Bandit Camp

Chapter 104

Chapter 104
After the soldier came back to report, Yan Xiwen sighed and could only find Ye Tufei to do the work himself.

Ouyang Xueping and Peng Youming were left.When Yan Xiwen was present, Ouyang Xueping wanted to show the elder brother some face, but when facing Peng Youming alone, Ouyang Xueping didn't show any sympathy at all.

She put the salute she carried on the horse's back, got on the horse, and was about to leave.Peng Youming chased him out, held the reins firmly, and said, "Doctor Ouyang, can't you wait for Lao Yan to come back before making a decision?"

Ouyang Xueping didn't answer, she bit her lip and only cared about taking the rein from Peng Youming's hand.

Finally, Peng Youming couldn't hold back anymore, he threw off the rein, and said angrily: "You little girl, why are you so ignorant of things?"

Ouyang Xueping replied: "You are a high-ranking official, you don't care about organizational discipline when you do things, and you blame me for being ignorant?"

Peng Youming was choked and speechless.

In fact, Peng Youming's organization and discipline are no worse than anyone else's. However, he has been working on the front line for a long time and has come into contact with more enemies than comrades. This determines that people like him must be flexible. work style.

Like this time, in order to snatch talents, the fact that he and Yan Xiwen teamed up to deceive Lu Yao is not a big deal in many areas. Everyone knows that even Lu Yao, Yuan Wei, who were duped, just sent a message. It was just a complaint, and he didn't take it seriously or report it to the higher-ups.Just because of digging deeper, the history of Lu and Yuan is also not clean, and their methods of fighting for talents are no worse than Peng Yan.

However, Ouyang Xueping didn't understand these principles. She just believed in organizational principles and disciplines, which was very similar to Lu Yao's subordinate Chen Guang. The reason was that they were not on the front line.If they are also put on the front line, then they must either change their minds or die with honor.

Peng Youming was so choked that he couldn't speak, but Ouyang Xueping felt a little proud.In fact, in Ouyang Xueping's heart, she felt a little guilty about her stubbornness, but when she talked about things in an organizational and disciplined way, and made Peng Youming speechless, she had an illusion , that is, Peng Youming did make a mistake, and he couldn't argue with her because of his mistake.

This more or less made up for the guilt in my heart.

Peng Youming was pissed off, but he couldn't say that he wouldn't tell a little girl who hadn't been tested by the war about the particularity of front-line work, how dangerous it was, and how difficult it was. . .

The only thing he could do was to stand in front of Ouyang Xueping's horse and block the road.

That horse is human. To the horse, Peng Youming is a familiar owner, while Ouyang Xueping on his back is an unfamiliar owner. The familiar owner is standing in front of him now. Lift your legs.Of course the horse is more willing to listen to the master's orders, so no matter how Ouyang Xueping yells, the horse just refuses to move.

He persisted until Yan Xiwen rushed back.

"Let her go! A twisted melon is not sweet. Since she doesn't understand us, even if she stays, it doesn't make much sense." Yan Xiwen gave his opinion slowly, without any anger, only a sour taste.

Peng Youming was very puzzled by Yan Xiwen's attitude at first, but when he met Yan Xiwen's eyes, he immediately understood that this old fritter must have thought of a way to deal with Ouyang Xueping.

So, Peng Youming called a squad and asked the squad leader to send Ouyang Xueping back to Lu Yao's military division safely.

Ouyang Xueping finally got her wish and left the bandit camp, but when she left, there was no joy in her eyes, only sadness and loss.

After Ouyang Xueping left, Peng Youming hurriedly asked Yan Xiwen what good solution he had thought of.

Yan Xiwen smiled, and said: "I didn't think of a solution. It was Ye Tufei. He ordered all the gates of Erlang Mountain. Without his warrant, no one is allowed to go out of the mountain."

Peng Youming laughed loudly when he heard this, and said, "What a bad idea! Isn't this torturing the little girl?"

Yan Xiwen sighed, and said: "This girl's temper is too stubborn, it's better to toss her a little bit, and let her have a longer memory."

As the two talked, they returned to Yan Xiwen's room. Because the original camp was not spacious, more than 30 people came at once. There was no spare room for a while, so they could only arrange for Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen to squeeze into one room first.

The two had just discussed a few words about the development of future work, and saw Ye Tufei lift the curtain.

"Ah, Secretary Peng, I was sorry just now, but I couldn't take care of greeting you." Ye Tufei was not polite, and sat down on Yan Xiwen's bed. It seemed that the anger just now hadn't dissipated.

The topic naturally turned back to Ouyang Xueping.

Yan Xiwen looked embarrassed, and apologized: "My girl, just like this, has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, Brother Ye, don't take it to heart."

Ye Tufei smiled, the smile was full of helplessness, and said: "You say, I blocked the road and prevented her from leaving, will it make her even more angry?"

Peng Youming didn't know much about Ouyang Xueping's character, so he could only turn his attention to Yan Xiwen.

Yan Xiwen coughed dryly twice, and said: "It's possible, this girl is too stubborn!"

After hearing this, Ye Tufei stood up and was about to leave, Yan Xiwen asked, "Brother Ye, what are you going to do?"

Ye Tufei said: "I'll go chase her back, if this girl gets into a temper and has to leave, she might choose to take the mountain road, it's too dangerous!"

With that said, the person had already left the room.

It was really confirmed by Ye Tufei.

When Ouyang Xueping was stopped by her brothers at the intersection and was not allowed to leave Erlang Mountain, Ouyang Xueping gritted her teeth, dismounted, and handed the reins to the monitor of the guard squad. go.

The guard squad leader was at a loss and continued to follow Ouyang Xueping, obviously violating Peng Youming's order. Peng Youming only allowed them to take the trail back to Yimeng Mountain, but he didn't allow them to wander around in Erlang Mountain.If you don't continue to follow, you are afraid that Ouyang Xueping will have an accident.In desperation, the squad leader ordered a soldier to go back immediately to seek instructions from Secretary Peng, while the others stood by on the spot, while he chased after Ouyang Xueping.

When Ye Tufei came after them, the two had disappeared into the deep mountains.

Ye Tufei asked the direction, got off the horse, and chased after him.

After chasing him not far away, he turned back and borrowed a long gun and a dozen rounds of ammunition from the brothers at the checkpoint.

The reason why he borrowed guns and bullets was mainly because Ye Tufei thought that there would inevitably be some wild beasts in the deep mountains, but he was not afraid. What he was afraid of was that these wild beasts might scare Ouyang Xueping. Instead of fighting with bare hands, it would be better to kill them with one shot.

Although Ouyang Xueping and the squad leader disappeared, it couldn't be Ye Tufei, because he had received strict tracking training, not to mention two living people, even a small hare, Ye Tufei could still track them down. to its trace.

However, in this way, Ye Tufei's tracking speed dropped a lot, while Ouyang Xueping and the squad leader did not choose a path, going wherever it was convenient, once back and forth, the speeds of the former and the latter were almost the same up.

In this way, it has been chasing the sun to the west.Ye Tufei had already vaguely felt that Ouyang Xueping was not far ahead, and maybe in an hour or two, he would be able to catch up.

But at this time, the weather was not beautiful, and the originally sunny weather turned cloudy quickly, and the clouds continued to thicken.

Without the sun as a guide, Ouyang Xueping and the squad leader quickly lost their way. When they went around the mountain again, they lost their way. After a long circle, they turned their heads diagonally.

It didn't matter to Ye Tufei who was behind, but the problem was, it started raining not long after.

Although it is easier to find the traces in the rain, but in the distance between Ouyang Xueping and Ye Tufei, the traces were washed away by the rain so that they could no longer be distinguished.

Ye Tufei could only rely on his intuition to move forward.

At this time, the two sides were actually walking towards each other, and the distance was getting closer and closer, but Ye Tufei was halfway up the mountain, while Ouyang Xueping had already descended to the bottom of the mountain, and the actual distance between the two was less than 200 meters.

In the wind and rain, these 200 meters are equivalent to the distance of a lifetime. Seeing that Ye Tufei and Ouyang Xueping are going to cross each other, the distance is getting farther and farther.At this time, an accident happened. Ouyang Xueping slipped and fell into a depression at the foot of the mountain, and at the same time she let out a scream.

It stands to reason that at a distance of 200 meters, under the interference of wind and rain, Ye Tufei should not be able to hear it, but a miracle is a miracle, Ye Tufei not only heard it, but also recognized it as Ouyang Xueping's voice.

Ye Tufei immediately shouted at the highest volume, but did not hear the expected echo.Ye Tufei was not reconciled, and shouted again, it was still the same.

Ye Tufei wasn't discouraged, he was sure that the scream he heard just now was from Ouyang Xueping at the same time, and there was no response after that, which could only explain two possibilities, one is that Ouyang Xueping couldn't hear his cry, and the other is that Ouyang Xueping Ping should be in danger.Ye Tufei didn't hesitate anymore, he identified his direction, slid down the hill as fast as he could, and rushed to where Ouyang Xueping was just now.

The depression where Ouyang Xueping fell just now was not dangerous, and with the help of the squad leader, she quickly climbed up.After falling, Ouyang Xueping felt some pain, but she continued to move forward firmly.

In this way, when Ye Tufei arrived at the place where Ouyang Xueping fell just now, the distance between the two was more than 100 meters.

However, this is no longer a problem for Ye Tufei, because he has clearly seen the traces left by Ouyang Xueping. With the traces, there is a direction to follow. Catch up with Ouyang Xueping.

But at this time, the rain became heavier, and after a few thunderclaps, it turned into a torrential downpour.

At the foot of the mountain, foot-deep rainwater suddenly accumulated, and Ouyang Xueping's walking traces were all covered or washed away by the accumulated water.

Ye Tufei could only rely on his intuition once again, groping forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

(End of this chapter)

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