Bandit Camp

Chapter 106 Special Physique

Chapter 106 Special Physique
Ouyang Xueping did this operation for three hours.

This was the longest surgery of its kind that Ouyang Xueping had done. It wasn't because the surgery was too delicate, but because she couldn't control her hands at all.Therefore, this is also the operation she is most dissatisfied with.

Three hours later, Ouyang Xueping finally finished the last stitch, and walked out with a sad expression.

Outside the door, at least twenty big men greeted her, and surrounded Ouyang Xueping.

Everyone asked only one question: "Is the operation successful? Is Master Liu safe?"

Ouyang Xueping nodded silently, then shook her head silently.

Peng Youming couldn't take it anymore, and shouted with red eyes: "What's the matter, you should say something!"

Ouyang Xueping rolled down two teardrops, choked with sobs and tremblingly replied: "The operation is considered a success..."

Zhang Luohui interrupted Ouyang Xueping roughly, and shouted: "What do you mean? Are you counting or not?"

Yan Xiwen pressed Zhang Luohui: "Brother Luo Hui, please be calm and let Dr. Ouyang finish speaking."

Ouyang Xueping covered her eyes with her hands, shook her head desperately, but refused to say another word.

Yan Xiwen stepped forward to appease and said: "Sister, everyone is waiting for your news, so you can just say it, whether it is good or bad, we can accept it."

Ouyang Xueping calmed down after a while, let go of her hands, and said softly: "He lost a lot of blood, whether he can survive or not depends on himself."

Zhang Luohui yelled again: "Then can't you have a blood transfusion?"

Ouyang Xueping said: "I've already transfused [-] milliliters of blood, so it's useless to infuse more."

Zhang Luohui slammed his fist on the wall, breaking off a piece of the wall, and blood flowed from the back of his hand.

Yan Xiwen held back Zhang Luohui's second punch, and said, "Liu Ye is blessed with great destiny, and he will definitely survive, but aren't you afraid of affecting Liu Ye's rest?"

Zhang Luohui froze for a moment, hugged his head, and squatted down on the ground.

Yan Xiwen turned around and said to the brothers: "Don't get stuck here, everyone. Now is the most critical moment. I'm worried that Little Japan will take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack on us. Brothers, I have to work hard for you. Take your brothers and take all the Keep an eye on the direction."

The brothers nodded in agreement, but no one left.

Yan Xiwen got angry and scolded: "If the sixth master knows that you are so ignorant, why don't you take your skin off? I am the chief instructor appointed by the sixth master himself. Now that the sixth master is not here, my words are the most effective. I will order now You guys, go back immediately, get to your posts!"

When Yan Xiwen was not angry, everyone felt friendly with his laughing and joking demeanor, but when he got angry, his stern face and brows really made people tremble.

Yan Xiwen winked at Peng Youming again, and said, "Secretary Peng, you should go back with Brother Luo Hui first!"

Even though Peng Youming had a hundred reluctances, in order to get Zhang Luohui away, he accepted it.

Zhang Luohui was also shocked by Yan Xiwen's angry appearance just now, and followed Peng Youming back in a strange way.

Only Yan Xiwen and Ouyang Xueping were left.

"Sister, it's just the two of us now, tell the truth to my brother, how is Ye Tufei doing?"

Ouyang Xueping stared blankly at Yan Xiwen, and murmured: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Yan Xiwen took out a handkerchief and handed it to Ouyang Xueping, saying: "Now is not the time to regret, sister, you should tell me, what happened to Ye Tufei?"

Ouyang Xueping shook her head and said in a crying voice, "I don't know, I don't know."

Yan Xiwen stomped his feet, sighed heavily, and sat down on the bench in the corner.

At this moment, it was late at night, and it had been more than fifteen hours since Ouyang Xueping ate last time, plus she had consumed a lot during the day, so she suddenly suffered from hypoglycemia and fainted on the ground.

Yan Xiwen hurried forward to help Ouyang Xueping, calling repeatedly: "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Ouyang Xueping gritted her teeth tightly, her face was pale, no matter how Yan Xiwen called, she just couldn't wake up.

Yan Xiwen panicked, and hurriedly called to the room, hoping that someone would come out to help.

But the few medical staff left in the room were busy taking care of Ye Tufei, and none of them heard Yan Xiwen's call.

After a while, Ouyang Xueping woke up and begged Yan Xiwen with a weak voice: "Pour me a glass of water, put some sugar in the water, I may have hypoglycemia, drink sugar water and it will be fine."

Yan Xiwen hurried to find Tang to pour water.

When Yan Xiwen came back with a bowl of sugar water, Ouyang Xueping had already sat on a stool, and a man next to her was explaining to her endlessly: "Just let me go in and see Mr. Liu, my medical skills are not what we want It was passed down from family ancestors, and you also know it just now, I treated you with just one injection, I know that I am not as good as you in treating gunshot wounds, but after you had the operation, didn’t you just withdraw it? Tell me, our Xiang family's medical skills are very useful for those who suffer from blood loss..."

Yan Xiwen recognized the man, but he only remembered that the man's nickname was Bian Sparrow, but he forgot the name of Bian Sparrow.After Yan Xiwen came over, he handed the sugar water to Ouyang Xueping, and said, "What's the matter, Brother Flat Sparrow?"

Xiang Zhongju saw that the chief coach appointed by Master Liu had arrived, and hurriedly complained: "Brother Yan, you come and make the decision for me. I heard that Master Liu was injured by a gunshot wound and is still unconscious because of excessive blood loss. My ancestor uploaded He gave me a special method to treat blood loss, but this doctor Ouyang refused to let me see Liu Ye. Brother Yan, you can give me a certificate, did my Xiang family's medical skills come from blowing it up?"

Yan Xiwen said to Ouyang Xueping: "I have seen the medical skills of this flat sparrow, you can let him have a look, maybe he can really save Ye Tufei!"

Ouyang Xueping shook her head and said, "I don't believe in Chinese medicine!"

Xiang Zhongju was anxious, and said: "You don't believe in Chinese medicine? Then tell me, I saw you fainted just now, what kind of doctor did I use to wake you up?"

Ouyang Xueping said: "I'm just hypoglycemic. This kind of disease only needs some glucose supplementation. Even if you don't give me acupuncture, I can still wake up when Brother Yan brings this bowl of sugar water."

Xiang Zhongju was about to go crazy, pointed at Ouyang Xueping, and shouted at Yan Xiwen: "Brother Yan, listen to what she's talking about? Obviously I woke her up with acupuncture!"

Yan Xiwen turned to Ouyang Xueping and said, "How confident are you that Ye Tufei is now?"

Ouyang Xueping's lips parted several times, but she didn't answer after all, she just lowered her head.

Yan Xiwen's face turned serious, and said: "In this case, let the flat sparrow have a try. This is an organizational decision. I hope Comrade Ouyang Xueping can understand and resolutely implement it!"

Ouyang Xueping raised her head suddenly, like a female leopard protecting her cub, fixed her eyes on Yan Xiwen.

Yan Xiwen had no expression on his face, he blocked Ouyang Xueping behind him, and said to Xiang Zhongju, "Brother Bian Sparrow, please!"

Xiang Zhongju nodded and followed Yan Xiwen into the room.

All medical practitioners have a special temperament, either calm or elegant, which always gives people a sense of authority that cannot be violated in the slightest, just like Ouyang Xueping.

But usually, in Xiang Zhongju, the flat sparrow, there is no such temperament. Whether it is dealing with people or dealing with things, Xiang Zhongju is just like his name, well-behaved, even a little shy and humble.This is also where Yan Xiwen hesitated towards Xiang Zhongju.

However, when Xiang Zhongju walked towards Ye Tufei, Yan Xiwen and those behind him could feel Xiang Zhongju's aura more and more. When Xiang Zhongju raised Ye Tufei's wrist, he placed the four fingers of his right hand on Ye Tufei's wrist to prepare for the pulse. At that time, Yan Xiwen couldn't help thinking of a word: "Hua Tuo is alive!"

Xiang Zhongju closed his eyes slightly, but the expression on his face changed again and again. He called for this pulse for a full 5 minutes.

In the end, Xiang Zhongju finally let go of his hands, let out a long breath, and shook his head again.

Yan Xiwen was startled, and quickly asked: "Bian Sparrow, what do you mean by shaking your head?"

Xiang Zhongju smiled wryly, and said, "Nothing interesting? Liu Ye's pulse is very strange!"

Yan Xiwen said: "You don't care if he's weird or not, I'll ask you, are you sure to treat Ye Liuye?"

Xiang Zhongju shook his head, and said, "Sixth Lord, he is very well and doesn't need diagnosis and treatment at all."

Yan Xiwen first saw Xiang Zhongju shaking his head, he couldn't help feeling flustered, thinking that Xiang Zhongju couldn't get a diagnosis and treatment, but when Xiang Zhongju opened his mouth, he said that Ye Tufei was doing well and didn't need diagnosis and treatment at all, this time, Yan Xiwen was confused .

"What did you say? Ye Tufei is very well? If he is very well, why is he still in a coma?"

Xiang Zhongju scratched his head subconsciously, and said: "I'm also wondering, logically speaking, Liu Ye's pulse should be weak and intermittent, showing both liver and spleen deficiency, but after I have been on it for so long, Liu Ye's pulse is vigorous Powerful, it doesn't look like it at all... Hey, and ah, I feel that the pulse of Liu Ye is different from that of ordinary people. I, Bian Sparrow, inherited the skills of my ancestors and has diagnosed and treated thousands of people, but I have this kind of pulse. First time encounter."

Yan Xiwen couldn't stand Xiang Zhongju's long-winded words, and said impatiently: "You said Ye Tufei is fine, but he has been unconscious all the time, how do you explain it?"

Xiang Zhongju still had a nagging look: "Liu Ye is indeed in good health, but he has been sleeping all this time, maybe he is too tired and wants to have a good sleep, or it may be..."

Ouyang Xueping, who had been listening outside the door, rushed in and shouted: "That's because Master Liu's anesthesia hasn't passed yet, of course he's unconscious."

Although Ouyang Xueping's words were somewhat ironic, but when she heard Xiang Zhongju say that Liu Ye's body was indeed fine, she felt a little relieved, and there was a little joy in her tone.

Xiang Zhongju blushed.

Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, everyone should know the concept of anesthesia. As early as the Three Kingdoms period more than 1000 years ago, Hua Tuo developed Mafei powder for pain relief in patients who needed surgery.However, Xiang Zhongju was only distracted by Ye Tufei's strange pulse condition, and even forgot that Ye Tufei hadn't passed the anesthesia period yet.

"Since you also think that Ye Tufei is fine, you can leave, right?" Ouyang Xueping ordered Xiang Zhongji to leave, with a firm and firm attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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