Bandit Camp

Chapter 133 Development Strategy

Chapter 133 Development Strategy
This round of recruitment took less than a week, and nearly 1000 people were recruited, and after that, people came to the mountain one after another.

Among them, the vast majority are peasants from the surrounding areas, and the rest are from the surrounding towns, such as clerks, handymen, coolies, etc. Ye Tufei is quite surprised and attaches great importance to it, there are also a dozen or so people from Xuzhou. Students who sneaked out of the city.

That's all for the male students, but there are actually three female students.

This is quite a headache.Everyone on Erlang Mountain is full of young men, who might drink a little too much one day, one of them can't control himself, and make a mess.

Ye Tufei intentionally rejected the three female students, but everyone including the parties objected.

Ouyang Xueping was the one with the loudest and most resolute opposition.

"Give them to me, I just need a nurse!"

Yan Xiwen also advised in a timely manner: "Brother Ye, I know what you are worried about, but it is definitely not a good way to prevent women from appearing on the mountain. The key to solving this problem lies in the discipline of the army, just like our Communist Party. With iron discipline, we are not afraid of such scandals.”

Peng Youming also agreed with Yan Xiwen. He said to Ye Tufei: "I will leave Erlang Mountain tomorrow. Before I leave, I would like to send you a word. Brother Ye, if Erlang Mountain wants to become popular, if it wants to become a team that will scare little Japan Armed forces, then iron-like discipline and steel-like style are indispensable."

What Yan and Peng said reminded Ye Tufei of Lu Yao's Third Battalion, that kind of army style was indeed what Ye Tufei hoped for.Therefore, he happily accepted everyone's opinions, kept the three female students and handed them over to Ouyang Xueping.

The newly added more than 1000 people, not to mention the military foundation, can't even do the simplest task of reloading a gun, so the difficulty of training can be imagined.

Fortunately, beside Ye Tufei, there are Yan Xiwen, Wei Xiangdong, Zhao Zibin, these Communist Party members who are desperate for work. Fortunately, Ye Tufei also has veterans of the national army like Zhang Luohui, Deng Youfu and Feng Hao in Ye Tufei's team.

A few days later, these big bastards who didn't stand or sit when they went up the mountain finally looked a little bit like eating with guns.

During this period, under the instigation of Yan Xiwen and Zhao Zibin, Ye Tufei also made an important decision. He gave this decision a fresh name called 'farming economy cultivation plan'.

To put it bluntly, it means relocating farmers and tenants outside the mountain to Erlang Mountain.

However, to everyone's surprise, Ye Tufei decided not only not to collect any land rent, but also to help farmers and tenants reclaim wasteland.

Over the years, Ye Tufei's insistence on never harassing ordinary people's Erlangshan Jianghu rules has finally shown its value.

Many farmers and tenants within a hundred miles around told each other that there was Ye Liuye as protection, and they didn't have to pay rent after receiving the grain. Erlang Mountain has become the hope for these people to pursue happiness.

Many brothers expressed incomprehension of this measure, and the leader was Guo Zhonglin, who claimed to be proficient in literature and neglected in martial arts.

"Liu Ye, although the land in Erlang Mountain is all wasteland, it is not easy to reclaim it. We agree with your idea, Liu Ye, but these farmers come to plant our land, but they don't have to pay a grain of grain. This, this is not justified. Ah! We have to collect some land rent anyway, even if it is one-third of the outside!"

Ye Tufei looked at Guo Zhonglin with a smile, and threw the question to Yan Xiwen without answering directly.

Yan Xiwen thought about it for a long time, and felt that what Guo Zhonglin said was reasonable, so he also came to persuade Ye Tufei: "I think what Guo Lao Er said is right! Brother Ye, we don't collect land rent, so we have to spend money to buy food, which is different from the past. Is it the same as buying food outside?"

Ye Tufei gave Yan Xiwen a blank look, and said with a sneer, "I thought Brother Yan could understand my thoughts, heh, I didn't expect you to be similar to Older Guo!"

Yan Xiwen suddenly realized, slapped his thigh suddenly, and said: "I understand! Brother Ye can collect protection fees instead of land rent."

Ye Tufei clapped his palms and laughed loudly, pointing at Yan Xiwen and gasping heavily, he said, "It's a good thing you're still a Communist Party, why are you pretending to be gangsters all over your head!"

Yan Xiwen argued: "I'm considering the issue from your point of view! If it were me who made the decision, I would follow Guo's suggestion, and we would only charge one-third or even four of the land rent from outsiders." One is ready."

Guo Laoer also chimed in: "It's really not possible, we only charge half of the rent from these farmers. Compared with the [-]% to [-]% of the land rent outside, it is enough to attract these farmers!"

Seeing that these people really couldn't figure out what he was thinking, Ye Tufei had no choice but to tell the whole story about the agricultural economic system he planned.

"Our Erlang Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles. How much land can be reclaimed into arable land during the period? You don't need to answer it, Guo Lao Er, you know it in your heart." Ye Tufei lit a cigar, leisurely. "How many people do these lands need to enter the mountains to plant? Ten thousand? Or twenty thousand? I'm afraid it's more than that! After these people enter the mountains, what else can they do besides farming? But they can't only eat food! They need firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. Where do these items come from? Not only do they need to eat and drink, but they also need to wear clothes? Where do these cloths come from? Farming requires tools, and it is best to have livestock. Do households have tools and livestock? Let’s do the math, how much is this demand, how much money can we make from it, and how much food can we buy with this money?”

Ye Tufei took a puff of his cigar, puffed out a string of smoke rings, and continued with a smile: "Also, these farmers and tenants have come to the mountains, do you want to build a house and add furniture? There is more food to eat, don't you still want to eat?" Have a drink or a smoke if you have nothing to do? Let’s manage all these businesses, and the money will be transferred? How can it be the same as buying food outside before?”

Seeing that the brothers seemed to understand but nodded frequently, Ye Tufei regained his spirit and led everyone to look forward to the future.

"This is just the first step in my plan, called the farming economy. Let's do a good job of the farming economy. The next step is the industrial economy. Of course, I haven't figured out how to do this industrial economy, but I can tell you something, In the future, we will be able to make guns and bullets ourselves, and even make cannons and shells when we are done! Brother Yan, don’t you have an arsenal in your base area?”

Yan Xiwen's mind has been completely brought into the blueprint of the future by Ye Tufei. He only heard Ye Tufei calling him, but he didn't hear Ye Tufei's question to him. You can also set up cotton spinning factories, quilt factories, furniture factories, hospitals, oil processing factories, and breweries.”

Guo Zhonglin's brain hole was also opened at this moment, and he took Yan Xiwen's words and said: "We can also reopen the Chunfeng Mutton Restaurant, and the Chunfeng Wine Cellar can also be rebuilt."

Guo Zhonglin was followed by Zhang Luohui. As soon as Zhang Luohui spoke, Feng Zhongliang took the lead
For a while, Ye Tufei didn't even have a chance to speak!

After everyone's discussion and speeches were almost done, Ye Tufei finally found a chance to speak.

"What you said is very good. These opinions and suggestions are very useful, but brothers, we must not ignore our own work!"

When he was proud, Ye Tufei came up with a new term.

"My job? What do you mean?" Everyone, you look at me and I look at you.

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "Don't forget what name is written on our flag, Erlang Mountain Zhanri Bandit Camp! Since we are bandits, we can't rest, we have to do some work that only bandits can do!"

What can bandits do?The brothers knew very well that apart from robbery, it was kidnapping.

Ye Tufei said again: "However, this bandit camp of ours is a Japanese bandit camp, so we can only grab goods from Little Japan, and we can only tie tickets to Little Japan!"

Zhang Luohui shouted from the side: "Master Liu, you've missed a type of person!"

Ye Tufei looked at Zhang Luohui and said, "You can add."

Zhang Luohui said with a smile: "There are also traitors and lackeys who work for Little Japan!"

All the brothers said in unison: "Yes! You can't take advantage of these bastards!"

Yan Xiwen said: "In my opinion, let's teach these traitors and lackeys a lesson first, so as to reassure the surrounding farmers and tenants."

Ye Tufei said: "Well, that's fine too, Mr. Guo, you are more familiar with the surrounding areas, so I'll leave this matter to you. Draw up a list of the traitors and lackeys in the surrounding villages and towns. Let's cut through the mess quickly. As long as you make the list , we'll get to work right away."

Guo Zhonglin said with a smile: "This matter is simple! Sixth Master, let's gather the newly recruited brothers together, hehe, don't you know which village and town are the traitors and lackeys? If it is done well, we can start work tonight. .”

Ye Tufei was overjoyed and said, "Just do as you say!"

In just three or two hours, a long list was made.

Yan Xiwen was a little worried: "Brother Ye, what if something goes wrong and a good person is regarded as a bad person?"

Ye Tufei said with a smile: "This time we only want to make money and not hurt others. If we really make a mistake, we will come to the door another day to pay for it."

Yan Xiwen said again: "You have dealt such a big blow this time, just in case you make Little Japan anxious."

Ye Tufei said: "If you are anxious, you will be anxious. He is anxious and I am not anxious. Hehe, if you have the courage, come to Erlang Mountain to settle accounts with me."

Yan Xiwen shook his head, and said: "That's not what I mean, I'm worried that if Little Japan is in a hurry, he will turn his anger on the common people."

Ye Tufei didn't take it seriously, and glared: "According to what you're saying, I still have to make Little Japan happy? That's fine, Brother Yan, I'll leave this house to you, just wait and see."

After saying that, Ye Tufei got on his horse and set off, leading his brothers from village to town to find the traitors and lackeys to settle accounts.

Interestingly, Pang Jinhai's name was actually included in the list Ye Tufei was holding.

Of course, Ye Tufei didn't put Pang Jinhai on the list because he was confused, he just wanted to use this opportunity to make the Japanese believe in Pang Jinhai more.

(End of this chapter)

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