Bandit Camp

Chapter 200 see or not see

Chapter 200 see or not see
How to do?
Is it hiding?Or wait for Tao Zhenzhen to finish singing the song to recognize him and reminisce about the old relationship?
Ye Tufei tossed the ocean in his heart, with his head up, and immediately ran away, with his head down... Why does his head always face down?
At this time, Xiao Zhonghe also recognized Tao Zhenzhen.

In the few days when Tao Zhenzhen chased her to Mount Erlang, although Xiao Zhonghe didn't meet her face to face several times, all killers have a professional instinct, that is, they never forget people's faces.

"Sixth Master, it's Miss Zhenzhen! It's really Miss Zhenzhen!" Xiao Zhonghe yelled in Ye Tufei's ear ignorant of current affairs.

In order to cover up his contradictory feelings, Ye Tufei yelled at Xiao Zhonghe: "Impossible! You are delusional."

If Ye Tufei said that Xiao Zhonghe was not good in other aspects, he would admit it. After all, Liu Ye was better than him in every aspect, but Xiao Zhonghe refused to admit defeat when it came to recognizing people and remembering people. He said to Ye Tufei: "How could I Dazzling? If you look carefully, who is it if it’s not Tao Zhenzhen? If you don’t believe me, let’s make a bet. When she finishes singing, ask her, won’t it be clear?”

Ye Tufei yelled inwardly, if he was entangled with Xiao Zhonghe, he might not even have the chance to toss a coin.Just about to think of a trick to get rid of Xiao Zhonghe's entanglement, Duguyu joined in the fun again.

"Master Liu, you use cruel facts to educate Xiao Laoliu, this guy is too arrogant, dare to compete with Master Liu?!"

Before Xiao Zhonghe was dismissed, another Duguyu came up, and Ye Tufei felt his head was about to explode.Originally, he really wanted to stay and talk to Tao Zhenzhen, but after being tossed about by these two treasures, Ye Tufei just wanted to run away quickly.

But Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu firmly stopped Ye Tufei.

It was a coincidence that when Ye Tufei and Xiao Zhonghe Duguyu were in a stalemate, Nie Hengzi appeared out of nowhere.

"What's the matter? Ah Fei, this place doesn't suit your taste?"

Ye Tufei frowned, and said, "Why do I smell a conspiracy?"

Duguyu answered: "Conspiracy? Is conspiracy a dish or a snack? Is it delicious?"

Nie Hengzi smiled and said: "Conspiracy is not delicious at all. Anyone who eats it will be disgusting to death. Our brother Ah Fei feels very disgusting now."

When Nie Hengzi said that, it was tantamount to admitting Ye Tufei's suspicion.

Four years ago, Ye Tufei resolutely left Shanghai and Tao Zhenzhen in order to avenge Jia Chunfeng.Later, Feng Zhongliang took Tao Zhenzhen to Erlang Mountain. After only three days, Tao Zhenzhen returned to Shanghai on the pretext that he could not stand the poor life in Erlang Mountain.

However, this is just a superficial story.

The real truth story is that Tao Zhen really fell in love with Ye Tufei. When she was in Shanghai, she used several gang leaders to force Ye Tufei to marry him. Ye Tufei had no choice but to reluctantly agree.Later, something happened to Jia Chunfeng, and Ye Tufei returned to Jia's family to avenge Jia Chunfeng, and at the same time, he took this opportunity to avoid Tao Zhenzhen's entanglement.However, Boss Feng was so busy that he ran to Shanghai with Ye Tufei on his back to take Tao Zhenzhen to Mount Erlang. At that time, Boss Feng was playing under the banner of Ye Tufei, saying that the sixth master asked him to pick up Miss Tao.

Tao Zhenzhen was ecstatic, and made up her mind to stay with Ye Tufei for the rest of her life.

In this mood, how could Tao Zhenzhen mind whether Erlang Shan's life was poor or not.You know, if a woman really falls in love with a man, she will feel sweet and happy even if she just follows him to eat chaff.

However, Ye Tufei just ignored her.

Until the third day, Ye Tufei showed her cards.Tao Zhenzhen didn't shed a single tear, and left Erlang Mountain with a smile, and took all the bad things on her back.

After returning to Shanghai, Tao Zhenzhen cried for a whole week. After that, she gave up her opera major and changed her career to become a singer.She vowed to become the idol of all men in Shanghai, and she wanted to prove to everyone that it was Ye Tufei's loss that Ye Tufei didn't want her.

Tao Zhenzhen succeeded very quickly. While she was enjoying the honor and brilliance, she always felt empty in her heart. Until a week ago, Nie Hengzi told her that Ye Tufei had returned.

After Tao Zhenzhen became popular, no man in Shanghai dared to harass her because of the name of Du Yuesheng's goddaughter.In Tao Zhenzhen's mind, those men who worshiped her in the audience were not worth mentioning. Her only good friend was Nie Hengzi, just because Nie Hengzi was Ye Tufei's good brother.

When Nie Hengzi told Tao Zhenzhen the news of Ye Tufei's return to Shanghai, Tao Zhenzhen's already calm heart skipped a beat. After this, she couldn't hold back her emotions anymore, so she had to ask Nie Hengzi for help.

Of course, Nie Hengzi, who is a ghost, understands that if he tells Ye Tufei the truth directly, he will definitely be rejected by Ye Tufei, so he spent nearly a week, together with Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu, performing a play, He tricked Ye Tufei into Paramount, where Tao Zhenzhen would perform every night.

"Good flowers don't always bloom, and good times don't last long. Sorrow piles up and smiles, tears shed on the belt of lovesickness. After leaving tonight, when will you come again..."

The euphemistic and lingering song "When Will You Come Again" is Tao Zhenzhen's confession to Ye Tufei. Before the song is finished, Tao Zhenzhen's cheeks are already covered with tears.

As soon as she stepped onto the stage, Tao Zhenzhen saw Ye Tufei. Since then, her gaze has not left Ye Tufei for more than three seconds. She saw Ye Tufei enjoying her singing with her eyes closed, and also saw Ye Tufei suddenly startled and stared at her. Own.Tao Zhenzhen believed that Ye Tufei must have recognized her at that moment, she thought Ye Tufei would leave, she was conflicting whether she should chase after Ye Tufei if he left suddenly.However, to Tao Zhenzhen's surprise, Ye Tufei didn't choose to leave, but stayed and continued to listen to her singing.

How can she not cry?
After singing the song, Tao Zhenzhen returned to the backstage.

In the ballroom, Nie Hengzi said to Ye Tufei: "A Fei, if you can go backstage, we will definitely not laugh at you!"

Ye Tufei smiled and asked back: "Then what if I don't go?"

Nie Hengzi stretched out his hands, and said, "Repay the money! It's 15 yen, not a dime less, or I'll cut off your robes."

Duguyu also followed suit, saying: "Liu Ye, we've already talked about this, if you don't go there, you, you, are you too unmanly?"

Ye Tufei actually had the urge to meet Tao Zhenzhen.

Ye Tufei didn't dislike Tao Zhenzhen, but the way she used to force Ye Tufei to marry him back then by finding a big boss from the Youth Gang as a backstage was really unacceptable.However, after such a long time, the shadow caused by this incident to Ye Tufei has almost dissipated, and the original few feelings have become more and more energetic after the precipitation of the past few years.

In Mount Erlang, every time Ye Tufei was worried about Ouyang Xueping or Su Yue, he would unconsciously think of Tao Zhenzhen. There were several times when Ye Tufei secretly sighed, if Ouyang Xueping or Su Yue had Tao Zhenzhen How nice it would be to be kind and simple!
Especially after returning to Shanghai, Ye Tufei even dreamed of Tao Zhenzhen in his dreams.He also wanted to find an opportunity to meet Tao Zhenzhen and ask her how she was doing?Ye Tufei knew that Nie Hengzi still had contact with Tao Zhenzhen, but he just couldn't get over that face.

When Nie Hengzi appeared in front of Ye Tufei, although Ye Tufei had doubts, he still thought it was a coincidence.However, Nie Hengzi readily admitted that he deliberately tricked Ye Tufei over, which meant that Tao Zhen really wanted to see him.

A woman, and a very beautiful woman, who has been unrequitedly in love with herself for so many years.As long as it is a man, he will feel warm in his heart. Even if he still doesn't love him, he will at least be touched.

At this time, Ye Tufei was not only moved, he was even a little moved.

At this time, Xiao Zhonghe, who had been silent all this time, said something that made Ye Tufei make up his mind: "Sixth Master, Sixth Master, there are times when you are afraid!"

"I'll be afraid?" Ye Tufei finally waited for what he wanted to hear, stood up quickly, and walked backstage. After taking two steps, he stood still and turned back, pointing at Xiao Zhonghe and said, "I'll tell you Xiao Lao Liu, There is nothing in this world that your sixth master is afraid of!"

After saying this ruthless sentence, Ye Tufei felt that it was not meaningful enough, and pointed to Nie Hengzi and said: "Your surname is Nie, you wait, wait until you get back and see how I deal with you, how dare you plan to frame your Brother Fei!"

Nie Hengzi quickly put on a frightened look.

After Ye Tufei really left, the three of them burst into laughter.Enough laughing, Nie Hengzi said resentfully: "I, Nie Hengzi, am the sixth son of the Nie family who is well-known in Shanghai, and you are also the sixth son of Xiao who is famous all over the world. Why are you so arrogant?"

Duguyu suddenly thought of something, and asked Xiao Zhonghe: "Xiao Laoliu, I know you are the sixth son in Zhongyi Hall, so you are called Xiao Laoliu, and Mr. Nie is the sixth son at home, so you are called the sixth son of the Nie family." , but why is Liu Ye called Liu Ye?"

Xiao Zhonghe replied: "Master Liu said he is the sixth son in the family, so let's call him Master Liu."

Duguyu frowned, and asked again: "Have you met Liu Ye's family? Also, where is Liu Ye from? Why can't I recognize his accent?"

Xiao Zhonghe's curiosity was also aroused, he squinted his eyes and thought for a while, and replied: "Don't tell me, Liu Ye never told the brothers about his family, by the way, Liu Ye said he changed Suffering from amnesia, I can't remember anything before Jia Jiawang."

Duguyu said: "No, no, if the sixth master has amnesia, how can he remember that he is the sixth child in the family?"

Nie Hengzi smiled and said: "Let me tell you a secret. In fact, Ye Tufei arranged for himself a sixth son because he admired the sixth son of the Nie family. Hehe, if you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself when he comes back." !"

After finishing speaking, Nie Hengzi ignored Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu's eyes, stood up, tidied up his clothes, and went straight to invite the girl to dance.

(End of this chapter)

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