Bandit Camp

Chapter 107

Chapter 107
Ye Tufei had the same dream again.

It's just that this time the dream continued compared to usual. The sky self disappeared, and after the earth self clearly recalled the past, the sky self suddenly appeared again, and said to the ground self with a sneer. : "Do you think your memory is real? Let me tell you, it's all an illusion, it's an illusion, do you understand?"

The self on the ground was confused, and murmured: "Illusion! Illusion? Which one is real?"

In confusion, I heard someone calling in my ear: "Are you awake? What did you say? Say it again?"

Ye Tufei slowly opened his eyes.

He saw a pair of big eyes that were bloodshot and full of tears staring at him.

"How long have I been asleep? Girl, why are you crying?"

Ouyang Xueping turned her head quickly, wiped away her tears, couldn't hold back the joy of seeing Ye Tufei wake up, and burst out laughing: "Which eye of yours saw him cry?"

Ye Tufei closed one eye playfully, "This one!" He quickly switched another eye, "Oh, it's this one!"

Ouyang Xueping pursed her lips and smiled, but the smile hadn't fully revealed yet, but suddenly she curled her lips, and two lines of tears rushed down like a flood.

Ye Tufei was startled and at a loss, all he wanted was to wipe away tears for this girl.But the arm hadn't been raised yet, just that movement involved the wound on the chest, and the excruciating pain made Ye Tufei let out an 'ouch'.

Ouyang Xueping's tears stopped abruptly under the order of the ouch, she hurriedly bent down, and said with concern: "What's the matter? Did you hurt the wound? Don't move around, just talk what you want."

Ye Tufei endured the pain, and said with a smile: "How can you laugh and cry? I was scared by you."

Ouyang Xueping got angry and said: "Laugh and cry when you are joking, people are happy to see you wake up." While talking, Ouyang Xueping poured a bowl of water for Ye Tufei, took a spoon to feed Ye Tufei, "Are you thirsty? You just woke up after the operation, and you can't drink water. I can only moisten your lips a little bit."

With some water in his mouth, his dry throat was moistened, and Ye Tufei felt much better. He smiled at Ouyang Xueping and said, "How long have I been asleep?"

Ouyang Xueping fed another spoonful of water and replied, "From yesterday to now, you have slept for eighteen hours."

Ye Tufei closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, then suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Hurry up and call them all, I have something important to discuss with them."

Ouyang Xueping pouted, unhappy: "Who are they you mentioned?"

Ye Tufei smiled wryly, and said: "You tell Yan Xiwen, just say that Ye Tufei asked him to summon the heads of all combat units. Yan Xiwen knows who to call and who not to call."

Ouyang Xueping had countless reluctances in her heart, but she still pouted to do it.

After Ouyang Xueping left, Ye Tufei quickly thought about the problem that he thought of just now.

The question is whether Nobu Takahashi will know that he was seriously injured, and if he knows, how will Shin Takahashi react.

Ye Tufei thought just now that in yesterday's battle, Little Japan escaped two, and these two will definitely report the truth to Takahashi Shin after they go back, so Takahashi Shin can probably guess that the sniper shot first. It was Ye Tufei.

What will Takahashi Nobu do after deducing this conclusion?

Ye Tufei thought differently, and finally made the decision to attack Erlang Mountain.

After Ye Tufei made the decision to attack Erlang Mountain for Gao Qiaoxin, Ye Tufei suddenly thought that there was another factor that must be taken into consideration, and that was how Gao Qiaoxin would judge his own life and death.

If Gao Qiaoxin judged that he was only injured, then he would definitely take the opportunity to attack in order to wipe out the armed forces of Erlang Mountain in one fell swoop without a leader.

However, what if Gao Qiaoxin decides that he has been shot dead?
Ye Tufei laughed secretly, and said to himself: "If I really die, I'm afraid this Gao Qiaoxin will not bother to come to Erlang Mountain again."

Just as he was thinking about it, Yan Xiwen came in, and laughed as soon as he entered the door, and said while laughing: "I was thinking that you brother Ye should wake up too, so I wanted to take a look this way, hey, I met you on the way My sister has a bright sunny face, I asked her, but she still refused to say, hehe, if I don’t say it, I won’t understand?”

Ye Tufei frowned, and asked, "Didn't she tell you that I'm going to call the brothers to discuss things?"

Yan Xiwen shook his head and said, "No! She just told me to talk to you as little as possible and let you rest more."

Ye Tufei sighed, and said, "This girl, oh."

Yan Xiwen asked: "You have just woken up and you are going to summon the brothers, what's the matter? Are you worried about me, the head coach?"

Ye Tufei smiled wryly: "Where is this going? Forget it, calling them here won't help you, it's enough to discuss it with you."

Yan Xiwen pulled up a chair, sat on Ye Tufei's bedside, and said, "What's the matter? You look quite anxious."

Ye Tufei wanted to sit up and talk, but when he moved his body, he grinned his teeth in pain, Yan Xiwen hurriedly supported Ye Tufei to lie down, and said: "Don't move, don't move, don't move! Just lie down and say, I can hear you clearly."

Ye Tufei heaved a few breaths, feeling that the pain was not so severe, and then said: "I think this Takahashi Shin will definitely not stay in Xuzhou City honestly, Brother Yan, we have to be prepared, Takahashi Shin will come anytime Maybe lead troops to attack Erlang Mountain."

Yan Xiwen said: "I made arrangements for this matter yesterday. Boss Feng and Zhang Luohui have already led the team to set up positions at the mountain pass."

Ye Tufei shook his head lightly, and said: "It can't be like this, Brother Yan, we don't have the capital to play head-to-head battles with Takahashi Shin, and Little Japan."

Yan Xiwen sighed: "I also understand this truth, but your appearance is really not suitable for transfer!"

Ye Tufei laughed and said, "Why do you want to transfer? Brother Yan, have you read Three Kingdoms?"

Yan Xiwen smiled and replied: "Are you talking about the official history of the Three Kingdoms or the unofficial Romance of the Three Kingdoms? I have read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but I just can't read it, but I have read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms three times."

Ye Tufei said: "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms has an empty city plan, I think Brother Yan is very familiar with it, right?"

Yan Xiwen was startled and said: "You want to sing an empty city plan to Gao Qiaoxin? No, absolutely not! Brother Ye, that empty city plan is just a fabrication by Luo Guanzhong. It is purely a product of art and cannot be imitated. It must not be imitated."

Ye Tufei narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Did I say I'm going to play an empty city plan? I just want to say, don't you think that Gao Qiaoxin is similar to Sima Yi? He is too meticulous and suspicious, otherwise, he would not have fallen for Zhuge Liang." The empty city plan is right."

Yan Xiwen seemed to understand, and said: "You mean, let's give Gao Qiaoxin a lie, so that he will have doubts and dare not rush into the army?"

Ye Tufei said: "It's not to make him dare not rush into the army, but to make him retreat decisively!"

Yan Xiwen got curious, moved his head closer, and asked, "What's the plan, let's hear it."

Ye Tufei said: "Call the brothers and set up a mourning hall for my funeral!"

Yan Xiwen thought there was something wrong with his ears, so he widened his eyes and said, "What? What are you talking about?"

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "Set up a mourning hall for the funeral, and spread the news that Ye Tufei is dead!"

Yan Xiwen took a deep breath and said, "Why? Why did you do this? Wouldn't Gao Qiaoxin be more fearless if he knew you were dead?"

Ye Tufei shook his head, and said, "You still don't understand Gao Qiaoxin, Brother Yan, just listen to my arrangement, as long as Gao Qiaoxin confirms my death, he will definitely withdraw."

Yan Xiwen thought to himself for a while, and finally shook his head and objected: "If you don't explain the reason clearly and convince me, this matter won't work. Bah, bah, bah, this is too unlucky."

Ye Tufei sighed, and said, "Nobu Takahashi is a slave of a little Japanese. In order to show his loyalty to his master, he cherishes the lives of little Japanese soldiers very much. This is one. The second is that in Takahashi Shin's eyes, We are a group of mobs, as long as there is no Ye Tufei, this group of mobs is nothing special, they can be handed over to the Imperial Association Army to clean up, so, as long as Gao Qiaoxin believes the news of Ye Tufei's death, then he will definitely retreat. "

Yan Xiwen was still skeptical, and asked: "Then what if he takes the wrong medicine, why don't he retreat?"

Ye Tufei lost his temper after being tortured by Yan Xiwen's indomitable lips, and replied strangely: "It depends on how many soldiers Takahashi Shin brings. Within two hundred, we'll set up an ambush to eat it. If it's two hundred away , then we have no choice but to leave, and we can only hide and leave if we can't afford to provoke him."

Yan Xiwen twisted: "Then what should you do if you need to transfer?"

Ye Tufei sighed: "Why are you thinking so much like a bitch! How can there be a perfect plan in this world? You can only take one step at a time and be ready to adjust at any time."

Yan Xiwen choked: "Why can't you take one step and see ten steps? I told you the truth, if you can't come up with a strategy that can ensure Ye Tufei's 100% safety, then don't blame me, the chief coach, for not following the order. "Yan Xiwen felt that this kind of statement was a bit nonsense, and came up with another excuse, "Okay, even if I reluctantly agree, but your brothers will not agree!"

As soon as the words were finished, a commotion was heard, and then a group of brothers joined in, the leader being Zhang Luohui.

"Master Liu, you're awake, you're finally awake, hey, do you know how worried our brothers are? Yesterday Doctor Ouyang finished your operation on you, and we thought you were dying the way you came out!"

As soon as he entered the room, Zhang Luohui grinned loudly, but was kicked by Guo Zhonglin from behind: "Did you talk like that? It's so unlucky! Bah, bah, bah."

Zhang Luohui hurriedly poohed twice, then pointed at his own mouth, and shouted: "Don't be angry, Mr. Liu, I can't speak as a gray mule, but what I say is the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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