Bandit Camp

Chapter 145 Competition Comes

Chapter 145 Competition Comes
However, man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation after all, and God has destined that the living brothers in the bandit camp should not die.

Ye Tufei and others were able to escape the time bomb planted by Takahashi Shin, it was definitely not because Ye Tufei or others were so smart that they discovered the flaw.

The reason why he was able to escape from death was entirely because of Xing Wanli's rescue.

The bumpy journey finally woke up Xing Wanli from his coma. He struggled twice and signaled Ye Tufei to stop.

When the car stopped, Xing Wanli was so angry that he begged Ye Tufei, "Let me get out of the car, I don't want to die in the little Japan's car."

Seeing that Xing Wanli was dying, Ye Tufei was unwilling to disobey the request of a dying person, so he carried Xing Wanli out of the car and put him on the grass by the side of the road.

Xing Wanli leaned on Ye Tufei, looked around, showed a smile, and said intermittently: "Ye Liuye, no matter what, I still want to thank you."

Ye Tufei smiled indifferently, and replied: "It's too early to say thank you now, and it won't be too late to thank me again after you recover from your injury."

Xing Wanli's spirit suddenly improved a lot. He pointed to a grove not far away and said, "Master Ye Liu, after I die, bury me in that grove!"

Ye Tufei knew that this was the flashback of Xing Wanli before he died, so he nodded silently and said, "Old Xing, you have to hold on!"

Xing Wanli shook his head and said, "Master Ye Liu, listen to my last advice, go with Dangguo, Mr. Yu Nong is very optimistic about you, you have a bright future!"

Ye Tufei couldn't bear to refuse the final request of a dying person, so he nodded in agreement.

Xing Wanli showed a satisfied smile, "One more thing, Mr. Ye Liu, I have a goddaughter named Su Yue. I'm dead. You have to help me take good care of her, okay?"

Ye Tufei saw the vitality in Xing Wanli's eyes disappear little by little, and couldn't bear to disobey Xing Wanli in the slightest, so he nodded heavily and said, "Don't worry! I will treat her well and not let her suffer a little bit." grievance."

Xing Wanli let out a long breath, and slowly closed his eyes.

At this time, the brothers had all got out of the car and surrounded Xing Wanli.

"He's dead! Before he dies, beg us to bury him in that grove. Brothers, let's say goodbye to this hero together!"

Just as the brothers turned around and were about to go to the grove, a small Japanese chasing convoy appeared in the distance.

Whether to get in the car and evacuate quickly, or to bury Xing Wanli first, then abandon the car and evacuate on foot, brothers including Ye Tufei had such conflicts.

"I promised Xing Wanli, and I must do it! Brothers, it will take three to five minutes for the little Japanese to catch up. Get ready to block it. You guys and I will go there and bury Lao Xing." It only took a few seconds. With much hesitation, Ye Tufei still chose to keep his promise.

It is very strange that the Japanese army's chasing convoy stopped a hundred meters away from the truck abandoned by the brothers in the bandit camp.

Zhang Luohui and Li Zhongyun, who were in charge of blocking the Japanese army, looked at each other, but they didn't know what kind of medicine was in the gourd of this little Japan.

Since Little Japan doesn't move, the brothers don't say hello.After Zhang Luohui and Li Zhongyun exchanged eye contact, they quietly led the brothers back down.

In the grove, Ye Tufei and others had already buried Xing Wanli properly, but after hearing Zhang Luohui's report, Ye Tufei couldn't figure out the mystery, but the situation was urgent, and Ye Tufei was not allowed to think too much, so he hurriedly took his brothers and prepared to pass through. The grove moved towards the southwest.

Just a few steps away, they heard a series of violent explosions behind them. Everyone turned their heads to look, and thick black smoke rose from the parking area.

It wasn't until this moment that Ye Tufei suddenly realized that the truck they were riding in was tampered with by Nobu Takahashi and planted a time bomb. No wonder the Japanese soldiers who were chasing them refused to take a step forward.

Ye Tufei couldn't help but looked back at Xing Wanli's grave, and said with emotion in his heart: "Thank you, Lao Xing, if it wasn't for you, maybe the brothers would be here now"

In the evening, the brothers finally returned to Erlang Mountain, and the brothers who were in charge of the feint attack outside the town also withdrew early. Their super fighting ability basically managed to get out of the whole body.The brothers of the special warfare brigade who participated in this battle had only five minor injuries, none of them were seriously injured, let alone sacrificed.

But Yan Xiwen still came to the door angrily, and blamed Ye Tufei, saying that Ye Tufei shouldn't take such a risk.

On the way back to Mount Erlang, Ye Tufei was always influenced by Xing Wanli and was thinking about how to deal with the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. He even forgot to tell his brothers that it was a fake Gao Qiaoxin who was killed on the execution ground.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Zhongyun is still intoxicated by the shot a few hours ago. It can be said that that shot is the most satisfying shot Li Zhongyun has made since he touched the gun. He has full confidence and believes that the shot must have hit Gao. Qiao Xin's heart felt that there was no need for Ye Tufei's second shot, Gao Qiao Xin was 100% dead.

But seeing that Yan Xiwen was still nagging, Li Zhongyun couldn't help it anymore, and retorted: "The military adviser said that you shouldn't take such a risk? Then how can you kill that old bastard Gao Qiaoxin if you don't take the risk?"

Ever since Xiao Zhonghe learned that Nobu Takahashi was also a ninja of the Koga clan, he had always wanted to end this Nobu Takahashi by himself. Disappointed but still excited, he shouted loudly: "This old dog will have this day? Haha, fourth brother, well done!"

When Yan Xiwen heard Gao Qiaoxin was killed, he also seemed very excited. He forgot what he said to blame Ye Tufei, and instead said: "Then we have to drink and celebrate. Brother Ye, I take back what I just said!"

Ye Tufei sighed for a long time at this moment, and said: "Xin Gao Qiao is still alive and well, Li Laosi, what you killed on the execution ground was just a substitute of him!"

Li Zhongyun opened his mouth wide in astonishment as if he had fallen from the clouds, and said, "How is it possible? How is it possible? I clearly saw Nobu Takahashi!"

Ye Tufei smiled lightly, and said, "I went to the execution ground and examined the body, it's definitely not Takahashi Shin."

Ye Tufei's words were true, and the brothers couldn't believe it, so they followed Li Zhongyun and fell from the clouds one by one.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

At this moment, the brothers came to report that two women had come to look for Mr. Ye Liu.

Ye Tufei knew that it must be Su Yue and Qin Wanqing who came to Erlang Mountain.

But when Yan Xiwen heard the report, his heart trembled, and for some reason, he became worried about Ouyang Xueping.

The brothers didn't know about Ye Tufei's chance encounter in Baihuayuan. Although they couldn't understand the two women who came to see the sixth master suddenly, they didn't take it too seriously. They still stayed in the heart of Gao Qiaoxin who was still alive. In annoyance, they were all listless and simply dispersed.

Ye Tufei stepped out of the room to meet Su Yue and Qin Wanqing.

It stands to reason that he only needs to tell his brothers to verify the identities of the two women and bring them here, but Ye Tufei insisted on picking them up in person.

This made Yan Xiwen's heart pound, he couldn't hold back, and followed Ye Tufei from a distance.

At the foot of the mountain, Ye Tufei welcomed Su Yue and Qin Wanqing.

As soon as they saw Ye Tufei, Su Yue and Qin Wanqing were about to kneel down, and Ye Tufei hurried forward to support them.

Su Yue didn't insist either, she stood up, smiled, and said, "Master Liu, I've seen it all. Is Station Master Xing okay now? Can I go and see him?"

Ye Tufei said sadly: "His injury was too serious, he couldn't hold on, and left halfway."

Su Yue was startled, and then two huge teardrops rolled down, "Did he go into the ground?"

Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "Before he died, Lao Xing took a fancy to a place, and I buried him there."

Su Yue forcefully squeezed out a smile, and said: "Yue'er thanked Liu Ye for Station Master Xing. I'm tired and don't want to wander around anymore. Liu Ye, can you take me in?"

Ye Tufei said: "Lao Xing's last words in this world were to beg me to take good care of you, Su Yue, you shouldn't call him Station Master Xing anymore, he regards you as his goddaughter, you should call him Godfather is."

Tears were already streaming down Su Yue's face, but she didn't choke, but responded flatly: "I've already left, it doesn't matter what my name is, Liu Ye, thank you."

Ye Tufei didn't say anything more, and walked slowly up the mountain with Su Yue and Qin Wanqing.

Yan Xiwen hurriedly found a hidden place in the distance to hide.

When Ye Tufei accompanied the two women passing by, Yan Xiwen carefully inquired about the two women with the help of the hazy moonlight.

Although the light was dim, it was impossible to see the faces of the two women clearly, but based on the appearance and figure of the two women, Yan Xiwen judged in his heart that the two of them were not much worse than Ouyang Xueping, and they might even be the same as Ouyang Xueping. superior.

A hero is sad for a beauty!

This Ye Tufei, how he met these two beauties, what kind of relationship he has with these two beauties, and what kind of attitude he has, Yan Xiwen couldn't help thinking wildly.

When Ye Tufei and the two women were far away, Yan Xiwen came out from the hiding place, looked at the backs of the three people, sighed a long time, and comforted himself: "Ye Tufei's feelings for the Communist Party are not just Ouyang Xueping. Girl, Ye Tufei's knowledge of the Communist Party is not limited to Ouyang Xueping, Yan Xiwen, Yan Xiwen, what are you worrying about?"

Thinking about it this way, my heart became much more relaxed, and my pace became brisk.

However, within a few steps, Yan Xiwen thought of a new problem: Ye Tufei's choice of direction does not depend on his relationship with Ouyang Xueping, but the relationship between Ye Tufei and Ouyang Xueping will definitely affect his direction Selected.

Thinking of this level, Yan Xiwen's footsteps became heavy again.

Should I tell Ouyang Xueping about it?Even just a hint?
Yan Xiwen is very contradictory. In this regard, he is seriously inexperienced.

(End of this chapter)

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