Bandit Camp

Chapter 137

Chapter 137
Ye Tufei replied: "You don't need to know about this, I can assure you that this information is very real and detailed, so I want that brother to send it in person. But there is a problem, my brother is worried that Erlang There will be a little Japanese eyeliner near the mountain, if he enters the mountain to hand over information, I'm afraid there will be a risk of exposure."

Wei Xiangdong continued: "That's true, how about Liu Ye, I'll go to Xuzhou City?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Isn't that the same result? In this way, my brother has already set off overnight. He doesn't have to come to Erlang Mountain in person, he just needs to find a place near Erlang Mountain. Let's send someone to connect and get the information back. gone."

Wei Xiangdong praised: "Well, this method is very good, Liu Ye, tell me where you are, and I will take people there right away."

Ye Tufei said: "He and I have confirmed the handover place, look, how is this Guzhuang?"

Wei Xiangdong said in shock: "Guzhuang? Why did you choose this place? This village has just been massacred by the little Japanese..."

Ye Tufei said: "Because of this, this Guzhuang will definitely not have idle eyes and ears, and it is the most suitable for information transfer!"

Further down, the voices of the two people in the room were much quieter, as if they were giving each other a specific signal for a meeting.

After a while, Wei Xiangdong bid farewell to Ye Tufei, and the spy quickly walked two steps away.

Wei Xiangdong went out of the room, the spy hurried up to meet him, supported Wei Xiangdong and left.

As soon as the figures of those two disappeared, Zhang Luohui and Deng Youfu came out from the hiding place and entered Ye Tufei's room.

"How? Are you sure?" Ye Tufei asked eagerly.

Zhang Luohui replied with rare dignity: "It is absolutely certain that that person is a spy."

Ye Tufei nodded, and asked again: "Is the team assembled?"

Zhang Luohui replied seriously: "Half an hour ago, when Wei Xiangdong was chatting with that spy, he had already assembled. Don't worry, Sixth Master, they are all our old brothers!"

Ye Tufei took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and ordered firmly: "Let's go immediately!"

Zhang and Deng stood at attention and saluted in standard military posture, and they responded in unison: "Yes!"


With the support of the spy, Wei Xiangdong walked slowly to his room, chatting with the spy on irrelevant topics along the way, and when he arrived at his room, he begged the spy to help him pass a message. The guerrilla brothers who belonged to him were summoned.

By the time the spy woke up Shi Heizi and the others from their dreams, nearly an hour had passed.The spy was not in a hurry, because Guzhuang formed a triangular geographical relationship with the west exit of Erlang Mountain and Jiajiawang, and Jiajiawang was almost five times closer to Guzhuang than Erlangshan was to Guzhuang. Miles.

The spy secretly planned to have a radio station to communicate with Jia Jiawang's master. Even if Wei Xiangdong and the others rode fast horses to Guzhuang to hand over the information, as long as he could send the information within half an hour after Wei Xiangdong set off, he would surely be able to. Will not delay things.

The spies were not in a hurry, and Wei Xiangdong was even more in a hurry. After struggling for half an hour, he led the team on the way out of the mountain.

Seeing that Wei Xiangdong and others had gone far away, the spy quickly slipped out of the camp and went to the back mountain.

On the half-hillside of the back mountain, the spy fumbled out a radio station among a pile of rocks.

In order to show his merits to the master, and at the same time to make the master believe in his information, the spy reported in great detail in the telegram.

It took a full 15 minutes to send a telegram.

After finishing the work, the spy did not rush to call it a day, but lay on his back on the hillside, quietly waiting for the reply from Jia Jiawang's master.

300 meters away, Wei Xiangdong held a high-powered telescope and quietly observed the spy's every move.

After about ten minutes, the spy got busy again, tick-tocked for a while, then put away the radio, hid it, and walked down the hill slowly.

Wei Xiangdong and the others hid quickly, for fear of being discovered by the spies.

With the overwhelming evidence, Wei Xiangdong did not arrest anyone. The reason for this was Ye Tufei's arrangement. Ye Tufei believed that having such a spy in the team was not a disaster, but a treasure. He ordered Wei Xiangdong to protect him. Well this baby pimple.

Wei Xiangdong was a little confused, but he still carried out Ye Tufei's instructions without compromise.

It was close to midnight at this time, but Shin Takahashi was still unable to fall asleep at this time.

Half an hour ago, as soon as he lay down on the bed, he heard a report from his subordinates that the 'Wild Wolf' had information.

"Wild Wolf" is one of the special agents carefully selected by Takahashi Shin and Yamashita Keigo for Ye Tufei. In addition to "Wild Wolf", there are also "White Fox", "Owl" and "Mole". The 'White Fox' who was the most admired and had the most high hopes had been silent all the time, but the 'Wild Wolf' who was the least favored was the first to send back the information.

This could not but arouse Gao Qiaoxin's vigilance.

However, judging from the content of the intelligence sent back by 'Wild Wolf', it seems extremely credible.Because the time when the imperial army prepares to launch the Battle of Changsha is highly confidential, it is impossible for 'Wild Wolf' to know, and it is even more impossible for Ye Tufei to know.Moreover, Xuzhou, as the backup gathering point for this battle, has indeed formulated a detailed and comprehensive logistics support plan.However, all this was known by Ye Tufei, Gao Qiaoxin had to believe that there was something wrong with them.

While believing, Takahashi Shin still had doubts, and he asked the telegraph operator to contact 'Wild Wolf' again.

This procedure was agreed in advance, and the agents would wait for the command from the base camp before turning off the radio after confirming their own safety.Takahashi's telegraph operator contacted 'Wild Wolf' again, just to make sure that 'Wild Wolf' was safe.

Sure enough, 'Wild Wolf' replied, which showed that he was in a safe situation and was not under surveillance or suspicion.

Only then did Gao Qiaoxin settle down and start thinking about countermeasures.

The situation was clear, and the countermeasures were simple. Nobuyuki Takahashi made a decision in less than 5 minutes.

"Order the Kawashima Squadron to assemble immediately, rush to Guzhuang, intercept the intelligence, and make sure to catch all the information handover personnel!"

Ten minutes later, the Kawashima Squadron was ready to go, and Shin Takahashi made a final explanation to Kawashima's intermediary.

"Kawashima-kun, I will leave this task to you. You are very familiar with the place of Guzhuang, so it is perfect for carrying out this task. Hmph, Ye Tufei thought he was very smart, and chose such a place full of ghosts to hand over the information. , Mr. Kawashima, don’t have any mercy, let Guzhuang have a few more sina ghosts!”

Just when the Chuandao agency led the team to get off the car less than a mile away from Guzhuang and was about to walk, Ye Tufei and his brothers had already prepared a luxurious feast for the Chuandao squadron in the village of Guzhuang.

Now, it's time to wait for the VIPs to take their seats and prepare to serve the dishes.

The squadron of Kawashima Intermediary, after the last Battle of Yingzui Cliff, has not yet replenished its troops. The current strength is only about 120. Moreover, in order to increase the speed of marching, when they abandoned the car and walked, they used heavy machine guns None of them were carried, let alone grenadiers and mortars.

For making such a decision, the squadron leader Kawashima Intermediary cannot be entirely blamed. After all, it is only to arrest a few Chinese people who handed over the information. Even if those Chinese people bring manpower, there will not be many. , the strength of a small team is enough.

The Chuandao Squadron was really familiar with Guzhuang. When it was close to Guzhuang, he divided the squadron into six groups. The Chinese people who came to hand over the information threw themselves into the trap.

Watching the little Japanese enter the table in an orderly manner according to their own settings, Ye Tufei put down the binoculars on a big tree a hundred meters away, and smiled at Zhang Luohui under the tree: "The guests are already seated, gray mule, let's start!" Let's serve!"

Zhang Luohui snapped his fingers cheerfully, and replied, "Yo Xi! Immediately, Missi, Missi, and Dada."

At this time, it was the dead of night, and this Guzhuang was already a place of death, except for those little Japanese who held their breath and dared not even fart, there was no one else.

How can there be a static word to describe it.

Deng Youfu, who was beside Zhang Luohui, covered his mouth with his hands and let out a night owl cry.

Although the voice was not loud, the distance it conveyed was quite far in such a quiet environment. The brothers who had already made full preparations heard the signal and began to touch the four groups of little Japanese in ambush outside the village quietly. past.

The four groups in Little Japan outside the village only had 20 people in each group, while Ye Tufei's brothers seemed to have more than forty people, two against one, and they were still playing tricks.

Are you going to let people pass this day?

Isn't this deliberately bullying people!
Anyway, let us see clearly whether the thing stuck in your chest or back is a knife or a sword!

Anyway, you also let us have some time to react or shoot a gun or scream before we die!
But all these grievances, Little Japan can only keep in his heart, and he will tell them when he returns to the Yasukuni Shrine.

After quietly eliminating the little Japanese outside the village, Ye Tufei led his brothers to launch an attack on the little Japanese inside the village with great fanfare.

Four directions, shouting and killing everywhere.

Kawashima intermediary immediately understood that he was ambushed by Ye Tufei.

Without any hesitation, he immediately blew the whistle for emergency concentration.

What Ye Tufei wants is to bring Little Japan together.

The inside of the village is no different than outside the village. The small Japan hidden and ambushed outside the village is completed under the noses of the brothers. Everyone's hiding position is clear and clear, and it will be very convenient to do it.But Shonai is different. If the method of surprise attack is still adopted, the problem may be solved quickly in terms of time, but in terms of danger, the brothers may suffer a lot of casualties.

Ye Tufei was very greedy, he wanted to eliminate a Japanese squadron with zero casualties.

Therefore, he pretended to be aggressive and forced Little Japan to make a decision to gather together.There is actually another reason for doing this, that is, Ye Tufei doesn't want the little Japan to die too easily, he needs these little Japan to enjoy the feeling of embracing the God of Death collectively before they die.

After confirming that Little Japan had gathered together as he wanted, Ye Tufei ordered Zhang Luohui to quickly serve Little Japan the second big dish - roast suckling pig.

(End of this chapter)

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