his mother's love overflowed.

It felt like Senior Fei Wu showed her a pitiful expression asking for help, there was no way not to feel protective!

This kind of lethality is too terrifying!

"Who is it? Her eyes are full of greed and desire, her red hair is like blood, her smile is evil and terrifying..." Yuan Xiaowu seemed to be caught in a terrible memory.

"Is it really okay for you to say that, Senior Ophelia?" Nunora guessed the answer suddenly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Hearing this taboo-like name, Yuan Xiaowu couldn't help but shuddered, her slender and fair calf turned into a little girl, coupled with that somewhat panicked look, almost caused two rows of nosebleeds on the five young ladies.

Nunora was very curious as to what strange thing Senior Ophelia did to Yuan Xiaowu, which cast such a heavy psychological shadow on him.

But she was even more curious: "No, the two fallen angels just now should be brothers Patreon and Patridge. There is no way my intelligence could be wrong. Their deeds were compiled into the history of the demon king by myself. Yes... they are the minions of Princess Lucia, right? How did they get to the camp of senior Ophelia?"

Seeing Yuan Xiaowu with a question mark on her head seemed unable to give her an explanation, Nu Nuola had no choice but to give up.

"Nunora, now is not the time to think about these issues! Come on, Xiao Wu, we will guard by your side, and we will be with you!" Vader yelled enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I feel more at ease with you here." Yuan Xiaowu showed a reassuring smile.

Regardless of the strength of these young ladies, this kind of vitality alone made Yuan Xiaowu feel hazy in her heart.

Now Yuan Xiaowu's reassuring smile was exactly the same as Yuan Feiwu's usual smile, and the five young ladies looked nostalgic.

If Senior Fei Wu was so easy to coax back then, they would definitely have kidnapped him without hesitation, what a pity, a pity!Hey, if Senior Ophelia hadn't rushed in suddenly at that time, she might have been abducted by them! !

That said, although it's disrespectful, senior Ophelia is quite like a big boss or something...

Well, could it be that now is God giving them another chance to defeat the big boss and abduct Yuan Xiaowu! ?
Without giving the five young ladies much time to fantasize, Yuan Xiaowu suddenly stood still, and the group of them stopped outside an independent villa.

The large estate has one of these villas in picturesque locations at regular intervals.For example, the large crop area they went to just now has a similar villa next to it.

"Big boss, that's not right, is Senior Ophelia's lair here?" Elma asked curiously.

Called the wrong big boss and found out that he called it wrong, but didn't he correct the name of the lair?Hurry up and apologize to Senior Ophelia who lives in the lair!Must there be so many slots!Nunora couldn't help complaining silently in her heart.

"No, this is Mother Tarena's residence. I happened to be passing by. Now that you're here, let's visit Mother Tarena first. Mother Tarena makes me feel safe!" Yuan Xiaowu said, and ran to There's a knock on the door.

"Mother Tarena? Could it be that Xiao Wu actually belongs to Miss Tarena..." Chu Xia murmured.

"No, if it's Miss Tarena's child, no matter how powerful Senior Fei Wu's genes are, Xiao Wu's skin color shouldn't be so white...I'm not saying that the skin color is bad!" In the eyes of other people Nunora had to add an explanation, "Also, I think I've already guessed whose child he is..."

"Ah? Who?"

"Give me a hint: the sword, and the long legs with exaggerated proportions."

Nu Nuola, who studies the history of demon kings, of course knows a lot of unofficial history that Chu Xia and the others did not know, including the story of Dachanglegs and Yuan Feiwu, and Yuan Xiaowu's black ancient clothes that are disproportionate to her young body. The story of the sword.

"Sword? Long legs?"

But these two things, the rest of them are not very clear.

On the other side, under Yuan Xiaowu's knock on the door, the door was quickly opened.

"Mother Tarena! No sugar, no trouble!"

Yuan Xiaowu's bright smile, as if the holy light descended, was completely different from the appearance when she heard Ophelia's name just now!
(End of this chapter)

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