Bandit Camp

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

After making a decision, Ye Tufei gathered all the combat units of Erlang Mountain.

There was no pre-war mobilization, nor did they explain their combat intentions. The team of thousands of people set off one by one, left Erlang Mountain, and headed straight for Dahu Town.

As soon as they got out of Erlang Mountain Pass, Ye Tufei ordered Li Zhongyun to lead the Special Warfare Brigade and the reporting brother to move forward, while the other teams quietly distanced themselves from the Special Warfare Brigade. When the distance was far away, all the troops returned Erlang Mountain, and ready for battle.

Ye Tufei calculated that Little Japan would instigate Liu Yujie to launch a sneak attack when Erlang Mountain was empty.

For this reason, he specially set up such a bureau, and at the same time, let Li Zhongyun and the special warfare team only go around outside, not really rushing to Dahu Town.

Facts have proved that Ye Tufei's sensitivity and prudence are not superfluous.Not long after, news came from the brothers who were in charge of keeping track of Little Japan's movements along the way, saying that there were about 1000 imperial association troops and a hundred little Japanese soldiers running towards Erlang Mountain.

This amount of troops is not a big deal for the Erlang Mountain bandit camp, but Ye Tufei still sent a telegram to Lu Yao and Han Hongxun's troops. Lv Yao and Han Hongxun's two departments reinforced overnight, and they devoured the enemy army in one fell swoop.

However, when Ye Tufei's calculation was halfway through, he couldn't continue.

It was only because the enemy army stopped when it was more than ten miles away from Erlang Mountain.

Could it be that these bastards have discovered their own trap?
Ye Tufei couldn't understand it.

The answer was not revealed until the sun was setting in the west.Liu Yujie actually sent someone to bring a message, saying that he hoped to have a talk with Ye Tufei.

Liu Yujie's special envoy said: "Brigade Commander Liu knows that Ye Liuye has not left Erlang Mountain, and Brigadier Liu also knows that your main force has not left Erlang Mountain, so let me pass a message to Ye Liuye. Said that if you want to get rid of Liu Kui and Pang Guangda smoothly, you'd better meet him, otherwise, you might fall into Takahashi's tricks."

These words made Ye Tufei and others fall into confusion.

The first confusion is how Liu Yujie saw through Ye Tufei's plot. You must know that the only source of information he can get is the person who reported the news from Dahu Town, and this person has been tightly controlled by Erlangshan's brothers.

The second confusion is that Takahashi Nobu has lost power, why Liu Yujie still wants to bring this person out, and what is the intention behind this.

The last puzzle is Liu Yujie's mentality. This person is determined to be a slave of Little Japan. Why did he make a 180-degree turn and turn around to help Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei couldn't figure it out.

His subordinate Zhang Luohui and other brothers couldn't figure it out even more.

Yan Xiwen was also completely confused.

You and I discussed each other for more than an hour, but they couldn't figure it out.

In the end, Ye Tufei decided: "I think it's better to meet Liu Yujie and see what kind of medicine is in his gourd."

Obviously, this is an extremely risky decision. If Liu Yujie secretly arranges an ambush force, then Ye Tufei will be in danger.

Therefore, most of the brothers opposed Ye Tufei's risky decision.

"If you don't see Liu Yujie, these puzzles will never be resolved, so you must see them! As for the danger, I don't think it's as serious as you think. There is only ten miles between Liu Yujie's troops and us, and the meeting place is in the middle, Liu Yujie Even if there is any conspiracy, it will be difficult to arrange it under our noses."

Ye Tufei paused for a while, and then said: "This Liu Yujie is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. If he is not [-]% sure, he will never dare to take risks."

Yan Xiwen thought for a while, and said: "It's reasonable to say that, as long as brother Ye and Liu Yujie get in touch, then Liu Yujie's life will be in the hands of brother Ye. Just worry a little, lest he play tricks on brother Ye's way to the appointment."

Guo Zhonglin stepped forward: "It's easy to handle, we can make a dress for Liu Ye so that they won't recognize him."

Yan Xiwen nodded: "This method is feasible. What Liu Yujie is going to deal with is Brother Ye, and he will not do anything to others, so as not to expose his conspiracy."

But Ye Tufei laughed and said: "You two really know how to think about things, does Liu Yujie have the ability to play tricks on the side close to us? That's enough, don't say anything, call Liu Yujie back and tell Ye Tufei to come to the appointment on time!"

As soon as the sun set, Ye Tufei saw Liu Yujie.

Liu Yujie smiled, and first gave Ye Tufei two boxes of beautifully packaged cigars.

"Master Liu, I managed to get this cigar, and I'm just waiting for the opportunity to honor Master Liu!"

Ye Tufei looked at Liu Yujie coldly, and ignored the two boxes of cigars.

"Brigade Commander Liu, don't you come here unharmed? Now that you've become the brigade commander, you've become more courageous. Aren't you afraid that I, Ye Tufei, will be unhappy and kill you?"

Liu Yujie smiled and said, "How much is my life worth? If Liu Ye wants to kill me, how can I, Liu Yujie, live to this day? Hehe, Liu Ye, don't scare me, let's get down to business." !"

Ye Tufei picked up the two boxes of cigars, opened them, took out one, and put it under his nose to smell the aroma of the cigars: "Well, I came to see you just to hear what you have to say, okay, now you It can be said."

Liu Yujie took out a match and was about to light a cigar for Ye Tufei, but Ye Tufei blocked him.

"Okay, stop being courteous, let's talk about your business!"

Liu Yujie put away the match in an embarrassing manner, coughed twice, and said, "Liu Ye, do you know why my army stopped within ten miles of Erlang Mountain? Hehe, that's Xin Gaoqiao You are sure that your sixth master will not be easily fooled, and go to Dahu Town to avenge Pang Jinhai. So I arranged for me to station here with the troops, the purpose is to force you to take the initiative."

"Nobu Takahashi? Hasn't he already lost power and is at home?"

Liu Yujie sighed and said, "Sixth Master, you don't know. Although Gao Qiaoxin was punished by the military department and dismissed from his official position, the newly appointed head of the Hashimoto Division hired him as a personal consultant. I know, Sixth Master will definitely doubt my motives, and don't believe that I will tell you the truth. Hey! Master Liu, I am also desperate!"

Ye Tufei put down the cigar in his hand, and looked at Liu Yujie with interest: "How do you say that?"

"It's all my fault for looking down on people with my dog's eyes. When Takahashi Nobuo lost power, I went up and stepped on it a few times. I didn't think that when the head of the Hashimoto division was the chief of staff, because of your festival with Takahashi Nobu, he killed you." He almost died, so he must hate Nobu Takahashi, right? I didn’t expect that the head of the Hashimoto division didn’t hate Nobu Takahashi at all, and even used him as a personal consultant. I’ve stepped on a landmine with my feet. Hey, It's all because of my shortsightedness!"

Ye Tufei said: "You mean Gao Qiaoxin is taking revenge on you?"

Liu Yujie cried and replied, "That's right! I only have so many troops in my hand. If you really can't bear it, my little fighting power, how can I stop Liu Ye? As a last resort, I arranged a hundred The ten brothers under my command pretended to be Japanese soldiers and wanted to intimidate Liu Ye, but after thinking about it, I felt that this was not a long-term solution, so I sent a message to Liu Ye."

Ye Tufei nodded slightly, and said, "You want to exchange Liu Kui and Pang Guangda for my promise not to attack you, do you?"

Liu Yujie nodded, then shook his head again.

"Yes, Sixth Master, but Sixth Master, if you really don't attack me, I will die! Gao Qiaoxin will say in front of the head of the Hashimoto division that I am talking to Sixth Master. Hey, Sixth Master, Yujie's Your life is in your hands now, since we all wore the uniforms of the 258th Regiment, you can give me a hand, as long as you can save my life, Liu Ye, whatever happens in the future, you can do whatever you want order."

Ye Tufei understood.

According to what Liu Yujie said, Shin Takahashi set out two baits for him.

The first bait is Liu Kui and Pang Guangda, Gao Qiaoxin calculated that Ye Tufei would not sit back and watch Liu Kui and Pang Guangda be at ease.The second bait was Liu Yujie, who put him under Ye Tufei's nose, forcing Ye Tufei to make the decision to eat Liu Yujie first and then go to Dahu Town to settle accounts with Liu Kui and Pang Guangda.

After these two baits, it must be Takahashi Shin's ambush.

No matter which bait Ye Tufei decides to eat, Gao Qiaoxin will definitely take the opportunity to plot against Erlangshan.

"You mean that I have to beat you with soldiers?"

Liu Yujie hurriedly nodded and replied, "Sixth Lord is wise! You just put on a show and hit me so that I can go back and have an explanation with the head of Division Hashimoto. Of course, I, Liu Yujie, will never treat Erlangshan brothers badly. When retreating, I will leave some weapons and ammunition for Mr. Liu."

Ye Tufei secretly laughed in his heart, the fox's tail finally showed, after all, didn't he want to lure him to send troops?No matter what form of sending troops, as long as he leads the troops out of Erlang Mountain, then Gao Qiaoxin will have a chance.

Ye Tufei squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, he didn't want to lose this opportunity, he wanted to use this opportunity to compete with Gao Qiaoxin again.So, he pretended to be persuaded by Liu Yujie, and just wanted to nod and agree to Liu Yujie.

But at this time, Liu Yujie took the initiative to explain Gao Qiaoxin's attempt.

"Sixth Lord, this matter is not that simple! Gao Qiaoxin must have made arrangements in secret, as long as you come out of the mountain, you may fall into his way!"

Liu Yujie's words made Ye Tufei confused immediately.

As the bait in Takahashi Nobu's hand, why did Liu Yujie remind himself that Takahashi Nobu has secret arrangements?

Did Liu Yujie really break up with Gao Qiaoxin, or is there some other conspiracy involved?

For a while, Ye Tufei had difficulty making a judgment.

However, the solution to this confusion is very simple, that is to hit Liu Yujie tentatively, and then see what happens.

Liu Yujie's troops are stationed less than ten miles away from Erlang Mountain. If there is any accident, as long as they can do a good job in reconnaissance and allow 10 minutes for the attacking troops to retreat, they will definitely not let Takahashi Xin The conspiracy succeeded.

Thinking of this, Ye Tufei smiled, and said to Liu Yujie: "For nothing else, just for the weapons and ammunition you prepared for the brothers. I will agree to this. Well, at twelve o'clock tonight, I will send troops on time."

(End of this chapter)

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