Bandit Camp

Chapter 177 Showdown

Chapter 177 Showdown
After turning over Woniu Mountain and taking a big bend along Shigouzi Lake, we finally arrived in the direction of returning to Erlang Mountain.

Because of Xiao Zhonghe's injury, the three of them walked very slowly, and only after dawn did they hire a cart in a nearby village.In order to avoid unnecessary complications, Ye Tufei split the destination into several sections.

The road was uneventful.

In the evening, the three finally arrived at Mount Erlang.

The brothers who evacuated first were already anxiously waiting, and when they saw Ye Tufei come back, Zhang Luohui couldn't wait to ask the others.At that moment, Ye Tufei's heart skipped a beat.

This shows that the four people including Peng Youming did not withdraw to Erlang Mountain.

Peng Youming still needs to explain why he didn't come back. He might not be able to go to Lingbi Mountain. Ouyang Xueping is Peng Youming's person, so it is not impossible to go with him. However, Guo Zhonglin and Su Yue didn't come back to Erlang Mountain.

If these two escaped from danger, they would definitely come back.Now that they haven't come back, it means that they are still not out of danger.

Ye Tufei couldn't help but glanced at Duguyu, but Duguyu didn't take it seriously, and whispered in Ye Tufei's ear: "Trust me, Sixth Master, with a girl like Su Yue around, there must be no problem."

But Ye Tufei still had a trace of uneasiness in his heart, and this uneasiness didn't seem to be purely worried about their safety, but also mixed with some other worries.

Based on Ye Tufei's understanding of Su Yue, especially after hearing about the secret order Su Yue received, Ye Tufei faintly felt that this seemingly innocent girl seemed to be planning some kind of trick.

But at this moment, Ye Tufei is beyond his reach, and can only resign himself to fate.

After a whole day of worrying, Peng Youming and others finally returned to Erlang Mountain in the evening of the second day.

As soon as they met, Peng Youming gave Ye Tufei a punch in the chest: "You worried me so much! I thought you just fired a few shots to delay Little Japan, but I didn't expect you to start fighting with Little Japan in a serious way." Yes. I was thinking of going back to support you, but as soon as I took two steps back, the gunshots stopped."

Ye Tufei laughed and said, "Do you think that Xiao Laoliu and I were wiped out by Little Japan?"

Peng Youming nodded solemnly, and said, "I really thought so. After some inquiries, I found out that Little Japan hadn't caught anyone, and there were no Chinese sacrificed in that battle, so I concluded that you should have escaped danger."

While Ye Tufei was talking, he found that there was a stranger beside Peng Youming, so he asked, "Secretary Peng, this is..."

Peng Youming quickly introduced: "Oh, look at me, I was so busy talking about it that I forgot about the business. Come on, let me introduce you. This is Comrade Hu Xiaozhou, the special commissioner of our Provincial Party Committee. Comrade Xiaozhou, this is I have mentioned Ye Tufei to you many times."

Hu Xiaozhou is a middle-aged man over forty years old, not tall, with a thin body, and a pair of highly myopic glasses with a black frame on his face.At first glance, people will think of adjectives such as old-fashioned, conservative and serious.

Hu Xiaozhou squeezed out a smile, shook hands with Ye Tufei, and said, "What should I call you? Is it Big Boss Ye, or Commander Ye?"

Ye Tufei smiled heartily, and said, "You can call me Brother Ye, just like Secretary Peng, Big Brother Yan, or you can just call me Ye Tufei."

Hu Xiaozhou frowned, and replied, "Then I'll call you Xiaoye!"

Facing Hu Xiaozhou, Ye Tufei felt an indescribable feeling of depression, so he really wanted to put Hu Xiaozhou in a perfunctory manner, so he called Zhang Luohui.

"Grey mule, gray mule, come here and arrange accommodation for Secretary Peng and Commissioner Hutt. By the way, they should still be hungry. Hurry up and tell the kitchen to get some delicious food for the guests."

Hu Xiaozhou waved his hands expressionlessly, and was about to speak when he saw Zhang Luohui trotting over.

After a face-to-face fight, both Hu Xiaozhou and Zhang Luohui were stunned for a moment.

Zhang Luohui nodded mechanically to Peng Youming, as a greeting, and then said to Ye Tufei: "Master Liu, I'll go over and make arrangements first!" After speaking, he turned around and left, regardless of whether Ye Tufei had other words to say.

After Zhang Luohui left, Hu Xiaozhou watched his back, sighed suddenly, opened his mouth but closed it again, hesitant to speak.

Peng Youming saw the problem, and greeted Ye Tufei: "Brother Ye, get busy first, we don't need you to accompany me, I will take the special commissioner around to get familiar with the environment."

Ye Tufei also felt strange, so he didn't bother to take care of the two girls Ouyang Xueping and Su Yue, and hurried to chase Zhang Luohui. He wanted to know what was the problem between this Luo Hui and Hu Xiaozhou, so that they fell in love with each other as soon as they met. so embarrassing.

To Ye Tufei's question, Zhang Luohui just answered lightly: "It just doesn't look pleasing to the eye, nothing else is fine."

This is obviously a lie.

But at this time, Ye Tufei and Zhang Luohui were in the kitchen, due to the environment, Ye Tufei was inconvenient to continue asking.

When eating in the evening, Ye Tufei brought out the best shochu as usual, Peng Youming did not refuse, but Hu Xiaozhou sternly refused.

Hu Xiaozhou doesn't drink alcohol, and Peng Youming can keep it. Ouyang Xueping at the same table has never drunk alcohol. Only Su Yue doesn't pay any attention to these Communists, and drinks a lot with Ye Tufei during a meal.

This meal was really awkward, Hu Xiaozhou never raised his eyebrows, and Peng Youming also seemed to be very thoughtful, not only taciturn, but also often distracted.

Finally finished eating, Peng Youming greeted Ye Tufei and said, "Brother Ye, you are huge, so there should be nothing wrong with this little wine tonight, right?"

Ye Tufei smiled, and said, "Would you like to shoot twice?"

Peng Youming laughed and said, "That's not what I meant. If you're still in good spirits, we'd like to talk to you."

What should come should come, Ye Tufei thought in his heart.He guessed that what Peng Youming talked to him about was nothing more than the special task mentioned in Xuzhou, and Ye Tufei had already thought of a countermeasure for this matter.He didn't want to offend the Communist Party, and at the same time he decided that he would never give up the right to hunt down Gao Qiaoxin and accept this task. Therefore, he could only find excuses to convince Peng Youming that he, Ye Tufei, was not suitable for doing this.

However, after the three sat down, it was not Peng Youming, but Hu Xiaozhou who were the ones talking.

"Xiaoye, we know that you are a patriotic young man with a sense of justice. We also know that you are forced to become a bandit today. Secretary Peng has reported to the organization many times, saying that you really want to join us and accept The leader of our party. I am here today for this purpose. If you have any ideas or requests, just say it.”

Ye Tufei was stunned.

Indeed, he really wanted to accept the leadership of the Communist Party, because in his memory fragments, the Communist Party was the organization that eventually conquered the world. In order to give his brothers a better home, he also had to accept the leadership of the Communist Party.

However, the timing is very wrong now.

Accepting the leadership of the Communist Party now is tantamount to cutting off the support of Han Hongxun's weapons and ammunition. Weapons and ammunition.

Without this source, they can only be like other communist guerrillas. When attacking Little Japan, they can only focus on a few shots, and then rush over to play hand-to-hand combat with Little Japan.

Ye Tufei is not afraid of hand-to-hand combat, on the contrary, his team is best at hand-to-hand combat.However, that is a last resort after all!

Peng Youming saw Ye Tufei's hesitation, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, you are worried that Mr. Han will not be able to provide you with weapons and ammunition, are you?"

Ye Tufei didn't want to hide it, so he nodded and said, "The weapons and ammunition provided by Mr. Han is not a small amount. Not only Erlang Mountain has benefited, but Commander Lu and the others have also benefited a lot."

Hu Xiaozhou said solemnly: "Xiaoye, you must first understand why you want to join our Communist Party. If you understand this truth, then those weapons and ammunition will not be a pity. Well, when you talk about Commander Lu, let's come Let’s talk about Commander Lu. Lu Yao and I are old comrades. We have been partners five years ago. During the fifth anti-encirclement campaign, our team was broken up, and Lu Yao withdrew to northern Anhui with a dozen or so people. When fighting guerrillas in southern Henan, no one would provide him with weapons and ammunition, and no one would provide him with supplementary troops. Didn’t he pull up the team? You might say that Lu Yao’s personal ability is strong, but, I What I want to tell you is that Lu Yao's ability to pull up the team and build a base area does not depend solely on personal ability.

Just like you, Ye Tufei, in the area of ​​Erlang Mountain, you really didn’t say that it’s because of your super strong personal ability that you are in this situation today, but if you, Ye Tufei, were placed outside Erlang Mountain, what would happen?You might not even be able to stand on your heels.Why?What is the difference between you and Lu Yao? "

Hu Xiaozhou asked and answered, and then said: "There is only one belief missing! You, Ye Tufei, occupied the mountains and became kings and fell grass and bandits. The common people were afraid of you at that time. Little Japan came. After a few battles with real swords and guns, the common people began to respect you. Regardless of whether the common people feared you or respected you, they didn’t regard you as their own, nor did they regard your team as their own team, did they? What’s the reason? , the reason is that you and your team have no faith!
Xiaoye, I believe that during this period of time, you got along very well with Secretary Peng and Political Commissar Yan, and you have a certain understanding and affection for our Communist Party. However, these are not enough, and you need to calm down and think about it. Think, why are you willing to join the ranks of the Communist Party! "

Ye Tufei glanced at Hu Xiaozhou, then turned his eyes and glanced at Peng Youming. He admitted that what Hu Xiaozhou said made sense, and it seemed very familiar to him, as if he had been raped by such a person a long time ago. The reason is generally persuasive.

However, at this moment, when these words came out of Hu Xiaozhou's mouth, Ye Tufei didn't understand why he felt strong resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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