Bandit Camp

Chapter 147 wobbly

Chapter 147 wobbly
Yan Xiwen sighed: "The reason you said is a reason that men can understand. For women, this reason." Yan Xiwen shook his head and sighed: "A woman will always be a woman, no matter how noble she is. She's still a woman."

Ye Tufei was speechless.

To be honest, for Ye Tufei, this result can be said to have been expected or unexpected.

In the process of getting in touch with Su Yue and Qin Wanqing, Ye Tufei thought about Ouyang Xueping, and also thought about how Ouyang Xueping would be when she was jealous.Subconsciously, Ye Tufei even had some expectations for the way Ouyang Xueping became jealous, because only when Ouyang Xueping became jealous could she show that in her heart, Ye Tufei was still important, a party that surpassed her. of the organization.

However, Ouyang Xueping played such a trick, can you say that she left because of jealousy?If so, Ouyang Xueping would have a hundred excuses to respond.You said it wasn't because she was jealous?Children will not believe it.

Anger to anger, anger to anger, Ouyang Xueping really left Erlang Mountain, but Ye Tufei felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something he liked.

This feeling made Ye Tufei understand that he couldn't do without Ouyang Xueping, he had to get Ouyang Xueping back, otherwise, he would have a very miserable life in the future.

"Brother Yan, I understand what you said. Now it's not a question of improving your level. The question now is how to get that girl back. It doesn't matter if Ye Tufei is missing in Erlang Mountain. Without her, what about the wounded?"

Yan Xiwen pursed his lips and smiled maliciously, and said, "Yes, especially for the wounded who are wounded in their hearts, it's even more difficult to deal with!"

Ye Tufei made a bitter face, and said: "It's this time, your brother is still making fun of me?"

Seeing that the timing was just right, Yan Xiwen gave Ye Tufei further enlightenment: "To be honest, brother Ye, I suspect that part of this girl's temper is because of those two women, and the other half is because of your attitude."

Ye Tufei was taken aback for a moment, and asked in puzzlement, "My attitude? What do you mean?"

Yan Xiwen said seriously: "You can't waver like this between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party."

Ye Tufei widened his eyes, pointed at his nose, and shouted: "I'm vacillating? Brother Yan, it's your Communist Party that doesn't want me, okay? Are you talking nonsense with your eyes open in broad daylight!"

Yan Xiwen eased his tone, and said: "When I was in Yimeng Mountain, Secretary Peng and I did some tricks behind the scenes, which led to... Sigh, this is something that Secretary Peng and I did wrong. I solemnly ask you now. Apologies. But, having said that, you brother Ye is now a piece of cake between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. If you are willing to go with our Communist Party, we welcome you. If you go to the National Army, as long as you sincerely fight against Japan, we can too. understand."

Ye Tufei fell silent.

He understood what Yan Xiwen meant, after all, Yan Xiwen just wanted to bring Ye Tufei to the Communist Party's side, but now he has close ties with people from the national army, which made Yan Xiwen suspicious.Perhaps, Ouyang Xueping's departure may be due to the 'credit' behind this old guy.

However, Ye Tufei didn't want to just agree with Yan Xiwen.

Han Hongxun was a factor. Before Han Hongxun relieved the trouble, he could not cut off contact with the national army.

In addition, the problems encountered in Yimeng Mountain last time still exist today. The Communist Party will not accept a person who can't explain his past clearly to join his organization, and he can't get enough evidence by using amnesia as an excuse.

Furthermore, once you join the Communist Party and become a team led by the Communist Party, whether the strict discipline in the Communist Party can be accepted by the brothers is also a big question. What should he do with this big guy?
After thinking about it, Ye Tufei decided to procrastinate for a while. The reason for the procrastination is ready-made, and that is the problem of amnesia.

"Brother Yan, you know that I can't remember what happened four years ago. This is called amnesia in medicine. However, I have this amnesia, and I haven't found out the reason until now. I can't pass it. Your political review screened this level!"

Yan Xiwen burst into laughter when he heard this, he patted Ye Tufei's shoulder, and said with a smile: "You worry too much! Ouyang Xueping specially consulted her German teacher for your amnesia, and her German teacher explained, Amnesia is not necessarily caused by head trauma or some serious disease. Some other factors can also cause amnesia, such as being severely stimulated, or taking the wrong medicine, etc., or even The reason is simply unknown. Regarding your amnesia, Lao Peng and I have already reported to the organization, and the organization respects the actual situation, and we will not pursue your past any more.”

Ye Tufei was stunned on the spot, this reason no longer exists, so what reason should he find to prevaricate?
But he had to show a look of surprise: "Is what you said true? Great, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Yan Xiwen smiled and said, "Isn't this what happened in the last two days? I wanted to tell you earlier, but I forgot about it because of Han Hongxun's incident."

When Yan Xiwen mentioned Han Hongxun, to Ye Tufei, it was like a candle was suddenly lit in the dark.Ye Tufei didn't care whether this reason would be effective, anyway, there was no other way, so it was useless.

"By the way, if you don't tell me, I've forgotten. If the military command calls the truth, will Master Han be in trouble?"

This question really touched Yan Xiwen's weakness. He hesitated for a long time, and finally admitted that there was indeed a problem: "This... This is really hard to say!"

When Ye Tufei saw Yan Xiwen's expression, he knew what was going on in his mind. On the contrary, he said, "I can't care so much about the matter now. I will make it clear to Su Yue tomorrow and send a message to the military commander through her." , to save you trouble later on."

Yan Xiwen took it seriously, and quickly dissuaded him: "Don't be reckless! This matter really needs to be discussed in the long run. Han Hongxun has done us a favor, and we can't repay the favor! Ye Tufei, you'd better arrange Su Yue properly. Don't worry, Xueping, I will Will make it clear to her and do her job."

Ye Tufei was overjoyed in his heart, but he had a regretful look on his face, and said, "Alright then! I'll follow your arrangement."

After leaving Yan Xiwen's room, Ye Tufei relaxed, and whispered to himself: "Humph, hum, in terms of acting, your old Yan is even worse than me!"

Now that Yan Xiwen said to let him arrange Su Yue properly, then if he had any interaction with Su Yue, it would be acting according to the order. Didn't Ouyang Xueping put her party and organization above all else?Now her party and her organization ordered Ye Tufei to associate with Su Yue, and to make arrangements for Su Yue properly, hehe, Ouyang Xueping, what else do you have to say?

Thinking of Su Yue, Ye Tufei actually had an urge to see her immediately.

After Ye Tufei left, Yan Xiwen was not idle, he had to confirm Ouyang Xueping's whereabouts first.

The conversation with Ye Tufei just now made Yan Xiwen feel that Ye Tufei's heart is still on Ouyang Xueping, and Ye Tufei's feelings are still on the side of the Communist Party.

With such a judgment, Yan Xiwen felt relieved. He moved out of the radio station, adjusted the frequency, and sent a telegram to Peng Youming's radio station in Xuzhou.

After sending it, I thought about it, adjusted to another frequency, and sent a telegram with the same content to Lu Yao in Lingbi Mountain.

After that, he turned on the radio and waited quietly for an answer.

After half an hour, there was a movement on the radio station, Yan Xiwen hurriedly received it, took out the code book after receiving it, and translated the telegram.

It was a telegram from Lingbi Mountain. The telegram said that Dr. Ouyang is now in Lingbi Mountain.

Yan Xiwen felt relieved and waited for about an hour. During this period, he called the radio station set up by Peng Youming in Xuzhou several times, but the other party remained silent.

Yan Xiwen understood Peng Youming's difficulties. After all, he was engaged in underground work, so the radio station could not be on all the time.

Fortunately, he had already learned of Ouyang Xueping's whereabouts, and Yan Xiwen didn't care too much about Peng Youming's silence. He turned off the radio, put it away, and then figured out how to do Ouyang Xueping's work.

No matter what method is used, telegram is always inappropriate. Yan Xiwen decided that he would go to Lingbi Mountain himself and bring Ouyang Xueping back to Erlang Mountain.

After confirming, Yan Xiwen greeted Ye Tufei, Ye Tufei was naturally full of joy, he couldn't stop thanking Yan Xiwen, and even asked the cavalry company to pick the fastest horse for Yan Dajun, and told Yan Xiwen to go and come back quickly.

However, Zhang Luohui entangled Yan Xiwen.This gray mule will talk about how the team's training should be, and then make excuses about the ideological education of the recruits. In short, you, Master Yan, can't just leave without saying anything, and leave the team of thousands of people on Erlang Mountain alone.

Yan Xiwen had no choice but to leave two days late and explain all the problems of the gray mule clearly before he could go on the road.

On the night of Yan Xiwen's departure, Zhang Luohui took Ye Tufei to drink.

After three glasses of wine, Zhang Luohui began to chat: "Sixth Master, how is it? I delayed Yan Xiwen for two more days!"

Ye Tufei said: "How about what? I still want to ask you, what are you thinking of blocking Yan Xiwen for nothing?"

Zhang Luohui took a bite of the food, deliberately smacked his mouth, and said, "Hey, you really don't understand?"

Ye Tufei put down his chopsticks, frowned, and said, "I really don't understand, gray mule, don't be a fool!"

Zhang Luohui put down his chopsticks, picked up the wine bowl, and expressed his intentions to Ye Tufei, and then he didn't care whether Ye Tufei drank or not, he did it first, then wiped his mouth, and said: "Isn't it just that I want Master Liu to spend more time with that Su Yue?" It's time!"

Ye Tufei picked up the chopsticks, turned them sideways, tapped Zhang Luohui on the head, and said with a smile, "Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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