Bandit Camp

Chapter 124

Chapter 124
It was almost noon when the wind stopped and the rain stopped.

At this time, the various departments of the bandit camp had assembled on a hill in the north of Erlang Mountain.

After taking a short break and counting the casualties of the troops, a total of 47 brothers were killed, 28 were seriously injured, and more than [-] were slightly injured.Among them, Feng Zhongliang's company suffered the most casualties. Those withdrawn from the battlefield, including the wounded, only had about forty people.

After the First World War, there were hundreds of casualties, accounting for nearly one-sixth of the total number of bandit battalions.If the logistics brigade that did not participate in the battle is excluded, the casualty ratio of combat units alone is as high as 30.00%.

Of course, the price Little Japan paid was not low.

In addition to the more than [-] casualties caused by the surprise attack at the beginning, in the Battle of Yingzuiya, the Japanese army of more than [-] people who supported Nobu Takahashi almost suffered all casualties. Only more than [-] people left the battlefield alive. All with varying degrees of battle wounds.Only a dozen or so Japanese troops from the two squads standing on Eagle's Mouth Cliff came down.

Coupled with the casualties of the Imperial Association Army, Gao Qiaoxin lost more troops than the Bandit Battalion.

Both sides were powerless to fight again.

Gao Qiaoxin was still in shock, packed up the remnants of the army, evacuated Erlang Mountain in a panic, and retreated back to the strongholds on the east and west sides.

The bandit battalion returned to the secret cave and continued to rest.

Fortunately, the bandit battalion had relatively abundant material reserves, and they had no worries about food and clothing for three months, so they had no intention of entangled with Shin Takahashi any longer, and only cared about training the wounded.

It's just that this balance only lasted for three days.

The first thing that broke this balance was Liu Dali, the former squadron leader of the Imperial Association Army, who stabbed Little Japan behind the back in Lanling County and let Ye Tufei and others enter the city.

After the battle at Yingzui Cliff, in order to prevent Takahashi Nobu from organizing another surprise attack, Ye Tufei extended the observation post for more than 200 meters in the direction of the stronghold, so that he could observe Little Japan's movements more clearly.

On the first night, Liu Dali and the other three brothers were on duty.

After a peaceful night, the four brothers who were supposed to retreat from the darkness before dawn the next day fell asleep at the most critical moment because they were too exhausted the previous day.

When he woke up, the sky was already bright.

When the four brothers were about to take a detour and retreat back to the valley, Liu Dali accidentally saw one of his brothers at the gate of the stronghold.

After returning, Liu Dali immediately reported to Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei didn't care about it at first, thinking that even if he could develop Liu Dali's family brother into his own eyeliner, it wouldn't make much sense, but Liu Dali insisted that his family brother and his nature were the same, and they were not willing to serve the little Japanese. A person who works hard may be able to win over his brothers.

Seeing that Liu Dali looked confident, Ye Tufei thought that as long as he was more careful, there would be no loss, so he agreed with Liu Dali to give it a try.

The next day, Liu Dali dressed up as a local farmer and went to deliver some vegetables to the stronghold. At the gate of the stronghold, he asked the brothers of the Imperial Association Army who were on guard: "Master of the army, can I ask you for someone? My brother is called Liu Kui, I saw him yesterday."

The brother on duty happened to be Liu Kui's subordinate, so he immediately smiled and replied, "Oh, he's the brother of the squadron leader! Just wait, I'll call the squadron leader for you right now."

When Liu Kui arrived at the gate of the stronghold, he saw Liu Dali, hurriedly dragged Liu Dali aside, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Liu Dali pouted angrily in the direction of Erlang Mountain, and said, "I'm over there, not far away. I saw you yesterday, so I wanted to come and have a look."

Liu Kui was startled, and quickly stretched out his hand to cover Liu Dali's mouth, saying, "Keep your voice down, don't let the little Japan over there hear you."

After Liu Kui let go, Liu Dali said, "Brother, are you doing well with Little Japan?"

Liu Kui spat, and said angrily: "Can it be good? It's just a meal, so when did the little Japan treat us as adults? By the way, brother, haven't you been in Lanling County all the time? How did you get here? Is Erlang Mountain here?"

Liu Dali laughed and said, "I'm tired of being a dog to little Japan, so I want to change my way of life with Ye Liuye."

When Liu Kui heard Liu Dali mentioned Ye Tufei, he couldn't help but praised: "Master Ye Liu is good enough, the day before yesterday's battle, if God hadn't helped that Gao Qiaoxin, hehe, we are also master Ye Liu who raised his hand so that we can stand up and talk .”

Liu Dali smiled again, and said, "Gao Qiao believes that he will die in the hands of Ye Liuye sooner or later, believe it or not? This stronghold will be pulled out within three days at most, and Liu Ye will be pulled out, do you believe it or not?" Now, I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go back quickly, there will be no meat to eat when it's late!"

As Liu Dali said, he turned around and was about to leave, but Liu Kui grabbed him behind him and said, "Brother, I believe everything you say, brother, you need to save your brother!"

Liu Dali turned around and said, "It's fine if you know it, and you can find an excuse not to stay in this stronghold?"

Liu Kui looked bitter, and said: "It's not that easy! Little Japan suffered a lot of casualties this time. There were only forty people left in a squadron. Gao Qiaoxin is like a mad dog. Same, let our brothers do everything, where can I find an excuse!"

Liu Dali shook his head and said, "Then what should we do? I heard from the sixth master over there that an attack on your stronghold will be launched within three days at most, and what's more, the sixth master said that there will be attacks in two days." The reinforcements are coming, brother, you don’t know, our Sixth Lord is very close to the Eight Route Army, and the reinforcements this time are said to be the Eight Route Army from Yimeng, it’s very fierce!"

Liu Kui was really anxious now, he took Liu Dali's arm and said, "Brother, you have to save me, if I die, my father will die."

Liu Dali shook his head, and said: "I can't help it, Liu Ye has such a temper, he doesn't like to keep alive, if I hadn't been quick-sighted, and turned against the water of Little Japan, I would have been lying in the grave by now. It's in the pile."

Liu Kui hesitated for a moment, then said, "Why don't I turn against Little Japan?"

Liu Dali snarled in the direction of the stronghold, and said, "How many guns do you have in your hand? How many little Japans are there? There is also a ghost-like Takahashi Shin, can you reverse it?"

Liu Kui said anxiously: "That stupid Gao Qiaoxin has gone back to Xuzhou City to treat his wounds, and there is only Forty Falls in the stronghold. Our captain was shot the day before yesterday, and now I am acting as his seat, brother, I I can assure you that as soon as Ye Liuye's gun is fired, our brothers will take care of the water in Little Japan. I beg you to speak kind words to Ye Liuye, please, brother!"

Liu Dali showed embarrassment, but he still agreed, and said: "Then you have to pay attention to our side. If there are three black smoke coming out of the mountain pass, it means that the sixth master is willing to accept you. Kuizi, it's a good deal." You can't go back on your word, or you will make Liu Ye angry, and you will kill your whole family!"

Liu Kui nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry, brother, the men of our old Liu family always keep their word."

Liu Dali reminded again: "I'll go back and beg Liu Ye for you. Keep your eyes open and look over the mountain pass. Don't miss it."

Liu Kui nodded again and again, and replied, "Don't worry, brother, I won't even bat an eyelid."

Liu Dali packed up the vegetable basket, went around, returned to Erlang Mountain, and told Ye Tufei the process of meeting Liu Kui.When Ye Tufei heard this, he became interested.

At this time, Yan Xiwen poured cold water on Ye Tufei, and analyzed: "Brother Ye, even if you pull out this western stronghold, how meaningful is it? Isn't there another one in the east? Besides, we experienced the battle the day before yesterday, and it is true Need to rest and fight again and again, the soldiers are too tired, and the troops will increase casualties."

In the last battle, Zhang Luohui's task was to lure the Japanese army that was following the cave, but he never wanted to lead the Japanese army astray. This time, he got lost near Yingzui Cliff, which made Ye Tufei's brilliant plan fall short.

Therefore, Zhang Luohui was very annoyed. When he heard that there was an opportunity to pull out the stronghold of Little Japan, he immediately cheered up: "I will fight this battle, Master Liu, as long as Dali's brother can turn against him, I only need to bring fifty One brother can take that stronghold."

Yan Xiwen got angry and shouted: "Shut up! Didn't you hear Liu Dali say that Gao Qiaoxin is no longer in that stronghold? Just start the fight so rashly, what if Liu Kui doesn't have the guts to turn back? What will you do in that stronghold? There are more than 40 small Japanese and more than 100 puppet troops! Have you counted how many casualties you will have to fight hard? Let me ask you, is it worth it?"

Yan Xiwen yelled and scolded Zhang Luohui in private, but in private he said every word to Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei remained silent.

On the choice of fighting or not fighting, Ye Tufei turned out to be a [-]-[-] split. He couldn't resist the temptation of Liu Kui's betrayal that Liu Dali said, and at the same time, he also believed that Yan Xiwen's worry was not unreasonable.

Contradictions lead to arguments, and arguments eventually lead to silence.

Ye Tufei did not express his opinion, Yan Xiwen and Zhang Luohui stopped arguing, and everyone remained silent.

It was Peng Youming who broke the silence.

Peng Youming did not participate in this debate. He has been acting mysteriously for the past few days. He has been working with a few brothers on a thing called a telegraph all day long.

Just when the big guy was treating the conflict with silence, Peng Youming broke in.

"Brother Ye, brother Ye, there is something new! I just received a telegram from Lao Lu in Yimeng." Peng Youming suddenly sensed that the atmosphere in the room was not right, stopped his words, and asked in surprise: "You guys?" What's the matter?"

Ye Tufei smiled, and replied: "It's nothing, Secretary Peng, talk about your business."

Peng Youming looked around, but didn't pursue it, and continued to talk about his own affairs: "Old Lu from the Yimeng base area, he was ordered to set up a new base area in the Lingbi Mountain area to the west of us. Erlang Mountain Valley passage."

Ye Tufei couldn't help frowning, and said, "Using the valley passage? Secretary Peng, didn't you tell him that the valley passage has been sealed by Little Japan?"

Peng Youming smiled and said, "Of course I told him."

Ye Tufei asked again: "What did Commander Lu say?"

Peng Youming replied: "Just two words: pull it out!"

Ye Tufei suddenly slapped the table with his palm, and said decisively: "Then pull it out! Secretary Peng, please contact Commander Lu and explain the situation. Well, they pulled out the eastern stronghold, and we will kill the western stronghold. After you succeed, go to support Commander Lu."

(End of this chapter)

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