Bandit Camp

Chapter 164 Attack on Dahu Town

Chapter 164 Attack on Dahu Town

For Ye Tufei and the brothers of the Special Operations Brigade on that train, the battle was very unpleasant.

Because there was no time to fire a few shots, let alone a hand-to-hand fight with Little Japan.

They just set up four or five light machine guns and a heavy machine gun in the carriage of that train, and suppressed the Japanese troops who formed a circular defensive formation, thus creating the easiest grenade for the brothers of the grenadier team space.

Four mortars and twelve grenadiers.

The thing fired was enough to make those tanker trucks explode and burn.

Just as Ye Tufei asked Yan Xiwen, if the fuel exploded and burned, how would Little Japan put out the fire?

What Yan Xiwen said was that Little Japan can only put out the fire with tears.

And Zhang Luohui joked that Little Japan can also take off his pants and pee to put out the fire.

Whether it is Yan Xiwen or Zhang Luohui, their ridicule is far from reality.

Because Little Japan had no time to shed tears, let alone take off his pants to pee.

The violent explosion and the fire that soared into the sky completely engulfed the Japanese soldiers present, so that the several machine guns were useless later on.

The brothers of the special forces poured all the mortar shells and grenadier projectiles they brought onto the tank trains, and the whole process took only 10 minutes.

Moreover, the train controlled by Ye Tufei didn't stop at all.

As soon as the set goal was achieved here, the brakes on the front of the train over there immediately accelerated, and the train roared out of the Maocun marshalling station.

When all combat units returned to Erlang Mountain at night, the number of casualties was zero.

No brother was killed, no brother was injured, only two of them had too much fun and accidentally fell, one scratched his face, and the other's ankle was slammed.

The brethren who did not take part in the battle looked with a kind of envy and jealousy at the brothers who took part in the battle.

Among the brothers who participated in this battle, the brothers of the first company and the second company also looked at the brothers of the special warfare brigade with the same eyes.

However, not all of the Special Operations Brigade participated in the attack on the Maocun Marshalling Station, they could only look enviously at the fifty brothers who followed Ye Tufei into the car.

However, those fifty brothers were not happy at all. Apart from witnessing a shocking scene of explosion and fire, the others were lackluster and not enjoyable at all.

Ye Tufei himself didn't think it was enough.

When the battle just started, he once had the idea of ​​getting out of the car and charging, but the brothers' artillery fired so coincidentally that the first shell hit the target, so he had to give up getting out of the car and charging. idea.

However, for the Japanese army, this addiction can be great.

The explosion lasted for more than an hour, and the fire lasted for a whole day. All the fuel was burned out, and more than 30 imperial warriors were killed. In addition to the loss of Jia Jiawang, he was killed by the Erlang Mountain bandits on this day. Killed 80 people, not counting those who were burned and a squadron of the Royal Association Army.

Before Yan Xiwen and Su Yue reported the situation of the battle to their superiors, the two sides sent telegrams respectively.

The telegram from the Communist Party was jointly issued by Peng Youming and Lu Yao, and the telegram only had a few numbers: A heroic deed, a great achievement!
The military command sent a commendation order through Su Yue's telegram. In addition to promoting Ye Tufei's military rank from lieutenant colonel to colonel brigade commander, he also promised to reward Erlang Mountain Bandit Battalion with 1000 yuan.

Ye Tufei took the commendation order and taunted Su Yue, "You guys, this is stingy. Brothers have helped the government to do such a great thing, and only rewarded 1000 yuan. You are really stingy!"

Su Yue responded with a smile: "Over there, they can't even bear to say compliments, why don't you say they are stingy?"

Ye Tufei rolled his eyes and replied, "They? What is their relationship with the bandit camp? What is your relationship with the bandit camp?"

Seeing the sudden change in Su Yue's expression, Ye Tufei smiled again and said: "They are brothers with the bandit camp, and they are just fighting Little Japan together, but it is different from you. Say, it is a country, tell me, can it be compared?"

Ye Tufei put on a tall hat for Su Yue. Although the hat was not very comfortable to wear on her head, Su Yue still had to wear it, because she couldn't refute Ye Tufei's fallacies.

"The above said that a special commissioner will be appointed to come to Erlang Mountain in a few days to present you with an award in person."

Ye Tufei bared his teeth and smiled: "Okay! Good thing!"

Su Yue couldn't help but was amused by Ye Tufei.

When Su Yue smiled, two small dimples emerged from the corners of her mouth, her brows were raised, and her eyes were slightly closed, which was Ye Tufei's favorite expression.For a moment, Ye Tufei looked at Su Yue with a bit of infatuation.

Su Yue noticed Ye Tufei's strange eyes, blushed immediately, covered her face, and slipped out of Ye Tufei's room.

But Ye Tufei's eyes remained the same, and it took a long time before he returned to normal.

He let out a long breath, and said to himself: "It would be great if the two can be combined into one."

As soon as he finished talking to himself, Yan Xiwen came to the door again.

"Brother Ye, Secretary Peng and Commander Lu sent another telegram to remind us to take precautions. Little Japan will definitely retaliate against us after suffering such a big loss."

Ye Tufei didn't directly respond to Yan Xiwen's words, but instead asked Yan Xiwen: "What's going on with Liu Yujie?"

Yan Xiwen shook his head and said: "Everything is normal, he has been stationed in place all day, but he hasn't sent us a message to ask us to beat him again."

Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "Presumably he already knows about the Maocun marshalling station, Brother Yan, I have already thought of what you reminded me just now, and we will start making arrangements tomorrow morning. However, you also reminded me, Dahu The two bastards Liu Kui and Pang Guangda from the town must be dealt with tonight, otherwise, it will be hard to say whether there will be such a good opportunity next time!"

Following Ye Tufei's words, Yan Xiwen said: "Don't tell me, tonight is really the best time to deal with this matter. Little Japan has been hit by this, and now he must be busy dispatching troops and preparing to take revenge on us. Then Liu Kui and Pang Guangda hehe, they will naturally be thrown aside and ignored."

Ye Tufei said: "We have about fifty fast horses now, I think fifty brothers are enough to deal with these bastards!"

Yan Xiwen nodded, and said: "I agree, you go and come back quickly, I'm here at Erlang Mountain, and when you come back, we're probably ready to deal with Little Japan's revenge."

Immediately doing what he said, Ye Tufei immediately ordered fifty brothers from the Special Operations Brigade, rode on fast horses, and galloped towards Dahu Town.

After running for more than two hours for 150 miles, Ye Tufei and others arrived at the edge of Dahu Town at around midnight.

"Get off the horse, let's grope into the town and catch him by surprise!" Ye Tufei arranged for three brothers to guard the horses, while the others groped into the town quietly.

As soon as he stepped out, he heard gunshots in the town.

The gunshots were obviously not aimed at people like himself, and the gunshots were quite chaotic, as if a group of people were chasing prey.

Hearing it again, the gunshot turned out to be gradually approaching in his direction.

"Hidden!" Ye Tufei gave the order.

When the situation is unclear, the best way is to wait and see, so as not to suffer unnecessary losses.

The chaotic gunshots were getting closer, and with the help of the moonlight, the brothers saw a figure staggering towards this side.

After a while, after that figure, several figures appeared, with guns fired, chasing after the person in front.

Who dares to shoot and chase people in Dahu Town, except for the Imperial Association Army stationed there?

The person who was chased by the Imperial Association Army must not be a bad person.

Ye Tufei gave the order to prepare for battle.

However, when that person ran close, everyone could see clearly that this person was actually wearing the uniform of the Imperial Association Army.

Ye Tufei's eyesight was better, but from the figure and running posture of that person, he recognized that the person being chased was Pang Jinhai's nephew Pang Guangda.

Just as he was wondering what was going on, Pang Guangda suddenly threw himself on the ground, apparently he was shot again.

The pursuers surrounded Pang Guangda in a blink of an eye.

The leader said: "Tie him up and hand it over to Captain Liu!"

Just when the group of people started to bind Pang Guangda, Ye Tufei waved his hand, and led his brothers to rush out from the hiding place, beat the dozen or so pursuers to the ground.

"Pang-guang-da! Did I recognize the wrong person?" Ye Tufei walked up to Pang Guangda and sneered, "Is your uncle alright?"

Pang Guangda recognized Ye Tufei, dragged his injured leg, rolled over and knelt on the ground.

"Master Ye Liu, I know, sooner or later I will have such a day, well, you don't need to ask, I will tell you everything."

Ye Tufei shot suddenly, slapped Pang Guangda twice, and then told his brothers: "Help him up, bandage the gunshot wound on his leg, and let him speak slowly."

"My uncle was indeed killed by me! I did some smuggling behind my uncle's back, but was discovered by the little Japanese. I couldn't stand the torture, and I was greedy for life and afraid of death, just like the Japanese confessed my uncle's crimes. Things, put on this dog skin."

Ye Tufei pushed Pang Guangda's chin with a gun, and asked, "Then how did this internal strife happen? Why did they chase you down?"

There was hatred in Pang Guangda's eyes: "The night before yesterday, I was drinking with some little Japanese at home, and they spoiled my wife with their pigs and dogs. They even framed me for collusion and locked me up. Hey, I was really blind, I actually took refuge in these little Japan who are not as good as pigs and dogs, I deserve retribution!"

Ye Tufei sighed, and said: "So, you sneaked out and were discovered by them, and that's why they chased you out, right?"

Pang Guangda showed a proud expression: "Not only did I sneak out, but I also killed those Japanese soldiers while they were not paying attention!"

(End of this chapter)

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