Bandit Camp

Chapter 132

Chapter 132
In fact, Li Xia'er didn't have to disappear, the members of the 'Fireworks' group also died unjustly.Yamashita Keigo said that Duguyu was an anti-Japanese element just casually, and he didn't mean to pursue it at all.

Xing Wanli did something wrong for his own safety.

When he realized this mistake, Fei Quan had already completed the task he had given him. At this moment, he could only sigh to Tianchang and comfort himself with the reason of dedicating himself to the party and country.

During the war years, people died every day in such a big city, and all kinds of homicides happened every day. Therefore, the few people Fei Quan killed did not get the attention of Keigo Yamashita, and the matter passed like this.

After a few days of silence, Song Yulong found Xing Wanli again and urged Xing Wanli to handle the case of Han Hongxun as soon as possible.

Xing Wanli had a headache and didn't know how to answer Song Yulong.

Xing Wanli attached great importance to Song Yulong's report about Han Hongxun's communist relationship. He believed that this might be his opportunity to make meritorious deeds. However, Han Hongxun's background was very complicated. Xing Wanli did not dare to act rashly and could only report to his boss in Chongqing.

Xing Wanli's boss is a fisherman.

At first, the fish farmer didn't pay attention to Xing Wanli's report, but the fish farmer knew a little about Han Hongxun. Although he belonged to the Jiangsu Han Commander's sequence, he was actually the backbone of the Civil Engineering Department and a celebrity under Chen Cheng's seat.

The relationship between Yu Nong and Chen Cheng is extraordinary, and doing Han Hongxun is tantamount to turning against Chen Cheng, which the Yu Nong is reluctant to do.

In addition, the fishermen also knew that Han Hongxun's division was sandwiched between heavy Japanese troops. After a year, not only was it not defeated, but it grew stronger. Farmers have few talents, and they are unwilling to do Han Hongxun.

However, Ye Tufei was actually mentioned in Xing Wanli's second report.

Fishermen became interested and carefully studied Xing Wanli's report and the proposal proposed by Xing Wanli.

In the end, Yu Nong approved of Xing Wanli's plan to win over Ye Tufei by oppressing Han Hongxun.However, the implementation of this plan requires Han Hongxun's grievances, he dare not make decisions without authorization, he needs to win Chen Cheng's understanding.

Therefore, his reply to Xing Wanli was to let it go temporarily.

Putting it aside for a while, Xing Wanli couldn't laugh or cry after receiving the fisherman's order. This order, which neither said to do nor said not to do, was the most difficult thing for his subordinates to figure out.

What made Xing Wanli even more difficult was how he should explain it to Song Yulong.

Say you will do it?If the higher-ups mean not to do it, won't Xing Wanli lose face in front of his subordinates?

Say that's all, don't do it.Whether Song Yulong accepts it or not is a small problem. The big problem is how he will dispatch Song Yulong when the higher-ups think of continuing to do it one day.

Tell Song Yulong the above instructions?
This is a leak!It's courting death!

All Xing Wanli can do is to fight with Song Yulong: "Xiao Song, you know the background of Mr. Han Hongxun, this case, if we want to handle it, we have to make a solid case, or simply pretend that we don't know anything. Of course , for you and me, naturally we can't choose the latter. We have to be responsible to the party state and our own beliefs. However, when handling this case, we must be cautious and considerate. So, Xiao Song, this Don't rush, don't rush!"

Although Song Yulong is young, he is quite familiar with the intricate relationship with the national army, so he also expressed his understanding of Xing Wanli's difficulties. However, he made another suggestion to Xing Wanli: "Station Master, I got information that Erlang Mountain Ye Tufei's department is recruiting troops around, I wonder if we have a chance to send some capable people to join Ye Tufei's team."

Xing Wanli subconsciously stood up and paced back and forth.

He needs time to figure out Mr. Fisherman's intentions.

When he reported to the fisherman, he firmly believed that Mr. Fisherman would handle it impartially.But when he received the order from Mr. Yu Nong to "let go of it temporarily", he immediately understood that Mr. Yu Nong wanted to let Han Hongxun go.

But now, Xing Wanli suddenly realized that Mr. Yu Nong didn't seem to want to let this matter go.Based on Xing Wanli's understanding of fish farmers, when dealing with such matters, fish farmers will definitely do it seamlessly. If he really wants to let Han Hongxun go, he will intervene in a high-profile manner, showing a businesslike look, and finally will Explain everything with insufficient evidence.

But the fisherman's reaction was so flat, could it be that there was an undercurrent surging under the flatness?

Xing Wanli went through the matter carefully, and when he recalled his second planning report, he suddenly figured it out.

Mr. Yu Nong seems to agree with his plan, he just needs time to make arrangements.

If so, then taking the opportunity to arrange a few of his own people around Ye Tufei will have a great effect on the implementation of this plan.

"Well, I have thought about it carefully. Your opinion is very good. I will leave this matter to you. Be careful not to make any mistakes."

Song Yulong went happily.

Song Yulong had no trouble getting the information about Erlang Mountain's massive recruiting, because all the teahouses and restaurants in Xuzhou City were talking about it.

Keigo Yamashita, who is the chief executive of the Xuzhou Super High School in Japan, naturally also got the news.

Same as Song Yulong's idea, he also planned to take this opportunity to arrange a few competent people to sneak into Ye Tufei's team.

This idea was also approved by Gao Qiaoxin.

However, while Gao Qiaoxin recognized it, he also raised a question: "Why is Ye Tufei so ostentatious?"

Keigo Yamashita also thought about this question, and now he replied: "Mr. Takahashi, Ye Tufei has always been rebellious. I think he is provoking the Great Japanese Empire!"

Takahashi Xin thought of the topographic map of Erlang Mountain that Ishida Masazo had drawn for him, and couldn't help shaking his head, saying: "He wants to lure me to attack Erlang Mountain again, and use the favorable terrain of Erlang Mountain to understand the relationship between him and me. grievances."

Yamashita Jingwu said: "Mr. Takahashi, I don't want the incident of Yingzui Cliff to happen again. The head of the division also has the same opinion. Mr. Takahashi, as long as we can limit Ye Tufei to the Erlang Mountain area, it will not affect the whole of the Great Japanese Empire." Benefits are enough!"

Shin Takahashi sighed and said, "I'm not willing to do this!"

Yamashita Keigo brought out Kenji Doihara, and said, "This is also General Doihara's intention. He thinks that you should not take any more risks to solve a bandit like Ye Tufei."

Gao Qiaoxin smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have a plan, Yamashita, you can follow your plan, but don't force it, as many as you can infiltrate."

Yamashita Jingwu said: "I have already made arrangements, Takahashi-kun, just wait for the good news!"

Ye Tufei originally didn't want to make such a publicity about recruiting soldiers.

But this matter is by no means out of his control.

As a celebrity, his every move will get a lot of attention, even if he farts, some people will care how loud it is and how special it tastes.

Decades ago, when the Qing Dynasty was still in power, people paid attention to royal affairs after dinner. Later, foreigners occupied the mainstream of gossip. After that, the revolutionary party and various warlords fought.
After Little Japan became the ruler, those anti-Japanese martyrs who were not afraid of death and dared to risk their lives with Little Japan replaced the previous mainstream figures and became idols in people's hearts.Especially a legendary figure like Ye Tufei, who has become a big star within hundreds of miles.

"Ye Liuye, the big bandit in Erlang Mountain, is recruiting troops and preparing to fight against Little Japan."

Although this news could not make the headlines of major media newspapers, it still spread to the periphery at a speed of at least fifty miles per hour.

That is to say, the day after Ye Tufei started recruiting troops around Erlang Mountain, the news spread into Xuzhou City.

This situation was unexpected by Zhao Zibin who was in charge of the matter.

He found Ye Tufei and expressed his concern to Ye Tufei: "Sixth Master, I didn't expect you to be so famous! This, this promotion that started yesterday has already spread a hundred miles away."

Ye Tufei smiled and said, "Is there anything wrong with that?"

Zhao Zibin replied: "There are so many people here all at once, and they all want to follow Liu Ye and you to fight against Little Japan. We can't refuse this kind of enthusiasm, can we?"

Ye Tufei didn't understand what Zhao Zibin meant, so he asked instead: "Isn't it good to have too many people? Oh, you don't need to think about weapons and ammunition. We still have some background. Even if it's not enough, we can still ask Mr. Han for it. "

Zhao Zibin shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "That's not what I mean, I mean, in this way, we won't be able to screen the newly recruited soldiers, just in case some little Japanese spies get in."

After hearing this, Ye Tufei not only didn't feel worried, but laughed out loud, and said with a smile: "Even if a few spies sneak in, what can they do? Assassinate me?"

Zhao Zibin thought for a while and replied: "They will pass on our information. Sixth Master, it is inevitable that we will lose all our secrets. We still have loopholes. If we are caught by the little Japanese, we are afraid that there will be big losses. ah!"

Ye Tufei laughed again, and said: "Brother Zhao, let me ask you, have there been any traitors in your Communist Party team? Have you mixed in with spies?"

Zhao Zibin frowned and said, "Sixth Master, what do you mean by that?"

Ye Tufei said: "Just tell the truth, didn't your Communist Party teach you to seek truth from facts?"

Zhao Zibin thought for a while, nodded again, and said, "It did happen."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Then your team was crushed by these traitors and spies? Isn't it still stronger! Brother Zhao, you can be bold and bold. We want as many as you have, but there is one principle we will Can't change."

Zhao Zibin said: "Sixth Master, please explain."

Ye Tufei stretched out his hand and gestured: "We don't want those who are not tall enough, we don't want those under the age, we don't want those who look sick at first glance."

Zhao Zibin smiled and said, "I've made a note of it. However, Liu Ye, I have to say something more. You are really worrying too much about this. There are really not many men who come here because of their reputation. To be honest, I'm still puzzled." Come on, when you said that our team recruited soldiers, why wasn't it so prosperous?"

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "Perhaps a real man has a dream of being a hero in his heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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