Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 923 Extra Story 2 Slowly Activated Some Strange Attributes

Chapter 923 Extra Story 2 Slowly Activated Some Strange Attributes

"Sure enough, he is an uneducated wild child, and his speech has no cultivation..."

A tall, thin man with a stooped back, a scruffy beard, and a manic-looking eye.After the door of the villa was opened, he stood there, sneered and looked at Yuan Xiaowu outside the door.

"Grandpa Richardson!" Yuan Xiaowu shouted sweetly.


Prince Richardson, oh, has already resigned. Mr. Richardson snorted coldly, walked into the house with a sullen face, and let the door pass.

"This too much! What a shitty prince! Mingming Yuan Xiaowu is so cute and cute, yet he dares to show off! He definitely wasn't born to Miss Tarena, otherwise how could there be such a grandfather!" The five young ladies said. He quickly followed Yuan Xiaowu into the house, defending Yuan Xiaowu, feeling very depressed.

"Hey, father, you're here again..." Tarena hurried down the stairs, and just happened to see Richardson swinging back to the living room with his hands behind his back. Xiao Wu won’t come to play with you anymore!”

Ta Lena no longer wears a veil, revealing very deep and beautiful facial features, coupled with a wheat-colored complexion and a plump figure, her whole body exudes the radiance of happiness indulging in love, and the five young ladies feel as if she appeared To make oneself very humble dazzling.

Tarena's complaint hit a straight ball that hit Prince Richardson deep inside.

There was a loud bang, and Richardson, who was shaken in his mood, seemed to be in a daze and kicked his toe to the closet in the living room. The loud sound was so loud that those who heard it were sad and those who listened to tears. Unconsciously, his toes seemed to be a little painful...

But Richardson was very strong, insisting on not groaning, and rushed up the stairs unsteadily, and then there was a loud slamming sound of the door.

"Um...Miss Tarena, it's not like you don't know that Prince Richardson is so arrogant. Your words hurt his heart." A person walked out from the corridor on the other side of the living room, just in time to see this In the first scene, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "It is estimated that Master Richardson's glass heart is broken in a mess at this moment, and he is crying in the room, right? If Xiao Wu doesn't play with him in the future, he will definitely cry to death."

"Prince Maud, it is precisely because he knows that he should rectify his incorrect values. Xiao Wu is still so young, what should I do if I learn a little bit of my father's bad habits?" Tarena said with a sigh.

"Eh...Although I'm sorry, Mrs. Richardson, but you're right." Maude rubbed his nose and smiled. After being told by Tarena, he was also very worried that the lovely Yuan Xiaowu would be infected with Richardson's bad habits. That would make him blame himself, "But Miss Tarena, please don't call me prince anymore, I've been your subordinate for the rest of my life, and now I'm just acting prince, acting..."

The five young ladies were dumbfounded, um... so Mr. Richardson is super tsundere?I can't see it at all, that decadent stinky face is very real no matter how you look at it.

Although Nunora is the person in charge of editing the history of the Demon Lord, the information has not been collected to such a trivial place.

"Mother Tarena, don't scare Grandpa Richardson, I like to play with him very much!" Yuan Xiaowu said suddenly.

Everyone didn't expect Yuan Xiaowu to speak for Richardson, and they showed eyes that couldn't help but love her.

"Although Grandpa Richardson often has a bad face, and when he sees me coming, he will immediately go back to the room and close the door to show me his face, but I know that all the gifts that I accidentally found in the house were given by him secretly, and as long as he knows that I came He hurried over to open the door!" Yuan Xiaowu said while recalling, "Grandfather Richardson is very funny, for example, I often pretend to leave, and then suddenly appear from behind the sofa, he will stagger and run back to the room, without shoes I don’t even know if I lost it; and sometimes he would provoke me to play games with him, and if I beat him without letting go, he would run back to the room with red eyes, and would say something like ‘Xiao Wu is so proud’ before closing the door; After opening the gift and throwing it messily outside the door of his room, he would sneak out like a mouse and open the door, and I would yell, "Grandpa, I like this gift very much!" I got it! Every time I appreciate him running back to the room, it’s very interesting to say!"


Everyone put away their doting eyes and took a deep breath. Judging from what Yuan Xiaowu said, Richardson did subtly influence Yuan Xiaowu to produce many bad habits... But it's not to infect him with arrogance, but to activate Yuan Xiaowu Wu has a dark belly and S attribute!

"Although I'm still very sorry for Sir Richardson, but Uncle Maude still sincerely asks, Xiao Wu, you should come and play with Grandpa Richardson less..." Maud said sternly for the sake of Yuan Xiaowu's physical and mental health.

"Yes, yes, yes..." The five young ladies immediately expressed their opinions. They don't want to see Yuan Xiaowu's cute and beautiful face, but a heart with a dark belly...just as cute as his father. !Don't mutate!
"Hi, Nunora, Nanxi, Alma, Vida, Chuxia, I'm sorry for letting the juniors see my father's ugly face." Tarena only had time to greet the five young ladies at this time.

Ta Lena naturally knew these five elementary school girls. In the year when Yuan Feiwu returned to the Landis Academy of Magic, she dealt with them a lot. She didn't know how many hot pot parties were held for various reasons. .

It may be Aiwujiwuba. Seeing that Yuan Feiwu loves these elementary school girls very much, Tarena also loves them from the bottom of her heart.

"Hello Miss Tarena!" The five young ladies greeted in unison.

"By the way, I forgot about business! Mother Tarena, if I don't give you candy, I'm going to make trouble!"

Yuan Xiaowu leaned close to Tarena's side, about waist height, hugged Tarena and rubbed her face on Tarena's waist acting coquettishly, which made Tarena smile coquettishly.

It can be seen that Yuan Xiaowu and Tarena are very close.

The kiss was so close that Nunora began to wonder if her deduction was wrong. Could it be that Yuan Xiaowu was indeed Tarena's child?
"I can't get it if you hold me like this! Prince Maude, help me get it..."

Tarena hadn't finished speaking yet, Maud was already carrying a large pile of exquisite dessert boxes stacked almost to the ceiling, and wobbled back to the living room with great difficulty, and he was relieved until he placed them on the ground smoothly.

"Why so many?" Tarena asked in surprise.

The five young ladies didn't expect Tarena to exclaim for them. They thought it was Tarena who prepared it. There are so many desserts to scare people to death!

"Prince Richardson asked his subordinates to go down early in the morning to prepare, otherwise why would the subordinates make a special trip to be a guest today? Just to bring these large bags up!" Maud smiled wryly.

Although it is a peaceful age, it is also very busy to manage everything in your territory!How can there be so many leisurely and lazy people who come to this fairyland on earth to be lazy!

"Father, this is too much... Ah, it just so happens that Nunora and the others are here today, so let's share the things with them." Tarena clapped her hands and smiled, "In my eyes, all of you It's my little sister!"

"Thank you!"

The five little sisters couldn't see their eyes from laughing when they heard this. After all, they are already "beep-" years old, and they are certainly happy to be called little sisters by big beauties!
"Yeah, this is very good!" Yuan Xiaowu raised her head buried in Tarena's waist, expressing her agreement.

"Ahem!" But there was a discordant cough from upstairs, expressing objection.

"What if Xiao Wu ate so many sweets and got tooth decay? Are you responsible?" Tarena frowned unhappily and complained towards the stairs.

The door slammed shut, and the world fell silent again.

Although Richardson's pampering heart is very selfish, and he is unwilling to give up his gift to Yuan Xiaowu to others, but once it comes to Yuan Xiaowu's health problems, there is nothing to say, it is a big deal.

In fact, the five young ladies didn't really want these sweets that much, but Tarena was very kind, and even got into an awkward fight with Richardson because of this, so they didn't dare to refuse to say no to them under embarrassment, so they had to accept it.

There are too many things, and the five young ladies can't hang around in their hands like the small package that Lin Beck gave them before, and have to stuff them into their own storage space.

Fortunately, they are all magicians and have mastered the storage space, otherwise they really don't know how to store these gifts.

It took a lot of effort to do this well, and after looking back, Maud had already poured a cup of tea for each of them.

And Yuan Xiaowu has already slipped into Tarena's arms, and the two sat on the sofa and chatted intimately.

"Oh, it's already afternoon, it's getting late, why don't you take a bath with me first?"

The five young ladies just sat down with their tired bodies and were about to drink tea when they heard such an exciting conversation. They were shocked and almost threw out the teacups.

Is the daily chat already at the level of "come take a bath with me"? ? ! !

"Later, I have to go to the lair of the big boss later..." Yuan Xiaowu's mood seemed to plummet at this point.

"Want to go there? That's really tiring work, and it's useless to wash it now, so let's wait a little later." Tarena patted Yuan Xiaowu's head and said, "You were found out by pretending to be sick?"

"Yes, when I went to visit Kanova's mother-to-be and Aunt Yudora, I was spotted by the minions of the big boss..."

"Ah, what a pity... Now that I've been discovered, I have to go there both emotionally and rationally."

"That's right... Mama Tarena, will you accompany me?"

"Although I really want to, but when the 'Halloween' ceremony was set before, I had already made an agreement with the big boss that I couldn't interfere with each other's gift-giving process. I'm sorry, Xiao Wu."

Ta Lena hugged Yuan Xiaowu tightly in her arms, and buried his whole little face in the majestic bust.

So... even Tarena calls her a big boss!It feels like Ophelia-senpai has gotten countless arrows in her body today!
Ophelia-senpai is just a little tsundere, the level of tsundere is not as serious as Richardson, why has she become such a terrifying existence today!

(End of this chapter)

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