Bandit Camp

Chapter 165 Execution

Chapter 165 Execution
(The child is about to start school. On the last weekend, I took the child to play wildly for two days, and I didn't save the manuscript. I can only rely on not updating, sorry)

Ye Tufei's first reaction was bitter tricks.

Judging by Pang Guangda's cowardice, Ye Tufei never believed that he could kill Little Japan, and he killed several of them as soon as he did it.

But at the moment time was running out, Ye Tufei didn't want to waste any more time, so he let go of the investigation of this matter, and asked Pang Guangda about important matters.

"How many Japanese and Imperial Army troops are there in the town?"

Without hesitation, Pang Guangda replied: "I have killed all four Japanese soldiers, and the Imperial Association Army only looks like a hundred or so."

Ye Tufei frowned: "A hundred or so people? Don't you know the exact number?"

Pang Guangda quickly explained: "The ones you can see are all wearing military uniforms. There are 85 of them in total, but Liu Kui has left behind, and there are dozens of people in plain clothes under him. I don't know how many people there are." Yes, but I don't think there will be more than 50 people."

Ye Tufei asked: "Then how did you estimate this number?"

Pang Guangdao: "These people eat and drink from Dahu Town, and all the supplies are distributed through me. How many people do I know?"

Ye Tufei nodded, and asked some questions about the deployment of the Imperial Association Army.

Pang Guangda answered one by one, and also explained how he killed the four Japanese soldiers by the way.

Ye Tufei gave instructions to the brothers after listening: "The three of you still stay here, and the others follow me into the town, Pang Guangda, I know you were shot, but you still have to grit your teeth and hold on. We have to stage a show." Put on a good show for Liu Kui."

A dozen or so brothers escorted Pang Guang and swaggered towards the town, while the others, led by Ye Tufei, walked towards Liu Kui's Imperial Association Army camp one step ahead of time.

According to Pang Guangda, this Liu Kui occupied Pang Jinhai's house, and placed less than fifty plainclothes people around him.The Royal Association Army was stationed in the same camp as the security regiment originally formed by Pang Jinhai.

The four Japanese soldiers were enshrined by Liu Kui like ancestors, and lived in the guest room of Pang Jinhai's house.After Pang Guangda escaped from the place where he was detained that night, he took advantage of the familiar terrain and slipped into the guest room where the Japanese soldiers lived. He first charmed the Japanese soldiers with ecstasy incense, and then cut their throats with a knife.

Although Ye Tufei couldn't fully believe what Pang Guangda said, there was one thing Ye Tufei could confirm, that is, Liu Kui didn't know that Ye Tufei would come to his door tonight, so it was impossible to stage a bitter trick with Pang Guangda.

More than 30 brothers from the Special Warfare Brigade wanted to kill more than 80 sleeping imperial association troops, which was not difficult.However, Ye Tufei didn't want to kill, so he just asked his brothers to remove the fighting power of these imperial association troops.Therefore, it took nearly half an hour to finish what could have been solved in 10 minutes.

After finishing the imperial association army, Ye Tufei sent a signal to the dozen or so brothers escorting Pang Guangda.

The ten or so brothers who had been waiting escorted Pang Guangda and knocked on the door of Pang Jinhai's house.

The reason why Ye Tufei made such an arrangement was to take this opportunity to clarify how many plainclothes people Liu Kui arranged.

Sure enough, the sentry inside the gate found a problem and quickly reported it to Liu Kui.

After dawdling for nearly 10 minutes, the plainclothes inside opened the door, and let a dozen brothers from the Special Operations Brigade and Pang Guangda into the house.

As soon as they entered the house, Liu Kui's plainclothes team appeared from the left and right sides, pointing the long and short guns at the brothers of the special warfare team.

"Oh, oh, oh, Pang Guangda, Pang Guangda, no wonder you have the guts to kill the Taijun, so you found a helper. You said you are true, you ran away, why do you want to come back? Think Get rid of me, Liu Kui, too?"

Seeing that the situation was under control, Liu Kui walked up to Pang Guangda in a satin pajamas and a pair of slippers.

According to Ye Tufei's previous instructions, Pang Guangda bowed his head and remained silent.

Liu Kui mistakenly thought that Pang Guangda was in depression, and he seemed even more complacent.

"But that's good too. In this way, I can explain to the Taijun. Pang Guangda, after you arrive at the underworld, don't blame me, Liu Kui. I, Liu Kui, have always regarded you as a brother. To be honest, I really wanted to let you live, so I only arranged a dozen or so brothers to chase you, but I didn't expect you to find a helper secretly. I have pity on my ten or so brothers. I'm afraid your poisonous hands have already been ruined. Bar?"

Pang Guangda still bowed his head and remained silent.

Liu Kui took a step forward, grabbed Pang Guangda's collar with his left hand, and slapped Pang Guangda twice in the face with his right hand.

After leaving Pang Guangda behind, Liu Kui laughed wildly a few times.

"Do you know why those princes ruined your daughter-in-law? Hahaha, it's because I put aphrodisiacs in your drinks and dishes. Do you know why I did this? Hahaha, Pang Guangda, you must not Shouldn't it, shouldn't have the idea of ​​surpassing me, since I have arrived in Dahu Town, then I, Liu Kui, have the final say in Dahu Town."

Pang Guangda had already forgotten Ye Tufei's explanation in advance, he raised his head, his eyes glowed with hatred, and he replied word by word: "Liu Kui, please listen to me, if you don't leave tonight, your head will fall to the ground!" !"

How can Liu Kui believe it?

He waved his hand and ordered his subordinates: "Drag out, kill him! His accomplices are also killed!"

Then turn around and go back to sleep.

But when he turned around, he suddenly saw a stranger standing in front of him.

In shock, looking at his plainclothes brothers, they were all terrified, and the long and short firearms in their hands also hung down.

"Liu Kui, although you and I have met each other, my name must be familiar to you. My name is Ye Tufei."

As soon as he heard Ye Tufei's three words, Liu Kui's knees involuntarily gave way, and he fell to his knees on the ground with a plop.

"Liu Dali, come out!"

Liu Dali flashed out in response: "Liu Dali reports for duty!"

"Leave Liu Kui to you to deal with. Everyone else will be tied up. At daybreak, I will leave it to the people of Dahu Town to decide."

Liu Dali gritted his teeth and walked in front of Liu Kui.

"Kuizi, is there anything else you want to leave for my uncle?"

Liu Kui fell on Liu Dali's feet, crying and begging: "Brother, brother, my father is only my son, brother, please help me beg Mr. Ye Liu, let him give me a way to survive .”

Liu Dali sighed, and said, "Kuizi, don't say that brother is cruel, even if the sixth master can let you go, I will not agree. Kuizi, do you know how many anti-Japanese heroes you killed? Do you know that you almost killed the sixth master? Are they all killed? If I let you go, how can I face our dead brothers? Kuizi, brother, I really don’t understand, is it so comfortable to be a dog for the Japanese?”

Liu Kui still didn't give up, slapped his own face, and cried: "I know I was wrong, I know I'm sorry for the heroes of Erlang Mountain, I was deceived by lard, brother, as long as you release Kuizi A way out, I promise to treat the crime and make meritorious deeds."

Liu Dali shook his head, and silently took out the bayonet.

Liu Kui was desperate.

In fact, he didn't feel remorse for what he had done. He only pretended to be painful and regretful out of the desire to survive. Seeing that Liu Dali was unwilling to let him go, he had no choice but to take the risk.

Liu Kui jumped up suddenly, put his arms around Liu Dali's neck, and at the same time took out a gun from his arms and pointed it at Liu Dali's forehead.

"Put down the guns for me, or I'll kill him!"

At that moment, several similar scenes appeared in Ye Tufei's mind. A gangster held a hostage with a knife or a gun, and the police had no choice but to start a dialogue with the gangster.

There is only one reason, and that is to ensure the absolute safety of the hostages, not only to ensure the safety of the lives of the hostages, but also to ensure that the hostages are not harmed too much.

In this situation, the distance between the gangster and the hostage is so close, even if one shot can hit the target 100%, but the instantaneous high temperature generated by the bullet passing by will cause serious damage to the hostage, maybe it will Blind the hostage's eyes.

Otherwise, the sniper will have countless opportunities to kill the gangster.

Ye Tufei didn't want to hurt Liu Dali because of his shot.

Therefore, he motioned to the brothers to put down the weapons in their hands as Liu Kui asked.

Seeing that Ye Tufei and the others obediently dropped the weapons in their hands according to his threat, Liu Kui showed a faintly imperceptible smirk on his face.

At this moment, Liu Kui couldn't help feeling contempt for Ye Tufei in his heart, thinking that this miraculous figure sent from the outside world was nothing more than that.

However, Liu Kui was wrong.

At the moment when he was so negligent, Ye Tufei made a move.

With a gun, the high temperature generated by the high-speed bullet would hurt Liu Dali, but it would definitely not be the case with a knife.

Ye Tufei's level of flying knives is definitely no less than that of Xiao Zhonghe.

That knife went straight to Liu Kui's face, and before Liu Kui could react, it inserted into Liu Kui's eye socket.

Hearing Liu Kui's scream, he lost the gun in his hand, covered his injured eye with both hands, and rolled on the ground.

"Dali, it's better to give your brother a better time, so as to save him from suffering!"

But Liu Dali refused, he hated this brother to death.

"Liu Kui! I want to avenge the brothers of Erlang Mountain today. I will pay for my life with a knife. You can enjoy it!"

Liu Dali stabbed more than 30 knives at Yufei's vital point. Tears streamed down his face, but he couldn't control himself, threw the bayonet, and burst into tears.

A brother beside him came up and helped Liu Dali give Liu Kui the last knife, and then helped Liu Dali: "Brother Dali, cheer up!"

Ye Tufei also came over, patted Liu Dali on the shoulder, and said, "Dali, great job!"

Liu Dali slowly stopped crying: "Master Liu, brothers, thank you, thank you for helping me kill this scum, my wish is fulfilled, I can go and accompany my father."

As he said that, he picked up the bayonet on the ground and was about to wipe it on his neck.

Ye Tufei grabbed Liu Dali's hand: "Dali, what are you doing?"

Liu Dali wept, and said: "I'm sorry for those brothers who died. The reason why I can live until now is to kill Liu Kui with my own hands one day. Now that Liu Kui is dead, I understand my wish, Liu Ye, Just let me go."

Ye Tufei replied sharply: "It is Liu Kui who owes the brothers, not you Liu Dali! It is the little Japanese who killed the brothers, not you Liu Dali! If you want to avenge the brothers, then kill a few more little Japanese, let us Brothers in Erlangshan, there are only heroes who died on the battlefield, and there are no cowards who died by their swords!"

(End of this chapter)

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