Bandit Camp

Chapter 136 Inspiration Strikes

Chapter 136 Inspiration Strikes
Poems as proof:

A small company with three or two items of business. Although it has no worries about food and clothing, it has no hope of making a fortune.

Occasionally go crazy in leisure time, the great god becomes a role model, feels self-indulgent, but ends up depressed.

Blaming heaven and others, the editor scapegoats, regrets the promise that day, and now puts the rein on the neck.

There is no code word for three days, just for food, I will make up in the future, only one chapter for the time being.

If you ask the eunuch if you have been hesitant, you must keep your promises, so don't panic.

Writing a book purely for self-entertainment is better than being in a daze. If you chase after it, you will like it, and the hard work is not in vain.

The subject matter is non-mainstream, YY is an outsider, and people persuaded me to do it again, I said I must be stubborn.

The story has to be finished, don't be scolded as a small sample, there must be an end after the beginning, I deserve Lao Zhang.

There is another poem to prove it:
With half a pack of cigarettes in my pocket,

Standing by the Pearl River,
Sad life is short,
Waves beat cloth clothes.

Years of obsession with war,
The drama is unbearable,
Create your own classic,
Now no one is watching.

If you ask Lao Yan if he wants to be a eunuch?
You guessed it, first.

Ye Tufei knew Ouyang Xueping's purpose this time, and originally wanted to reject Ouyang Xueping without giving her a chance to speak. This was also a kind of protection for her.

However, when Ye Tufei saw Ouyang Xueping's eyes full of worry and sorrow, his heart softened.

"Well, tell me, I'm listening!"

"Tufei, can you be less impulsive in doing things?"

The moment Ouyang Xueping opened her mouth, Ye Tufei's heart felt blocked.

"Why am I impulsive? Don't just listen to Yan Xiwen's words. Let me tell you, girl, the folks trust me, Ye Tufei, and this Erlang Mountain bandit camp. That's why they come to Erlang Mountain to look for Ye Tufei when they are in such a catastrophe. If at this time I shrink back and cannot step forward to avenge the villagers, then how can I, Ye Tufei, be worthy of the title of Master Ye?"

Ouyang Xueping sighed, and said: "Look? You said you were not impulsive. As soon as I opened my mouth, you yelled and got angry at me. Did I say I won't let you take revenge?"

Ye Tufei also realized that he was a little excited just now, so he quickly lowered his voice and tone, and asked, "Aren't you here to be a lobbyist for Yan Xiwen?"

Ouyang Xueping gave Ye Tufei a gouged look, and said angrily: "Don't be so arbitrary, okay?" While speaking, Ouyang Xueping glanced at Ye Tufei again, and complained: "You are always so headstrong!"

Ye Tufei was depressed when he heard this, and asked back: "Girl, what are you talking about? Why am I being self-willed?"

Ouyang Xueping argued: "Last year in Hong Kong, because you were self-righteous, Lao Miao and I were exposed, and I almost couldn't come back."

It’s okay not to mention this matter, but when this matter is mentioned, Ye Tufei’s heart is like being stuffed with a ball of cotton. Although he understands the underground party’s tactic of using fake couples to cover up their identities, but put On himself, but still can not completely let go.

But Ouyang Xueping didn't understand Ye Tufei's thinking and character at all, and continued to complain faintly: "You don't know how important the positions of Lao Miao and I are, and how much loss the organization will suffer if you make such a fuss!"

Ye Tufei was completely enraged, and suddenly shouted: "Since you are all about your organization, then you should marry your organization!"

Ouyang Xueping was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Ye Tufei, two lines of tears flowed down silently.

Ye Tufei's heart twitched uncontrollably, he really wanted to say sorry to Ouyang Xueping, but he couldn't find a reason to say these three words.

Ye Tufei didn't feel sorry for Ouyang Xueping at all, but Ouyang Xueping felt sorry for Ye Tufei.

For her organization and her party, she doesn't even care about her own life, let alone her lover.

Did Ouyang Xueping care about Ye Tufei?
Maybe she cared about a certain episode, such as before and after Ye Tufei was injured, but other than that, as long as there was a slight conflict with her organization's interests, she always defended her organization and her organization without hesitation. party.

This made Ye Tufei feel very lost.

This feeling of loss occupied Ye Tufei's main emotion, the word 'I'm sorry' circled around his lips a few times, but it was finally swallowed down in his stomach.

Ouyang Xueping stared at Ye Tufei angrily, turned and ran away covering her face.

Ye Tufei stood there blankly, trying to chase after him, but he couldn't move his legs.

In the evening of the next day, Zhang Luohui brought good news: "It has been found out that it is the squadron of Chuandao Intermediary who killed the fellow villagers of Guzhuang. I found out that this old bastard Gao Qiaoxin is also in Jia's Wang."

It seems that the massacre of the folks in Guzhuang by the Japanese army was not an accidental event, and it was really guessed by Yan Xiwen.

After listening to Zhang Luohui's report, Ye Tufei used his brain and thought quickly.

Obviously, what Takahashi Shin hopes most now is that Ye Tufei, being dazzled by hatred, will recklessly attack Jiajiawang for revenge, and Takahashi Xin must have made sufficient arrangements in Jiajiawang. Once Ye Tufei Leading the troops to attack Jiajiawang, Takahashi Xin will have full confidence to wipe out Ye Tufei on Jiajiawang's land.

Then, there is only one way to get revenge, to lure the Kawashima intermediary squadron out of Jiajiawang, and kill the Kawashima squadron outside Takahashi Shin's trap.

How to lure the Kawashima Squadron?

Ye Tufei fell into the initial problem again.

Just when he was troubled because he was thinking hard but couldn't get an answer, Wei Xiangdong came over, and he brought Ye Tufei a very bad news, but it was this very bad news that opened Ye Tufei's mind, like a revelation, Immediately inspiration burst out.

The news Wei Xiangdong brought was that a spy was found in the team, and this spy was probably sent by Little Japan.

After all, inspiration cannot represent a plan, and Ye Tufei needs to further inspire inspiration to form a plan, so he needs to have an in-depth and detailed understanding of this matter.

"Tell me, how did you find out about this spy?"

Wei Xiangdong couldn't hide his excitement, and said while gesticulating: "Two days ago, when I was compiling the roster of recruits, I found out that some of the recruits were foreigners, and one of them was registered in Harbin in Northeast China. I thought in my heart, I have met a fellow countryman after a long distance in love, so I have to chat with the fellow countryman, just now, I found that kid, and chatted for more than half an hour."

Ye Tufei interjected with a smile: "This chatter brings up problems."

Wei Xiangdong smiled and said: "That's right! This kid said he escaped from Harbin and came here, but when I heard the accent, it didn't sound right. It doesn't look like Harbin's accent, it's clearly from Fengtian City."

Ye Tufei said: "Then he didn't recognize your accent? How dare he lie in front of you?"

Wei Xiangdong waved his hand and said, "I didn't tell him that I came from the Northeast, let alone that I had stayed in Harbin and Fengtian for a few years. When I chatted with him, what I said was standard. The official language. Liu Ye, this is not a big deal, I also found a situation that can explain the problem more."

Ye Tufei became more interested, leaned forward and said, "What's the situation? Tell me quickly!"

Wei Xiangdong pretended to be mysterious, lowered his voice, and whispered: "He seems to understand Japanese!"

Ye Tufei was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "How did you find out about this?"

Wei Xiangdong said: "I chatted with him and made up a story with him, saying that Liu Ye could speak Japanese, and once he pretended to be a Japanese military officer and deceived me and the military adviser. When I told this story, I learned Japanese Two Japanese words, the guy's reaction after hearing it seems to understand those two Japanese words."

Ye Tufei let out a long breath.

His sudden inspiration just now was to use this spy to transmit information, so that Takahashi Xin was deceived and transferred the Kawashima Squadron out of Jiajiawang to perform tasks. If the spy felt that he had been exposed, then no matter whether he had absconded or not Even if Ye Tufei's idea could not be realized, a good plan would be wasted.

Therefore, when Wei Xiangdong said that he learned that the spy could understand Japanese, Ye Tufei thought that Wei Xiangdong's making things too clear would arouse the alertness of that person, so he was nervously taken aback.But after hearing Wei Xiangdong's description, he felt that Wei Xiangdong did a good job, so he felt relieved.

"Xiao Wei, are you sure that guy didn't sense your suspicion?"

Wei Xiangdong glanced at Ye Tufei, and said, "How could he notice it? I still want to follow the clues to see if he has any accomplices!"

Ye Tufei stood up, patted Wei Xiangdong, and said: "Good job! Brother, you have helped me a lot! Xiao Wei, who else knows about this?"

Wei Xiangdong pointed to Ye Tufei, and said, "I came to you as soon as I found out. Except for you and me, no one knows about it!"

Ye Tufei smiled faintly, and said, "Come out for a walk with me, I have something important to tell you."

That night, Wei Xiangdong appeared in the spy's dormitory, and chatted with a group of recruits, all over the world, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, chatting happily.

When he was on the verge of excitement, Deng Youfu broke into the house suddenly, and shouted as soon as he entered the room: "Wei Xiangdong, you are easy for me to find. I have been looking for you everywhere, but you are hiding here enjoying your leisure!"

Wei Xiangdong smiled apologetically, and asked, "What do you need from me?"

Deng Youfu said: "It was the Sixth Master who came to see you, and asked you to go to him tonight, saying that there is an important task."

Wei Xiangdong replied: "Understood, Company Commander Deng, you go and do your work first, I'll be there right away."

After Deng Youfu left, Wei Xiangdong calmly finished the story he was going to tell just now, and then prepared to leave.But getting off the kang, Wei Xiangdong suddenly howled, and fell on the kang with one leg stiff.

A few recruits hurried over to care, Wei Xiangdong gritted his teeth and pointed at the leg, saying, "Hurry up and break it for me, why did I suddenly have a cramp!"

Several people broke up in turn, and Wei Xiangdong only improved slightly, and his leg still couldn't touch the ground.

In desperation, Wei Xiangdong could only ask for help from the spy brother he was most familiar with: "Why don't you help me, if the sixth master waits impatiently, he will lose his temper."

The spy longed for such an opportunity, so he readily agreed.

At the door of Ye Tufei's room, Wei Xiangdong told the spy to wait at the door, while he limped and forced himself into Ye Tufei's room.

Seeing that there was no one around, the spy couldn't help it anymore, so he put his ear on the door panel.

I heard Ye Tufei say in the room: "Little Japan plans to attack Changsha in early September. Although the base camp is located in Wuhan, Xuzhou is the rear of this battle and the gathering place of Little Japan's strategic materials. I am in Xuzhou A brother of his own was planted in the Japanese army, and he accidentally got a piece of information about it, which doesn’t mean much to us Erlangshan, but it’s different to you Communist Party.”

Then Wei Xiangdong asked: "How did this brother of Master Liu get this information?"

(End of this chapter)

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