Bandit Camp

Chapter 103

Chapter 103
The team of more than 30 people led by Peng Youming was originally Wei Xiangdong's guerrilla brigade. In the first battle of Jiajiawang, almost all casualties were lost. The original team of more than 200 people was left with the current [-] soldiers. come.

The other teams that participated in that battle all returned to their original activity area after a rest, but Wei Xiangdong took on other important tasks, and the command of this team temporarily belonged to Peng Youming, so they stayed in the base area.

It is inevitable that a team of more than 30 people will be more noisy when walking on the road, especially these more than 30 people are riding fast horses, but fortunately, they are traveling at night, as long as they avoid the official roads that Little Japan mainly patrols It is safe to choose some sideways to walk.

It's just that the speed of this march will inevitably be compromised.

Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen knew that this was just a show, so they were not in a hurry, but Ouyang Xueping was different. Ouyang Xueping, who was still kept in the dark, was very anxious and kept urging the big guys to hurry up, hurry up, and hurry up.

Yan Xiwen couldn't bear it, and wanted to tell Ouyang Xueping the truth several times, but was stopped by Peng Youming, "Now is not the time, old Yan, you know Ouyang's temperament, tell her the truth now, if you are not sure, she will Will turn around and go back, this girl's organization and discipline are much higher than our brothers!"

Yan Xiwen had no choice but to watch Ouyang Xueping worry and feel distressed.

After driving for more than 100 miles at a stretch, the people were tired and the horses were also tired. Someone suggested to find a place to shoot a sharp point and take a rest with a drink of water.

Ouyang Xueping was anxious and insisted on refusing to rest.

Yan Xiwen had no choice but to comfort him with words: "Sister, you have no experience in driving. If you keep walking like this, the speed will become slower and slower. When everyone is tired and lying down, you will not be able to walk if you want to. Why don't you walk?" Now hit the tip and gather some strength, this is like the saying, chopping wood is not a mistake to sharpen a knife!"

Only then did Ouyang Xueping agree.

After traveling for more than 400 miles and walking all night, the group arrived at Erlang Mountain until the next morning.

After entering the camp, Ouyang Xueping couldn't wait to grab a brother and asked, "How is your sixth master? Take me to see him!"

Yan Xiwen couldn't wait any longer, stepped forward and grabbed Ouyang Xueping, and said, "Sister, come here, Brother Yan has something to tell you."

Ouyang Xueping couldn't care less about talking to Yan Xiwen, she insisted on seeing Ye Tufei first, and then having surgery on him.

Seeing this, Peng Youming hurried forward and made it clear: "Doctor Ouyang, Ye Tufei was injured, we lied to you."

Hearing this, Ouyang Xueping actually started to cry, crying: "Is it Ye Tufei, he is dead?"

Yan Xiwen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to tell the truth, roughly telling the ins and outs of the matter.

Only then did Ouyang Xueping put away her tears, but her expression changed: "Your approach is wrong, you are deceiving the organization!"

Yan Xiwen laughed and explained: "Listen to me, sister, Ye Tufei is too important to our Xuzhou prefectural committee. Secretary Peng and I are alone and weak. All of them were captured by that wild donkey. If we lost you and Ye Tufei, the work would have to be postponed for at least three years. Sister, you also know the important role of Xuzhou in the entire war situation, and the work of our Xuzhou prefectural committee If it is not carried out, it will have an impact on the situation of the Anti-Japanese War in the whole country!"

Yan Xiwen escalated this battle of grabbing people to a higher level, and she really bluffed Ouyang Xueping. After all, this girl's family is a little simple. She slowed down and said, "That should also be reported to the organization through normal procedures. ah?"

Yan Xiwen sighed and said, "How do you know that we didn't respond to the organization according to the normal procedure?"

Ouyang Xueping's face became serious again, and said: "Brother Yan, since you have reported it to the organization, you should obey the organization's decision, how can you use deception to trick me here?"

Seeing that Yan Xiwen had slipped his mouth, Peng Youming hurried up to smooth things over: "You misunderstood, Doctor Ouyang, um, um, we did report the problem to the organization, but our vanity was too strong, and we didn't explain the crux of the matter clearly to the organization. Therefore, there was a misunderstanding in the organization. Later, Lao Yan and I wanted to explain clearly to the organization again, but it was not too late, you have already been assigned to the Yimeng base area, so we came up with such a bad plan and had no other purpose , I just want to borrow you to help me. Doctor Ouyang, you also know that our Xuzhou prefectural committee will make a comeback this time, and there must be many vicious battles. With you here, how many sacrifices can be reduced!"

Yan Xiwen continued: "Sister, we accept your criticism. When our Xuzhou prefectural committee stands firm, I promise to admit my mistakes to the organization and accept any punishment. I just hope that my sister can see that we have fought side by side for many years in the past. Help Yan Brother, do yourself a favor and stay here first, okay?"

To be honest, Ouyang Xueping’s request for Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen to stay is one hundred, one thousand or even ten thousand, but the organizational discipline cultivated over the years forced Ouyang Xueping to do the opposite. Decide.She shook her head and said, "I'd better go back! I hope you two leaders can admit your mistakes to the organization as soon as possible. As for my personal work arrangement, the organization's decision is my decision."

Ouyang Xueping's attitude was so resolute, which somewhat exceeded Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen's expectations. The two looked at each other, speechless for a while.

After a moment of stalemate, Yan Xiwen finally opened his mouth and said, "I'm too tired after walking this way, sister, even if you decide to go back, you don't care if it takes a day or two, even if you are hardworking, you don't feel tired. But our soldiers are fleshy, they need to rest!"

Seeing that Ouyang Xueping didn't show any sympathy, Yan Xiwen felt angry and said some harsh words unconsciously.

Ouyang Xueping shook her short hair stubbornly, and said, "I don't need your soldiers to escort me, I'll go back alone."

Peng Youming wanted to reconcile, but when he was about to speak, he heard Ye Tufei's voice: "Girl, Ouyang girl, what are you doing standing at the door? Don't tell me when you come!"

Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen let out a sigh of relief at the same time. They thought that things might turn around when Ye Tufei came.

But Ouyang Xueping didn't give Ye Tufei any face at all. Seeing Ye Tufei, she just asked coldly: "Did you participate in this matter?"

Ye Tufei was confused, and replied in a daze: "What's the matter? Please explain clearly!"

Ouyang Xueping glanced at Ye Tufei, then at Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen, and said angrily, "You three are lying to me!"

Yan Xiwen took a chance and gave Ye Tufei a wink, Ye Tufei understood, it seemed that the deception was exposed and the little girl was angry.

Ye Tufei laughed dryly twice, didn't he accompany her, thinking that this would bring back Ouyang Xueping's smile, but she didn't know that this girl didn't appreciate it, she just taught her a lesson: "Ye Tufei, pay attention to how to beat the little Japanese Okay? Just like you, you only think about crooked ways all day long, how can you lead the team well? You have suffered such a big loss from Takahashi Nobu, and you don’t think about how to get revenge, you just think about your own happiness, I really misjudged you!"

Ye Tufei was dumbfounded by the reprimand, and looked at Ouyang Xuepin with a blank face, thinking to himself, where did this come from?

Seeing that Ye Tufei's expression became ugly, Yan Xiwen quickly changed the subject and said, "Don't make a scene as soon as we meet. We'll talk about this matter later. The most important thing now is to hurry up and get something to eat. After traveling all night, this belly is almost stuck together."

Ye Tufei found the steps, and said: "I'll arrange the kitchen, they are all ready-made, at most half an hour, you should find a place to rest first!"

When everyone was eating, Ye Tufei was nowhere to be seen.

Ye Tufei was also angry. He, a big man, was reprimanded to pieces by a girl in front of so many people. Moreover, these reprimands were totally untenable and purely unreasonable. Ye Tufei decided to give Ouyang a cold shoulder. Xueping, let her know that the dignified Sixth Master Ye can completely leave her.

This cannot be blamed on Ye Tufei.

In today's world, since Ye Tufei entered the military camp, he has never been in a relationship for nearly ten years, and he doesn't understand a girl's mind at all.

Ouyang Xueping's anger was not aimed at Ye Tufei, on the contrary, when she knew that Ye Tufei was also involved in this scam, her heart was sweet, which showed that Ye Tufei had her in his heart.But the girl's mind is so weird, she is obviously happy in her heart, but she still wants to pretend to be angry.

In addition, because of the false news that Ye Tufei was seriously injured, Ouyang Xueping was worried for two whole days, especially on the way to Erlang Mountain, she kept praying in her heart, praying for Ye Tufei's good luck.This thought turned into a joke because of the truth of the matter, which made Ouyang Xueping somewhat annoyed.This kind of anger cannot be vented to the two leaders and comrades Peng Yan, so it can only be borne by Ye Tufei.

If Ye Tufei waited for Ouyang Xueping's anger to pass before saying a few soft words, Ouyang Xueping would be fine, and would even consider accepting the request of the two leaders, Peng and Yan, to stay in Erlang Mountain for a while.

However, until the meal was over, Ye Tufei still hid and disappeared.

Ouyang Xueping's self-esteem was severely bruised, she made up her mind and decided to return to Yimeng Mountain immediately.

Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen persuaded her, hoping that Ouyang Xueping could rest for a day or two before leaving, but Ouyang Xueping was determined and insisted on going on the road immediately.

In desperation, Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen had no choice but to kick the problem to Ye Tufei, and asked his soldiers to report to Ye Tufei immediately.

The soldier was not familiar with the place of birth, so he found Ye Tufei after asking a lot of people, and reported the matter, but in exchange for Ye Tufei's angry words: "If you want to leave, she is not from our Erlang Mountain bandit camp. I, Ye Tufei, are in charge." Leave her alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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