Bandit Camp

Chapter 146 3 women

Chapter 146 Three Women
Yan Xiwen and Ouyang Xueping have known each other for almost four years, but Yan Xiwen is not very familiar with Ouyang Xueping's past.

All he knew was that Ouyang Xueping was a surgeon who returned from Germany. After returning to China, in order to protect her Communist Party identity, she married a man named Miao Zhenning under the arrangement of the organization.

Yan Xiwen is very familiar with Miao Zhenning. During the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, they were members of the same party group. After April 412, the party organization suffered unprecedented and serious losses. Fortunately, he and Miao Zhenning joined in secret The Communist Party was lucky enough to survive that wave of corruption.

After that, he joined the Ministry of Defense, while Miao Zhenning became an official of the Executive Yuan.

Later, in the Fifth War Zone, Ouyang Xueping became Yan Xiwen's intelligence messenger, so that the two became acquainted, but Yan Xiwen still didn't know where, when, and who introduced Ouyang Xueping to join the party organization.

Ouyang Xueping also kept secret about this aspect, and didn't mention a word.

After the Battle of Taierzhuang, the Fifth War Zone rarely had a relaxing time. One day, Ouyang Xueping suddenly reported to Yan Xiwen that Ye Tufei, the bandit leader who had just joined the national army, seemed to have a crush on her and was pursuing her. I know how to deal with it, and I hope that the organization can give clear instructions.

At that time, Yan Xiwen was full of curiosity about Ye Tufei. This unsightly bandit leader was able to lead a gang of mobs and an incomplete 258th Regiment with less than a battalion of troops, and forcibly blocked a rapid assault force of more than [-] people from Little Japan. Do not move in Erlang Mountain.

You know, when the Chief Command of the Fifth War Zone learned that Little Japan was about to raid Jiajiawang, the Chief Command panicked. All the troops were on the front line of Taierzhuang, and the number of troops that could be mobilized was 258. The remnants of the regiment sent them to Erlang Mountain to stop the Japanese army. Everyone didn't give much hope, just thinking that these three hundred people could delay Little Japan for a while.

At that time, the chief countermeasure of the Commander's Headquarters was to mobilize all civilian personnel and transfer Jia Jiawang's strategic materials outward, as much as could be transferred.

However, the final result was that these civil servants were busy in vain. Until the dust settled on the Taierzhuang battlefield, Jia Jiawang did not see half of the little Japanese.

No one believed that the 300th Regiment with only 258 members and the newly promoted acting head made the military exploits. Almost everyone believed that the rapid assault troops of Little Japan might have lost their way.

The answer was soon revealed. It turned out to be a bandit leader named Ye Tufei, who led a group of green forest heroes with the assistance of the 258th regiment, and forcibly blocked the Japanese army at Erlang Mountain for more than 24 hours.

Seeing this result, Commander Li of the fifth war zone was very interested and instructed Yan Xiwen to drag the bandit leader into the national army no matter what.For this reason, Yan Xiwen conducted a detailed investigation of Ye Tufei.

During this investigation, Yan Xiwen was pleasantly surprised to find that Ye Tufei, the bandit leader, is really different from other bandit leaders. He doesn't harass the people, let alone bully men and women, and enjoys a very high prestige in Erlang Mountain.

Yan Xiwen couldn't help becoming very interested in Ye Tufei, and wanted to draw such a talent into the revolutionary ranks.To this end, he found his superior, Peng Youming, the head of the Xuzhou Prefectural Committee.

Peng Youming was not interested in Ye Tufei at first, until Yan Xiwen put the situation of the enemy and us in the battle of Erlang Mountain blocking the Japanese assault brigade in front of Peng Youming, and asked Peng Youming whether there was a way to block the Japanese army for more than 24 hours, Peng Youming realized Ye Tufei is excellent.

Only then did he reluctantly agree to Yan Xiwen's plan.

But for Yan Xiwen at that time, he really had no way to draw Ye Tufei to the Communist Party.

Therefore, Ouyang Xueping's report brightened his eyes.This might be a way.

That day, Yan Xiwen asked Ouyang Xueping back: "What do you think of that Ye Tufei?"

Ouyang Xueping didn't answer at that time, but the expression on her face said it all.

With Yan Xiwen's approval, Ouyang Xueping started dating Ye Tufei.

"It's a man with a talent and a woman's appearance!" Yan Xiwen made a definitive statement to the two at that time.

After that, it was ups and downs, and the road was bumpy, but Ye Tufei finally came together with the Communist Party. If he and Peng Youming secretly manipulated for personal gain in the Yimeng Mountains a few months ago, destroying Lu Yao's plan to absorb Ye Tufei, then now, Ye Tufei may already be a member of the organization, at least he is also an armed force commanded by the party.

But unexpectedly, because of Han Hongxun's appearance, all this seems to be quietly changing, including the relationship between Ye Tufei and Ouyang Xueping.

Thinking of Ouyang Xueping again, Yan Xiwen couldn't help sighing, this girl is really worrying, with such a stubborn personality, what kind of man can tolerate it for a long time?
What makes Yan Xiwen even more depressed is that this girl's party spirit is so strong that there is no room for flexibility. She even expressed to Yan Xiwen in private that she is very disappointed with Ye Tufei and thinks that Ye Tufei's progress in consciousness is too slow. She even proposed to use the end of the relationship between the two of them as a trump card to force Ye Tufei to change his current ideology.

Regarding this, Yan Xiwen could only smile wryly, and tried her best to dissuade Ouyang Xueping, telling her not to act too hastily, but to be patient.

Ouyang Xueping did it.

But now, the appearance of these two beauties has completely disrupted this balance, and Yan Xiwen has to worry about the future direction.

Walking in the mountain trails, Yan Xiwen became more and more unsure, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt powerless to deal with it. In the end, he made a decision to report to his superiors and seek organizational help.

However, before Yan Xiwen had time to report to the organization, things changed dramatically.

The cause is a woman's intuition.

"The two beautiful women found Ye Liuye when it was getting late, and Ye Liuye took good care of the two beautiful women, and personally ordered the kitchen team to cook a lot of delicious food for the two beautiful women. They also talked for a long time together."

In any group, gossip always spreads the fastest.For the bandit camp guys, the gossip is what the brothers are most interested in, especially the gossip is about the sixth master.

In the afternoon of the next day, Ouyang Xueping learned the news from the chats of several wounded soldiers.

As a woman, jealousy is an innate skill, even Ouyang Xueping, who is full of party spirit, is no exception.

Similarly, as a woman, it is also natural to believe in intuition. Even if you have received a good education and understand that you cannot rely on intuition when considering problems, you will often trust intuition when it comes to critical moments.

For Ouyang Xueping, she cannot escape these two natures of a woman.Her intuition told herself that Ye Tufei must have a love interest, and her feeling told herself that her heart was sour and jealous.

At this moment, Ouyang Xueping has forgotten that she has received higher education, and she has also forgotten that she is an organized person. She is now a little girl who intuitively thinks that her sweetheart has been snatched away by other women and is very jealous.A woman in this state has almost lost her mind, and can do any kind of absurd thing.

However, the magic weapon of a woman is no wonder that she cried, made trouble and hanged herself three times. Ouyang Xueping cried many times in front of Ye Tufei, but the effect seemed to be worse each time. Ouyang Xueping also wanted to go and make a scene with Ye Tufei, but after thinking Go, I can't think of how to make a fuss.As for hanging herself, Ouyang Xueping didn't even think about it, she was not the kind of woman who would admit defeat before the battle started.

The trick Ouyang Xueping thought of was her unique trick: leave without saying goodbye.

That night, Ouyang Xueping packed up her belongings, led a horse, lied to the sentry brother that she needed to go out to buy medicines, and left Erlang Mountain overnight.

The next day, the brothers in the health center discovered that Dr. Ouyang was missing, and quickly reported it to Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei hurriedly found the brother on duty, and after inquiring, he learned that it was Ouyang Xueping who said she was going out to buy medicine last night, but she never returned.

Only then did the brother on duty realize the seriousness of the problem. In a panic, he slapped himself hard and said, "It's all my fault for being too careless. Sixth Master, punish me!"

Ye Tufei sighed, and comforted the brother: "You didn't mean it, but you should pay attention in the future. Everyone is equal before the rules. Even if you dare not offend Dr. Ouyang, you should at least report it in time."

After understanding clearly, Ye Tufei went to find Yan Xiwen, and when he met Yan Xiwen, he comforted Ye Tufei: "I already know, Brother Ye, don't worry, I reckon this girl may have gone to Xuzhou City."

Ye Tufei was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What is she going to Xuzhou City for?"

Yan Xiwen smiled wryly: "Isn't Lao Peng building an underground organization in Xuzhou now? She must have gone to Lao Peng to apply for a job transfer."

Ye Tufei sighed with a wry smile: "This girl, why don't you say hello, just leave as soon as you say?"

Yan Xiwen saw that the heat was just right, so he explained the reason: "Xueping is good everywhere, but she is too stubborn and can't bear the slightest grievance."

Ye Tufei became confused when he heard this, and asked, "What wronged her again?"

Yan Xiwen stretched out two fingers, and replied: "Suddenly, two beauties came and surrounded you all day, brother Ye, you brother Yan is from experience, so I will tell you some experience, this woman, instead of It’s better to say it’s soaked in vinegar than to say it’s made with water.”

Ye Tufei lit a cigar, smoked a few puffs, sighed and said: "This girl's mind is too small, so she didn't ask clearly, hey!"

Yan Xiwen smiled and said: "If you don't explain the problem first, can you still let the girl ask you? Brother Ye, it's not that my brother said you, why do you not understand women so much?"

Ye Tufei shook his head, took two more puffs of cigar, and said, "Where did I think so much? Those two girls belonged to Xing Wanli, and Xing Wanli entrusted them to me before he died, asking me to take good care of them. Brother, you know that we brothers can return to Erlang Mountain alive, and we have to thank Xing Wanli. Tell me, can I not take the things he entrusted to me seriously?"

(End of this chapter)

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