Bandit Camp

Chapter 102 Scam

Chapter 102 Scam
Back at the camp, Yan Xiwen arranged the training for the day, because the whole army is in the basic training stage, so his artillery subject has not yet started, so he has time to discuss the evidence of the injury with Ye Tufei.

Yan Xiwen showed Peng Youming's letter to Ye Tufei. After Ye Tufei read it, he said with a smile, "This Secretary Peng seems to be serious and a nerd, but he has as much guts as Brother Yan!"

Yan Xiwen said: "Stop joking, and find a way!"

Ye Tufei said: "I've thought about it all the way. According to Secretary Peng's request, I think it is very difficult to achieve, but Secretary Peng's intention and purpose are achievable."

Yan Xiwen said: "How do you say it? Brother Ye, don't be fooled, just say it out loud. Anyway, I have no choice but to do as you say."

Ye Tufei smiled, glanced at Shi Heizi, and said, "If brother Heizi goes back to his life, there is a good chance that this matter will be ruined. There is no way, brother Heizi can't tell lies! But if you, brother Yan, come on stage, this thing..."

Yan Xiwen laughed loudly, took Ye Tufei's words away, and said, "You just say that Brother Yan can tell lies, and if you can tell lies to be true, then it's over?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "That's what it means. You join forces with Secretary Peng, that, that..." Ye Tufei smacked his mouth, shook his head, his face was filled with admiration, "Then this show will be wonderful, No one would disbelieve it."

Yan Xiwen thought for a moment, and said: "This is indeed a solution. I can let go of the team's training in the past two days. Well, that's it. I'll take Heizi back."

Ye Tufei waved his hand, and said, "Brother Heizi can't go back. If he goes back, he won't be far from the gang. Heizi can stay here, I think, after you and Secretary Peng tricked Xueping here, you won't go back." Go back again."

Yan Xiwen said: "It makes sense, just listen to Brother Ye, then I'll set off now."

Nearly [-] miles away, even if Yan Xiwen rode a fast horse, it took more than ten hours to reach the Yimeng base.

It happened to be dinner time when we arrived.

Yan Xiwen didn't care to say hello to Peng Youming first, so he rushed into Lu Yao's office.

Lu Yao suddenly saw Yan Xiwen, who was pale and gloomy, and was startled. He wondered if there was an accident, so he rushed up to him, helped Yan Xiwen to sit down, and asked eagerly, "Old Yan, what are you doing?" La?"

Yan Xiwen's lips moved a few times, but he didn't say anything, he just sighed, and then two lines of bitter tears rolled down his face.

Lu Yao became even more flustered. At this time, he had already decided that something serious happened to Xuzhou, maybe it was Ye Tufei. . .Lu Yao didn't dare to think about it, so he just begged Yan Xiwen to tell the answer quickly.

Yan Xiwen had had enough acting, and finally said what Lu Yao was thinking: "Ye, Ye Tufei..."

Lu Yao was shocked again. Although he had expected this result, when Yan Xiwen said Ye Tufei's name, he still couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it.

"What's wrong with Ye Tufei?"

Yan Xiwen choked, and said: "He was seriously injured, and he is about to die!"

Lu Yao suddenly felt his body go limp, he quickly supported the back of the chair, and said, "What's going on here?"

Yan Xiwen wiped away his tears, and briefly talked about how Ye Tufei kidnapped the chief of staff of the Little Japanese Division in order to rescue more than [-] brothers in Erlangshan, and finally said: "During the explosion, Ye Tufei was hit in the back by a piece of bullet leather. A piece of bullet leather is very small, but it got into Ye Tufei's lungs, hey!"

Hearing this, Lu Yao couldn't sit still any longer. He pulled Yan Xiwen up and was about to go out.

Yan Xiwen asked: "Commander Lu, what do we want..."

Lu Yao replied impatiently: "Go to the hospital, gather the best doctors and medicines, and save Ye Tufei's life no matter what!"

Ten minutes later, Lu Yao appeared in front of Dean Lu with his guards and Yan Xiwen.

"Old Lu, who is your best doctor?"

Dean Lu was at a loss, not sure what Commander Lu's intentions were, and seemed a little hesitant: "The best doctor? Each doctor has their own strengths, so it's hard to say who is the best..."

Lu Yao interrupted Dean Lu impatiently: "Who is the most experienced in rescuing the traumatized?"

Dean Lu thought for a while and said, "Then, it should be Dr. Ouyang who just arrived, but she is..."

Lu Yao interrupted Dean Lu again: "Call Dr. Ouyang, and, you should go and prepare a batch of the best medical equipment and medicines immediately, they are urgently needed."

Just as he was talking, Dean Lu saw Ouyang Xueping walking past in the distance, and quickly stopped him.

After Ouyang Xueping came over, she saw Yan Xiwen and exclaimed in surprise: "Brother Yan, why are you back?"

Yan Xiwen sighed and turned his head to one side.

Peng Youming had previously disclosed to Ouyang Xueping the news that Ye Tufei might be injured. Seeing Yan Xiwen behave like this, Ouyang Xueping immediately understood that the news was true.

As if struck by lightning, Ouyang Xueping froze immediately.

Lu Yao slowed down his breath as much as possible, and said: "Don't be discouraged! After all, it's only a serious injury. If you can make it in time, you will be able to save Ye Tufei. I've seen this kid before. He looks so tough. Believe me, he will definitely die. No!"

Lu Yao's words didn't have any comforting effect, on the contrary, Ouyang Xueping's little remaining hope was completely shattered. She just stood there stiffly, letting the two lines of tears on her face flow down like two streams of mountain springs.

Dean Lu prepared the medical equipment and medicines as quickly as possible, packed them, and moved them here.

Lu Yao glanced at it, and asked worriedly, "Have you prepared penicillin yet?"

Dean Lu showed a look of embarrassment, and said: "I only prepared two, we have less than..."

Lu Yao didn't wait for Dean Lu to finish speaking, and ordered roughly: "I don't care how many you have left, bring them all to Dr. Ouyang!"

Dean Lu smiled wryly, stamped his feet, and went to carry out the order anyway.

Lu Yao then ordered the guards: "You go and inform Secretary Peng, let him gather his people immediately, escort Dr. Ouyang, and leave in half an hour."

When the guard went to notify Peng Youming, Peng Youming was wandering anxiously in the house, complaining constantly in his heart that Shi Heizi hadn't disappeared at this time.

The guard notified Peng Youming of Lu Yao's order to set off in half an hour, but he didn't explain the reason to Peng Youming.

This made Peng Youming furious, and cursed: "What is this wild donkey up to? This base belongs to him, Lu Yao? If you say to drive me away, will you drive me away? I don't believe this evil, I just come here and never leave !"

The guard hurriedly explained that it was Commander Lu who was eager to save people, and hoped that Secretary Peng could organize a team to escort Dr. Ouyang.

Hearing this, Peng Youming was pleasantly surprised. Although there were still many doubts behind the surprise, Peng Youming was absolutely ecstatic about the result alone.

But he still had a long face, and complained: "Who is it? Who is so rich and can be so anxious as Commander Lu?"

The guard had no choice but to tell the truth.

Peng Youming sighed, and said, "Okay then! My Lao Peng reluctantly helped me with this favor, and it can be regarded as my repayment for Commander Lu's hospitality these days."

When it was getting dark, all the preparations were done, and Peng Youming also met with Yan Xiwen.

The two of them really did what Ye Tufei said, they cooperated with each other tacitly, and performed a play seamlessly.

Lu Yao sent a group of people to the intersection. He held Peng Youming's hand and said, "Old Peng, I will entrust you with this journey. I will let you drive all night. My old Lu knows it well."

Peng Youming held back his laughter, and thought to himself, you wild ass has a fart, when you know the truth, hehehe.But on the surface, you have to pretend: "Don't worry, Commander Lu, we will definitely send Dr. Ouyang to Erlang Mountain as quickly as possible. No matter who Ye Tufei will be in the future, he will be a good player in fighting against Japan. This makes sense to me." Understand!"

Yan Xiwen frowned, and said: "It's all men, stop talking about it, Commander Lu, it's important to save people, so I'm leaving!"

As they said that, the group of people moved their legs and set off in the direction of Erlang Mountain.

Looking at the team gradually fading into the night, Lu Yao suddenly felt uneasy. At first, he thought it was because he was worried about their safety on the road, but after thinking about it, he felt that this uneasiness seemed to come from suspicion. He smiled wryly and shook his head. Shaking his head, he turned and went back.

Back at the house, Lu Yao picked up the cold meal and was about to take a bite when he suddenly came to his senses. He slapped his thigh and shouted secretly: "I've been fooled!"

But this awakening is still not 100% sure, so Lu Yao quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks, and ran to discuss with Yuan Wei.

After listening to Lu Yao's story, Yuan Wei said with a smile, "Wild donkey, wild donkey, you are really smart and confused for a while! You were fooled by Yan Xiwen and Peng Youming!"

After Lu Yao's last sliver of luck was destroyed by Yuan Wei, he was a little annoyed, he slammed the table suddenly, and shouted: "I'll send someone, hurry up and chase them back!"

Yuan Weidao: "Send someone to chase after you? Wild donkey, you should calm down and think about it. If this person is less sent, then Peng Youming will be obedient? If this person is sent too much, wouldn't he become an insider? Besides, you also I don't know which way they go!"

Lu Yao was very annoyed, and sat back to his original place resentfully, saying: "I can't just take advantage of them like this? No, I have to report to the chief!"

Yuan Wei smiled and said: "The report should be made, but not now. Think about it, what if it is true that Ye Tufei was injured?"

A glimmer of hope flashed in Lu Yao's eyes again, and he said, "Do you also think it might be true?"

Yuan Wei smiled wryly, and said: "Just in case, in case, one in ten thousand, wild donkey, you just admit it!"

Lu Yao's eyes burst into flames, and he shouted: "Let me suffer, Lu Yao? Am I, Lu Yao, the kind of person who knocks out his front teeth and swallows it in his stomach? When the truth of this matter comes to light, let's see how I deal with it." You two bastards! Hmph, if I don't let the two of them get hungry, I won't be named Lu!"

Yuan Wei smiled, opened the drawer, took out a pack of cigarettes, threw it to Lu Yao, and said, "Come on, don't think I don't know, your surname is not Lu, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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