Bandit Camp

Chapter 207 Economic Role

Chapter 207 Economic Role
After dinner, Ye Tufei came back in Zhao Ming's car. On the way, Ye Tufei told the second step of his plan.

The purpose of Ye Tufei abandoning Erlang Mountain and coming to Shanghai is to inquire about Japan's next strategic direction, and further influence important Japanese decision-makers to make a strategic decision to go to war with the United States or the Soviet Union, so that this war between the two countries will evolve into a world involving many countries. In the great war, China is no longer fighting alone.

For such a goal, it seems that it has little to do with helping Zhao Mingying, Zuo Framezhao and the others build a new government, but in fact it is closely related.

Only when Zhao Ming's new government is established, can Ye Tufei get a better and bigger platform to participate in social activities with high-level Japanese officials. Besides, Ye Tufei doesn't want to be active on the political stage. On the upper stage composed of traitors and traitors, it is inconvenient to hide one's purpose for a while, and it is bound to do some things that disgust oneself.

What Ye Tufei wanted was to take the economical route.

Tonight, he inspired Zhao Ming and Ying Zuo Frame Zhao to do public relations work for important figures in the Japanese military circle, so they must spend a lot of money. Even if Zhao Ming's funds are very rich, there will always be difficulties when.

Ye Tufei wants to propose to Zhao Ming that he is responsible for making money for the new government. In this way, he can avoid those disgusting things, and at the same time, he can better contact the Japanese high-level, and it is easy to disguise himself and hide himself.

"Mr. Zhao, I have an idea. I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Ye Tufei just pointed out the maze for Zhao Ming and Yingzuo Zhaozhao, and now he is very grateful to Ye Tufei, so Zhao Ming replied very politely with a smile on his face: "What should I say? You still see me What? If you have something to say, just say it!"

"That's it, I hesitated for a while. If we do all the work of the important officials in the Japanese military circle, the cost will be very expensive! Mr. Zhao, I don't mean that you don't have the strength, but It is not advisable to say that the money spent will not be returned."

Zhao Ming's current source of income is nothing more than political donations from speculative politicians or speculative businessmen. Although the amount is large, the source is limited after all, and Zhao Ming has also damaged a lot of brain cells for this.

Zhao Ming heard that Ye Tufei had some ideas about making money, and said with great interest, "Oh, tell me about your ideas?"

Ye Tufei said: "Actually, whether you are a bandit or join the Green Gang, you are doing business in essence. It's just that what bandits do is a business without capital that relies on violence to force the other party to submit, and what the Green Gang does is a side business that relies on force protection. , I think, we can also rely on our advantages to do some cheap business, so that we won’t be in the dilemma of sitting on the mountain.”

Zhao Ming is a pure politician. For most of his life, he really didn't know how to use the power in his hands in exchange for personal benefits. When Ye Tufei said this, his first thought was personal corruption, and then the establishment of a new government. More importantly, Fame, and the perception in the eyes of the Japanese, so he showed a look of embarrassment.

"It's not impossible to do this business..."

Seeing Zhao Ming's expression, Ye Tufei understood what was going on. He grabbed Zhao Ming's conversation and said, "Mr. Zhao, I think you have misunderstood a few points. First, we are not making money for ourselves. , but to make money for the new government. The central government has its own industry and business. This... should be an international practice! Second, I just gave examples of bandits and youth gangs. I didn’t mean to follow that model of buying and selling. What I mean is that by giving full play to one's own advantages and mastering high-quality resources, the business will be easy to do. If it can achieve a certain degree of monopoly, then this business will be a huge profit business, and its legitimacy is beyond doubt. Third... "

Zhao Ming interrupted Ye Tufei, and said: "You don't need to say any more, I understand. What you mean is that companies like Matsushita Sani in Japan are supported by the central government, and they do some industries that the government needs. At the same time as the government, it can also make a lot of money.”

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "We don't have that strength yet, but from a long-term perspective, it should be this model."

Zhao Ming fell silent, lost in thought.

It wasn't until Ye Tufei got out of the car that Zhao Ming said: "I agree with your idea in principle, but I need to discuss this matter with other people. Xiaoye, you should make preparations first!"

Ye Tufei doesn't know much about the business in Shanghai. The reason why he dares to work hard in this area is because it is the most beneficial for him to complete the task. Capital, this sixth son of the Nie family is a good hand in business.

Waking up early the next morning, Ye Tufei went to Nie Hengzi's office.

"What? You want to help those traitors do business and make money for them?" Before Nie Hengzi finished listening, he showed a furious look, "Let me make it clear to you, Ye, I I can't control you, you can do whatever you like, but don't get involved with me. If my old man finds out, hehe, I'm still the sixth son of the Nie family? I'll become the sixth elder of the beggar gang in no time!"

Ye Tufei looked at Nie Hengzi and just laughed, laughing so hard that Nie Hengzi's hair was all over his body.

"Hey, what do you mean by your smirk?"

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "It's so cute to see you getting angry! Say it yourself, did you ever get angry at me? Didn't you apologize to me after you got angry at me?"

Nie Hengzi froze for a moment, but still twisted his neck and said, "This time, this time, I will never apologize to you!"

Ye Tufei stretched out five fingers, and said, "5 minutes, you shut your mouth and listen to me for 5 minutes. After listening, if you don't apologize to me, I, Ye Tufei, will take your surname!"

Nie Hengzi was stunned for a moment, but still stiffened, and said: "If I apologize to you after I've heard it, I will be your Sixth Young Master Ye Tufei!"

Ye Tufei smiled and started his 5-minute speech.

"I know that you, Nie Hengzi, are a patriotic and good young man. If you didn't know how to dance and do business, if you didn't have the strength to restrain a chicken, you, an old man, would definitely put on a military uniform and fight against the little Japanese on the battlefield. I also know , In the past two years, you secretly donated a lot of money and goods to Chongqing behind your father's back. That's why I, Ye Tufei, are willing to make you my friend."

Nie Hengzi couldn't hide his pride, and was about to make a statement, but was stopped by Ye Tufei. "Don't talk, just listen."

Ye Tufei stood up from his seat and continued his speech.

"You can't subjectively conclude that the Wang puppet government and these traitors are national sinners. Objectively, let's look at the problem from another angle. The actions of these traitors have played a positive role in the overall situation of the war of resistance!"

Ye Tufei looked at Nie Hengzi's astonished expression, smiled, and continued: "Their existence actually cut off the possibility of Chongqing making peace with Little Japan, that is to say, the Wang puppet government has pushed the Chongqing government to a dead end. They have gone up, so the Chongqing government is bound to desperately resist the aggression of Little Japan. If not, do you think the will of Chongqing is so strong?"

Nie Hengzi was really stunned this time, this was the first time he heard this theory, he thought it was Ye Tufei's sophistry, but after thinking about it, he couldn't think of a reason to refute it.Indeed, as Ye Tufei said, the Chongqing government did not give up any possibility of making peace with the Japanese while the frontline soldiers were fighting desperately.

He once heard a German friend on a business occasion talk about why the Japanese procrastinated on the matter of the Wang puppet government.

Thinking of these things, Nie Hengzi couldn't help sighing, he had no choice but to agree with Ye Tufei's sophistry.

Ye Tufei smiled easily. He knew Nie Hengzi's personality well. The sixth son of the Nie family received an American-style education. Although his personality was distinct and subjective, he was reasonable. As long as he explained the truth to him, he could start When things come, they will never turn back and never care about personal interests.

Ye Tufei's first goal was achieved, and then he began to persuade Nie Hengzi to accept his next point of view.

"The sooner the Wang puppet government is established, the smoother it will be, and the more it will completely break the Chongqing government's thinking. This is one. The second thing I want to say is that after the establishment of the Wang puppet government, it will definitely have a negative impact on the whole country. The Anti-Japanese War had a lot of negative effects, so we have to find a way to reduce this negative effect to the minimum level. Therefore, you have to agree to my request, assist me, and manage the business of the Wang puppet government."

Nie Hengzi couldn't help asking his own question: "What is the relationship between helping them do business and reducing their negative effects?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "The Japanese are very insidious. The fundamental reason for establishing the Wang puppet government is to control China with China, that is, to control the Wang puppet government and recruit those who are greedy for life and fear of death through the Wang puppet government. The national army forces let the Chinese fight the Chinese, and they come to reap the benefits. Right now, Wang Kemin in Peking and Liang Hongzhi in Nanjing have no less than 100 million Imperial Association troops. If the Wang puppet government is established, the Imperial Association The number of troops will increase exponentially. These troops are cowards when fighting the Japanese, but when fighting against their own compatriots, they are pretending to be real.

We can't stop these generals who are greedy for life and fear of death from surrendering, but we can find ways to disrupt their combat effectiveness.And corruption is precisely the best way.Let's run the business and pull these generals of the Imperial Association Army into the water. If we can make money and live a good life, who would dare to work hard on the battlefield?The officials admit to being cowardly, and the soldiers will not work hard anymore. What will happen to a team that dares and is not willing to work hard on the battlefield? "

Nie Hengzi couldn't help but continued: "That will only be a bad thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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