Bandit Camp

Chapter 134 Disagreement

Chapter 134 Disagreement
Ye Tufei divided his forces into three groups, he led one by himself, handed over one to Zhang Luohui, and the other was led by Wei Xiangdong, went in three directions for three days, and took out no less than thirty traitors, big and small.

This made the surrounding people all applaud, and became more superstitious and worshiped Ye Tufei. The number of farmers and tenants who migrated to Erlang Mountain began to increase, and even the soldiers who had already cooled down became popular again.

In less than half a month, there were more than 1000 farm tenants in Erlang Mountain, and the momentum has not diminished and there is a growing trend.

The growth rate of the source of troops is not slow, every day twenty or thirty heroes come to join the gang, seeing that the guns sent by Han Hongxun are not enough, Ye Tufei is troubled by happiness.

Ye Tufei immediately thought of Han Hongxun, so he sent Deng Youfu to Han Hongxun's residence, hoping to get another batch of arms from Han Hongxun.

Unexpectedly, when Deng Youfu came back, he brought back a very bad news. Mr. Han was detained by people sent from Chongqing. It is said that he will be sent back to Chongqing to be court-martialed.

Ye Tufei was directly stunned by the news, and didn't know what happened. After questioning, Deng Youfu revealed the reason: "It is said that Mr. Han and the Communist Party transferred the weapons and ammunition of the Party and the country to the Communist Party through you. , and make huge profits from it.”

Ye Tufei suddenly thought of Song Yulong.

At the beginning, Han Hongxun told Ye Tufei that he must leave Song Yulong here to take care of Erlang Mountain, but Han Hongxun didn’t take it too seriously when he said it. In fact, Ye Tufei also put Song Yulong under house arrest, but he accidentally let him slip away. .

When Song Yulong slipped away, Ye Tufei didn't think it was a big deal.

But now, things have come, and it seems that it is not small.

Ye Tufei didn't know much about the national army, so he could only ask Yan Xiwen for advice.

After Yan Xiwen understood everything clearly, he analyzed: "Although Master Han originally belonged to the Northwest Army and did not have a strong backer in Chongqing, after the Battle of Xuzhou, his troops were reorganized into the Department of Civil Engineering. Especially when Generalissimo Jiang called on the national army to go to the enemy's rear for guerrilla warfare, Han Hongxun was the first person in the civil engineering department to stand up, and after more than a year, the battle was fought with great vigor, and the team It has also grown a lot, and has given Chen Cheng a lot of face. It stands to reason that there are problems with the ammunition he gave you, but it won't be sent to a military court?"

Ye Tufei changed his mind and asked, "Brother Yan, what a crime is being involved in the national army?"

Yan Xiwen replied: "In the past, this was a serious crime. Those without backers may be shot, but those with backers are not sure. However, it is not easy to be imprisoned for a few years. In the past two years, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have cooperated as a united front. The hat of communism is not very useful, especially for a general like Master Han who leans against a big tree behind him, it is not a big deal to be in communion or not!"

Ye Tufei was even more confused, and said: "Then why does the military commander still stare at Mr. Han? Are they not afraid of offending Chen Cheng?"

Yan Xiwen said: "This is what I don't understand."

Ye Tufei raised another doubtful point: "Brother Yan, you said that with Lao Han's character, on his territory, he would be able to withstand such a naughty attitude from the military commander? He is dead anyway, why didn't he What if it's the other way around?"

Yan Xiwen said: "Lao Han is a standard soldier, and a soldier takes obeying orders as his bounden duty."

Ye Tufei shook his head, and said: "In my opinion, people like Lao Han can accept death in battle, but they will never endure injustice. This matter will not be that simple."

Yan Xiwen said: "Perhaps after finding Song Yulong, the whole story will be clear."

Ye Tufei sighed, and said: "You might as well say, if you don't let him slip away, this kind of thing won't happen!"

This sentence reminded Yan Xiwen, he hurriedly asked: "When did Song Yulong slip away?"

Ye Tufei replied: "It was the night I drank with Lao Lu and the others."

Yan Xiwen asked again: "Did Deng Youfu find out that Lao Han was brought under control that day?"

Ye Tufei said: "Listen to General Deng Youfu, that is, the last two days."

Yan Xiwen said: "The difference between this period is more than 20 days, almost a month! Why is there such a long delay?"

Ye Tufei said: "Perhaps there was a fierce conflict between the military command and Chen Cheng, and finally the military command gained the upper hand."

Yan Xiwen shook his head and said, "Impossible, the relationship between Mr. Fisherman and Chen Cheng in the military command is very strong, and there is no possibility of conflict."

Hearing Yan Xiwen mention the fishermen, Ye Tufei's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly realized that what the military command did was probably aimed at him.

But Ye Tufei couldn't explain this to Yan Xiwen. If he hadn't mentioned fishermen and farmers because of Han Hongxun's incident today, he would have almost forgotten that he had joined the military command.

The discussion with Yan Xiwen ended up being interrupted by Ye Tufei on purpose, but Ye Tufei had already made up his mind to go to Han Hongxun's barracks tomorrow to meet the army commanders for a while, and if he could meet the fisherman, he might as well settle the matter completely Lose.

However, an unexpected incident that night disrupted Ye Tufei's plan.

A squadron from Little Japan ransacked Guzhuang, which was less than fifteen miles away from Erlang Mountain. Except for a few relatives who went to Erlang Mountain in the whole village, there were 320 seven people left, all of whom were attacked by Little Japan. The poisonous hands.

In the early hours of the morning, those few survivors stumbled to Mount Erlang, and after telling Ye Tufei about the tragedy of last night, the whole camp exploded.

Especially those Guzhuang brothers who just came up to join the gang, they lined up, knelt down in front of Ye Tufei, weeping and begging Ye Liuye to avenge them and the villagers.

Before Ye Tufei could express his opinion, Yan Xiwen stood up first. He helped several brothers in Guzhuang up one by one, and persuaded him earnestly: "Brothers, folks, we must avenge this revenge! You get up first, ah Believe in me, believe in your sixth master! You go back to rest first, let me discuss with sixth master how to take revenge."

The brothers stood up with tears in their eyes, looked at Ye Tufei helplessly, but refused to leave.

Ye Tufei clenched his teeth, with a livid face, and squeezed out a sentence: "Within three days, if you don't take revenge, you will not be a human being!"

Yan Xiwen was stunned for a moment, glanced at Ye Tufei, and hurriedly sent those brothers out of the door.

After returning to the house, Yan Xiwen pointed at Ye Tufei and said angrily: "I can understand your feelings, but you can't speak so hard, within three days, it's easier said than done? If you can't do it, where is your prestige?"

Ye Tufei remained silent, his eyes fixed on the front.

Yan Xiwen sighed, and said: "Brother! You have to calm down, will Little Japan go to the gate of Erlang Mountain to slaughter the village for no reason? That is to provoke you on purpose! It is Gao Qiaoxin's conspiracy! You can Don't fall into his trap!"

Ye Tufei sneered, and said, "So what? The folks in Guzhuang have suffered such a catastrophe, and if I don't step forward to avenge them, how can I explain to the brothers? How can I explain to the tens of thousands of villagers in Erlang Mountain?"

Yan Xiwen shook his head, did not answer Ye Tufei directly, but spoke after a moment of silence: "National crisis, family feud, which is more important? Ye Tufei, a year and a half ago, in Nanjing, how many of our compatriots were killed by Little Japan in one go? Corpses are piled up into mountains, and blood flows into rivers! The Yangtze River can no longer see the river water, and all you can see are corpses floating all over the river. How should this revenge be avenged?"

It was Ye Tufei's turn to be speechless.

Nanjing!It was a city where every flesh and blood Chinese would feel shame and sorrow.

Although Ye Tufei didn't experience that hellish week in Nanjing, his memory is full of bloody scenes of that humiliating history.Remnants of soldiers who had thrown away their weapons, unarmed civilians, terrified and ignorant women and children, one by one, in groups, in batches, were driven by the Japanese army to the slaughter field, where they were picked up with bayonets, shot with rifles, and swept away with machine guns.
Why not resist!Why not work hard!

Ye Tufei clearly remembered that when he saw the movie about this period of history, he angrily uttered such roars and doubts.

He still remembered that he consulted a lot of research materials in this area afterwards, some analyzed the causes of the atrocities committed by the Japanese army, and some analyzed the background of the tragedy, but they rarely analyzed why the Chinese did not dare to resist desperately.

Later, there seemed to be a thing called the Internet. Although the army strictly prohibited soldiers from participating in Internet activities, Ye Tufei risked breaking discipline and consulted many so-called unofficial history reviews on the Internet.

But all these comments couldn't explain the confusion in Ye Tufei's heart.

It is said that the Chinese have experienced a long-term feudal society and have become too servile. When facing the Japanese army's rifles and bayonets, they have lost their desire to survive.People who hold this theory also use Yangzhou Ten Days hundreds of years ago as evidence.

Some also say that it is determined by the characteristics of Chinese people who are good at fighting. They don't want to be the first bird, and they don't want to die before the people around them. They all hope that others can stand up first.To this point of view, Ye Tufei could only sigh and shake his head, objecting in every possible way in his heart, but he couldn't refute it.

There is another saying that the Japanese army is too strong, and my compatriots are powerless to fight and can only endure.When Ye Tufei saw this comment post at the time, he seemed to believe it, but then he checked the information of the Japanese army and confirmed that there were not many Japanese troops involved in the massacre, and there would often be three or five Japanese soldiers escorting hundreds of Chinese compatriots Weird phenomenon.

Why not resist?Why not work hard?

At this moment, when Yan Xiwen mentioned this period of history again, Ye Tufei only felt anger in his heart!He suddenly stood up and shouted: "If you kill one, you won't pay, but if you kill two, you will make money. Why don't the Chinese dare to fight the little Japanese?"

Yan Xiwen was startled by Ye Tufei, he stared blankly at Ye Tufei for a few seconds, as if giving advice, but also as if talking to himself, and said: "Resisting Japan is not a simple matter, it requires a long and arduous struggle to win the final victory , if you don’t protect yourself first, how can you continue to fight for a long time?”

(End of this chapter)

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