Bandit Camp

Chapter 209 Misjudgment

Chapter 209 Misjudgment
Kenji Doihara's eyes lit up, and he asked a little excitedly, "Tell me about your method."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "General Doihara, I, Ye, will definitely be able to do what I say, but the meal must be eaten bite by bite, and the road must be walked step by step. Shall we first settle the personal grievances between me and Takahashi Nobu? Now, let’s talk about the servants?”

Although Kenji Doihara had already decided to sacrifice Takahashi Nobu in exchange for this servant, but being forced by Ye Tufei, he was in a bad mood. He hesitated for a while, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of the servant and agreed to Ye Tufei. : "Okay, I will follow your wishes, and within three days, I will arrange for Gao Qiaoxin to come to Shanghai."

Ye Tufei stretched out his hand, shook hands with Kenji Doihara, and said, "Please rest assured, Your Excellency, the servant can be placed in your home within a week at most."

Ye Tufei achieved his goal, and Doihara Kenji also got the promise he wanted, the two looked at each other and smiled, and said goodbye.

For Ye Tufei, the next thing is how to get rid of Gao Qiaoxin.

After returning home, Ye Tufei immediately told Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu about the matter. The three were excited at first, and then started arguing.

Ye Tufei meant that he was going to get rid of Takahashi Nobu, and after the incident, he said that Takahashi Nobu was so angry that he wanted to kill Ye Tufei when his crime was revealed, but Ye Tufei accidentally counterattacked and killed him.Xiao Zhonghe insisted on giving Shang Takahashi Nobu a knife, saying that he wanted to represent those brothers who were killed by Takahashi Nobu.Dugu Yu didn't have such a deep hatred for Takahashi Nobu. The person he wanted to kill was Yamashita Keigo, but at this time he already knew the relationship between Yamashita Keigo and Takahashi Nobu, so he clamored to kill Takahashi Nobu himself. The right is to give a bottom line to my younger brother's hatred.

The three of them quarreled all night, but no one could convince the other, and they all washed up and went to sleep with dissatisfaction.

As soon as he fell asleep, he was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

Ye Tufei got up and opened the door, but it was Zheng Dayong from the Green Gang.

"Brother Fei, it's not good, Mr. Ji..." Zheng Dayong had an anxious expression on his face, and he choked when he was talking about a critical moment, unable to utter a word.

Ye Tufei quickly patted him on the back, which made Zheng Dayong breathe a sigh of relief, and finished the second half of the sentence: "Mr. Ji is missing!"

Ye Tufei was stunned, and blurted out, "What's going on? Don't worry, explain the matter clearly first."

Zheng Dayong followed Ye Tufei into the room, before he had time to sit down, he started talking: "Mr. Ji has an appointment for tea in the afternoon. I am worried that those Japanese wanderers will come to find trouble again, so I specially arranged a few more brothers to guard Mr. Ji. However, at this late hour, Mr. Ji did not come back, and the brothers were nowhere to be found. I hurriedly sent my brothers to investigate, but Mr. Ji could not be found anywhere. Brother Fei, those Japanese must have followed Mr. Ji gone."

Ye Tufei frowned, he faintly felt that this matter was not that simple.Although those Japanese ronin have the Black Dragon Association as the backstage, they can mobilize manpower to collect information through the Black Dragon Association, but after all, Ji Xiaohai is also a person who has gone through storms, so he was captured so easily, and from Zheng Dayong's description, the other party's entire actions Almost no trace was left.Unless the brothers arranged by Zheng Dayong took Ji Xiaohai away.

When Ye Tufei came to this kind of judgment, he suddenly remembered the double-reed play that Zheng Dayong and Zhang Hui performed that night when they were eating supper. Ye Tufei couldn't come back.At that time, Ye Tufei really wanted to remind Ji Xiaohai that the two of them had to be on guard, they were too selfish and cruel, such a person could do anything.

But these are just intuitions after all, Ye Tufei has no evidence to prove that Zheng Dayong tied Ji Xiaohai, so he can only answer Zheng Dayong calmly and say: "Don't worry, I will call and ask a friend to come out to the Japanese. If you inquire over there, you may be able to find out the whereabouts of Mr. Ji."

Ye Tufei arranged Zheng Dayong to sit in the living room, and in front of him, called Yingzuo Framezhao, briefly explained the situation, and asked Yingzuo Framezhao to inquire about Ji Xiaohai from the Black Dragon Society.

Yingzuo Framezhao told Ye Tufei to be calm and calm on the phone. He will contact the people of the Black Dragon Society and notify Ye Tufei as soon as there is news.

After making a phone call, Ye Tufei poured Zheng Dayong a glass of water, but Zheng Dayong didn't feel like drinking it at all, and kept urging Ye Tufei to find a way to find someone.

"Brother Fei, you know Mr. Ji's character. He seldom offended anyone in the past. Besides, on the ground in Shanghai, who else dares to attack Mr. Ji except the Japanese? Brother Fei, it must be those who dare to attack Mr. Ji." Japanese wanderers did it! Brother Fei, call your two brothers, let's go to the Japanese, are you afraid that he won't make friends?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Brother Dayong, Mr. Ji has an accident, I am as anxious as you. But no matter how anxious we are, we can't be blindly impulsive, right? Not to mention whether those Japanese ronin have the ability to capture him cleanly Mr. Ji, even if they were indeed the ones who did it, wouldn't it be a trick for us to come to the door like this?"

Zheng Dayong blushed, twisted his neck and said, "Then what do you think we should do?"

Ye Tufei paused, and said: "Wait! The friend I just found is very familiar with the Black Dragon Society. Those Japanese ronin are the minions of the Black Dragon Society. If they capture Mr. Ji, my friend will definitely be able to find out Get the news out."

Zheng Dayong, who was very anxious at first, suddenly became quiet. He picked up the water that Ye Tufei poured for him, and drank it clean.

After waiting for about half an hour, Yingzuo Framezhao called and told Ye Tufei that Ji Xiaohai was indeed arrested by the Black Dragon Association. He had already greeted the senior management of the Black Dragon Association, and the other party agreed to release him. Just let Ye Tufei wait for their news with peace of mind.

After talking on the phone with Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, Ye Tufei said to Zheng Dayong: "You heard that too? My friend said that he had greeted the high-level figures of the Black Dragon Association. The Black Dragon Association has to give him his face, so Ji Mr. Ji is safe. People from the Black Dragon Society promised to release Mr. Ji as soon as possible, so we just need to wait for the news at home."

A trace of disappointment flashed across Zheng Dayong's face, but he disappeared in an instant. He calmly said to Ye Tufei: "Anyway, I still have to thank Brother Fei. Without your help, I really don't know what to do."

Zheng Dayong exchanged some polite words with Ye Tufei, and then left.

Ye Tufei didn't feel sleepy at all, he sat alone in the living room, quietly reviewing the things about Ji Xiaohai one by one, hoping to find the most fundamental problem.

There are still a few things that confuse Ye Tufei. One is that Ji Xiaohai said that his conflict with the Japanese came from the matter of water transportation, and Ji Xiaohai was unwilling to do things for the Japanese.However, the Japanese have occupied Shanghai for two years, why did they suddenly attack Ji Xiaohai?Second, Ji Xiaohai lived in the public concession, even if he invited friends to drink tea, he would not leave the concession, so how did the members of the Black Dragon Society manage to capture Ji Xiaohai without a trace?Thirdly, this is Zheng Dayong, what kind of mentality does that disappointed expression that flashed by him at the end represent his state of mind?

He once doubted Zheng Dayong, thinking that it was Zheng Dayong who set hands on Ji Xiaohai, but Yingzuo Framezhao told him clearly that Ji Xiaohai was indeed arrested by the Black Dragon Society.So, does Zheng Dayong have anything to do with people from the Black Dragon Society?

Not like!Ye Tufei shook his head, that day when he was fighting with the Japanese ronin, the explosives/explosives/explosives strapped to Zheng Dayong's body were all real things, this guy seemed to really go with the idea of ​​fighting the Japanese.

However, if Zheng Dayong was innocent, how could Ji Xiaohai have been arrested without a trace?

After thinking about it, before he could come up with an answer, Ye Tufei fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.

The winter in Shanghai is very cold and humid. Ye Tufei woke up from the cold not long after he fell asleep. He hurriedly ran back to his room and got into bed. In the end Ye Tufei decided to get up and go to Ji Xiaohai's mansion to find out what trick Zheng Dayong was playing.

If Zheng Dayong really had a problem, then he would definitely not stay in the room and sleep obediently at this moment.

Because of Ji Xiaohai's accident, the brothers of the Green Gang were more vigilant that night, and added secret whistles to Ji Xiaohai's mansion, but these were useless to Ye Tufei, he sneaked into Ji Xiaohai's mansion quietly.

Ji Xiaohai's mansion is a western-style two-story building, and only the living room downstairs is still lit in the whole building.Ye Tufei avoided the whistle, and quietly touched under the window at the back of the living room.

However, Ye Tufei was disappointed. Although the living room was lit, there was no one there.

After observing again, it was confirmed that the other rooms were all dark, and Ye Tufei concluded that Zheng Dayong must have fallen asleep.

Only those who have done nothing wrong can sleep peacefully at this moment.

Ye Tufei sighed, and apologized to Zheng Dayong in his heart.

However, Ye Tufei was wrong, and it was a big mistake, because Zheng Dayong is not in Ji Xiaohai's mansion at all, he is drinking sake with a Japanese named Takahashi Shin in a Japanese restaurant in the Japanese war zone Sashimi chatted with Ye Tufei.

Zheng Dayong looked very excited, because there was a small wooden box beside him, which contained a whole hundred large yellow croakers, which was given to him by the Japanese named Gao Qiaoxin.

Not only that, but the Japanese man named Takahashi Xin promised him that after tonight, tomorrow will be the death date of Ye Tufei and Ji Xiaohai. If Ji Xiaohai is dead and Ye Tufei is gone, then those casinos under Ji Xiaohai's name Naturally, it became Zheng Dayong's property.

This is not over yet, Mr. Takahashi also promised Zheng Dayong that in the Japanese-occupied area, as long as Zheng Dayong is willing, he can get as many approvals as he wants for the opium hall.

How could Zheng Dayong not be excited?
In the face of interests, there is no such thing as loyalty or betrayal. The reason for continuing to be loyal is because the benefits given by betrayal are not enough.Now, when the benefits of betrayal have far exceeded his expectations, why should he choose loyalty?
For Ye Tufei, making this wrong judgment meant that he would face unprecedented danger.

(End of this chapter)

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