Bandit Camp

Chapter 178 Life Debt

Chapter 178 Life Debt

Before Ye Tufei could react, Peng Youming continued to instill a rationale.

"Let's not talk about faith for now. Maybe it's too early to talk about faith. Let's talk about the most superficial truth. As the saying goes, people leave their memories and geese leave their names. Brother Ye, after a few years, this war is over. , what should you and your brothers do? Do you want to continue to occupy the mountain as king and fight against the government, or do you follow the times and achieve something great? Then, now is the best time to choose. Brother Ye, there is another old saying that I have to remind you , after passing this village, you may not be able to find that shop again!"

Hu Xiaozhou turned his head and looked at Peng Youming, and said very seriously: "Secretary Peng, what you said is wrong, I must correct you. Joining the revolutionary team is a sacred thing, not what you say, which is full of opportunism. "

Peng Youming quickly admitted his mistake: "Yes, yes, yes, I was in a hurry to say such vulgar truths. The special commissioner was right in criticizing me because I have a problem with my thinking."

Hu Xiaozhou slowed down his expression, and said to Ye Tufei: "We can understand your current mood and understand your current difficulties even more. The weapons and ammunition from the Kuomintang are very attractive. Let alone you, even I think It's a pity. However, you can't have both the fish and the bear's paw. You should know this truth. Now, you need to weigh it carefully. Which do you want? It is to join the revolutionary camp and serve the people. Dedicate everything to the country, or continue to remain the same and be a reckless hero who occupies the mountain as king?"

Ye Tufei began to mutter in his heart.

He decided to join the Communist Party a long time ago. He knew that in a few years, the world would belong to the Communist Party, and he had to arrange a home for his brothers.However, it seems a little hasty to ask him to join in immediately. Leaving aside the weapons and ammunition on Han Hongxun's side, the brothers' ideas may not be fully accepted in a short while.

If this is an excuse, Ye Tufei has every reason to stop the joystick and ask for a slowdown. Even if there is no such reason, Ye Tufei belongs to the team. If he said slow down, then Hu Xiaozhou can only slow down.

However, what Peng Youming said made Ye Tufei cautious.

Peng Youming is also considered an old revolutionary, not only because of his high level of revolutionary awareness, but also because of his high level of theory. Today, in front of Commissioner Hutt, he actually said such low-level words as "if you miss this village, you will lose that shop". It's not a mistake, it should be intentional.

In other words, Peng Youming was reminding him at the risk of being criticized by Hu Xiaozhou.

Why did Peng Youming do this?The answer is obvious. This time, the special commissioner named Hu Xiaozhou came to Erlang Mountain, probably to conduct a final inspection of Ye Tufei.

It was too late for Ye Tufei to think about the reason, he had to make a clear statement to Hu Xiaozhou now.

It's just that being forced to express agreement is really aggrieved. Ye Tufei feels aggrieved in his heart, but he still has to maintain a positive and enthusiastic face.

"Commissioner Hu, Secretary Peng, I, Ye Tufei, understand your good intentions. You can see the attitude of me and my brothers fighting against Little Japan, and you can also feel the feelings of my brothers and me for your Communist Party." Yes. It’s just that our ideological awareness is not high enough, and we don’t have the kind of belief that Commissioner Huth said in our hearts. Let’s put it this way, I’m afraid that joining your Communist Party team now may delay your progress...I absolutely do not I mean hesitation, Commissioner Hutt, Secretary Peng, I, Ye Tufei, are telling the truth, how about this, what should I do, I will listen to you two!"

Hu Xiaozhou and Peng Youming made eye contact, and they were both satisfied with Ye Tufei's attitude.Commissioner Hu Te showed a smile on his face: "Xiao Ye, what you said is true, and we have given full consideration. Yes, it is really a shame to incorporate your team into the revolutionary team led by our party like this." It’s a bit hasty, but since you have stated that you are willing to listen to our arrangements, that’s fine, we have the confidence and the means to train the Erlangshan team into a revolutionary team.”

All Ye Tufei could think of was that these communists stayed behind to reorganize and train the team, and his prediction of the consequences was nothing more than that some brothers could not bear the restraint of discipline.

These are not big problems.

Therefore, Ye Tufei nodded and said, "Of course I trust you, otherwise, I wouldn't actively approach you."

Peng Youming looked relieved, and said: "Then it's settled. Tomorrow morning, brother Ye, you can announce this decision to your brothers."

Ye Tufei nodded, but didn't speak.

Hu and Peng achieved their goal and left very satisfied, leaving Ye Tufei alone to continue to be depressed.

More than a year ago, Ye Tufei was also persecuted in this way. That time, Gao Qiaoxin threatened him with the lives of hundreds of brothers, and asked him to complete a traitor mission that will never be remembered for thousands of years.But this time, Hu Xiaozhou and Peng Youming used the future of thousands of brothers to persecute him, forcing him to make an extremely unwilling decision.

The difference is that Ye Tufei didn't feel depressed when Takahashi Xin forced him to do bad things, but when Hu Xiaozhou and Peng Youming forced him to make a decision that was good for the future of his brothers, he was so depressed.

Depressed, Ye Tufei thought of drinking.

Drinking alone will only make you more depressed, so Ye Tufei found Zhang Luohui.

Zhang Luohui is not against drinking, but Zhang Luohui looks more depressed than Ye Tufei.

"Master Liu, have you decided?" After drinking for a long time, Zhang Luohui finally opened his mouth.

Ye Tufei gulped down a bowl, wiped his mouth, and asked, "What have I decided?"

Zhang Luohui sighed, and said, "Sixth Master, don't hide it from the brothers. The military commander has already revealed to the brothers just now that Commissioner Hu Te came here this time to talk about the Communist Party's inclusion of us."

Ye Tufei said: "This is also to seek a future for the brothers, gray mule, have you read the Water Margin? Why did Song Jiang do everything possible to create opportunities to be recruited? Sooner or later, the world will be owned by the Communist Party. The sooner the day passes, the brothers will die." One point ahead. Isn't it?"

Zhang Luohui rolled his eyelids: "Sooner or later, this world will belong to the Communist Party? Sixth Master, it's too early for you to say that?"

Ye Tufei could only smile wryly.

This kind of judgment, let alone ordinary people, I am afraid that even the Communist Party itself dare not make such a judgment at this stage, how can he explain it?
"Grey mule, you have to trust me, I, Ye Tufei, will never make a wrong judgment and make fun of the future of the brothers."

Zhang Luohui took a few sips of wine and said, "Master Liu, it's not that I don't believe you. To be honest, I also think that the Communist Party will take over the world sooner or later. In Jiangxi back then, the government spent so much effort but failed to bring him down. It was wiped out, what does that mean? It means that the Communist Party is still alive, and later in Shaanxi, the Communist Party saw that its strength was exhausted, but it never wanted to make a Xi’an Incident.”

Zhang Luohui burst into tears as he spoke.

"Master Liu, I know that you are doing it for the good of the brothers and for the future of the brothers, but, Master Liu, but..." Zhang Luohui gritted his teeth, and finally said what he had been bored all night: "Master Liu, Gray Mule is about to renege on his promise, I can no longer follow you, Sixth Master!"

Ye Tufei was startled suddenly, and said eagerly: "What did you say? Say it again?"

Zhang Luohui raised his neck, drank a whole bowl of wine, then got up from his seat, and knelt down in front of Ye Tufei.Ye Tufei hurriedly helped Zhang Luohui up, took a breath, and said with concern: "Grey Mule, tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will definitely solve them for you."

Weeping, Zhang Luohui shook his head with an extremely painful expression, and said, "Master Liu, I can't ruin the future of my brothers because of my own future! Master Liu, Gray Mule, please, let Gray Mule go. Bar!"

Ye Tufei took Zhang Luohui's hand, pressed him on the stool, and said, "My brother, you have the same blessings and share the same difficulties. If you have any difficulties, tell them!"

Zhang Luohui sighed for a long time and said, "That's fine."

"I know that special commissioner, and I believe he will not forget me. That was more than seven years ago. At that time, I was only a deputy company commander. One day, Shangfeng mobilized our company to carry out an arrest mission. The mission of arresting the Communist Party, if this kind of mission can be successfully completed, there will be a lot of rewards afterwards, so the enthusiasm of the brothers is very high."

Ye Tufei vaguely guessed the outcome of the story, but he was still not sure, so he asked eagerly, "Then what happened after that?"

Zhang Luohui drank another bowl of wine and said with a sad smile: "The operation went very smoothly. We arrested more than 20 Communists. However, when we ambushed them, my brothers also confessed to them. The more than 20 Most of the members of the Communist Party are women and children, and the special commissioner was the leader of the Communist Party at the time. After being caught, Shangfeng ordered us to shoot these people on the spot. Liu Ye, you know, the military order is like a mountain! Besides, I am dead Several brothers, feeling angry, carried out the task themselves."

Speaking of this, Zhang Luohui was already in tears. He looked up to the sky and sighed, and then said: "Five women, eight children, Mr. Liu, five women and eight children! Just like that, I shot him to death with my own hands! Among those people is the wife and child of this special commissioner."

Ye Tufei was dumbfounded.When Zhang Luohui opened his mouth, he realized that this kind of result was very likely, but when the result was really in front of him, Ye Tufei hoped that it was all fake.

"Then how did Commissioner Hoot survive?"

Zhang Luohui picked up the wine bottle, took a deep breath, and replied with red eyes: "When I reached the last one, I suddenly softened. I didn't hit his heart with that shot, but missed it on purpose." Some. I didn’t know what I was thinking at the time, but I just felt that doing so seemed to reduce my sense of guilt. Sixth Master, Gray Mule was young and vigorous at that time, and when he shot those Communists, he didn’t even cover his face. I also deliberately let those Communists see my face clearly before I die, and let them go to the Underworld to settle accounts with me, there is no need to settle accounts in the Underworld, everyone has come to my house.”

(End of this chapter)

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