Bandit Camp

Chapter 140 acquaintances meet

Chapter 140 acquaintances meet
(I slept until noon yesterday, then drank, drank too much and then fell asleep, woke up and continued to drink. I dreamed at night, only to remember that there was no update. Hey, is it easy to smoke? In order to get food, you have to drink desperately, and you have to code desperately .By the way, code words are not for rations, just for vanity, ha ha.)
At this moment, Yan Xiwen came over to discuss things with Ye Tufei. When he entered the room, he saw Xing Wanli and was stunned. He pointed at Xing Wanli and said 'you' and 'you' several times, but he couldn't say the second word .

For Yan Xiwen, this sense of conflict was too strong, he never imagined that this traitor would dare to go to Mount Erlang, and could sit and talk with Ye Tufei face to face.

Xing Wanli was very calm at this time, he smiled and stretched out his hand to Yan Xiwen, and greeted: "Mr. Yan, I haven't seen you for a long time, is everything okay?"

Yan Xiwen caught a glimpse of Song Yulong from the corner of his eye, and he suddenly understood a little bit, so he settled down, smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Xing Wanli.

As soon as the two hands were held together, Yan Xiwen felt a strong force coming from him. He couldn't bear it, but he could only grit his teeth and hold on.

Fortunately, Xing Wanli didn't intend to make Yan Xiwen make a fool of himself in public. He just wanted to tell Yan Xiwen in this way that when you, Yan Xiwen, forced me to submit with a broken kitchen knife in his home, it was actually me trying to make you good on purpose.

Just when Yan Xiwen's expression was about to change due to exertion, the strength suddenly disappeared. Looking at Xing Wanli's smiling face, Yan Xiwen understood the person's intentions.

"The people in the military command really don't eat dry food. I, Yan Xiwen, admire them for their tricks!"

Seeing that Yan Xiwen already understood, Xing Wanli didn't explain what he said, but responded politely: "Mr. Yan has been in the national army for more than ten years, which makes us feel ashamed!"

Ye Tufei heard something in the words of these two people, and then remembered that Yan Xiwen found him in Xuzhou City with the help of Xing Wanli.

So, Ye Tufei smiled and smoothed things over: "Oh, I remembered, we are still old friends in love, Mr. Xing, I have to thank you for being able to successfully win the division chief of staff in Little Japan that time." Thread a needle!"

This smooth talk actually caused Xing Wanli to draw a long face, and said in a strong reproachful tone: "Ye Liuye, I don't want to talk about it if you don't mention it, but since you mentioned it, then I have to say a few words. Do you think your disturbance in Xuzhou City is a blow to Little Japan? You are undermining the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War!"

Ye Tufei didn't react, Yan Xiwen counterattacked: "How do you say that? Ye Liu tied up the chief of staff of Little Japan and bombed the residence of the chief of staff. How much encouragement did this have among the people, you How can it be said that it undermines the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War?"

The corners of Xing Wanli's mouth twitched a few times, and his voice slowed down: "When the party state abandoned Xuzhou, it spent millions of dollars to build four secret passages in the city, hiding a large amount of military supplies, but after you make such a fuss, these four secret passages It's all scrapped!"

Song Yulong then added: "After that incident, the whole city of Little Japan was searched, and three other secret passages were also discovered, and all the weapons and ammunition were dedicated to Little Japan."

Hearing what Xing and Song said, Ye Tufei also regretted it immediately, but what he regretted was not whether he should have used that secret channel to kidnap Little Japan's chief of staff, but what he regretted was that he should have known Xing Wanli's military commander status earlier and used it from him. Find out the location of the other three secret passages, so as to monopolize that batch of weapons and ammunition.

Seeing that the atmosphere was slightly awkward, which was not conducive to the negotiations between himself and Ye Tufei, Xing Wanli changed the topic in a timely manner: "Okay, Mr. Ye Liu, the matter has already happened. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. The important thing is how we will go in the future. , go in that direction."

Without waiting for Ye Tufei to express his opinion, Yan Xiwen took the lead in expressing his opinion: "Now is the period of the Kuomintang-Communist cooperative united front, and the national anti-Japanese armed forces should be under the leadership of Generalissimo Jiang. Is the national army in sequence?"

Xing Wanli said: "That's different!"

Yan Xiwen asked back: "Why is it different?"

Xing Wanli opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to express it.Song Yulong continued to argue: "Your Communist Party's army has indeed changed its designation and joined the ranks of the national army, and it also regularly receives military payments from the state government. But, does your Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army really obey the dispatch of the state government? No Right! You have established so many bases in the rear, how much tax have you collected? Have you paid a penny to the government? No! So, you belong only in name, but in fact, you are still independent. "

Yan Xiwen replied: "This statement is wrong! The national army is resisting the Japanese invaders head-on, and our side is fighting guerrilla warfare against the enemy's rear to contain the Japanese invaders. This is the strategic policy determined by the top leaders of the two parties. It is not deep enough to lead our army to carry out guerrilla warfare better and more effectively. Furthermore, the command of an army by the government is only a strategic guidance, and the implementation of specific tactics should be determined by the supreme commander of this army , the supreme commanders of our Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army are all appointed by Generalissimo Jiang, so how can we say that we are still independent?"

After a few words, Xing and Song, who were arguing, were powerless to refute, but these two obviously did not agree with Yan Xiwen's theory, so they could only roll their eyes and ignore it, and focused their attention on Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei couldn't escape, so he had to express his opinion: "It's still the same sentence. I, Ye Tufei, am a reckless person and don't understand politics. Between the two parties, I can't tell which is right and which is wrong. Let's just discuss the facts. Since Commander Xing said, as long as I draw a clear line with the Communist Party, I can save Master Han Hongxun. Master Han is kind to me, and I have to repay it, so I can only wrong you, Brother Yan."

Saying that, Ye Tufei secretly winked at Yan Xiwen.

Yan Xiwen also understood the purpose of Xing Wanli's trip. In order to rescue Han Hongxun, he thought that being wronged was not a big deal. As long as Ye Tufei's heart was on the side of the Communist Party, it didn't matter what he said verbally or what he did on the surface. important.

But in order to cooperate with Ye Tufei, he still showed an indignant look: "Master Ye Liu, aren't you crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

Ye Tufei is also a natural actor, so he immediately pretended to be suffering, spread his hands, and said, "It's unrighteous to go to the left, and it's still unrighteous to go to the right, what do you want me to do? How about dividing me, Ye Tufei Two, one and half of you on both sides?"

Xing Wanli didn't know much about the acting talents of Ye Tufei and Yan Xiwen, and was confused by the performance of the two, especially because he believed Ye Tufei's embarrassment. He thought about it carefully and gave Ye Tufei a suggestion : "Ye Liuye, how about this, you and your team accept the reorganization of the national army. This is the principle and the bottom line. You must implement it thoroughly in order to save Mr. Han. What about the Communist Party? I can also understand your kind of quack thinking about loyalty, then set aside a piece of land for the Communist Party in the Erlang Mountain area, let them establish a base area, and develop their own anti-Japanese forces, so that both sides are taken care of? "

Ye Tufei looked at Yan Xiwen, Yan Xiwen secretly nodded to Ye Tufei.

"Then listen to Chief Xing?" Ye Tufei pretended to be confused and helpless.

Yan Xiwen let out a long sigh, and said: "You know people, you know your face, but you don't know your heart!" After speaking, he left without saying goodbye.

Ye Tufei pointed at Yan Xiwen's back, and said to Xing Wanli and Song Yulong: "Look, look, are you angry? Hey! This is a serious matter, and it has been spread to the world, and I don't know how many heroes will say that I, Ye Tufei, are not righteous .”

Xing Wanli said with a smile: "Those who do great things must have such a heart and be able to tolerate grievances. In this regard, Master Ye Liu is much better than Yan Xiwen!"

Only then did Ye Tufei smile a little, and said: "Don't talk about it, you two have come all the way, and it's time for dinner, shall we have something to eat and drink?"

When it came to eating and drinking, Xing Wanli and Song Yulong also felt hungry, so he readily agreed.

After drinking and eating, Xing and Song said goodbye, but Ye Tufei insisted on sending them off.

As soon as he walked down the road, Ouyang Xueping chased after him, and when he saw Ye Tufei, he asked sullenly, "Have you decided?"

Ye Tufei was a little puzzled, and asked, "What have I decided?"

Ouyang Xueping got angry: "Are you still pretending? I, I, I really misjudged you!"

After finishing speaking, he covered his face, cried, trotted all the way, and went back.

Ye Tufei was quite embarrassed, looking at Xing Wanli and Song Yulong, he didn't know what to say.

Xing Wanli is someone who has been there and understands the mystery, so he waved his hand and said to Ye Tufei: "We can go on our own, you should hurry up to persuade him, say a few nice words, explain, girls are small-minded, don't be fooled." Can't think about anything."

Ye Tufei was worried about this matter. Logically speaking, Ouyang Xueping shouldn't know what he talked about with Xing Wanli just now. If Ouyang Xueping is angry about this matter, then there is only one possibility, that is, Yan Xiwen has misunderstood.

The more Ye Tufei thought about it, the more confused he became, so he accepted Xing Wanli's suggestion and hurried after him in order to clarify the matter.

Here Xing Wanli and Song Yulong got into the jeep and drove out of Erlang Mountain. On the way, the two of them were silent.

In fact, both of them knew in their hearts that it would be difficult for this Ye Tufei to make a clean break with the Communist Party. What Song Yulong was thinking about was how to persuade Xing Wanli to give up Ye Tufei altogether, and to prove Han Hongxun's common crimes. What Xing Wanli was thinking about was how to use Han Hongxun to completely destroy Ye Tufei fought for it.

This fulfills a classic: the ass determines the head.

Song Yulong wholeheartedly wanted to do something in the military command series, and now Han Hongxun's common affairs are a golden opportunity.And Xing Wanli was ordered by the fisherman to win over Ye Tufei.

The two were silent for about 10 minutes. Xing Wanli suddenly said, "Stop the car and turn around. Let's go back to Xuzhou first."

Song Yulong stopped the car, but did not turn around in a hurry, but asked puzzledly: "Are we going back to Xuzhou now? The special commissioner is still waiting for us!"

Xing Wanli smiled and said: "I understand why Ye Tufei refuses to break up with the Communist Party. The relationship is for a woman! Xiao Song, let's go back to Xuzhou and arrange our big beauty to deal with Ye Tufei. As long as Ye Tufei changes his mind, Hehe, the Communist Party can only stand aside!"

Song Yulong shook his head slightly, and said, "Then Ye Tufei is so important? Is it worth our money?"

Xing Wanli smiled and said, "Isn't the person the boss likes worth our money?"

Song Yulong was still puzzled, but he didn't continue to ask. Instead, he turned the car around and drove towards Xuzhou.

Along the way, Xing Wanli was quite proud. He thought he had at least [-]% chance of defeating the Communist Party in this battle for talent.

However, what Xing Wanli never expected was that this time, he was walking on a road leading to death.

(End of this chapter)

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