Bandit Camp

Chapter 163 surprise attack

Chapter 163 surprise attack
At [-] o'clock in the morning, Ye Tufei led the Bandit Battalion Special Operations Brigade and nearly [-] brothers from one company to another to the outskirts of Jiajiawang.

It was the darkest time before dawn, and it was also the time when the guards were most tired and lax. Therefore, the brothers of the Special Operations Brigade sneaked into the town without much effort.

The brothers of Yilian and Erlian were ordered to lurk outside Jiajiawang.

"Use a knife to kill all the small Japanese guards!" Ye Tufei gave an order to the brothers of the Special Operations Brigade who sneaked into the town.

At this time, the Japanese troops stationed at Jiajiawang had only one squadron, and the Imperial Association Army was only a squadron. For the special warfare brigade, it is almost useless for soldiers to take the role.

When the sky in the east was pale, cuckoo cries came from Jia Wang's surroundings. It was a signal from the brothers of the Special Operations Brigade, indicating that he had succeeded.

The guard post has been resolved, and the rest are the soldiers in the barracks.

The remaining brothers of the Special Operations Brigade had already made preparations, and as soon as the cuckoo's cry fell to the ground, dozens of brothers from the Special Operations Brigade entered the barracks.

Half an hour later, the wake-up call sounded in the barracks.

A squadron of the Imperial Association Army and a squadron of Little Japan went out normally, but the soldiers wrapped in military uniforms were all brothers from the Special Operations Brigade.

"Eat breakfast normally. After breakfast, pick twenty brothers to go to the railway with the two of us."

For this operation, Ye Tufei specially brought Wei Xiangdong with him, because only the two of them in Erlang Mountain could speak Japanese, and, in terms of spoken language, Wei Xiangdong's Japanese was more pure than Ye Tufei's.

After breakfast, Ye Tufei, Wei Xiangdong and the others brought twenty soldiers to the Railway Bureau.

In the early hours of the morning, the five brothers from the Special Operations Brigade had dealt with the guards here and controlled the duty of the Railway Bureau.The people who came to work one after another were also controlled one by one, but the number was increasing, and the five brothers felt very difficult.

Fortunately, Ye Tufei and others arrived in time.

The people of the Railway Bureau were controlled by several imperial association troops as soon as they went to work. They didn't know what had happened, and they were in a panic state of mind. When they saw two Japanese second lieutenants coming with twenty soldiers, this This kind of panic is more serious.

Ye Tufei waved his hand and chattered in Japanese.

Wei Xiangdong translated in a Chinese language unique to Little Japan: "Last night, a number of anti-Japanese elements sneaked into Jiajiawang. According to reliable information, the target of this group of gangsters was the Jiajiawang Railway Bureau. Therefore, we need to conduct a thorough investigation of the Railway Bureau, and hope that you can give us your full cooperation."

The person in charge of the railway bureau felt much more at ease at this time, he stood up and said to Ye Tufei: "Taijun, my name is Cao Xinwei, and I am the director of the railway bureau. Please rest assured, our railway bureau will definitely cooperate with you. Check out those bandits."

Wei Xiangdong pretended to translate to Ye Tufei, Ye Tufei nodded in satisfaction, and chattered a few more words.

Wei Xiangdong translated: "We suspect that this group of gangsters intends to attack the train from Jiajiawang to Xuzhou. Director Cao, I hope you immediately call out today's train dispatch plan to facilitate our investigation."

Cao Xinwei responded in a panic, took out a stack of documents from the desk drawer, picked out a copy, and handed it to Ye Tufei.

Wei Xiangdong took the document first, glanced at it, and handed it to Ye Tufei.

The schedule clearly stated that there were [-] trains heading for Xuzhou that day, including freight trains and passenger trains.

However, it did not indicate that the destination of that trip was the marshalling yard.

Ye Tufei waved to Cao Xinwei and called Cao Xinwei aside.Ye Tufei still spoke Japanese, and Wei Xiangdong was translating.

"Director Cao, what I'm going to say next will be the top secret of the Imperial Japanese Army, so please swear to keep it secret."

Cao Xinwei was flattered, and naturally he was full of vows.

"The information we have obtained shows that the target of this group of gangsters is the Maocun Marshalling Station. Director Cao, the Maocun Marshalling Station has now concentrated a large amount of military supplies of the Imperial Army. The matter is of great importance. If something happens, the relevant personnel will die It’s dead. And this group of gangsters hijacked the on-duty personnel of the Railway Bureau at night, we suspect that they have obtained the exact information, and they are lurking on the train bound for the marshalling yard at this time.”

Cao Xinwei was already frightened at this time, and quickly pointed to the dispatch table with trembling fingers, and said: "Master, Mrs. Tai, there is only one train for the marshalling station today, yes, this one, Sent at ten twenty in the morning."

Ye Tufei and Wei Xiangdong met each other's eyes, revealing a smile that only the two of them could feel.

Ye Tufei spoke to Wei Xiangdong in Japanese.

Wei Xiangdong immediately issued an order to his brothers: "Except for the normal duty of the guard posts, other soldiers of the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army must immediately gather at the Railway Bureau to ensure the safety of this train."

Ten minutes later, the entire Jiajiawang Railway Bureau and train marshalling station were under martial law.Under Cao Xinwei's guidance, Ye Tufei also found the coal train.

"Xiao Wei, according to the original plan, I will bring fifty brothers up, and you will stay behind with the other brothers. Half an hour after we set off, you will signal to the brothers outside the town, and they will pretend to attack Jiajiawang. You should immediately report to Xuzhou and ask for reinforcements."

Wei Xiangdong nodded.

The purpose of this arrangement is to confuse Little Japan.

This train will report to the Maocun marshalling station when it departs, and the battle will start half an hour after the train leaves, which will give Little Japan a false impression that the enemy is thinking of attacking the Maocun marshalling station through the Jiajiawang line Station, however, was half an hour late.

With this half-hour time difference, the train just arrived at the Maocun marshalling station.

At this time, Wei Xiangdong would ask the Japanese army in Xuzhou for reinforcements. However, since the enemy's troops far outnumbered him, the Jiajiawang Railway Station fell.

Then, the Japanese army defending the Maocun Marshalling Station would definitely not be able to take care of the thorough inspection of Ye Tufei's train. The Japanese army needed time to deal with the train that was approaching at high speed.

At [-]:[-], the well-prepared coal train started and slowly drove out of Jiajiawang's marshalling station.

Half an hour later, Wei Xiangdong sent a signal to the brothers outside the town.

The brothers of the first company and the second company of the bandit battalion received the signal and immediately launched a fierce attack on Jiajiawang.

Amidst the dense gunfire, Wei Xiangdong called Xuzhou.

After another 5 minutes, Wei Xiangdong called Xuzhou again.

The Jiajiawang Railway Station fell, and a group of gangsters hijacked a freight train and were attacking at full speed in the direction of Xuzhou.

The Japanese army in Xuzhou became tense, and immediately notified the situation to the division headquarters in accordance with the emergency plan, and at the same time notified the Japanese commander of the Maocun marshalling station in parallel.

At this time, the coal train controlled by Ye Tufei and the others just happened to stop slowly in front of the inspection post outside the Maocun marshalling station.

The Japanese troops at the inspection post were about to get on the train to search, when the Japanese commander at the Maocun Marshalling Station called and ordered the duty unit at the inspection post to immediately open the railway branch and make full preparations for combat.

The head of the Japanese army on duty at the inspection post reported that a coal train coming from Jiajiawang had just stopped at the inspection post and was waiting for inspection, and asked for instructions on how to deal with it.

The commander of the Japanese army at the marshalling station knew that this train was planned to transport coal, and the train transporting fuel to Wuhan tomorrow and the day after was waiting for this batch of coal.

The most dangerous thing right now is the train in the back that is held hostage by the gangsters. If this train is not released, it will inevitably collide with the one behind.

Once the two trains collide, the situation is bound to be chaotic. If the gangsters take advantage of the chaos to attack the marshalling yard, mistakes may occur.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Japanese commander issued an order to let go.

Thus, the train controlled by Ye Tufei and others passed the checkpoint smoothly, started slowly, and headed for the Maocun marshalling yard two miles away.

At this moment, in the Maocun marshalling station, the Japanese army is making the final marshalling of the fuel tanker trucks.

This batch of fuel was landed in Qingdao, and the train traffic capacity from Qingdao to Jinpu was extremely weak. In order to save time, the Japanese army mobilized a group of tankers to transport this batch of fuel by road.

Therefore, this batch of fuel needs to be reloaded after being transported to the Maocun marshalling yard, and the fuel is replaced from the tank truck to the tank train.

This task was completed yesterday, and today we only need to do a good job in the marshalling of the trains. As soon as the coal needed for the trains is in place, the trains carrying fuel oil can be sent out gradually in the morning. It only takes one day. Shipped to Wuhan.

Seeing that this extremely important work was about to be successfully completed, the Japanese army was filled with joy. However, this situation happened suddenly, and the Japanese commander was very annoyed.

But the anger is the anger, the Japanese commander in the marshalling station still maintains his sanity.

He gave orders in an orderly manner:

The inspection post in the direction of Jiajiawang immediately entered a fighting state, opened the railway branch, and led the train held by the gangsters to him.

The other ministries immediately assembled in the direction of the inspection post. The train will be forced to stop or derail and overturn after being diverted to the fork.

The Japanese troops staying at the marshalling station immediately assembled, with the tanker as the core, and built a circular defensive formation to the periphery to prevent bandits from attacking the tanker in the chaos.

It can be said that this series of orders of the Japanese commander is still accurate.

However, the enemy targeted by his order did not exist at all, and the existing enemy had already entered the Maocun marshalling station at this moment.

The reason why the enemy targeted by the Japanese commander does not exist does not mean that the hijacked train is false news.

The train is real, and it is speeding towards the Maocun marshalling station at full speed at this moment, but there is no one on the train, and the brothers have already jumped off the train.

(End of this chapter)

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