Bandit Camp

Chapter 208 Trading

Chapter 208 Trading
Ye Tufei said: "Not only will bad things happen if you go to the battlefield, but also bad things will happen if you don't go to the battlefield. Think about it, a group of soldiers who have no desire to fight, how can we talk about combat effectiveness? What else can such soldiers do besides consuming food What? The more such teams there are, the greater the burden on Little Japan. You can’t fight if you throw them out, you can’t defend them if you stay at home, and they have to keep mutiny against them all the time.”

Nie Hengzi was obviously persuaded by Ye Tufei, and said excitedly: "We can also pull the officers of Little Japan into the water, and let the wind of corruption spread in the Japanese army. Hehe, in this case, Little Japan will definitely not The battle is self-defeating."

Ye Tufei looked at Nie Hengzi with a smile, raised his wrist, and said, "Alright, 5 minutes is up!"

Nie Hengzi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Well, I will be the sixth son of your Ye family from now on."

Ye Tufei didn't care about his concept with Nie Hengzi, he patted Nie Hengzi's shoulder, and said seriously: "I hope you will trust me, Ye Tufei's character, no matter what the situation is, otherwise, I will I would rather not make you as a friend than implicate you, an innocent patriotic young man."

At this moment, Nie Hengzi faintly felt that Ye Tufei seemed to have other purposes for seeking refuge with Zhao Ming, but he didn't ask, but nodded solemnly, and replied, "Don't worry, Ah Fei, I still understand you."

Ye Tufei said: "Well, the two of us brothers will work together to completely corrupt this shitty new government, let them rot from the root, and then spread to the top of Japan. Heng Zi, you prepare, and in a few days Let's organize an auction of cultural relics today, it can be regarded as our opening ceremony!"

Nie Hengzi agreed. Although he has no experience in holding cultural relic auctions, he has participated in many such activities and knows many professionals in this field. Naturally, it is not difficult to run.

After convincing Nie Hengzi, Ye Tufei launched the second step, looking for Kenji Doihara, to persuade him to support his business plan, and by the way, completely abolish Takahashi Shin.

Ye Tufei's grasping change came from Kenji Doihara's greed. He believed that Kenji Doihara, an antique fan, would be very moved when faced with a unique cultural relic. The value of Qiaoxin cannot be compared with that little clay figurine at all.

Ye Tufei's prediction was right, before Ye Tufei came to the door, Kenji Doihara sent someone to invite Ye Tufei.

It was still at the Soldiers Club in Hongkou, and Kenji Doihara and Ye Tufei met for the second time after two days.

"Mr. Ye, let's meet again. There is a saying in China that once you are born, you are familiar again. My understanding is that if you can meet for the second time, you may become friends. What do you think?" Kenji Doihara saw Ye Tufei showed a smile on his face, stretched out a pair of fat hands to hold Ye Tufei's hand, and shook it vigorously.

Ye Tufei responded with a smile: "Yemou has always hoped to be friends with the general, but there is a Takahashi letter between us. Whenever I think of this person, Yemou feels uncomfortable, and it will inevitably affect Yemou's relationship with the general." Feelings!"

Kenji Doihara laughed loudly, touched his nearly bald forehead, squinted his eyes, and said with a smile: "Mr. Now that the matter is over, let it be. If Takahashi Nobu’s actions have violated the interests of the Great Japanese Empire and enriched himself in the name of fighting against the anti-Japanese armed forces, I will definitely send him to a military court in person. "

If this kind of words were told to a simple person like Xiang Zhao Ming, he would definitely be moved by Kenji Doihara's resolute attitude and selfless spirit. However, for someone like Ye Tufei who has been in the world for many years That official rhetoric cannot be trusted at all.

"Your Excellency, are you trying to comfort me?" Ye Tufei didn't hesitate, and directly hit Kenji Doihara's vitals, "You can protect your weaknesses and turn a blind eye to Nobu Takahashi, but you can't Pretend me like this."

Kenji Doihara was taken aback, he didn't expect Ye Tufei to speak so directly.He seemed to be angry, but considering Ye Tufei's background and the alluring little clay figurine in his hand, he forcibly suppressed his anger and laughed instead.

"Mr. Ye, it's hard for me to understand what you said. How can I say that I'm trying to shirk you?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "If Gao Qiaoxin is innocent, then I, Ye Tufei, must be the one who blamed him. Then, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Yingzuo are also involved. You will easily agree on terms, and I will be executed in secret. You will get what you want, and Mr. Zhao and Mr. Yingzuo will get rid of this relationship. However, I dare to face you for the second time today, which means that I have not lied. Takahashi Xin has indeed done I am sorry you are more sorry I'm sorry about your Majesty the Emperor, sending him to a military court? What good will that do you? Everyone knows that Takahashi Nobu is your direct descendant, and he embezzled those treasures, what will others think of you?"

Kenji Doihara just wanted to prevaricate with words such as being upright and not afraid of shadows, but Ye Tufei didn't give him a chance at all, and continued to analyze: "General Doihara, you are a smart person, you will let Takahashi Shinji Did this kind of person tarnish your reputation? Obviously not, so, if you say you want to send him to a military court, what is it if you don't excuse me?"

For ordinary people, if their dirty thoughts are directly poked by others, it will inevitably be a little embarrassing, but Kenji Doihara has already cultivated a super thick-skinned face in his many years of spy career, and there is no embarrassment for this guy Instead, he smiled and asked Ye Tufei for advice: "Then give me some advice, what should I do to get the best of both worlds?"

This question is quite clever, if Ye Tufei followed Kenji Doihara's question and said the ideal plan in his mind, then it would be equivalent to revealing his own thoughts and trust to Kenji Doihara.And Kenji Doihara knew what Ye Tufei was thinking, so he would definitely handle this matter with ease. He was very likely to get what he wanted, and at the same time, he could let Takahashi Shinobi go.

Ye Tufei would definitely not be fooled by this, he faced Kenji Doihara with the same smile, and lightly kicked the ball back: "I just want Your Excellency to uphold justice for me, as for how to do it, I think, Your Excellency General A decision has already been made."

Kenji Doihara laughed again, and then said: "I said why Zhao Ming valued you so much, it really is because of his eyes and talents. Well, since I invited you here today, I just want to settle this matter properly. You are also a smart person. You should understand that it is really inconvenient for me to investigate this kind of matter. However, I still believe in the questions you responded. Takahashi Xin is too selfish. If you continue to reuse him, it will be serious for *** **'s career has played a bad role, but Takahashi Xin still has some merits in the past, and the merits and demerits balance out, so that's it. As for the grievances between the two of you, I want to find an opportunity for the two of you to meet alone , have a good chat and clear up the misunderstanding. Mr. Ye, do you think this is appropriate?"

Meet alone?
Ye Tufei's heart trembled with a 'thump'.Unimaginable accidents are very likely to happen when we meet alone. For example, Mr. Takahashi accidentally fell and fell to his death.Another example is that after the meeting, Mr. Takahashi ran into a gangster by chance, which was unfortunate and heroic.The worst thing was that Mr. Takahashi became furious and wanted to kill Ye Tufei, but Ye Tufei went too far in self-defense and accidentally killed Mr. Gaoqiao.

It can be imagined that there is too much room for imagination, and there are too many operable plans. Ye Tufei is not dissatisfied. The key is when Kenji Doihara will implement his promise.

"Your Excellency, since you hope that the relationship between Gao Qiaoxin and me can resolve this grievance, then I, Ye Tufei, have nothing to say, just follow Your Excellency's advice." Ye Tufei took a small step back in time, and he didn't say anything. The thing that was implemented at the time was that he didn't want Kenji Doihara to see the flaws. After all, this solution seemed to be a disadvantage for Ye Tufei.

However, Ye Tufei still held back, because he knew that Kenji Doihara still had the idea of ​​attacking the servant, so as long as Kenji Doihara mentioned the servant, Ye Tufei could Using the pretext of resolving the conflict between him and Takahashi Nobu first, he forced Kenji Doihara to implement his meeting with Takahashi Nobu alone as soon as possible.

Kenji Doihara had already been confused by the servant, so he was naturally at a disadvantage in this battle of wits with Ye Tufei. He thought that Ye Tufei just wanted to resolve the conflict between him and Takahashi Nobu, and then live in peace. Have a good few days by Zhao Ming's side.

According to this line of thinking, then the soldiers in Ye Tufei's hands should be dedicated to him.

Therefore, Kenji Doihara was not greedy for his words, and brought up the mercenary.

"Mr. Ye, there is one more thing I need to discuss with you. The Han Dynasty military service you brought last time, I think it should belong to the Great Japanese Empire. What do you think?"

Ye Tufei smiled secretly, and said: "Not only the mercenary, but also the treasures that Takahashi Nobuo swallowed privately, I think, should belong to your country of Japan. China is too chaotic now, and it is not suitable to keep these cultural relics."

Kenji Doihara was overjoyed and finally showed his greedy gaffe. He said in a panic: "Yes, yes, Mr. Ye is absolutely right. These cultural relics are the treasures of human culture. They should be regardless of national boundaries. Where is the safest place?" Just keep it there."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "That's the truth, but if I hand over that military servant to the general for safekeeping right now, it's still inappropriate."

Kenji Doihara asked eagerly, "Why?"

Ye Tufei said: "Think about it, if the matter between me and Gao Qiaoxin is not resolved, he won't spit out the treasures that he swallowed privately. Of course, Gao Qiaoxin is Gao Qiaoxin, and I am me. I can't control Gao Qiaoxin. About Qiaoxin. Let’s talk about the servant in my hand. If I leave it to you, what will others think? What can you do? Is it really going to be handed over to you, Japan?”

Hearing this, Kenji Doihara felt a little embarrassed.

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "Your Excellency, you don't have to make things difficult, I have a way to get you that servant and at the same time keep everyone's mouths shut!"

(End of this chapter)

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