Bandit Camp

Chapter 115 Separation again

Chapter 115 Separation again
But it was too late.

After leaving Ye Tufei, Ouyang Xueping cried all the way and ran back to her room.

After entering the room, I lay on the bed and cried for a while, and then I calmed down a bit. I wanted to fetch a basin of water to wash my face, but when I sat up, I found a letter under the door.

The letter was written by the National Army representative named Song Yulong.

The content of the letter was also very simple, but it simply stated how he got in touch with Ye Tufei, how he got Ye Tufei's promise, and the conditions given to Ye Tufei by the national army, etc.

But these contents, to Ouyang Xueping, are like a bolt from the blue.Sudden hatred for Ye Tufei.

Ouyang Xueping's hatred is not simply because Ye Tufei actually came together with the national army, but more because Ye Tufei deceived her, she cannot tolerate being deceived, just like the last time Ye Tufei and Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen tricked herself to Erlang Mountain .

How deep is the love and how deep is the hate.

In an instant, Ouyang Xueping hated Ye Tufei to the extreme, she simply tidied up and saluted, took her horse, left the camp, and headed towards the base of Yimeng Mountain.

When Peng Youming found Ouyang Xueping's room and knocked on the door for nearly 5 minutes but failed to open the door, Ouyang Xueping had already rode out of the Erlang Mountain Pass.

When Peng Youming confirmed that Ouyang Xueping was not in the room, after searching around and finally got the information that Ouyang Xueping had left the camp, he had no choice but to go to Ye Tufei and tell the truth.

When Ye Tufei heard this, he became anxious, why is this girl so stubborn?Last time, because he wanted to leave stubbornly, he got himself shot. This shot wound was just right, and it happened again. If this continues, when will it be a head!
But the resentment was resentment, Ye Tufei still got on the horse, wanting to chase after him.

As soon as he started, he saw Song Yulong walking towards him and greeted him, "Master Liu, do you need to go out in a hurry?"

Ye Tufei didn't have time to talk to him, and as soon as he reined in the horse, he was about to gallop. Song Yulong hurriedly stopped him and said, "Master Liu, the ammunition will arrive in an hour. I can't explain why you are not here. At this juncture, Master Liu , you can put the overall situation first!"

Ye Tufei stopped and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Song Yulong smiled, stroked his hair, and explained: "Master Liu, people in the national army are not stupid, they divided this batch of arms into two parts, and the first part is only a quarter of it. , mainly to see Liu Ye's attitude."

Ye Tufei frowned, and said: "If Master Liu has a good attitude, then the remaining three quarters will arrive smoothly. If Master Six has a false attitude, then the remaining three quarters will arrive."

Song Yulong continued: "The remaining three-quarters will turn back immediately."

Ye Tufei sighed, and asked: "Whose idea is this? Is it your Shangfeng?"

Song Yulong shook his head and said, "It's not Shangfeng, it's me."

Ye Tufei held the whip in his hand, pointed at Song Yulong, and said, "If you do this, you won't be afraid that the sixth master will turn my face and deny others, and it will be bad for you?"

Song Yulong smiled, and said: "For the benefit of the party and the country, Song is willing to lose his mind."

This is a tough decision!Ye Tufei hesitated.

After a full 10 minutes, Ye Tufei finally made up his mind. He jumped off the horse and said, "Okay! I accept your conditions, let's go get the ammunition!"

Song Yulong shook his head and said, "Master Liu, this is not enough!"

Ye Tufei showed anger, and said, "How do you say it?"

Song Yulong didn't rush, and replied slowly: "Master Liu, I know that you are close to the Communist Party, and I also know that it's all because of that Dr. Ouyang, but now that Mr. Liu has given up on Dr. Ouyang, So, how should the Communist Party deal with it? Liu Ye, I believe you know what I mean."

Ye Tufei suddenly burst out laughing, and when he had had enough, he said, "Didn't you see that the sixth master asked them? If you, Song Yulong, can send me a group of Whampoa officers, I'll send them out of Erlang Mountain immediately. How about it?" Huh? Major Song?"

Song Yulong responded with a smile, and said, "It's a deal, Mr. Liu. When the Whampoa officers arrive, it's time for you to draw a clean line from the Communist Party. Mr. Liu keeps his promises. I believe in that!"

Ye Tufei said solemnly: "Of course, Sixth Master, I just spit and smashed a hole, and the promise that landed is like nails. Major Song, I, Ye Tufei, have accepted you."

Song Yulong smiled, took out a firecracker from his bosom, lit it, and heard a sharp whistling sound, a fireball flew into the sky, exploded again in mid-air, and released a cloud of thick smoke.

Ye Tufei frowned and said: "You still have this hand in your feelings, does it mean that if I don't agree to your conditions, I won't even get a quarter of the ammunition!"

Song Yulong threw the firecracker shells on the ground, and said with a smile: "Master Liu, it's all over. Your lord will not remember the faults of villains. After this matter is settled, Song Yulong will apologize to Master Liu."

Ye Tufei closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and exhaled, he calmed down the anger in his heart, and smiled: "Major Song is serious, you didn't do anything wrong, if it were me, I'm afraid I would do the same."

Song Yulong said: "Thank you Liu Ye for your understanding! Liu Ye, please move, I think the ammunition should be approaching the mountain pass, the reason why I would like to thank you is because the person who escorted the ammunition is me who you have always wanted to know My Shangfeng. Sixth Master, my Shangfeng personally escorted this batch of arms to Erlang Mountain for you, which is enough to testify to the sincerity of our army."

Ye Tufei was skeptical, and followed Song Yulong to the mountain pass.

After waiting for more than half an hour, I saw a truck driving in the distance. From a distance, the truck looked like a truck dedicated to Little Japan, but there was a blue sky and white sun flag on the front of the truck.

The truck immediately drove to the mountain pass, and when the car stopped, a person jumped out of the cab, opened his arms, and greeted Ye Tufei.

"Brigade Commander Han?! How could it be your brother? This, this, this is too unexpected!"

Ye Tufei also opened his arms, and the two hugged each other tightly, patting each other's back vigorously.

"Brother Ye, I didn't expect you, brother Han, to escort the car in person! Okay, okay, brother's back was smashed by you."

The two finally separated.

Han Hongxun greeted again: "Quickly ask your brothers to come over and unload the truck!"

Ye Tufei asked suspiciously: "Brother Han, don't you bring any brothers with you?"

Han Hongxun punched Ye Tufei in the chest, and said with a smile, "Do I have to ask my brother to move you up the mountain?"

Ye Tufei laughed loudly, and said, "If you want, I don't object! Haha, I'm really wondering, you drove such a long way here in one car?"

Han Hongxun said with a straight face: "Apart from this car, is there a second one?"

Ye Tufei said: "Alright then! I won't prepare too much for lunch this time!"

Han Hongxun said with a smile: "That's not possible. The brothers and I have boasted about Haikou. When it comes to Erlang Mountain, we eat meat and drink in big bowls. That's why the brothers are willing to come with me."

As he spoke, he waved his hand behind him.

First, five heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the truck compartment, and then, more than [-] plainclothes men appeared from both sides of the road in the distance, lined up, and ran towards this side.

Ye Tufei exaggerated: "So many brothers! How many sheep have to be eaten! Brother Han, if you bring your brothers to stay on my mountain for ten days and half a month, you can't eat me! poor?"

Han Hongxun smiled and said, "Don't worry bro, bro, I'm very busy, and I'll eat you for a month at most, haha."

Talking and laughing, those plainclothes brothers of Han Hongxun ran to the mountain pass, and the brothers at the checkpoint at the mountain pass also evacuated the roadblocks. Ye Tufei and Han Hongxun were in front, Song Yulong followed with the brothers of the national army, and finally the truck, mighty and powerful, entered mountain pass.

After entering the mountain pass and walking about [-] meters further, Ye Tufei stopped and said to Han Hongxun, "Let the truck stop here, it won't be able to go any further."

Han Hongxun looked at the road, and said, "This road is flat and wide enough, why can't you walk?"

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "This entire valley passage has been tampered with. It's no problem to pass people and horses. If you pass a car, hehe, why don't you try Brother Han?"

Han Hongxun hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Don't try it, don't try it, this truck is expensive, and your old brother Han expects it to drive the three hundred miles back!"

After parking the car, the brothers in the mountain began to unload the car and move the goods.

Han Hongxun ordered Song Yulong: "Xiao Song! You go and command them, don't mess with them."

After dismissing Song Yulong who had been by his side all the time, Han Hongxun took Ye Tufei and walked a few steps forward, saying, "This Song man is not a fuel-efficient lamp, you have to leave him on this mountain for me, otherwise, you Han Big brother might be unlucky!"

Ye Tufei was puzzled, and asked: "He's just a major, Brother Han is already a major general and brigade commander, why are you still afraid of him?"

Han Hongxun laughed loudly, pointed to the brochure on his shoulder, and said, "A major general is still a major general, but your old brother Han is now a division commander!"

Ye Tufei was startled, and thought to himself, this national army is really interesting, Han Hongxun killed thousands of people in Jia's Wang three months ago, after returning, not only was he not punished, he was even promoted.

But he couldn't show any doubts on his face, he could only smile and said, "Congratulations to Brother Han for his promotion!"

Han Hongxun lowered his voice, and said: "This guy surnamed Song, I suspect that he is a member of the military commander. If you can't see him, then sooner or later he will get involved in the affairs of our brothers. At that time, you, Mr. Han Brother might be charged with a common crime."

Ye Tufei was quite confused, and said: "You send me a batch of munitions, and then reorganize my team, how can this be related to the Communist Party?"

Han Hongxun stared at Ye Tufei, and said: "Are you not honest in front of my brother? Let me ask you, can you make a clean break with that female military doctor? Can you drive Peng Youming and Yan Xiwen down the mountain? You can fool Song Yulong, but you can't I am Han Hongxun!"

Ye Tufei laughed and said, "Since Brother Han understands everything, why do you still pretend to be confused and continue to send me ammunition?"

Han Hongxun took two steps forward, and said as he walked: "If you don't send you some ammunition, you can let me go up the mountain? If you don't let me go up the mountain, I can eat the legendary Chunfeng mutton and drink the Chunfeng Old fever? What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and arrange for Brother Han?"

When Ye Tufei hurried to catch up, Han Hongxun said again: "Call me those Communists at noon, and say that a Kuomintang surnamed Han is coming to wipe them out!"

(End of this chapter)

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