Bandit Camp

Chapter 160 Changes in Dahu Town

Chapter 160 Changes in Dahu Town
(Once the recommendation is gone, all the data will be terrible immediately. This is a fatal blow to the enthusiasm of Lao Yan's code words! However, misfortunes never come singly. Looking at the recent stock market, the tears of Lao Yan's true self are all shed up to the ankle...

The only thing that can play a consoling role is the tickets in the hands of you brothers who have seen it. Come on, bookmark and recommend, Laoyan is ready! )

The next morning, Ye Tufei had breakfast and was thinking about how to make some noise to disturb the rhythm of Little Japan supporting Changsha, but he heard a report from his subordinates that someone from Dahu Town had something important to see Master Ye Liu.

Ye Tufei didn't dare to neglect, and quickly ordered his subordinates to bring someone from the future.

When the visitor saw Ye Tufei, he knelt down on the ground with a thud, and cried, "Master Six, you have to avenge Master Pang!"

Ye Tufei yelled inwardly that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked what happened.

The man cried: "Master Pang has a nephew named Pang Guangda, he, he actually colluded with Little Japan and framed Master Pang!"

Ye Tufei helped the man up, let him sit on the seat, and said, "Tell me what's going on, slowly."

The man wiped his tears, choked up, and said: "Pang Guangda's stupid gambling, not to mention his bad debts, he even hurt his brother, so he went to Mr. Pang, and Mr. Pang punished Pang Guangda. This caused hatred, and ran to the Japanese to join Master Pang, and revealed all the things that Ye Liuye did in Dahu Town last time. The little Japan took Master Pang away that day, and now it is more ominous ah!"

Ye Tufei remembered that this Pang Guangda was the young man who went to Erlang Mountain to send information last time. He seemed like a man with five people and six people, but he did such a thing that was not as good as a pig or a dog.

Ye Tufei was angry, of course, and shouted: "Where is Pang Guangda now?"

The man replied: "Just stay in Dahu Town. The Japanese sent a dozen devil soldiers and a hundred imperial association troops to station in Dahu Town. Pang Guangda is now the squadron leader of that imperial association army. Hanging around with Little Japan and the Imperial Association Army all day long."

Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "You go to rest first, have some food, I will discuss it with the brothers, don't worry, the matter of Pang Jinhai is the matter of Ye Tufei, this Pang Guangda, he will not live for a few days!"

Asking his brothers to take that person there, Ye Tufei called several leading brothers to discuss the matter.

After experiencing the incident of annihilating a small Japanese squadron in Guzhuang last time, Yan Xiwen no longer had any worries or doubts about Ye Tufei, and the other brothers also maintained a consistent ideological dependence on Ye Tufei. Listening to Ye Tufei's analysis and dispatch.

And Ye Tufei became more cautious after experiencing Liu Kui's incident, and remained [-]-point suspicious of this brother who came to report.

"Xiao Laoliu, take your two brothers to Dahu Town as soon as possible to find out if what the man said is true."

Xiao Zhonghe responded, turned around and went to execute.

"Second Guo, go to Xuzhou City, meet Xin Zhongming, and inquire about the recent situation of Takahashi Nobu and Yamashita Keigo. Although the old bastard Takahashi Nobu has been dismissed, I feel that he can't be idle. I doubt this. There is his figure behind the incident."

Guo Zhonglin nodded and set off immediately.

"Fourth Li, gather the brothers from the Special Warfare Brigade, let's pretend to go to Dahu Town immediately, and see how the brother who reported the letter reacts."

After the special operations brigade was assembled, Ye Tufei asked someone to call that brother.

But seeing Ye Tufei react so quickly, the brother showed surprise on his face. "Master Ye, my Master Pang said before he was alive that Mr. Ye's righteousness is so righteous. If one day the sun falls, it is absolutely right to go to Mr. Ye."

"Before death?" Ye Tufei repeated the word in his heart.He clearly remembered that this person told him about Pang Jinhai's current situation an hour ago because he was taken away by the little Japan, which was more or less auspicious.But an hour later, it was changed to before his death. So, is that sentence true?

No matter which sentence is true or which sentence is false, the brother who reported the letter must have a ghost in his heart.

Ye Tufei suddenly lowered his face, and said: "Since Pang Guangda voted for Little Japan, he must have told Little Japan about the relationship between Pang Jinhai and me, Ye Tufei. Are they not worried that I, Ye Tufei, will take revenge for Pang Jinhai? Why is it in Dahu?" The town has only deployed this amount of troops?"

An imperceptible panic flashed on the face of the reporting brother, but it was only a flash, and then he returned to normal, explaining to Ye Tufei: "Dahu Town is more than 100 miles away from Erlang Mountain, and the road is far away. Blocked. Also, Pang Guangda locked up all of Master Pang's subordinates like a bastard, and I ran out secretly, Master Six."

Ye Tufei pondered for a moment, then said: "Well, if Pang Guangda finds out about you running out, he might be like a little Japanese asking for rescue soldiers, no, I don't have enough manpower, I have to call in some more soldiers. "

Li Zhongyun had already received Ye Tufei's explanation, and now he stood up and said: "Master Liu, it is difficult for the other companies to mobilize now, and they will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest."

Ye Tufei showed embarrassment, and said, "What should I do?"

Then he said to the reporting brother: "Why don't we wait until the team is assembled before we act, brother, what do you think?"

The newspaper brother said: "Listen to Ye Liuye's arrangement."

After accepting the team, Li Zhongyun asked Ye Tufei if he found anything strange, Ye Tufei smiled and said: "This brother's psychological quality is really extraordinary, I thought it would make him show his feet, but he really pretended to be like that. Hehe, don't worry, everything will be clear when Xiao Lao Liu and Guo Lao Er come back tomorrow."

Li Zhongyun was puzzled, and asked: "Since you have to wait for the second brother and sixth brother, why do you have to make such a fuss, Master Six?"

Ye Tufei glanced at Li Zhongyun, and said: "Are you really not understanding or are you pretending to be confused with me? Isn't this a trick of suspicion? How can we make that brother not be suspicious without making such a fuss?"

Li Zhongyun smiled embarrassedly, and asked again: "Then we don't plan to save Pang Jinhai?"

Ye Tufei said sadly: "Master Pang is dead now, what is there to talk about? There is only one thing we can do now, kill that Pang Guangda and avenge Pang Jinhai."

After waiting all day, Xiao Zhonghe and Guo Zhonglin rushed back to Mount Erlang in the afternoon of the second day.

"Six Lord, Shin Takahashi has almost disappeared these days, and Keigo Yamashita has also stopped a lot. Xin Zhongming said that he has been watching the movement of the little Japanese military police. Since we defeated the Matsui United, the little Japanese military police It was as if the team had been disbanded."

"Sixth Master, I have inquired carefully, and the situation in Dahu Town is not much different from what the reporter said. Oh, by the way, the captain of the Royal Association Army currently stationed in Dahu Town is called Liu Kui, who is Liu Dali's cousin. brother."

Ye Tufei was immediately confused when he heard the two people's reports.

Ye Tufei discovered two things when he was tossing about with the reporter yesterday. One was that he was uncertain about Pang Jinhai's life or death, or that he had passed away. That brother obviously had a problem.The second is the flickering look of panic, which is indeed difficult for ordinary people to detect, but he, Ye Tufei, can really see it.

These two points are enough for Ye Tufei to conclude that there must be fraud.

The reason why he didn't expose the report was because he still wanted to use this person to report false information to the other party like the last time he wiped out the Kawadao Squadron, and play a good show of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger again.

But now the reconnaissance results of Xiao and Guo showed that Ye Tufei seemed to be wrong.

Is it really wrong?Ye Tufei once again went through the matter carefully in his mind.

If it is wrong, how to explain the two problems that happened to the reporter?

If it is true, then why did Xiao and Guo come back from the inquiry?

What puzzled Ye Tufei the most was that Pang Jinhai teamed up with him to kill the little Japanese spies and the dozens of soldiers. There were many people involved and insiders. It was impossible for this matter to be kept secret forever. Pang Jinhai should have thought Why was it used by Pang Guangda again as a strategy to deal with the investigation by Little Japan?

Ye Tufei firmly believed that the judgment that there must be fraud was correct.

In other words, the messenger should have been deliberately arranged by Pang Guangda.

After reaching this judgment, a new problem arises, so why does Pang Guangda have to touch the tiger's butt?
Ye Tufei's initial judgment was that Gao Qiaoxin was instigating behind the scenes.But Guo Laoer said that Nobu Takahashi has been missing for many days. Isn't it too difficult for a person who has been dismissed from military power to torment these things behind the scenes?And Keigo Yamashita's gendarmerie is also calm, and it doesn't seem to be the manipulator behind this incident at all.

Ye Tufei's mind was paying attention to searching, and finally, he thought of Liu Kui.

At that time, Liu Kui used Liu Dali's trust in him to stage a good show of infernal affairs for Ye Tufei, which made Ye Tufei and his brothers fall into a mess. To catastrophe.

This Liu Kui must be worried that Ye Tufei will have to settle the accounts with him sooner or later, and now that his backstage master has lost his power, so he thought of putting all his eggs in one basket and taking this opportunity to break up with Ye Tufei.

Guessing here, all the doubts have been explained clearly, Ye Tufei couldn't help but nodded secretly, thinking: "Good opportunity! Let's solve it together!"

The idea has been made, the only problem left now is that Ye Tufei still needs to know how many troops Liu Kui has mobilized in secret.

After listening to Ye Tufei's analysis, none of the brethren objected to Ye Tufei's last question, and everyone didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "He is a captain of the Imperial Association Army, and without the support of Takahashi Nobu and Yamashita Keigo behind him, he can mobilize How many troops will come?"

Ye Tufei shook his head with a smile, and said: "Brothers, don't forget, there is another Liu Yujie in the Imperial Association Army. He is now the brigade commander of the Imperial Association Army, and he can at least mobilize the strength of two regiments."

Another brother raised an objection: "Liu Yujie? Doesn't he need the consent of Little Japan to mobilize the Imperial Association Army? Two regiments? Will Little Japan agree to him mobilizing so many troops?"

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "Seeing the Chinese beat the Chinese, it's too late for Little Japan to be happy, why would you disagree?"

(End of this chapter)

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