Bandit Camp

Chapter 201 I Believe In You

Chapter 201 I Believe In You
Happy holidays, ha...


No one knew about the meeting between Ye Tufei and Tao Zhenzhen.

In short, it was Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu who sat outside for two hours, even drank the urine of the German horse, and finally waited for Ye Tufei.

When Ye Tufei came back, he seemed a little depressed. When he saw the two of them, he just said: "It's getting late, we should go back."

Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu rarely saw Ye Tufei in such a low mood, they didn't dare to joke with Ye Tufei anymore, so they obediently followed Ye Tufei back to the villa.

Early the next morning, Nie Hengzi chased him to the villa, and yelled at Ye Tufei as soon as he entered the door.

"Ye, how can you treat Tao Zhenzhen like this? What offended you? Tell me clearly! You can dislike her, you can reject her, but you must not humiliate her!"

Ye Tufei was dragged up from the bed by Nie Hengzi, and then reprimanded by Nie Hengzi, which made him confused and confused: "What nonsense are you talking about! How have I ever humiliated her?"

Nie Hengzi said angrily: "She is a singing girl, she eats on her own ability, what's wrong with it? Why do you say that being a singing girl is not good, and you want her to give up. Ye, it's true that she won't be a singing girl anymore. , you raise her?"

Ye Tufei recalled that he had indeed talked with Tao Zhenzhen about being a singer last night. He did not recommend that a woman hang out in Fengyuechang. After all, the risk is still great.Tao Zhenzhen didn't object when he heard it, he just looked at Ye Tufei silently and said, "If you don't like it, then I won't sing anymore."

With just a few words, how could it involve humiliating Tao Zhenzhen?
Nie Hengzi explained angrily: "After you left last night, I went to see Zhenzhen. This girl cried like a tearful person. She didn't answer any questions, but just begged me repeatedly. Go say hello to the boss of Paramount, and say that she will not sing anymore starting tomorrow. I thought you humiliated her as a singing girl!"

Ye Tufei's heart was shocked. He chatted with Tao Zhenzhen for nearly two hours last night. Tao Zhenzhen was always calm. They talked about the forced marriage back then, and also talked about the story in Erlang Mountain later. Tao Zhenzhen was still right. He talked about many interesting things about being a singer in the past two years, and Tao Zhenzhen laughed out loud when the chat got happy.Why would Tao Zhenzhen cry until he left?

Ye Tufei thought that Tao Zhenzhen had walked out of that relationship, he thought that Tao Zhenzhen just regarded him as an old friend, at that moment, Ye Tufei clearly felt the loss in his heart.

Man, that's how cheap!When he has it, he doesn't think it is precious, and when he loses it, he regrets it.

Therefore, when Nie Hengzi said that Tao Zhenzhen was in tears after he left, Ye Tufei's heart skipped a beat.

Zhenzhen still cares about him, he hasn't lost Zhenzhen yet!
At that second, Ye Tufei thought of Ouyang Xueping and Su Yue, but even if Ouyang Xueping and Su Yue were combined, Ye Tufei still felt that he couldn't compare to Tao Zhenzhen.

Ye Tufei really wanted to slap himself a few times, he didn't know why and when he became so sentimental, not to mention meeting one and liking the other, but he couldn't let go of the emotion he wanted all three women, It was too much for him.

Seeing that Ye Tufei bowed his head and said nothing, Nie Hengzi didn't intend to let Ye Tufei go, and asked, "Hey, buddy, if they really treat you like this, you old man should always give him something in return, right?"

Ye Tufei glanced at Nie Hengzi, and replied: "Tell the truth, I'm just worried that she will have unexpected risks working in that kind of situation. I don't look down on being a singer. If she likes it, then continue singing." If I am free, I will definitely go to support her."

Nie Hengzi gave Ye Tufei a blank look, and yelled angrily, "I mean, are you a man? Why don't you have any accent at all? They really have already asked the boss of Paramount to terminate the contract, and even paid for it." The breach of contract fee, surnamed Ye, do you know that the breach of contract fee is a lot of money!"

Ye Tufei's heart was shocked again, he didn't expect Tao Zhenzhen to take his words so seriously.

The meaning of Nie Hengzi's words couldn't be more obvious. He is here to act as a lobbyist for Tao Zhenzhen. This sixth son of the Nie family is a master who has been in love for many years, and he has a penetrating grasp of the affairs of men and women. marrow.

Ye Tufei really wanted to be impulsive like this, and shouted to Nie Hengzi, okay, tell Tao Zhenzhen, just say that I am willing to raise her!

However, this sentence was spinning in his chest, and it reached his throat several times, but he couldn't break through the last barrier.

At the most contradictory and embarrassing moment, the phone rang.

It was for Ye Tufei.

"Brother Ye, Mr. Zhao wants me to contact you. Are you free today? Mr. Zhao wants to meet with you. Oh, it's about Doihara. I heard he's going to Shanghai tomorrow."

Ye Tufei was overjoyed, and replied to Lian Fang: "I've been waiting for this moment! Brother Lian, tell Mr. Zhao, I'll go see him right away."

Lian Fang replied: "No need, brother Ye, it's still the old rules, you wait at home, I'll go pick you up."

Putting down the phone, Ye Tufei's mind was full of Kenji Takahashi Nobu Doihara and those so-called treasures, Nie Hengzi's words and Tao Zhenzhen's people, and they could no longer occupy his mind.

Half an hour later, Lian Fang's car arrived at the door of Ye Tufei's house, and another half hour later, Ye Tufei sat in the living room of Zhao Ming's mansion.

"Sit down first, Brother Ye, I'll go say hello to Mr. Zhao."

Just as Lian Fang finished speaking, Zhao Ming appeared. Standing at the stairs on the second floor, he waved to Ye Tufei and said, "Xiao Ye, come up to my study and talk."

When Ye Tufei entered the study, Zhao Ming went straight to the subject without any foreshadowing: "Kenji Doihara will arrive in Shanghai early tomorrow morning, and Mr. Kagezuo has made an appointment with him tomorrow night at eight o'clock in the evening at the Hongkou Base Xiaoye, Mr. Kagesa can only introduce you to Doihara under the pretext of resolving the problems between you and Nobu Takahashi, and you can only rely on yourself for the rest. I know, you are full of love for Nobu Takahashi However, I want to remind you that Doihara is a very protective person, so you have to grasp this properly."

Zhao Ming originally wanted to call Ye Tufei over to discuss how to deal with Doihara and discuss the details. However, on the way Ye Tufei came over, Ying Zuo Frame Zhao called him and explained that he was involved in this matter. The best thing to do is to play it safe and not get too deep.

So, when Zhao Ming talked about this matter with Ye Tufei again, he took a lot.

Ye Tufei didn't expect Zhao Ming and Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao to help him. He firmly believed that with Kenji Doihara's preference for cultural relics and Kenji Doihara's strict loyalty to his subordinates, as long as he had the opportunity Let Kenji Doihara see the terracotta warriors and horses of the Han Dynasty, and then quietly hint that Kenji Doihara said that the terracotta warriors and horses were found in the ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty in Erlang Mountain, so the rest is that Takahashi Nobu can't eat and walk away.

"Well, I understand, thank you, Mr. Zhao." Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "I would like to thank Mr. Ying Zuo more, please rest assured that what Ye Tufei said is true, there is no falsehood, I believe General Doihara You must be able to see clearly."

Zhao Ming nodded, and said, "I trust you, Mr. Yingzuo has also expressed his trust in you, but Xiaoye, you should understand the difficulties between me and Mr. Yingzuo."

Although Zhao Ming is a politician, after many years in the officialdom, he has already developed a cautious way of doing things. He has a foundation of trust in Ye Tufei. After all, Ye Tufei risked his life to rescue him a year ago, but he is not accustomed On the surface, he still has some doubts about Ye Tufei.

As for Yingzuo Frame Zhao, it is a professional habit of doubting everything.

Therefore, for nearly a week, they did not simply wait for news from Kenji Doihara, but conducted a relatively thorough investigation of Ye Tufei through No. 76's spy system.

The final investigation results were not much different from what Ye Tufei said.

Only then did Zhao Ming and Ying Zuo frame Zhao believe Ye Tufei, and they arranged for Ye Tufei to meet Kenji Doihara.

Even so, Yingzuo Frame Zhao still took the safest approach, leaving himself far away.

Zhao Ming was worried that Ye Tufei would have bad feelings towards him because of this, and wanted to make up a set of contradictions in the officialdom to fool Ye Tufei, but as soon as he mentioned it, he was interrupted by Ye Tufei.

"Mr. Zhao, I understand. You don't need to say more. You and Mr. Kagesa have some conflicts with General Doihara's political goals. If the overall strategy is delayed because of Takahashi's small matter, then the loss outweighs the gain."

Zhao Ming smiled knowingly, and said: "Since you understand, I won't hide it from you. Kenji Doihara and us are incompatible. If he wins, then we will lose our future." , the new government will have nothing to do with us. Conversely, if we win, then Kenji Doihara will lose his foothold in Nanjing, including Shanghai. Xiaoye, don't underestimate Takahashi Nobu, I and Mr. Kagezuo has analyzed that this incident may become a watershed in the struggle between us and Doihara. The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest. We believe that as long as Takahashi Shin’s incident is confirmed, then this incident will It will definitely become the ant nest in the opponent's dike of a thousand miles!"

Ye Tufei didn't expect Zhao Ming to tell him that.

When Zhao Ming said these words, he actually regarded Ye Tufei as one of his own. It seems that the fisherman's analysis of Zhao Ming is not bad at all. Although this person is a politician, part of the blood on his body belongs to the Jianghu .

Now that Zhao Ming has already said his heartfelt words, Ye Tufei has no choice but to say something. He stood up and solemnly expressed his position to Zhao Ming: "Mr. Zhao, Tufei understands the burden on him. Humiliate the mission!"

Zhao Ming was a little excited, held Ye Tufei's hands, and said, "I believe in you!"

(End of this chapter)

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