Bandit Camp

Chapter 125 The Division of Labor Before the War

Chapter 125 The Division of Labor Before the War
Liu Kui saw three strands of black smoke rising in the direction of Erlang Mountain, and a smile appeared on his face, but the smile seemed sinister and strange.

After breaking up with Liu Dali, he hesitated for a moment, but then made a decision.

The imperial army is in full swing, and if you follow the imperial army, you can not only eat and drink hot food, but also gamble and prostitute. If you can find a powerful prince as the backstage, you can also be a fat job, and you can be greedy even in a year. You can save enough money to marry a concubine.

What's so good about following someone with the surname Ye?She huddled in this barren mountain all day long, had nothing to eat, nothing to drink, and couldn't even touch a woman's butt.

Liu Kui thought of Liu Yujie.

An idiot can become the brigade commander, even the Taijun Yamashita is polite when he sees this idiot, I Liu Kui is much better than that idiot, I don't believe that Liu Kui can't be appreciated by the Taijun, I, Liu Kui, just missed a chance.

Now, here's your chance.

Therefore, he immediately ran to Takahashi Shin's room.

Gao Qiaoxin was indeed injured, but the injury was not serious. He was hit by a splashed rock and fell to his buttocks, so he could only lie on the bed and listen to Liu Kui's report.

When he heard Liu Kui say that Takahashi Taijun had left the stronghold to go back to Xuzhou to recover from his injuries, he became angry and waved his hand to let Liu Kui get closer to his face, and then slapped Liu Kui across the face.

Liu Kui didn't know why Gao Qiaoxin's face suddenly changed, but his face was burnt yellow with fright, his knees softened, he knelt down in front of Gao Qiaoxin, and slapped himself twice, begging for mercy: "Liu Kui deserves to die!" , Taijun calm down!"

After Gao Qiaoxin slapped Liu Kui, he smiled instead, and said, "It's not all your fault, after all, you don't understand the situation. Your name is Liu Kui, right? Get up and talk!"

How dare Liu Kui still kneel in front of Gao Qiaoxin.

Nobu Takahashi sighed, and said: "It's rare that you are so loyal to the Japanese Imperial Army! The slap I just gave was not to punish you, but to hate that iron cannot be made into steel. Captain Liu, if I promote you, you will be rewarded." Keep your memory longer, you can't be so brainless!"

Gao Qiaoxin's tone was extremely gentle, and there was a look of kindness and love in his eyes. Liu Kui felt hot in his heart, and said: "He was born as a man of Gao Qiao Taijun, and died as a ghost of Gao Qiao Taijun. Taijun Ding Gaoqiao, Liu Kui is willing to be a cow or a horse."

Gao Qiaoxin smiled happily, touched Liu Kui's head, and said: "Get up! There is gold under the man's knees. You can't get up on your knees. I can't afford to repay you."

Only then did Liu Kui stand up and said, "I don't ask Takahashi Taijun for a reward, oh, no, it's not a reward, no"

Gao Qiaoxin interrupted Liu Kui's explanation with a smile, and said: "Your loyalty to the imperial army and to me are obvious to all. I should repay your loyalty and loyalty. Since You told your elder brother that you are the acting captain of this brigade, so let’s act first, and when this battle is over, I will report to the head of the division and give you a formal appointment.”

Surprised in Liu Kui's heart, he bent his knees, knelt down again, and said with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, Taijun Takahashi, for your cultivation."

Shin Takahashi ordered: "You go down first, go and invite me the squadron leader Kawashima, and I will arrange the layout properly."

After Liu Kui retreated, a picture appeared in Gao Qiaoxin's mind: a group of bandits headed by Ye Tufei were cheering for victory in this stronghold, and around the stronghold, hundreds of imperial warriors were silently shrinking Surrounding the circle, and a little farther away, there are dozens of artillery pieces of the imperial army, which are actively adjusting to shoot at Zhu Yuan.
Since Lu Yao planned to use the Erlang Mountain Valley Passage, it became necessary to pull out the small Japanese strongholds on the east and west sides. In this regard, Yan Xiwen's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change, and he actively asked to be the direct opponent of this battle. commander.

Zhang Luohui was focused on washing away the shame of the previous battle, and also desperately wanted to be at the forefront, so he quarreled with Yan Xiwen again.

Ye Tufei smiled and waved his hands, and said: "Stop arguing, you two, neither of you has a responsibility in this matter, I have to come personally, Mr. Six, don't look at me like this, think about it, our side With Liu Kui as the internal response, it is not difficult to take down that stronghold. If you two have something to fight for, the most important thing is how long it takes to take it down. The faster we go, the more confident Commander Lu will be. Isn't it? Besides, if this Liu Kui can't see me, Ye Tufei, he will inevitably be beating drums in his heart. If he hesitates, won't it be a big deal?"

After hearing Ye Tufei's explanation, Yan Xiwen and Zhang Luohui were speechless.

That night, Lu Yao's troops drove to a forest less than two miles away from the stronghold on the east side of Erlang Mountain.

After all, it was not enough to contact only by telegram. Lu Yao simply brought the guards, took a detour, and touched Erlang Mountain.

It's just that Lu Yao is not familiar with the Erlang Mountain, and he was still wandering around the Erlang Mountain until it was bright.

When it was time for breakfast, Lu Yao adjusted his direction, and soon ran into a brother from the bandit camp patrolling the mountains.

Coincidentally, one of the mountain patrolling brothers had been to the Yimeng base area, so he recognized Lu Yao very quickly.

It was already past ten o'clock in the morning when Lu Yao saw Ye Tufei.

They can be regarded as old friends, so naturally they won't mention those unpleasant things when they meet each other, and they just pick up some mutually pleasant words and say a lot.Peng Youming, Yan Xiwen and Wei Xiangdong also rushed over after hearing the news, and discussed with everyone in the meeting hall about the establishment of the stronghold.

Ye Tufei told the truth that preparations had been made in the west stronghold, and as soon as this side attacked, there would be brothers from the Imperial Association Army in the stronghold who would turn against them, responding inside and outside, and took it down in one fell swoop.

Lu Yao was rather skeptical about this, and asked: "Brother Tufei, is the Liu Kui you mentioned, is he reliable? How many times have you met him?"

Ye Tufei said: "I haven't seen this Liu Kui before, but he is in the same family as our brother named Liu Dali. Liu Dali took his chest. The two of them grew up together and are very familiar with each other. I don't think they are very old. Question!"

Lu Yao said: "If you don't mind, can you call Liu Dali over and let's check again."

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "Is this necessary? If we shoot at the front, then Liu Kui will strike at the back. If this Liu Kui has two minds, at worst, we will attack by force instead."

Lu Yao couldn't force it, so he had to take a step back and said, "We can attack at the same time. If something happens on your side, I hope Brother Ye can be patient. After I take it down, we can concentrate our forces to kill it." This is a stronghold on the Western Front."

Ye Tufei's expression changed a little.Seeing this, Yan Xiwen thought to himself that you, Commander Lu, don't understand the truth. You should be low-key when you first arrive, but you are so arrogant when you come up, not to mention Ye Tufei's face, and our Xuzhou prefectural committee's face too. .

"Commander Lu is so sure? There are a lot of Japanese troops stationed in the strongholds on the eastern front. Besides, the fortification builders are quite acquainted. We still want to support you after winning the western front!"

Lu Yao didn't realize that the words just now had offended Ye Tufei, Peng Yan and others, and he still had a carefree attitude, saying: "Isn't it just a little Japan that the squadron can't reach? Take it for an hour at most." Said Then, he made a mysterious expression again: "I brought a treasure this time, what do you think it is?"

The most effective weapon for attacking strongholds is the flat-firing gun, but this thing is too rare. Even the Central Army with the best equipment in the national army does not have many flat-firing guns, so Peng Youming tentatively asked with some hesitation: "Could it be that you Lu Didn’t the commander bring flat-firing guns?”

Lu Yao laughed, gave Peng Youming a thumbs up, and said: "Secretary Peng is Secretary Peng! Nothing can be hidden from Secretary Peng's sharp eyes, haha, a 37mm flat-fire gun with 37 rounds of shells, how about it?" ? How long can Little Japan’s stronghold last?”

Yan Xiwen was startled and said: "Old Lu, where did you get this baby lump? It's a pity, the shells are a little less."

Lu Yao smiled and said: "Don't be afraid of the lack of shells. When the new base area develops, we will make the shells ourselves. Let me tell you, there are several weapons experts in the team I lead this time, all of whom are my old Lu Huada." How about the price?"

Ye Tufei didn't want to discuss this with Lu Yao, what he wanted to know most now was Ouyang Xueping's whereabouts, but in front of so many people, he was too embarrassed to ask directly, so he had to keep winking at Yan Xiwen.

Fortunately, Yan Xiwen was also concerned about the safety of his stubborn old sister, and he had a heart-to-heart look at Ye Tufei. He nodded to Ye Tufei, and brought the topic to Ouyang Xueping: "Oh, yes, Commander Lu, I Has that girl returned to your place?"

Lu Yao first pretended to be ignorant and ignorant, but within a few seconds, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "I brought Dr. Ouyang here too! We will follow you in the new base area." The Xuzhou Prefectural Committee is a family, even if my old Lu and Yuan Wei have separated, hehe, when he was about to leave, Hula Hula took all the treasures he could take away with him."

Ye Tufei felt relieved, wanted to say thank you to Lu Yao, but didn't know how to say it, but heard Lu Yao mention himself.

"Besides, Brother Ye is also someone who has kindness to my old Lu. No matter what I say, I can't do anything to be sorry to Brother Ye! Brother Ye, do you think this makes sense?"

Ye Tufei could only smile and nodded in return.

Peng Youming suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Old Lu, you just said that we will be a family in the future. What do you mean by that? Why didn't I get the notice from above?"

Lu Yao shook his head in fear, and said, "Look, why did I forget this pot? Didn't your radio station be repaired in the past few days? The decision of the chief executive has already been issued, but It’s inconvenient to pass it on to you, well, let me bring it to you.”

As he spoke, Lu Yao took off his shoes, buckled a small piece from the sole, peeled it off, revealing a stack of square pieces of paper, and threw it to Peng Youming.

Peng Youming caught it, fanned the smell exaggeratedly, and opened it to read.The above decision is that Peng Youming will also serve as the acting political commissar of the new base.

(End of this chapter)

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