Bandit Camp

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

In the process of waiting for the command of the North China Front Military Headquarters, Takahashi Nobu has been reflecting on the fact that he believed the false information fabricated by Ye Tufei and personally sent the Kawashima Squadron into Ye Tufei's trap.

For this reason, he cut off the contact with the four agents sent to Erlang Mountain. Now that the "Wild Wolf" was discovered and used, it is difficult to guarantee that the other three will not suffer the same fate.

However, how did Ye Tufei learn about the imperial army's battle plan for Changsha?

He thought about this question for a long time, and finally decided that part of what Ye Tufei said must be true, that is, there must be Ye Tufei's eyeliner inside the imperial army.

For this reason, he had a full discussion with Keigo Yamashita, and finally decided to thoroughly investigate the entire imperial army series, especially those Chinese who worked for the imperial army.

While Takahashi Nobu and Yamashita Keigo were investigating, Xing Wanli accompanied the military commissioner to Han Hongxun's residence, and did not show his face in Xuzhou for several days.

This was easily discovered by Takahashi Shin.

The day Xing Wanli set out happened to be the day before the accident in the Kawashima Squadron.

Doubts quickly focused on Xing Wanli.

Continuing to investigate further, Takahashi Xin discovered that before Qingming, Ye Tufei made a big fuss in Xuzhou City, kidnapped the chief of staff, and blew up the small foreign building. This incident was also related to Xing Wanli. He has already basically determined that Xing Wanli is Ye Tufei's eyeliner lurking beside the imperial army.

After finding out all this, Gao Qiaoxin stood still and acted as if nothing happened. He was worried that Xing Wanli would hear the news and never return to Xuzhou City.

Nobu Takahashi just asked Keigo Yamashita to secretly mobilize more than a dozen special agents to monitor Xing Wanli's residence day and night. Once they found Xing Wanli's trace, they must not act rashly and could only report to him immediately.

Therefore, when Xing Wanli and Song Yulong hid their car outside the city and entered the city on foot, they didn't feel anything strange at all.

That night, he contacted the big beauty he called by radio, and gave the big beauty the order to go to Erlang Mountain to win Ye Tufei's affection.

After doing these things well, Xing Wanli felt relaxed, ordered his servants to make some side dishes, and had a drink with Song Yulong.

While chatting cheerfully, Keigo Yamashita led a team of military police into Xing Wanli's residence.

Song Yulong reacted very quickly. He immediately dodged behind the door, drew his pistol, and shot two Japanese military policemen in a row. At the same time, he shouted at Xing Wanli: "You retreat first, and I will cover you!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yulong was hit by a stray bullet in the leg, and one became unsteady and fell sideways in front of the door. Immediately, he was shot twice in the chest.

After sweeping away Song Yulong's resistance, Yamashita Keigo led the soldiers into the room calmly.

Xing Wanli smiled at Jingwu Yamashita, and then took the opportunity to stuff the corner of his collar into his mouth.The people in the military command will hide the drug pills in this place, as long as they bite through, they can clean themselves up in just a few seconds.

However, Xing Wanli missed it. He forgot that when he went to Han Hongxun's residence, he changed into a disguise.

Seeing Xing Wanli stuff the corner of his collar into his mouth, Yamashita Keigo was startled. He knew this method of suicide, but it was too late to stop it.

Psychologically, Yamashita Keigo was waiting for Xing Wanli to die of poison.

But Xing Wanli smiled wryly, spat out his collar, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you!"

Yamashita Jingwu breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly asked the soldiers to take care of Xing Wanli to prevent him from begging for death again.

Xing Wanli obediently accepted.

He is not a soft bone!When Keigo Yamashita rushed in with his soldiers, he used to think he was lucky, so when Song Yulong pulled out his gun and leaned against the door to resist desperately, he complained in his heart that Song Yulong shouldn't be so impulsive, but just such a hesitation, Lost the chance to escape.

Song Yulong died tragically in front of him, and Xing Wanli was aroused to want to die, but by mistake, he didn't die.Ordinary people tend to give up the courage to die after such an accident, but Xing Wanli is not an ordinary person. He is a special person made of special materials with special training. At this moment, he just intends to change his way of death.

Since you can't leave this world quietly, then bid farewell to your motherland vigorously!

In the interrogation room of the Japanese gendarmerie, Xing Wanli appeared calm and calm, without any panic.

This further confirms Gao Qiaoxin's judgment.

"Tell me! Why did you do this? How much did he pay you?"

Xing Wanli understood that Takahashi Shin's "he" refers to the military commander, so he replied with a smile: "This is my ideal, my pursuit, Takahashi Shin, do you know what faith is?"

Gao Qiaoxin was confused. He didn't know that providing information for a bandit leader could involve faith.

"You are dishonest, I don't like it very much, and you will be punished for it."

Xing Wanli smiled again, and said, "You are the knife and I am the fish, it's up to you."

Shin Takahashi also smiled, squinting his eyes and said: "Seeing that you have made contributions to the imperial army, I will give you another chance. As long as you name your accomplices, I will let you go and treat you like nothing." It didn't happen."

Xing Wanli breathed a sigh of relief and replied: "As long as you invaders get out of China, I will definitely tell you all my accomplices!"

If Gao Qiaoxin met an opponent like Xing Wanli in the past, he would definitely be very interested. He would start a psychological battle with Xing Wanli until he completely destroyed Xing Wanli's psychological defense.

But at this time, both he and Keigo Yamashita had an uncertain future and unknown fate, so he didn't have the patience at all, so he waved his hand to signal his subordinates to use torture.

Three days later, Xing Wanli, who was already bruised and dying, still didn't say a word!
Nobu Takahashi was completely desperate. After discussing with Keigo Yamashita, he decided to execute him publicly a week later, as a warning to everyone else.

The reason for the public execution is because Gao Qiaoxin still has one hope, that is, he wants to use the opportunity of executing Xing Wanli to lure Ye Tufei to come to rob the court.

Therefore, he put the execution place of Xing Wanli in Jiajiawang, and extended the time to a week later, in order to leave enough time for the news to spread as widely as possible.

Gao Qiaoxin's efforts finally paid off.

Not only Ye Tufei knew about this, but even Han Hongxun, who was three hundred miles away, also knew about it.

On the second day after Xing Wanli was arrested, the military special commissioner who was still stationed at Han Hongxun's headquarters got the news. After asking the fishermen for instructions, they got the four-character instruction of "believe in blunt knives" from the fishermen.

The commissioner understood that Yu Nong meant that Xing Wanli, code-named Dull Dao, could be completely trusted. He could not rebel, and the organization did not need to make major adjustments because of this.

Does that require organizational strength to rescue?The special commissioner knew very well in his heart that the so-called rescue was just chanting slogans, which could save people from Little Japan, unless Little Japan had other intentions.

But Ye Tufei didn't think so.

When Ye Tufei learned that Gao Qiaoxin was going to publicly execute Xing Wanli at the Jiajia Wang Dafa, he thought that the opportunity had come, and ignored Yan Xiwen's dissuasion, he insisted on following Gao Qiaoxin's intention to rob the Falun Dafa and save Xing Wanli.

Yan Xiwen forgot the miracle of Ye Tufei annihilating the Kawashima Squadron last time, and thought that this time Ye Tufei had something wrong with his head again. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was necessary and more responsible for him to dissuade Ye Tufei from being impulsive and falling into Takahashi Shin's trap .

Although it was night, Yan Xiwen still knocked on Ye Tufei's door.

It just so happened that Ye Tufei didn't fall asleep either.

"To rob the court, to save Lao Xing, not to mention the possibility, let me ask you, take the lives of so many brothers, to save an army and a person who has little connection with Erlang Mountain, Ye Tufei, what do you think? Is it worth it?"

Ye Tufei laughed but said nothing.

Yan Xiwen said again: "Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains. I admit that doing so is indeed somewhat heroic. Whether you succeed or not, it will greatly improve your reputation, Ye Tufei. However, Ye Tufei, use Do you think it is right to cultivate your personal reputation with the blood of your brothers?"

Seeing that Ye Tufei ignored his opinion and turned a deaf ear to it, Yan Xiwen also got angry, not only his tone was very offensive, but also his wording was ugly.

But Ye Tufei still smiled without saying a word.

Yan Xiwen had no choice but to use his trump card: "What will Ouyang Xueping think of you if you do this? You have a status in the hearts of the people, but in hers."

Hearing that Yan Xiwen mentioned Ouyang Xueping again, Ye Tufei finally couldn't help but said, "Tsk, tsk, let's talk about that stubborn girl again! I haven't settled the matter for you last time yet? Tell it yourself , why can't you control that stubborn girl? Give me trouble every three days, old Yan, today I will say it to death, you are a military adviser, how to make suggestions is your business, how to make decisions, then It's my Ye Tufei's business, the two of us have to make this responsibility clear."

Seeing that the trump card had also failed, Yan Xiwen lost the courage to continue persuading Ye Tufei for a while, so he sighed heavily, turned and left.

With the sound of the door being closed, three people crawled out from under the bed in Ye Tufei's room, Zhang Luohui, Li Zhongyun, and Xiao Zhonghe.

As soon as Zhang Luohui climbed out, he shouted: "Master Liu, why didn't you let Lao Yan participate in this matter? You just need to explain to him the plan just now, and I think he will agree."

Ye Tufei curled his lips, and said: "This old Yan is good everywhere, but the mother-in-law can't hide things in her stomach. If I tell him, Bao Wuwu will have to be known by that stubborn girl again. Then I am just looking for trouble?"

Zhang Luohui didn't understand, scratched his forehead and asked, "What trouble will my sister-in-law find out?"

Li Zhongyun gave Zhang Luohui the back of the head and said, "Grey mule, you are a pig's head! Didn't the sixth master just say that we have to lurk in the brothel? If Dr. Ouyang finds out about this, then the sixth master will be covered in blood I can't even speak clearly!"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, the time is almost up, you go back and prepare quickly, at three o'clock in the morning, we will leave on time!"

The three agreed and were about to leave.

Ye Tufei asked again: "Do you all remember the plan I just said? This is the first time our special operations team has acted alone, so we must do it beautifully!"

The three of them responded in unison: "Don't worry, Sixth Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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