Bandit Camp

Chapter 114 Contradictions Appear

Chapter 114 Contradictions Appear
The addition of Feng Hao and other veterans has greatly increased the strength of the bandit camp.

In terms of physical fitness, this group of veterans may not be as good as most of the brothers in the bandit camp. After all, they have been in the army for many years and they are just getting enough food and clothing, and their nutrition cannot keep up for a long time.

In terms of toughness and blood, this group of veterans is also inferior to most of the brothers in the bandit camp. The heroes of the green forest do the business of licking blood with the tip of a knife, and they have already seen through life and death.

However, this group of veterans has a lot of experience, which is the experience of breaking through the rain of gunfire and bullets. In the bandit camp, this kind of experience is only possessed by Zhang Luohui and Deng Youfu's more than a dozen brothers from the old 258 regiment.

The dozen or so brothers from the old 258 regiment were assigned to each company as the backbone. On average, there were no more than three or five in one company, which was not enough at all.Now it's all right, there are more than 80 veterans at once, and each company has solved the problem of squad leader candidates at once.

Conversely, when these veterans experienced the death situation designed by Yan Xiwen, although they were aroused to be hemorrhagic, they were all hopeless.Afterwards, Ye Tufei personally accompanied the toast, which gave these veterans a sense of belonging. After drinking that wine, all the veterans believed in a belief, the same belief as the old brothers in the bandit camp, that is, they will be members of the bandit camp in this life. They are all brothers of Master Ye Liu.

After taking a nap, the veterans found that everyone was arranged separately. At first, some people wondered if it was Ye Liuye who was worried that they would make some small moves when they were together, but when they heard the arrangement later, everyone's blood boiled. A few even shed tears.

They were all assigned the positions of squad leader and deputy squad leader, and a few of them were even appointed as platoon leader, but Feng Hao was actually directly sent to the special operations brigade by Ye Tufei.

This kind of trust, this kind of great trust, made the veterans' eyes full of tears and their blood boil.

Feng Hao sighed at the time: "In just one night, we have transformed from dogs back to humans. Brothers, we must be worthy of Liu Ye's trust and trust!"

For those other brothers in the Imperial Association Army who only want to survive and ignore face, life is not so easy.

Wearing the dog fur of the Imperial Association Army, although they have to be on duty, but after all, it is not as hard as building fortifications.Everyone sighed, regretting why they couldn't be like those veterans who would rather die than fight for breath?
But in most cases, there is only one opportunity, and it often passes by in a flash. If you catch it, you may be able to reach the sky in one step. If you don't catch it, you can only hide to the side and complain.

In fact, in the process of being a laborer, there are also hidden opportunities. If he can do things seriously with all his heart, Zhang Luohui and other brothers in charge of supervising the fortifications will definitely be able to see them, and maybe they will change their views on him.

It's a pity that these people don't understand this truth, and there is only one word in their hearts: mess!

That won't work!

Zhang Luohui made a ruthless move, using the tactics he used when he was in the national army, sticks and whips.

The so-called pitiful people must have something to hate. These imperial association soldiers who only think about confusing words, under the threat of sticks and whips, really became serious and tried their best.

They all have the same effort, the results are quite different between actively spending and spending under the threat of sticks and whips.

Under the action of sticks and whips, the construction of fortifications progressed very quickly.Even faster than the progress of the fortifications was Ye Tufei's body recovery speed.

In just half a month, Ye Tufei unexpectedly recovered like a normal person.

To Ouyang Xueping, this case can only be described as a miracle.

You must know that in that era and under the medical conditions, the only way to operate this kind of penetrating gunshot wound was to debride and suture the two ends of the wound. As for the depth of the wound passage, it could only be done Let it be fate.

If this kind of operation method is put into modern times, the surgeons have to point their noses and scold them, it is not saving people, it is harming people!
But in those days, that was all that could be done.

The rest is the fate of the wounded.

For Ye Tufei's case, it is no longer a matter of good luck. When the bullet pierced Ye Tufei's chest, it did not damage the larger artery, and there was no infection after the operation. The external wound sutures also heal extremely rapidly.All these combined made Ouyang Xueping, a surgeon who returned from studying in Germany, exclaim in disbelief.

Ye Tufei just laughed off Ouyang Xueping's evaluation, and the brothers also laughed off it.It is not the first time for Ye Tufei to be unbelievable, for the brothers, it is simply commonplace.

However, it didn't take long for Ouyang Xueping to let Ye Tufei deeply understand the meaning of the idiom "Unbelievable".

She actually found out that Ye Tufei, Zhang Luohui and others were secretly contacting the national army.

Now in Mount Erlang, Peng Youming, Yan Xiwen, Wei Xiangdong, and Ouyang Xueping are all members of the Communist Party. In addition, there are many party members among Wei Xiangdong’s guerrillas. Therefore, they have meetings every now and then, sometimes a day I was able to hold several meetings.

At the meeting, Ouyang Xueping raised her doubts. She accidentally found Song Yulong at Zhang Luohui's residence. At first he thought that Song Yulong was in contact with Zhang Luohui alone, but he didn't want to. This Song Yulong and Ye Tufei were also very familiar. , and often meet.

Peng Youming was born in the underground party, and he was familiar with conducting investigations or gathering information, and he figured out Song Yulong's identity after a few trips.

Everyone was shocked by the result.

Ouyang Xueping even shed tears.

The meeting was held all night, but in the end, no results were discussed.Early the next morning, Ye Tufei saw Ouyang Xueping whose eyes were bloodshot.

"What's the matter with you? Your eyes are bloodshot, are you crying? Who messed with you?"

Ouyang Xueping turned her head away without answering.

"Who bullied you? Tell me, I'll help you out!"

Ouyang Xueping turned her head to the other side, and two teardrops rolled out of her eyes.

"Say something! What's the matter with you? Are you angry with me?"

Ouyang Xueping finally turned her face, looked at Ye Tufei, still did not speak, but the tears still turned into tears.

Ye Tufei panicked, not knowing what to do.

Facing each other, after a moment of silence, Ouyang Xueping paused, eyes full of resentment, and said: "I really misjudged you!"

Then, he covered his face and turned around.

Ye Tufei was left standing alone in the distance, muttering to himself: "What the hell is going on!"

After standing for a while, Ye Tufei wanted to find out about Yan Xiwen's situation, but saw Yan Xiwen walking towards him from a distance, so he hurried forward to meet him.

However, Yan Xiwen looked preoccupied, and only sighed heavily to Ye Tufei, and resolutely did not say a word to Ye Tufei's question.

Ye Tufei faintly sensed the problem, and hurriedly went to Zhang Luohui.

How could a single-minded gray mule figure out such a complicated matter, and Ye Tufei's thoughts became even more confused with a few words, so he sighed and went back to have breakfast first.

On the way to breakfast, he met Peng Youming, Ye Tufei said hello, and took the opportunity to chat with Peng Youming.

"Secretary Peng, there is something I need to tell you clearly."

Peng Youming pointed to the kitchen, then pointed to his stomach, and said, "Talk while walking, okay?"

Ye Tufei said: "Just a few words, I won't delay you for 2 minutes."

Ye Tufei insisted on standing still, Peng Youming had no choice but to stop, "Okay, tell me!"

"The first sentence, the matter between me and Ouyang Xueping, and the matter between me and your Communist Party are two different things. I hope Secretary Peng and you don't confuse them."

Peng Youming was stunned for a moment, nodded, and said, "What about the second sentence?"

Ye Tufei said: "The national army has contact with me. I promised them to accept the reorganization in exchange for the support of their weapons and ammunition. This matter is our bandit camp's own business. I hope that Secretary Peng will not interfere, and don't intend to use Ouyang Xueping came to put pressure on me."

Seeing the astonishment on Peng Youming's face, Ye Tufei smiled, and said again: "Okay, I'm done with these two sentences, let's go have breakfast!"

Can Peng Youming still be in the mood to have breakfast?After fooling around a few times, he left in a hurry and went to discuss with Yan Xiwen.

"He agreed to accept the reorganization of the national army? This Ye Tufei, why is he so confused! Oh, Lao Peng, do you know that it is the national army that wants to reorganize Ye Tufei?"

Peng Youming shook his head and said, "Why do you still care about this now? For us now, it is the Erlang Mountain or whether we can stay. Old Yan, although it is a united front now, but between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, After all, it’s not for serving a bowl of rice!”

Yan Xiwen shook his head, and sighed: "I always feel that there is something strange about it. Based on what I know about Ye Tufei, he shouldn't be this kind of person who ignores profits. Is there something hidden here?"

Peng Youming said: "To be honest, I can understand Ye Tufei's approach. For an anti-Japanese armed force, weapons and ammunition are more precious than anything else. Unfortunately, we are too poor to help Ye Tufei!"

Yan Xiwen suddenly laughed, and said: "I figured it out, Lao Peng, Ye Tufei is begging us!"

Peng Youming turned around abruptly, stared at Yan Xiwen and said, "Please? How do you say that?"

Yan Xiwen beckoned, and the two approached, Yan Xiwen whispered: "He said two words to you, these two words were actually about Ouyang Xueping, Lao Peng, aftertaste, is it like this?"

Peng Youming squinted his eyes and pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "It's really true when you say that."

Yan Xiwen said: "I guess it's the girl Xueping who gave Ye Tufei another look. Ye Tufei is good at everything, but not at all. This kid can't coax girls! Old Peng, Ye Tufei wants us to come Doing the job of a girl like Xueping, but I was too embarrassed to speak directly, so in a hurry, I said something that seemed hard-nosed."

Peng Youming thought thoughtfully, and said: "I hope so. If this is the case, it's not a big deal. Xueping is a bit stubborn, but she's still reasonable. Old Yan, we two still have to deal with this matter." Pay attention, I'll go to Xueping, you go to Ye Tufei, we have to make things clear."

(End of this chapter)

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