Bandit Camp

Chapter 202 Carry out the planting to the end

Chapter 202 Carry out the planting to the end

At [-] o'clock the next night, Ye Tufei met Kenji Doihara, who had been famous for a long time.

A bald, stocky guy with an air of arrogance written all over his face.

"I've heard of you, Ye Tufei!" Kenji Doihara buried his rich body in the large sofa in the VIP room, and showed Ye Tufei an indescribable smile, "You once worked for me in Japan, listen Said that Mr. Zhao was trapped in Hong Kong and you were the one who rescued him. Well, this matter was done very well. Our Empire of Japan will thank every friend who helped us. However, why did you fight against our Empire of Japan later on? We are all smart people, I don’t like talking around, in Xuzhou, at least [-] warriors of the Great Japanese Empire died at the hands of you, Ye Tufei, how do you explain this?”

Ye Tufei calmly opened a box he carried with him, and said to Kenji Doihara: "General Doihara, before I answer your question, I would like to ask you to read something first. After reading it, I will definitely I will give you a satisfactory answer."

The box contained the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Han Dynasty that Ye Tufei and Duguyu dug out for a long time.

That thing was originally gray, and the lights in the VIP room were not very bright, which made it even more inconspicuous.

Kenji Doihara didn't pay much attention to it at first, but he has a super sensitivity to cultural relics. He glanced at it casually, and his intuition told him that the thing in the box should have a great origin.

So, Kenji Doihara put aside the Kageza frame Showa and Ye Tufei beside him, and focused all his attention on the little clay figurine made of pottery.

He carefully took the terracotta warriors out of the box, looked at them carefully, then put the soldier on the small table beside him, took out a pair of mirrors from his pocket, and looked at the soldier again.

For half an hour, Kenji Doihara didn't say a word, he put all his energy on the servant.

"Where did you get this thing?" Kenji Doihara finally spoke after looking at it several times.

Ye Tufei replied: "The ancient tomb of the Han Dynasty in Erlang Mountain is just a leftover object."

Kenji Doihara was taken aback, glanced at Ye Tufei, then let out a long breath, and stopped talking.

After a few seconds, Kenji Doihara begged Kagesa Frame: "Kagesa-kun, please allow me to stay alone with this Ye Tufei for a while, please!"

Ying Zuo Frame Zhao said 'Hi', got up and walked to the door of the VIP room.

Only Kenji Doihara and Ye Tufei were left in the room.

"Tell me exactly what happened, the more detailed the better!"

Ye Tufei took a deep breath, adjusted his sitting posture, and said slowly: "A year ago, Gao Qiaoxin told me that he had studied the geomantic omen of Mount Erlang and concluded that there should be an ancient tomb of the Han Dynasty in this area. Send me back to Jiajiawang, oh, General Doihara, I don’t know if you are familiar with the terrain in that area, this Jiajiawang..."

Kenji Doihara waved his hand and said, "I also participated in the Battle of Xuzhou. I don't know how many times I have studied the maps of Xuzhou. I have reported it, you can continue to say what you want to say."

Ye Tufei continued: "Xin Gaoqiao also sent me several archaeological experts, and I took them around Erlang Mountain for more than a month. Those archaeological experts recorded a lot of data that I couldn't understand, but Where is the ancient tomb, but there is no clue.

Later, Shin Takahashi sent me to Hong Kong to rescue Mr. Zhao Ming.Mr. Zhao was rescued by me, but on the way back, Takahashi Shin arranged for a killer to deal with me. Of course, at that time I didn't know that Takahashi Shin arranged for the killer.When I returned to Jiajiawang, Gao Qiaoxin suddenly told me that the ancient tomb had been found, and a large number of treasures had also been discovered.That day, Shin Takahashi took me to see those treasures, General Doihara, you know I don't know anything about cultural relics, so I can't name most of them, but I remember one item very clearly , called the golden hazel jade garment.This golden jade dress is really beautiful, so I was particularly impressed.At that time, Takahashi Xin also told me some historical knowledge about the golden jade clothes.

These treasures have been hidden in Gao Qiaoxin's mansion in Jiajiawang. I was still thinking, why didn't he quickly transport these treasures to a safe place?After a few days, I understood that Nobu Takahashi wanted to use this batch of treasures to lure the anti-Japanese armed forces in the Xuzhou area, and wanted to take this opportunity to wipe them all out.

To be honest, I have no interest in Takahashi's plan at all. I just think of the benefits that Takahashi Shin promised me. After all, I still have credit for finding the ancient tomb.However, when Nobu Takahashi encircled and wiped out the anti-Japanese armed forces, he even brought me and my Zhongyitang into it, trying to wipe us out together.

I didn't understand the reason at the time, but in order to survive, I had to fight.Later, when I returned to Erlang Mountain, I became more and more suspicious of Gao Qiaoxin's motives. I couldn't figure out why, so I started looking for this ancient tomb.Since Nobu Takahashi said that he had already excavated this ancient tomb, although it was sealed later, it would definitely leave traces if it was touched. Heaven pays off, I spent nearly a year and finally found this tomb. ancient tomb.

When I entered this ancient tomb, I found that the ancient tomb was empty, but fortunately I did not give up. On the side of the ancient tomb, I found this item.Compared with the Jade Clothes, this thing is too inconspicuous, which may be the reason why this thing was ignored.

When Gao Qiaoxin was in Xuzhou, he never let me go. He attacked Erlang Mountain alone several times. In his hands, I killed and injured hundreds of brothers. I, Ye Tufei, have to remember this grudge. In my heart, I, Ye Tufei, must not swallow this breath, otherwise, it will be difficult for me to gain a foothold in the arena.So, in the past year, I have been in a deadlock with Takahashi Nobu.

However, we can't afford to spend that much on Takahashi Shin!I have no other choice, I can only look for a backer, someone's national army, someone's eighth way, but why should they help me avenge my revenge?So, I played a little trick and raised the anti-Japanese banner. In this way, the national army sent guns and bullets, and the Eighth Route Army also sent a lot of people to support me.But I never expected that I would be tricked by others before the settlement with Gao Qiaoxin was over! "

As Ye Tufei spoke, his expression became more and more gloomy. In the end, after a long sigh, he squeezed out two tears!
Doihara Ken Er was expressionless, and continued to ask: "Before this, during the First World War in Taierzhuang, why did you fight against the Imperial Japanese Army?"

Ye Tufei was also prepared for this, and was waiting for Kenji Doihara to ask questions.

"I have to ask Mr. Masao Koizumi about this matter! You said he borrowed Erlang Mountain, so let's make excuses. Ye Tufei and Zhongyitang only recognize money but not people. Yes, Masao Koizumi paid the money , I also gave him the Tao! Why do you think he insisted on eating me indiscriminately?"

What is interesting about this incident is that Masao Koizumi did not mention the bandits at Mount Erlang in his report to the division after the war. He said that he was blocked by the regular army of the national army at Mount Erlang. The matter is not very clear, it is just hearsay later.

Right now, he doesn't care much about Ye Tufei's motives, what he cares about is the authenticity of the treasures that Ye Tufei said.

Although Nobu Takahashi made the plan for the ancient tomb before going to Xuzhou to take office, who can guarantee that this was not planned by Nobu Takahashi for a long time?Kenji Doihara knew Takahashi Nobu, this man's castle was extremely deep, and he could still have no complaints after being idle for several years. If he didn't have a strong belief in his heart, it would be impossible to do this at all.

So, what is Takahashi's belief?Is it really allegiance to the Emperor?
Kenji Doihara silently denied it in his heart.

Loyalty to the emperor is just a means to motivate innocent youths. People like Takahashi Shinobu should have seen through society long ago and shouldn't be so innocent.After all, he is a Chinese. Although he has the status of a Japanese subject of Emperor Akira, he is still of Chinese blood after all. With this status, no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to flourish. Nobu Takahashi should understand this.

So, what is Shin Takahashi doing?

The more Kenji Doihara thinks about it, the more he feels that what Ye Tufei said is true, because only by taking what Ye Tufei said as true can he explain clearly the doubts in Kenji Doihara's heart about Nobu Takahashi one by one.

Nobu Takahashi hibernated in the Japanese camp for these treasures!
Kenji Doihara thought that he once discussed Chinese history and Chinese cultural relics and antiques with Nobu Takahashi. At that time, Nobu Takahashi showed a professionalism and depth that Kenji Doihara did not expect.

What's more, since the ancient tomb project, Gao Qiaoxin doesn't seem to work very hard in Xuzhou, and the fight with Ye Tufei is more defeated than victorious, especially in the matter of rescuing the chief of staff of the division. Save face.

Thinking of that incident, Kenji Doihara became angry. That Hashimoto had a backer in China, but there was no vacant real position at that time to arrange him. This Nobu Takahashi actually made Hashimoto worse for Ye Tufei. Such a big shock, but Shin Takahashi didn't take it seriously.

Kenji Doihara suddenly realized that this was most likely done on purpose by Shin Takahashi, with the purpose of hoping to be punished and then sent back to Japan to monopolize the treasures.

Even though he thought so, Kenji Doihara still remained calm, and said to Ye Tufei: "I will continue to investigate your problem, and I will also pay attention to the problem you responded to. Since you have decided to reform and start a new life I also welcome this, but I hope you will do your own thing and work hard by Zhao Ming's side!"

(End of this chapter)

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