Bandit Camp

Chapter 105 Attacked

Chapter 105 Attacked
At this time, the distance between Ye Tufei and Ouyang Xueping was less than 50 meters, but they were in the bushes at the foot of the mountain, and the sky was dark and hazy, so they couldn't see clearly.

But Ye Tufei already sensed Ouyang Xueping's presence, he subconsciously accelerated his speed.

But they didn't know that the god of death had quietly arrived in front of them.

Two days ago, Ye Tufei, with the help of Yan Xiwen, made the city of Xuzhou quite noisy. Not only did he save the brother Erlangshan Jianghu who was detained by the little Japanese in Jiajiawang, but he also blew up the official residence of the chief of staff of the dignified division into ruins What made Takahashi Xin unbearable the most was that Ye Tufei didn't receive any punishment for his misdemeanor and retreated back to Mount Erlang safely.

Gao Qiaoxin couldn't swallow this breath, and wanted to mobilize troops to encircle Ye Tufei and annihilate him in one fell swoop.

However, he couldn't convince the head of the division. The head of the division believes that the most important thing at the moment is to ensure the safety of Xuzhou City and protect the normal operation of the Jinpu and Longhai railway lines. As for the big bandit in Erlang Mountain, as long as he Stop making trouble, and it's not a big deal to let it go for a while.

However, according to Takahashi Nobu's character, he was determined not to let it go.

Nobu Takahashi's mood directly affected Keigo Yamashita's mood, so he took the initiative to find Nobu Takahashi and discuss ways to deal with Ye Tufei together.

The two discussed for a whole night, but failed to come up with a perfect plan. In the end, Shin Takahashi decided to send a small team composed of agents, scouts, and snipers to infiltrate into the Erlang Mountain area to investigate Ye Tufei carefully. With the current situation, if possible, it would be great to catch one or two alive.

At this moment, this small team was lurking on the mountainside less than 200 meters away from Ye Tufei and Ouyang Xueping.

In the bushes, Ye Tufei couldn't see Ouyang Xueping, but on the mountainside, Little Japan could see Ouyang Xueping and the squad leader clearly.

Seeing an opportunity, the team leader of Little Japan ordered the snipers to cover in place, and the other five people dived down the mountain to catch the survivors.

At this time, Ouyang Xueping, who had lost her way completely, had the idea of ​​climbing up the mountain to see the direction clearly. After adjusting the direction in this way, she went against the Japanese team.

Just when the five members of the Japanese team rushed towards Ouyang Xueping and the squad leader from five angles at the same time, Ye Tufei arrived.

Ouyang Xueping suddenly saw a masked figure rushing out in front of her, she was startled, her whole body went limp at once, before the little Japan rushed over, she collapsed on the ground.When the little Japanese was observing Ouyang Xueping and the squad leader, he didn't distinguish between men and women at all. At this moment, when they met each other, they found that the person lying in front of them was actually a woman. It was really not in vain.

But this kind of thought was the flash of calcium carbide, and it disappeared after a flash, just because the little Japanese suddenly found a dagger stuck in his chest.

This little Japanese didn't understand where the dagger came from until he died.

Because they only found Ouyang Xueping and the squad leader halfway up the mountain, they were unaware of Ye Tufei, who was following them like a cheetah lurking in the bushes and walking low, so when they When they attacked Ouyang Xueping and the squad leader, they never expected that there would be reinforcements behind them.

What was even more unexpected was that the fighting power of this reinforcement was so powerful.

During the whole process, the Japanese sniper who could see the most clearly should be ambushing on the mountainside. However, this sniper only cared about his teammates and the two targets, and even ignored Ye Tufei who was not far away.When the sniper found Ye Tufei, it was too late, Ye Tufei and his teammates fought together.

As soon as Ye Tufei saw Ouyang Xueping's figure, there was a blur in front of his eyes, and several figures rushed towards him.Ye Tufei's reaction was extremely fast, he had already pulled out the dagger he was carrying with him and threw it at the figure closest to Ouyang Xueping, and then threw the spear on his shoulder at the one next to him.

The dagger pierced into the heart of the little Japanese who was throwing himself at Ouyang Xueping, and the butt of the spear hit another little Japanese on the forehead impartially. Before he had time to snort, he fell to the ground without moving.

He killed two of them before meeting each other, this is Ye Tufei's strength.

One of the little Japanese rushed towards the squad leader. Although the squad leader was not as good as Ye Tufei, he was also experienced in many battles. Although he was robbed of the initiative by the little Japanese, he fought to the death and was entangled with the little Japanese. .

The other two little Japanese just paused, but Ye Tufei took the initiative. Although the slashing palm failed, the edge of the palm was still brought to the little Japanese's jaw, causing the little Japanese's jaw to almost dislocate. .After a palm, he twisted his body, and with an incredible body twisting movement, he knelt down and punched the little Japanese behind him.

The little Japan behind him was about to launch an attack on Ye Tufei, holding a dagger, his whole body flew into the air, and rushed towards Ye Tufei.This movement seemed chic, but the door to his chest and abdomen was wide open, and he was in mid-air, so he couldn't dodge Ye Tufei's sudden punch at all.

Ye Tufei's punch just hit the triangle between the little Japan's ribs and sternum.

This triangular area is where the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and autonomic nerves of the human body meet. Ye Tufei didn't use his full strength for this punch, but that little Japan couldn't bear it.

After taking a punch, the little Japanese completely forgot the purpose of his original attack, knelt down in front of Ye Tufei with a thump, then threw forward again, burying his face in the rain-soaked ground.

The little Japanese who almost dislocated his jaw is the captain of this team, and those who can hold leadership positions are often those with outstanding abilities.This little Japanese is not only outstanding in fighting ability, and being able to dodge Ye Tufei's deadly palm proves that his skills are really good, but the captain's even more outstanding ability is to assess the situation. When he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately He ran away and lost his teammates who were still fighting to the death with the squad leader.

Ye Tufei didn't bother to chase after him, but turned around and put his foot on the forehead of the little Japanese who was strangling the squad leader's neck desperately.

Although this kick is not fatal, it is enough to stun.

Ye Tufei stretched out his hand to pull up the squad leader, and was about to turn around to help Ouyang Xueping, when the little Japanese sniper who had been lurking halfway up the mountain pulled the trigger.

Maybe it was affected by the wind and rain, or maybe it was because the dark sky affected the aiming accuracy, or maybe the little Japanese sniper's basic skills were not up to standard. Although the shot hit Ye Tufei's left chest, it was still far from the heart. a lot.

Ye Tufei was knocked down to the ground by that shot, the squad leader hurried over to help him, but heard another gunshot, the squad leader was shot in the head, fell beside Ye Tufei and died.

After only a moment of confusion, Ye Tufei immediately woke up. He knew that Little Japan had ambushed the sniper.

When Ye Tufei saw that Ouyang Xueping was about to stand up and come to rescue him, he exhausted all the strength left in his body, and suddenly rushed towards Ouyang Xueping, the two of them rolled and hugged each other, and fell into the bushes.

"Listen to me, don't move!" Ye Tufei fell into a coma after saying this in a weak but extremely stern tone.

Ouyang Xueping hugged Ye Tufei's body and lay down in the bushes. She really wanted to carry Ye Tufei back to the camp and use the scalpel in her hand to save Ye Tufei from the edge of death, but whenever she was about to act, Ye Tufei's words The words rang in my ears.

She could no longer disobey Ye Tufei's words.

She could only let her two lines of hot tears fall on Ye Tufei's delicate cheeks.

After the sniper fired two shots, he could no longer find the target. At this time, the team leader rushed over and gave him the order to retreat. The sniper immediately packed up his guns without hesitation and followed the team leader. The cat ducked and fled.

Fortunately, this place is not too far from the camp. Half an hour later, Zhang Luohui rushed to the battle scene with his brothers.

Seeing the injured Ye Tufei, Zhang Luohui ignored Ouyang Xueping's feelings, pulled her away, picked up Ye Tufei and ran towards the camp.

Ouyang Xueping chased after him, and shouted: "Stop the bleeding! Stop Ye Tufei's bleeding!"

When the two were avoiding the little Japanese sniper, Ouyang Xueping used her hands to press Ye Tufei's chest to stop the bleeding. Now that Zhang Luohui hugged her like this, the blood from the wound flowed out again.

Zhang Luohui realized his recklessness, stopped quickly, took off his shirt, tore it into strips of cloth, and with the help of Ouyang Xueping, wound up the penetrating wound on Ye Tufei's chest.

But the cloth strips torn from a jacket were not enough at all. Zhang Luohui got anxious and wanted to take off his pants when he stood up.

Ouyang Xueping was in a state of high tension, and she didn't realize that there was anything inappropriate about Zhang Luohui's move, but the brothers beside her realized the problem and quickly stopped Zhang Luohui.

The brothers took off their shirts one after another, and some of them were rolled into cloth balls by Ouyang Xueping and stuffed on Ye Tufei's wound, finally stopping the bleeding temporarily.

"Can't hug, can't carry, can only lift!" Although Ouyang Xueping was flustered, she still had medical knowledge. She knew that only lying flat can ensure that Ye Tufei's wound will not bleed quickly.

Zhang Luohui immediately greeted the brothers, gathered local materials, folded and chopped them, and got a few thick shrub branches, and tied them into a simple stretcher with the remaining strips of clothes and cloth.

Zhang Luohui, who has always been thick and stubborn, turned out to be very careful at this moment. He first lay on the stretcher and tried whether the stretcher could hold it, but found that his carefulness was not superfluous.

But the cloth strips torn from the coat have been used up.

Without hesitation, Zhang Luohui finally took off his trousers, ordering his brothers to take them off together while taking them off.

With the addition of more than ten pairs of torn trousers, the stretcher was finally strong enough. Zhang Luohui, with the help of several brothers, lifted Ye Tufeiping onto the stretcher, and carried it on his shoulders together, and ran back to the camp.

Fortunately, Dean Lu prepared very well at the beginning, and Ouyang Xueping almost didn't waste a minute before starting the operation.

(End of this chapter)

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